36 resultados para Hedonism


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In the context of cultural and/or differential ‘normalisation’ of certain forms of drug use, this article describes two case-studies of heavy recreational drug users. The daily lives of these users blur the line between the legal and the illegal; their drug trading is generally as a consumer and ‘friend of a friend’ small dealer in the low-level market. In the first case, problems with management of employment, time and financial budgeting are described; in the second case, such management is accomplished. Discussion refers to: differences between the two in relation to resources and vulnerability to risks, and to leisure/pleasure cultures of hedonism. The research agenda should pay more attention to users who seek to maintain a legitimate lifestyle but who develop problems managing work and their drug-related leisure. Understanding the consumer demand and dealing activity of such users is important in trying to develop a fuller understanding of drug markets.


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ESTIRAR LA NORMATIVA. Desde una perspectiva social y dentro de un consenso generalizado, el derecho a disfrutar de una vivienda es indudable, lo que no quiere decir que en términos reales y legales sea efectivo.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Data are taken from a representative sample of the Australian population to determine the qualities that are desired in a sexual partner. These qualities are considered in three categories: those reflecting the perceived reproductive value of the partner (evolutionary imperative), the emotional attachment to a partner and the pure pleasure associated with having sex. Subjects completed a telephone-based survey 876 males; 908 females; aged 18-59). The qualities respondents report they most desire in a sexual partner are that the person is someone who cares about them, and whom they love. They also rank highly the criterion that their partner should enjoy sex, and much less highly that they themselves should enjoy the sex. Evolutionary imperatives are ranked fairly low as criteria sought in a sexual partner. Males and females generally expressed similar preferences in a sexual partner, as do persons in different age groups, and persons in different marital status categories. Heterosexual males appear to place a higher emphasis on the physical appearance of a partner when compared with non-heterosexuals. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]


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In this paper we focus specifically on explaining variation in core human values, and suggest that individual differences in values can be partially explained by personality traits and the perceived ability to manage emotions in the self and others (i.e. trait emotional intelligence). A sample of 209 university students was used to test hypotheses regarding several proposed direct and indirect relationships between personality traits, trait emotional intelligence and values. Consistent with the hypotheses, Harm Avoidance and Novelty Seeking were found to directly predict Hedonism, Conformity, and Stimulation. Harm Avoidance was also found to indirectly predict these values through the mediating effects of key subscales of trait emotional intelligence. Novelty Seeking was not found to be an indirect predictor of values. Results have implications for our understanding of the relationship between personality, trait emotional intelligence and values, and suggest a common basis in terms of approach and avoidance pathways.


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Do the political values of the general public form a coherent system? What might be the source of coherence? We view political values as expressions, in the political domain, of more basic personal values. Basic personal values (e.g., security, achievement, benevolence, hedonism) are organized on a circular continuum that reflects their conflicting and compatible motivations. We theorize that this circular motivational structure also gives coherence to political values. We assess this theorizing with data from 15 countries, using eight core political values (e.g., free enterprise, law and order) and ten basic personal values. We specify the underlying basic values expected to promote or oppose each political value. We offer different hypotheses for the 12 non-communist and three post-communist countries studied, where the political context suggests different meanings of a basic or political value. Correlation and regression analyses support almost all hypotheses. Moreover, basic values account for substantially more variance in political values than age, gender, education, and income. Multidimensional scaling analyses demonstrate graphically how the circular motivational continuum of basic personal values structures relations among core political values. This study strengthens the assumption that individual differences in basic personal values play a critical role in political thought.


