180 resultados para Helicoverpa-armigera Nucleopolyhedrovirus


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Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae), conocida como el taladro del tomate, es una especie polífaga y de amplia distribución, responsable de grandes pérdidas económicas en más de 60 cultivos a lo largo de las regiones tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. Estas plagas se controlan mayoritariamente con plaguicidas químicos, aunque existe un gran interés por desarrollar otros agentes de control biológico. Entre estos, se encuentra el nucleopoliedrovirus de Helicoverpa armigera (HearNPV, Baculoviridae), que por sus características de seguridad y eficacia, sería útil para impulsar los programas de gestión integrada de plagas que se fomentan desde la Directiva 2009/128/CEE. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una caracterización bioquímica y biológica de varios aislados de HearNPV : un aislado silvestre español (Badajoz) HearNPV-SP1, un aislado chino HearSNPV-G4, tres aislados sudafricanos (HearNPV-Whl, HearNPV-Kzn, HearNPV-Alb) y la materia activa de un producto comercial en uso en Europa (HearNPV-Hx). El análisis con las enzimas de restricción determinó que la enzima BglII generaba perfiles similares pero con fragmentos característicos en todos los casos a excepción de los aislados HearNPV-Kzn y HearNPVAlb, que no pudieron ser diferenciados entre sí con ninguna de las enzimas probadas. El análisis filogenético, basado en las secuencias parciales de los genes poliedrina (polh), lef-8 y lef-9, donde se incluyeron las secuencias correspondientes a 18 genomas mostró que el aislado HearNPV-Whl es filogenéticamente próximo a las cepas de origen ibérico, mientras que los aislados HearNPV-Hx y HearNPV-Alb comparten la misma rama que los aislados asiáticos y australiano. La caracterización insecticida de los aislados HearNPV-SP1, HearNPV-Hx y HearNPV-G4 reveló que la virulencia (TMM) del aislado HearNPV-SP1 (104 h) fue significativamente menor que la de los aislados HearNPV-G4 (109 h) y HearNPV-Hx (111 h). En este trabajo, se determinó que el tiempo de acción del HearNPV-SP1 es menor al de otros bioinsecticidas en uso en Europa, por lo que se confirma la posibilidad de mejorar los productos activos en uno de los aspectos más sensibles de cara a su comercialización como es su tiempo de actuación.


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We report here the genome sequences of two alphabaculoviruses of Helicoverpa spp. from Australia: AC53, used in the biopesticides ViVUS and ViVUS Max, and H25EA1, used in in vitro production studies.


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The fp25k gene of Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) was studied. HearNPV fp25k gene transcription was found starting from about 18 h post-infection, and protein could be detected from the same time with antiserum against FP25K. To study the function of HearNPV fp25k, a recombinant HearNPV (HaBacWD11) with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene replacing the fp25k was constructed using HaBacHZ8, a bacmid of HearNPV that lacks the polyhedrin gene. Growth curve analysis showed that HaBacWD11 produced higher titres of budded viruses (BVs) than its wild-type counterpart HaBacHZ8-GFP. Electron microscopic analysis indicated that at the late stage of infection, the number of intranuclear enveloped nucleocapsids in HaBacWD11-infected cells was much less than that of HaBacHZ8-GFP. A rescue recombinant virus HaBacWD14 was constructed by reintroducing fp25k gene into HaBacWD11. The growth curve and electron microscopic analysis of the rescued recombinant confirmed that the increase of BV yield and the decrease of the virion production in infected cells were the result of fp25k deletion. The expression of membrane fusion protein (Ha133) and ODV-E66 were studied using the FP25K mutants HaBacWD11 and HaBacHZ8-GFP. Unlike FP25K mutants in Autographa californica multicapsid NPV (AcMNPV), which caused an increase in the expression of membrane fusion protein GP64 and a decrease of ODV-E66, no obvious changes at the expression level of Ha133 and ODV-E66 were observed in HearNPV FP25K mutant.


