33 resultados para Helminthosporium turcicum
Northern corn leaf blight, caused by Exserohilum turcicum (Et), is a disease of widespread occurrence in regions where corn, sweetcorn and popcorn are grown. This disease has great potential to cause damage and has been studied for years, but the association of its causal agent with seeds remains unconfirmed. Thus, the availability of a sensitive method to detect and quantify the inoculum in seeds, even at low incidence, is essential. The aim of this study was to develop a method to detect and quantify the presence of the fungus infecting and infesting corn and popcorn seeds. Artificially and naturally infected seeds were employed to develop the medium. The semi-selective medium was composed of carbendazim (active ingredient) (60 mg/L), captan (30 mg/L), streptomycin sulfate (500 mg/L) and neomycin sulfate (600 mg/L) aggregated to the medium lactose casein hydrolysate agar medium. By using this, Et was detected in naturally infected corn seeds, showing 0.124% incidence, in four out of ten analyzed samples. In addition, 1.04 conidia were detected per infested seed. By means of isolation, pathogenicity test, morphological characterization and comparison with descriptions of the species in the literature, the fungus isolated from the seeds was confirmed to be Et. Both infection and infestation were considered low; thus, for studies of Et detection in corn seeds, the use of semi-selective medium and more than 1,200 seeds/sample is suggested.
Northern corn leaf blight, caused by Exserohilum turcicum(Et), is one of the major corn diseases which can reduce grain yield and quality. The aim of this study was to determine the mycelial sensitivity of ten Etisolates, five from Argentina and five from Brazil, to six fungicides (carbendazim, captan, fludioxinil, metalaxyl, iprodione and thiram) used in seed treatment. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) was determined by using seven concentrations of the fungicides supplemented to the agar medium. The mycelial colony diameter was measured with a digital caliper. Experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. Data on the percent mycelial growth inhibition were analyzed by logarithmic regression and the IC50 was calculated. The fungicide iprodione was the most potent, with IC50 < 0.01 mg/L, followed by fludioxonil, IC50 0.31 mg/L, and thiram, 1.37 mg/L. Carbendazim, metalaxyl and captan were classified as non-fungitoxic, showing IC50 > 50 mg/L for all isolates. Although iprodione is the most potent fungicide, it is not used for corn seed treatment. The IC50s obtained in this study can be used as baseline for future monitoring studies of Etsensitivity to fungicides.
A cultura do milho é uma das principais commodities da Argentina e do Brasil. Seu rendimento é reduzido por agentes nocivos, sendo um deles o fungo Exserohilum turcicum(Et)agente causal da helmintosporiose do milho.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar as características morfológicas dos conídios e a patogenicidade de dez isolados de Etobtidos da Argentina e do Brasil. Cinco isolados monospóricos de cada país foram cultivados em meio lactose caseina hidrolizada ágar (LCHA) durante 15 dias a 25+2ºC e na ausência de luz. Prepararam-se lâminas microscópicas para a mensuração de 200 conidios de cada isolado. Na média os conídios mediram 10-25 x 30-135 μm, apresentando 2-8 septos. Detectaram-se diferenças estatísticas (p= 0,05) entre os dez isolados de Etpara todas as variáveis medidas (comprimento, largura e número de septos). Apesar da variação, as características mensuradas coincidiram com as registradas na literatura. Na comprovação da patogenicidade, plantas do híbrido de milho Pioneer P1630H, de conhecida suscetibilidade a Et, foram inoculadas com a deposição de 0,5 mL de uma suspensão de conídios de Etna concentração de 5x104 conídios/mL, no cartucho, quando atingiram a quarta folha expandida.Os dez isolados produziram, após os 15 dias da inoculação, uma média de 2,5 lesões/folha; de 39,7 x 3,4 mm de comprimento e largura respetivamente; e 4% de severidade estimada. Não se observou diferenças significativas na patogenicidade dos dez isolados estudados para nenhum dos critérios patométricos. Houve diferenças morfológicas entre os isolados da Argentina e do Brasil, porém não quanto à patogenicidade. Confirma-se que os isolados utilizados neste trabalho pertencem à espécie Et.