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The birth of the Modern Consumer Society in Finnish short films 1920-1969 The main subject of this research is Finnish short films in 1920-1969. These short films were produced by film studios for private enterprises, banks, advisory organizations, communities and the state. The evolution of short films on consumer affairs was greatly influenced by a special tax reduction system that was introduced in 1933 and lasted until 1964. The tax reduction system increased the production volumes of educational short films significantly. This study covers 342 Finnish short films, more than any other study in the field before this. The aim of this research is to examine how short films introduced Finns to modern consumer society. The cinemagoers were an excellent target group for different advisory groups as well as advertisers. Short films were used by organizations and private enterprises from very early on. In the 1920's Finns were still living in rural areas and agriculture was the dominant industry. Consumer society was still in its infancy, and the prevalent attitude to industrially produced goods was that of suspicion. From the cultural and ideological point of view the evolution of trust was one of the first steps towards the birth of the consumer society. Short films were an excellent means for helping to transform public attitudes. During the war period short films were an important means of propaganda. Short films were produced in abundance and shown for big audiences. They guided people how to survive shortages caused by the war. Even though the idea of rationalization was presented in short films somewhat in the 1920's and 1930's it became a national virtue during the war period. The idea of rationalization widened from the industry to households expecially in the late 1940's and the 1950's. New household apparati and the way in which daily chores were taken care of were presented not as luxury consumption but as a way of rationalization and saving money and effort. Banks and the advisory organizations guided the public to save their money for a specific target. Short films were use to help the public to acceps industrial goods and the notions of planning and saving. The ideological change from an agrarian society to consumer society was based on old acricultural ideas and self-sufficiency was evolved into rational and economizing consumerism. This made Finnish consumer society to value durable consumer goods and own homes. The public was also encouraged to consider their own decisions in the national context - especially after the second world war Finland laced capital, and personal savings were strongly presented as a way to help the whole nation. Modern hedonistic values were not dominant in Finland in the1950's and 1960's. Initial traces of modern hedonism can be seen in the films, but they were only marginal paths in the bigger.


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Työntekijöiden henkilökohtaisia arvoja ja niiden yhteyksiä asenteisiin ei ole juuri tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko suomalaisessa metalliteollisuuden yrityksen henkilöstön (N=1314) arvojen rakenne S. H. Schwartzin arvoteorian mukainen. Lisäksi tutkittiin arvojen yhteyksiä organisaatiomuutosta koskeviin asenteisiin ja tiedon jakamiseen työyhteisössä. Arvomittarina käytettiin uutta 40-osioista Portrait Value Questionnairea (PVQ). Mittarin validiteetti osoitettiin ver-taamalla nyt kerätyn aineiston arvorakennetta aikaisemmalla mittarilla kerättyihin arvoteorian mukaisiin yliopisto-opiskelijoiden vastauksiin. Organisaatiomuutosta koskevien asenteiden ja tiedonjakamisen mittarit luotiin laadullisissa esitutkimuksissa. Tilastolliset analyysit osoittivat, että toimihenkilöiden ja työntekijöiden arvojen rakenteet noudattivat pääosin Schwartzin teoriaa, mutta turvallisuusarvot sijaitsivat molemmissa ryhmissä universalismin ja hyväntahtoisuuden joukossa. Universalismi ja hyväntahtoisuus ennustivat myönteistä asennetta organisaatiomuutoksia kohtaan, mutta perinteiden ja mielihyvän arvostaminen liittyivät kielteisiin muutosasenteisiin. Sosiaalisia normeja kunnioittavien eli yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavien henkilöiden muut arvot vaikuttivat muutosasenteisiin vähemmän kuin niillä, joille yhdenmukaisuus ei ollut tärkeää. Lisäksi suoriutumisarvon yhteys muutosasenteisiin oli yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavilla henkilöillä positiivinen, mutta niillä, jotka eivät arvostaneet yhdenmukaisuutta, yhteys oli negatiivinen. Itseohjautuvuutta arvostavat henkilöt pitivät työyhteisönsä tiedon jakamista heikompana, kun taas hyväntahtoisuutta ja yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavat pitivät sitä muihin nähden parempana. Suoriutumisarvo oli yhteydessä tiedonjakamiseen vain silloin, kun yhdenmukaisuus oli tärkeää. Työpaikkojen (N=19) keskiarvoja vertailtaessa havaittiin, että ne työpaikat, joissa arvostettiin paljon universalismia, hyväntahtoisuutta ja yhdenmukaisuutta sekä vähän valtaa ja suoriutumista saivat henkilöstöltään parhaat arvioinnit tiedon jakamisesta. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet henkilöt jaettiin työtehtäviensä perusteella kolmeen ammatilliseen ympäristöön: konven-tionaaliseen (mm. taloushallinto), realistiseen (mm. tuotanto) ja yrittäjämäiseen (mm. myynti). Yrittäjämäisessä ammatillisessa ympäristössä toimivat arvostivat enemmän kuin konventionaalisessa ympäristössä toimivat valtaa, itseohjautuvuutta ja suoriutumista. Realistisessa ympäristössä arvostettiin enemmän perinteitä ja mielihyvää kuin yrittäjämäisessä ympäristössä. Ryhmien väliset erot arvoissa johtuivat koulutuksesta, iästä ja sukupuolijakaumasta.