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A putative chitinase gene was identified within the fragment EcoRI-K of the Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV, also called HaSNPIV) genome. The open reading frame (ORF) contains 1713 nucleotides (nt) and encodes a protein of 570 amino acids (aa) with a predicted molecular weight of 63.6 kDa. Transcription started at about 18 h post infection (p.i.) and the protein was first detected at 20 h p.i. The times of transcription and expression are characteristic of a late baculovirus gene. 5' and 3' RACE indicated that transcription was initiated from the adenine residue located at -246 nt upstream from the ATG start site and the poly (A) tail was added at 267 nt downstream from the stop codon. This is the first report on the molecular characterization of a chitinase from a single nucleocapsid NPV. The phylogeny of baculoviral chitinase genes were extensively examined in comparison with chitinases derived from bacteria, fungi, nematode, actinomycetes, viruses, insects and mammals. Neighbor-joining and most parsimony analyses showed that the baculoviral chitinases were clustered exclusively within gamma-proteobacteria. Our results strongly suggest that baculoviruses acquired their chitinase genes from bacteria. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purification of genotypes from baculovirus isolates provides understanding of the diversity of baculoviruses and may lead to the development of better pesticides. Here, we report the cloning of different genotypes from an isolate of Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) by using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC). A transfer vector (pHZB10) was constructed which contained an Escherichia coli mini-F replicon cassette within the upstream and downstream arms of HaSNPV polyhedrin gene. Hz2e5 cells were co-transfected with wild-type HaSNPV DNA and pHZB10 to generate recombinant viruses by homologous recombination. The DNA of budded viruses (BVs) was used to transform E. coli. One of the bacmid colonies, HaBacHZ8, has restriction enzyme digestion profiles similar to an in vivo cloned strain HaSNPV-G4, the genome of which has been completely sequenced. For testing the oral infectivity, the polyhedrin gene of HaSNPV was reintroduced into HaBacHZ8 to generate the recombinant bacmid HaBacDF6. The results of one-step growth curves, electron microscopic examination, protein expression analysis and bioassays indicated that HaBacDF6 replicated as well as HaSNPV-G4 in vitro and in vivo. The biologically functional HaSNPV bacmids obtained in this research will facilitate future studies on the function genomics and genetic modification of HaSNPV. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Serial passaging of wild-type Helicoverpa armigera, single-nucleocapsid (HaSNPV) in H. zea (HzAMI) illsect Cell Cultures results ill rapid selection for the few polyhedra (FP) phenotype. A unique HaSNPV mutant (ppC19) was isolated through plaque purification that exhibited a partial many polyhedra (MP) and FP phenotype. Oil serial passaging in suspension cell cultures, ppC19 produced fivefold more polyhedra than a typical FP mutant (FP8AS) but threefold less polyhedra than the wild-type virus. Most importantly, the polyhedra of ppC19 exhibited MP-like virion occlusion. Furthermore, ppC19 produced the same amount of budded virus (BV) as the FP mutant, which was fivefold higher than that of the wild-type virus. This selective advantage was likely to explain its relative stability in polyhedra production for six passages when compared with the wild-type Virus. However, subsequent passaging of ppC19 resulted in a steel) decline in both BV and polyhedra yields, which was also experienced by FP8AS and the wild-type virus Lit high passage numbers. Genomic deoxyribonueleic Licid profiling of the latter suggested that defective interfering particles (DIPS) were implicated in this phenomenon and represented another Undesirable mutation during serial passaging of HaSNPV Hence, a strategy to isolate HaSNPV Clones that exhibited MP-like polyhedra production but FP-like BV production, coupled with low multiplicities of infection during scale-up to avoid accumulation of DIPS, could prove commerically invaluable.


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Naturally occurring insect viruses are a promising means of intentionally causing disease in insects but they do not compete successfully with synthetic chemicals in the commercial marketplace. Furthermore, their use for pest control is still restricted. One factor preventing the development of baculoviruses as effective biopesticides is concern over the production issue. In vitro instability during propagation of these viruses in suspension cells is the major limitation to the in vitro production ofbaculoviruses in cell cultures. In this study, an isolated baculovirus (HaSNPV) was cultivated using serial passaging in a suspension cell culture. The results show a reduction in the occlusion body production during six passages, due to the passage effect. However the purification of an HaSNPV clone suggested better stability. A simple method used in this work for the serial passaging of this virus is discussed.


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The effect of experience on pre- and post-alighting host selection in adult female Helicoverpa armigera was tested in an indoor flight cage, and in a large greenhouse. The moths had experienced either tobacco or tomato plants (both are hosts of H. armigera) for 3 days, or were given no experience. Individuals were then released and their host selection assessed. All individuals caught in the greenhouse were identified and tested for post-alighting acceptance on each host. Experience significantly influenced both pre- and post-alighting host selection in ovipositing moths. This modification in behaviour is attributed to 'learning', and presents the first detailed evidence for learning in moths. Possible behavioural mechanisms involved are discussed, and a hypothesis is presented regarding learning in post-alighting host acceptance. The existence of learning in H. armigera, a highly polyphagous agricultural pest, is discussed in the light of current theories on environmental predictability and the advantages of learning. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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Abstract. 1. Learning may enable insects to obtain nectar from flowers more efficiently. Learning in nectar foraging has been shown primarily in studies of bees and butterflies. Here, learning is demonstrated in the nectar foraging behaviour of a noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera. 2. The present studies show that: (1) previous experience with a flowering host species increases the probability of that species being selected for nectar foraging, and (2) previous experience of a particular flower type (food source at bottom or top of the corolla tube) increases the likelihood of the food source being found when that flower type is being searched. 3. The implications of these findings for understanding the pattern of oviposition observed in wild populations of this important pest species are discussed.


