999 resultados para Helium gas


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Monitoring gas purity is an important aspect of gas recovery stations where air is usually one of the major impurities. Purity monitors of Katherometric type ate commercially available for this purpose. Alternatively, we discuss here a helium gas purity monitor based on acoustic resonance of a cavity at audio frequencies. It measures the purity by monitoring the resonant frequency of a cylindrical cavity filled with the gas under test and excited by conventional telephone transducers fixed at the ends. The use of the latter simplifies the design considerably. The paper discusses the details of the resonant cavity and the electronic circuit along with temperature compensation. The unit has been calibrated with helium gas of known purities. The unit has a response time of the order of 10 minutes and measures the gas purity to an accuracy of 0.02%. The unit has been installed in our helium recovery system and is found to perform satisfactorily.


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We report on the realization of a capacitive dilatometer, designed for high-resolution measurements of length changes of a material for temperatures 1.4K ≤ T ≤ 300K and hydrostatic pressure P ≤ 250MPa. Helium ( 4He) is used as a pressure-transmitting medium, ensuring hydrostatic-pressure conditions. Special emphasis has been given to guarantee, to a good approximation, constant-pressure conditions during temperature sweeps. The performance of the dilatometer is demonstrated by measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion at pressures P ≃ 0.1MPa (ambient pressure) and 104MPa on a single crystal of azurite, Cu 3(CO 3) 2(OH) 2, a quasi-one-dimensional spin S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet. The results indicate a strong effect of pressure on the magnetic interactions in this system. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We report high harmonic generation from a 248.6-nm KrF laser giving harmonic orders up to the 37th (67 Angstrom) in a helium gas jet and the 35th (71 Angstrom) in neon, for laser intensities up to 4 x 10(17) W/cm(2) in 380-fs pulses. These observations are interpreted using theoretical modeling that identifies the ion species He+, Ne+, and Ne2+ as the sources of the highest harmonics.


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We report time resolved study of C2 emission from laser produced carbon plasma in presence of ambient helium gas. The 1.06µm: radiation from a Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a graphite target where it·produced a transient plasma. We observed double peak structure in the time profile of C2 species. The twin peaks were observed only after a threshold laser fluence. It is proposed that the faster velocity component in the temporal profiles originates mainly due to recombination processes. The laser fluence and ambient gas dependence of the double peak intensity distribution is also reported.


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Topic of this thesis is the development of experiments behind the gas-filled separator TASCA(TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus) to study the chemical properties of the transactinide elements.rnIn the first part of the thesis, the electrodepositions of short-lived isotopes of ruthenium and osmium on gold electrodes were studied as model experiments for hassium. From literature it is known that the deposition potential of single atoms differs significantly from the potential predicted by the Nernst equation. This shift of the potential depends on the adsorption enthalpy of therndeposited element on the electrode material. If the adsorption on the electrode-material is favoured over the adsorption on a surface made of the same element as the deposited atom, the electrode potential is shifted to higher potentials. This phenomenon is called underpotential deposition.rnPossibilities to automatize an electro chemistry experiment behind the gas-filled separator were explored for later studies with transactinide elements.rnThe second part of this thesis is about the in-situ synthesis of transition-metal-carbonyl complexes with nuclear reaction products. Fission products of uranium-235 and californium-249 were produced at the TRIGA Mainz reactor and thermalized in a carbon-monoxide containing atmosphere. The formed volatile metal-carbonyl complexes could be transported in a gas-stream.rnFurthermore, short-lived isotopes of tungsten, rhenium, osmium, and iridium were synthesised at the linear accelerator UNILAC at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt. The recoiling fusion products were separated from the primary beam and the transfer products in the gas-filled separator TASCA. The fusion products were stopped in the focal plane of TASCA in a recoil transfer chamber. This chamber contained a carbon-monoxide – helium gas mixture. The formed metal-carbonyl complexes could be transported in a gas stream to various experimental setups. All synthesised carbonyl complexes were identified by nuclear decay spectroscopy. Some complexes were studied with isothermal chromatography or thermochromatography methods. The chromatograms were compared with Monte Carlo Simulations to determine the adsorption enthalpyrnon silicon dioxide and on gold. These simulations based on existing codes, that were modified for the different geometries of the chromatography channels. All observed adsorption enthalpies (on silcon oxide as well as on gold) are typical for physisorption. Additionally, the thermalstability of some of the carbonyl complexes was studied. This showed that at temperatures above 200 °C therncomplexes start to decompose.rnIt was demonstrated that carbonyl-complex chemistry is a suitable method to study rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, hassium, and meitnerium. Until now, only very simple, thermally stable compounds have been synthesized in the gas-phase chemistry of the transactindes. With the synthesis of transactinide-carbonyl complexes a new compound class would be discovered. Transactinide chemistry would reach the border between inorganic and metallorganic chemistry.rnFurthermore, the in-situ synthesised carbonyl complexes would allow nuclear spectroscopy studies under low background conditions making use of chemically prepared samples.