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The goals of this study were to analyze the forms of emotional tendencies that are likely to motivate moral behaviors, and to find correlates for these tendencies. In study 1, students narratives of their own guilt or shame experiences were analyzed. The results showed that pure shame was more likely to motivate avoidance than reparation, whereas guilt and combination of guilt and shame were likely to motivate reparation. However, all types of emotion could lead to chronic rumination if the person was not clearly responsible for the situation. In study 2, the relations of empathy with two measures of guilt were examined in a sample of 13- to 16-year-olds (N=113). Empathy was measured using Davis s IRI and guilt by Tangney s TOSCA and Hoffman s semi-projective story completion method that includes two different scenarios, guilt over cheating and guilt over inaction. Empathy correlated more strongly with both measures of guilt than the two measures correlated with each other. Hoffman s guilt over inaction was more strongly associated with empathy measures in girls than in boys, whereas for guilt over cheating the pattern was the opposite. Girls and boys who describe themselves as empathetic may emphasize different aspect of morality and feel guilty in different contexts. In study 3, cultural and gender differences in guilt and shame (TOSCA) and value priorities (the Schwartz Value Survey) were studied in samples of Finnish (N=156) and Peruvian (N=159) adolescents. Gender differences were found to be larger and more stereotypical among the Finns than among the Peruvians. Finnish girls were more prone to guilt and shame than boys were, whereas among the Peruvians there was no gender difference in guilt, and boys were more shame-prone than girls. The results support the view that psychological gender differences are largest individualistic societies. In study 4, the relations of value priorities to guilt, shame and empathy were examined in two samples, one of 15 19-year-old high school students (N = 207), and the other of military conscripts (N = 503). Guilt was, in both samples, positively related to valuing universalism, benevolence, tradition, and conformity, and negatively related to valuing power, hedonism, stimulation, and self-direction. The results for empathy were similar, but the relation to the openness conservation value dimension was weaker. Shame and personal distress were weakly related to values. In sum, shame without guilt and the TOSCA shame scale are tendencies that are unlikely to motivate moral behavior in Finnish cultural context. Guilt is likely to be connected to positive social behaviors, but excessive guilt can cause psychological problems. Moral emotional tendencies are related to culture, cultural conceptions of gender and to individual value priorities.


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Com um dos objetivos de conceituar e descrever as estratégias emocionais de persuasão publicitárias, levantei bibliografia da área e publicidades contidas no meio revista brasileiro. Depois, busquei analisar se os temas mais abordados e os meios de persuasão adotados são reflexos dos valores, crenças e comportamentos da cultura hipermoderna, segundo descrição dos autores escolhidos na fundamentação teórica. Fiz um levantamento dos anúncios que remetiam a um cuidado de si veiculados nas revistas Veja, Playboy e Marie Claire em 2005 e identifiquei dois tipos de estratégias emocionais. O que foi mais utilizado fomenta o hedonismo imaginativo e busca persuadir com diferentes apelos regressivos de gratificação do consumidor. A outra estratégia, também bem utilizada, com mensagens sutis, foi a repressiva. Neste caso, busca-se motivar a compra a partir da ilusão de inclusão social, com discursos que indicam como se deve ser, sentir e agir, em sua maior parte, também infantis. Outros objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar os possíveis efeitos às subjetividades contemporâneas do conteúdo das mensagens dos anúncios divulgados nas revistas de maior circulação no Brasil. Por último, apresento algumas sugestões de criação publicitária em que se fomente o laço social, e o respeito à alteridade e ao ecossistema.