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Recent experimental evidence has shown that learning occurs in the host selection behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), one of the world‘s most important agricultural pests. This paper discusses how the occurrence of learning changes our understanding of the host selection behaviour of this polyphagous moth. Host preferences determined from previous laboratory studies may be vastly different from preferences exhibited by moths in the field, where the abundance of particular hosts may be more likely to determine host preference. In support of this prediction, a number of field studies have shown that the ‘attractiveness’ of different hosts for H. armigera oviposition may depend on the relative abundance of these host species. Insect learning may play a fundamental role in the design and application of present and future integrated pest management strategies such as the use of host volatiles, trap crops and resistant crop varieties for monitoring and controlling this important pest species


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The ability of adult cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), to distinguish and respond to enantiomers of α-pinene was investigated with electrophysiological and behavioral methods. Electroantennogram recordings using mixtures of the enantiomers at saturating dose levels, and single unit electrophysiology, indicated that the two forms were detected by the same receptor neurons. The relative size of the electroantennogram response was higher for the (−) compared to the (+) form, indicating greater affinity for the (−) form at the level of the dendrites. Behavioral assays investigated the ability of moths to discriminate between, and respond to the (+) and (−) forms of α-pinene. Moths with no odor conditioning showed an innate preference for (+)-α-pinene. This preference displayed by naïve moths was not significantly different from the preferences of moths conditioned on (+)-α-pinene. However, we found a significant difference in preference between moths conditioned on the (−) enantiomer compared to naïve moths and moths conditioned on (+)-α-pinene, showing that learning plays an important role in the behavioral response. Moths are less able to distinguish between enantiomers of α-pinene than different odors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde versus (−)-α-pinene) in learning experiments. The relevance of receptor discrimination of enantiomers and learning ability of the moths in host plant choice is discussed.


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The polyphagous moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is one of the world's most important agricultural pests. A number of existing approaches and future designs for management of H. armigera rely on the assumption that moths do not exhibit either genetically and/or non-genetically based variation for host plant utilization. We review recent empirical evidence demonstrating that both these forms of variation influence host plant use in this moth. The significance of this variation in H. armigera in relation to current and future pest management strategies is examined. We provide recommendations on future research needs and directions for sustainable management of H. armigera, under a framework that includes consideration of intra-specific variation for host use relevant in this and other similar pest species.


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Mixtures of single odours were used to explore the receptor response profile across individual antennae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Seven odours were tested including floral and green-leaf volatiles: phenyl acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, β-caryophyllene, limonene, α-pinene, 1-hexanol, 3Z-hexenyl acetate. Electroantennograms of responses to paired mixtures of odours showed that there was considerable variation in receptor tuning across the receptor field between individuals. Data from some moth antennae showed no additivity, which indicated a restricted receptor profile. Results from other moth antennae to the same odour mixtures showed a range of partial additivity. This indicated that a wider array of receptor types was present in these moths, with a greater percentage of the receptors tuned exclusively to each odour. Peripheral receptor fields show variation in the spectrum of response within a population (of moths) when exposed to high doses of plant volatiles. This may be related to recorded variation in host choice within moth populations as reported by other authors.


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It is well established that herbivorous insects respond to changes in plant odour production, but little attention has been given to whether these responses relate to direct fitness costs of plant volatile production on insect growth and survival. Here, we use transgenic Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plants that produce relatively large amounts of the volatile (S)-linalool to study whether the responses of egg-laying herbivorous insects to linalool production relate directly to the growth and survival of offspring. In choice tests, fewer eggs were laid on transgenic plants compared with non-transformed controls, indicating that increased linalool emissions have a deterrent effect on Helicoverpa armigera oviposition. Larval survival and larval mass after feeding on transgenic leaves, however, was comparable to non-transformed controls. (S)-linalool, whether in volatile or sequestered form, does not appear to have a direct effect on offspring fitness in this moth. We discuss how the ecology of this polyphagous moth species may necessitate a high tolerance for certain volatiles and their related non-volatile compounds, and suggest that responses by adult female H. armigera moths towards increased linalool production may be context specific and relate to other indirect effects on fitness.