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Quartz crystals in sandstones at depths of 1200 m–1400 m below the surface appear to reach a solubility equilibrium with the 4He-concentration in the surrounding pore- or groundwater after some time. A rather high 4Heconcentration of 4.5x10E-3 cc STP 4He/cm3 of water measured in a groundwater sample would for instance maintain a He pressure of 0.47 atm in a related volume. This value is equal within analytical error to the pressure deduced from the measured helium content of the quartz and its internal helium-accessible volume. To determine this volume, quartz crystals of 0.1 to 1 mm were separated from sandstones and exposed to a helium gas pressure of 32 atm at a temperature of 290°C for up to 2 months. By crushing, melting or isothermal heating the helium was then extracted from the helium saturated samples. Avolume on the order of 0.1% of the crystal volume is only accessible to helium atoms but not to argon atoms or water molecules. By monitoring the diffusive loss of He from the crystals at 350°C an effective diffusion constant on the order of 10E-9 cm2/s is estimated. Extrapolation to the temperature of 70°C in the sediments at a depth of 1400 m gives a typical time of about 100 000 years to reach equilibrium between helium in porewaters and the internal He-accessible volume of quartz crystals. In a geologic situation with stagnant pore- or groundwaters in sediments it therefore appears to be possible with this new method to deduce a 4He depth profile for porewaters in impermeable rocks based on their mineral record.


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A two stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator operating at 20 K is described. This refrigerator uses a very simple ‘spool valve’ and a modified indigenous compressor to compress helium gas. This cryorefrigerator reaches a lowest temperature of 15.5 K; it takes ≈ 50 min to reach 20 K and the cooling capacity is ≈ 2.5 W at 25 K. The cool-down characteristics and load characteristics are presented in graphical form. The effect of changing the operating pressure ratio and the second stage regenerator matrix size are also reported. Pressure-volume (P-V) diagrams obtained at various temperatures indicate that P-V losses form the major fraction of the total losses and this becomes more pronounced as the temperature is decreased. A heat balance analysis shows the relative magnitudes of various losses.


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Cryosorption pump is the only possible device to pump helium, hydrogen and its isotopes in fusion environment, such as high magnetic field and high plasma temperatures. Activated carbons are known to be the most suitable adsorbent in the development of cryosorption pumps. For this purpose, the data of adsorption characteristics of activated carbons in the temperature range 4.5 K to 77 K are needed, but are not available in the literature. For obtaining the above data, a commercial micro pore analyzer operating at 77 K has been integrated with a two stage GM cryocooler, which enables the cooling of the sample temperature down to 4.5 K. A heat switch mounted between the second stage cold head and the sample chamber helps to raise the sample chamber temperature to 77 K without affecting the performance of the cryocooler. The detailed description of this system is presented elsewhere. This paper presents the results of experimental studies of adsorption isotherms measured on different types of activated carbons in the form of granules, globules, flake knitted and non-woven types in the temperature range 4.5 K to 10 K using Helium gas as the adsorbate. The above results are analyzed to obtain the pore size distributions and surface areas of the activated carbons. The effect of adhesive used for bonding the activated carbons to the panels is also studied. These results will be useful to arrive at the right choice of activated carbon to be used for the development of cryosorption pumps.


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[EN]In this project has been developed a tool which synthesizes realistic waveforms produced by the intra-aortic balloon pump. In addition the following waveforms have also been synthesized: arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveform, the four variations produced due to timing errors of the balloon and the waveform of the helium gas rapidly shuttling in and out of the balloon chamber. All waveforms are synthesized in synchrony with the balloon's inflation/deflation cycles. A database composed of annotated ECG (Electrocardiogram) normal sinus rhythm records has also been created during the project. In order to facilitate the work, two graphical user interfaces were developed. The first interface allows the selection of the ECG records, which were latter annotated using the second interface. Starting from the newly created annotated database, the different waveforms, mentioned above, were synthesized. In this document, in view of the synthesized waveforms, it can be concluded that the obtained results are satisfactory.