Twenty isolates of four fungal species, agents of "Helminthosporium" diseases in cereals, were collected from different regions: nine Bipolarisoryzae isolated from rice (Oryza sativa), seven B.sorokiniana from wheat (Triticum aestivum), two B. maydis, and two Exserohilumturcicum from maize (Zea mays). The strains were compared by PCR-RFLP and RAPD analysis. Size polymorphism among the isolates in the ITS region comprising the 5.8 S rDNA indicated genetic differences among the isolates, while a UPGMA phenogram constructed after the digestion of this region with restriction enzymes showed inter- and intra-specific polymorphism. The RAPD profiles indicated an expressive level of polymorphism among different species, compared with a low level of polymorphism among isolates of the same species. A UPGMA phenogram grouped the isolates according to the species and their host plant. RAPD profiles did not reveal polymorphism that directly correlated climatic factors with geographic source of the isolates of B. sorokiniana, and B. oryzae. Teleomorphic species revealed high similarity with their correspondent anamorphs.
Six wheat genotypes and their F1 and F2 generations were exposed to the action of Helminthosporium sativum culture filtrates to examine the genetics of hexaploid wheat resistance. The objective was to improve the efficiency of breeding programs by identifying the action and number of genes involved in the resistance. The varied response of the tested genotypes to the culture filtrates allowed division of the genotypes into four groups: resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible. This variability was detected in the progeny, suggesting that the parents have distinct genetic constitutions. Additive gene action predominated and genetic gain was shown to be possible through selection. The genetic control of the resistance trait seems to be complex because of the presence of gene interaction and the difficulty of eliminating the environmental effects. The inheritance seems to be oligogenic
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
The complete nucleotide sequence, 5178 bp, of the totivirus Helminthosporium vicotoriae 190S virus (Hv190SV) double-stranded RNA, was determined. Computer-assisted sequence analysis revealed the presence of two large overlapping ORFs; the 5'-proximal large ORF (ORF1) codes for the coat protein (CP) with a predicted molecular mass of 81 kDa, and the 3'-proximal ORF (ORF2), which is in the -1 frame relative to ORF1, codes for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP). Unlike many other totiviruses, the overlap region between ORF1 and ORF2 lacks known structural information required for translational frameshifting. Using an antiserum to a C-terminal fragment of the RDRP, the product of ORF2 was identified as a minor virion-associated polypeptide of estimated molecular mass of 92 kDa. No CP-RDRP fusion protein with calculated molecular mass of 165 kDa was detected. The predicted start codon of the RDRP ORF (2605-AUG-2607) overlaps with the stop codon (2606-UGA-2608) of the CP ORF, suggesting RDRP is expressed by an internal initiation mechanism. Hv190SV is associated with a debilitating disease of its phytopathogenic fungal host. Knowledge of its genome organization and expression will be valuable for understanding its role in pathogenesis and for potential exploitation in the development of biocontrol measures.
Reinero et Josua Ottens.
Covers Libya, Egypt, Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Balkan Peninsula, Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan and portions of Ethiopia and Russia.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important cereal to world-wide economy which is also true for Brazil, particularly in the South region. Grain yield and plant height have been chosen as important criteria by breeders and farmers from Santa Catarina State (SC), Brazil. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic-statistic parameters associated with genetic gain for grain yield and plant height, in the first cycle of convergent-divergent half-sib selection in a maize population (MPA1) cultivated by farmers within the municipality of Anchieta (SC). Three experiments were carried out in different small farms at Anchieta using low external agronomic inputs; each experiment represented independent samples of half-sib families, which were evaluated in randomized complete blocks with three replications per location. Significant differences among half-sib families were observed for both variables in all experiments. The expected responses to truncated selection of the 25% better families in each experiment were 5.1, 5.8 and 5.2% for reducing plant height and 3.9, 5.7 and 5.0% for increasing grain yield, respectively. The magnitudes of genetic-statistic parameters estimated evidenced that the composite population MPA1 exhibits enough genetic variability to be used in cyclical process of recurrent selection. There were evidences that the genetic structure of the base population MPA1, as indicated by its genetic variability, may lead to expressive changes in the traits under selection, even under low selection pressure.