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Optical emission studies of C2 molecules in plasma obtained by Nd:YAG laser ablation of graphite in a helium atmosphere are reported for irradiances in the range (1–9:2/ x 1010 W cm−2. The characteristics of the spectral emission intensity from the C2 (Swan band) species have been investigated as functions of the distance from the target, ambient pressure and laser irradiance. Estimates of vibrational temperatures of C2 species under various irradiance conditions are made. Results of measurements performed under different ambient helium gas pressures are also discussed.


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Optical emission studies of C2 molecules in plasma obtained by Nd:YAG laser ablation of graphite in a helium atmosphere are reported for irradiances in the range (1–9:2/ x 1010 W cm−2. The characteristics of the spectral emission intensity from the C2 (Swan band) species have been investigated as functions of the distance from the target, ambient pressure and laser irradiance. Estimates of vibrational temperatures of C2 species under various irradiance conditions are made. Results of measurements performed under different ambient helium gas pressures are also discussed.


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Time and space resolved spectroscopic studies of the molecular band emission from C2 are performed in the plasma produced by irradiating a graphite target with 1:06 m radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. High-resolution spectra are recorded from points located at distances up to 15 mm from the target in the presence of ambient helium gas pressure. Depending on the laser irradiance, time of observation and position of the sampled volume of the plasma the features of the emission spectrum are found to change drastically. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels of C2 molecules have been evaluated as a function of distance for different time delays and laser irradiance. It is also found that the vibrational temperature of C2 molecules decreases with increasing helium pressure.


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This work compares the oxygen permeation fluxes of five different La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ membranes (e.g. disk, conventional hollow fiber, modified hollow fiber, Ag- or Pt-deposited hollow fiber membranes) to elucidate the dominance of a particular oxygen transport limiting step (e.g., bulk-diffusion or surface reaction) within each of these membranes. At 900 °C and 100 mL min–1 helium gas sweep rate, the oxygen fluxes for disk, conventional hollow fiber, modified hollow fiber, Ag-deposited modified hollow fiber, and Pt-deposited modified hollow fiber membranes are 0.10, 0.33, 0.84, 1.42, and 2.62 mL min–1 cm–2, respectively, denoting enhanced performance in this sequential order. More than 300% enhancement of fluxes is evidenced by modifying the geometry from disk to conventional hollow fiber. This is attributed to the thickness reduction from 1 mm to 0.3 mm, thus implying bulk-diffusion and surface reaction as the jointly limiting transport step for this disk membrane. In contrast to a conventional hollow fiber that has a sandwich cross-sectional structure (e.g. dense center layer sandwiched by two finger-like layers) as well as dense outer and inner circumference surfaces, the modified hollow fiber has only one dense layer in its outer circumference surface with finger-like porous layer extending all the way from outer cross-sectional part to the inner cross-sectional part. This microstructural difference, in turn, provides substantial reduction of membrane thickness and enlarges surface reaction area for modified hollow fiber (relative to conventional hollow fiber), both of which contributes to the reduced bulk-diffusion and surface reaction resistance; evidenced by almost 250% oxygen flux enhancement. To enhance the performance even further, catalyst (e.g., Ag or Pt) deposition on the outer circumference surface of modified hollow fiber can be utilized to reduce its dominating surface reaction resistance. While both catalysts increase the oxygen fluxes, Pt reveals itself as the better candidate relative to Ag due to melting-induced aggregation and growth of Ag at 950 °C.


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This work describes the development of an electro-mechanical micro-discharges device operating at ambient condition of pressure and temperature, capable to produce plasma jets for surface finishing. The discharges are produced through a needle shape electrode hollow cathode type by which flows the helium gas. The voltage applied on the electrode is provided for an AC/AC switching voltage converter of full-bridge topology. The converter is energized by a power line of 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz and gives a 1000 V peak-to-peak from 5 kHz to 40 kHz square waveform output. The output frequency is defined by a control signal provided by an external signal generator. The equipment setup includes output acquisition of voltage and current and a photo-detector for photo-electrical measurements, which allows an optical characterization of the plasma jet


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This work describes the development of an electro-mechanical micro-discharges device operating at ambient condition of pressure and temperature, capable to produce plasma jets for surface finishing. The discharges are produced through a needle shape electrode hollow cathode type by which flows the helium gas. The voltage applied on the electrode is provided for an AC/AC switching voltage converter of full-bridge topology. The converter is energized by a power line of 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz and gives a 1000 V peak-to-peak from 5 kHz to 40 kHz square waveform output. The output frequency is defined by a control signal provided by an external signal generator. The equipment setup includes output acquisition of voltage and current and a photo-detector for photo-electrical measurements, which allows an optical characterization of the plasma jet