Knowledge of anemophilous fungi in a given city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhaled allergens. In order to diagnose the presence of anemophilous fungi, several qualitative and quantitative techniques are used depending on the study place. This study of fungal air spores was performed with a Rotorod Sampler®, an equipment which samples the air through a plastic rod attached to an electric engine that makes it spin fast enough to collect the particles in the air. The samples were collected once a week during 24 hours using the standard cycle of the manufacturers. A total of 52 samples were obtained from April 2000 through March 2001. The results revealed prevalence of ascosporos (50.49%), Cladosporium (17.86%), Aspergillus/Penicillium (15.03%), basidiosporos (3.84%), rusts (3.82%), and Helminthosporium (2.49%), and a lesser frequency of Botrytis (1.22%), Alternaria (1.19%), smuts (0.90%), Curvularia (0.87%), Nigrospora (0.61%), and Fusarium (0.08%). Also, 1.59% of the spores detected here could not be identified by the systematic key used. More fungal spores were observed during the summer than during the autumn.
Para atender à demanda por cultivares de milho de polinização aberta, com elevado potencial produtivo, adaptadas às condições de clima temperado do Sul do Brasil, a Embrapa Trigo, em parceria com a Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, desenvolveu a cultivar BRS Missões, de ciclo precoce, com grãos do tipo amarelo dentado e de excelente potencial produtivo. Apresenta resistência moderada à ferrugem comum (Puccinia sorghi), ferrugem polysora (Puccinia polysora), mancha por exserohilum (Exserohilum turcicum) e pinta-branca (Phaeospheria maydis). É indicada para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e sul do Paraná.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o tipo de ação gênica predominante para resistência a Exserohilum turcicum, Phaeosphaeria maydis, Physopella zeae e Puccinia polysora, e determinar o potencial genético de linhagens endogâmicas de milho (Zea mays) para a obtenção de híbridos com elevado desempenho agronômico e resistência a doenças foliares. Os 41 híbridos F1, provenientes de cruzamentos dialélicos entre dez linhagens endogâmicas, e as testemunhas P3069, P30F90, BG7060, Balu761 e Dow2A120 foram avaliados em quatro locais, tendo-se utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os híbridos LGS3xLGS9, LGS2 xLGS6, LGS2xLGS4 e LGS2xLGS3 apresentaram excelente desempenho em comparação às testemunhas, quanto aos diferentes caracteres avaliados. As linhagens com maior frequência de alelos favoráveis foram LGS2, LGS9, LGS4 e LGS3. Os efeitos gênicos aditivos são os mais importantes para a resistência a P. maydis e altura de espiga, enquanto os não aditivos são mais importantes para a produtividade, altura de planta, resistência à E. turcicum, P. zeae e P. polysora.
The fungus Drechslera avenae, the causal agent of Helminthosporium leaf spot on oats (Avena sativa), survives as mycelium in crop residues and in infected seeds. In trials carried out in the laboratory, ten methods were evaluated for their efficiency to detect D. avenae in oat seeds. In each experiment, groups of two or three methods were compared to a standard protocol, in which seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing the Reis selective medium and incubated at 25±2 °C for ten days. Data were submitted to analysis of variation and the means of the methods were compared using the Dunnett test at the 5% significance level. Overall, the highest levels of seed infection by D. avenae were observed on oat seeds plated in the osmotic, the oat-agar and the Reis media, or on seeds subjected to heat treatment previous to incubation in malt-agar. Therefore, these methods should be recommended for detection of D. avenae in oat seed testing.