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O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi descrever, a partir da ambiência das academias de ginástica, o fenômeno do culto ao corpo na sociedade contemporânea. A ambiência, considerada uma categoria no campo do imaginário social, compreende o espaço como um lugar que é, ao mesmo tempo, produto e produtor de relações simbólicas e de sentidos. Após a revisão de literatura acerca da temática proposta, realizou-se um estudo etnográfico mediado por observação participante e análise de discurso (escola francesa) em uma academia de grande porte situada na zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo apontaram para três categorias de análise da ambiência: 1) a casa dos espelhos: a motivação das imagens, dos objetos e das formas; 2) a motivação humana: o profissional de educação física; e 3) o símbolo da tribo: o corpo. Pode-se considerar que a ambiência contribui significativamente para a emergência do culto ao corpo desenvolvido nas academias e, proliferado em outras esferas da vida social, sendo aparentemente excludente àqueles que não abarcam o fenômeno em questão. Nesse sentido, é possível estabelecer uma analogia da descrição da ambiência com a seguinte ponderação: do hedonismo Dionisíaco à disciplina Apolínea prevalece a imagem de Narciso. Por fim, o mapeamento da ambiência da academia é uma fonte interessante para se pensar algumas das relações sociais da contemporaneidade que, quando comparadas a outros períodos históricos, mantiveram-se, modificaram-se ou que estariam em processo de transição. O fenômeno do culto ao corpo e a forma com que as relações se estabelecem em função da busca pela estética, decerto, representam o momento transitório ao qual as sociedades complexas estão submetidas.


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Este trabalho é um estudo sobre a mistura que se estabelece entre informação meteorológica e entretenimento nos quadros da previsão do tempo de dois telejornais nacionais das Organizações Globo: Jornal Nacional JN (canal aberto Rede Globo) e Rural Notícias RN (canal fechado Canal Rural). A recepção dos programas sobre o tempo é analisada a partir de entrevistas abertas, com 40 espectadores de ambos os noticiários, habitantes da cidade e do campo. Também por meio de entrevistas, são avaliadas as representações da produção, privilegiando as denominadas moças do tempo, Flávia Freire (JN) e Lilian Lima (RN). Auxiliam na identificação do entretenimento, nos espaços da meteorologia, a observação do surgimento do consumidor moderno, a extensão do consumo ao lazer, o divertimento pela televisão, o tempo como assunto para conversa, as representações do corpo na cultura brasileira e traços da educação na transmissão meteorológica no Telejornalismo do país. Assim, são analisados os formatos dos quadros do tempo, suas funções aparentes, formatações, imagem corporal construída de suas apresentadoras e o público-alvo de cada telejornal. Esses principais pontos são relacionados com o pensamento de autores que estudam comunicação, tempo, hedonismo, utilitarismo, consumo, representações sociais, corpo, educação e pedagogia. A previsão da meteorologia aparece com várias funções, sendo dominantes a ênfase no cotidiano, em ambos os jornais; o foco no lazer, sobretudo no Jornal Nacional; e o destaque para o vínculo com a produção rural em sentido amplo, no caso do Rural Notícias.


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Foram objetivos do presente estudo proceder à análise das relações entre Valores de trabalho, Satisfação no trabalho e Satisfação com a vida em profissionais do sector da saúde e perceber se dimensões como antiguidade na empresa, os anos de experiência e o número de organizações, função, definição de objetivos, avaliação do desempenho, idade, escolaridade, sexo e estado civil tinham um papel nas dimensões principais do estudo. Foi recolhida uma amostra de 214 profissionais da saúde, sendo 24% do sexo masculino e com idades entre 21 e 71 anos (M=40.06; DP=10.93). Foram utilizados os instrumentos WVS (Schwartz, 1994), QSGT (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) e SWLS (Diener, 1984). Os resultados mostraram que existe uma relação positiva entre a satisfação na vida e a satisfação no trabalho; que quanto mais elevados eram os valores de trabalho Poder, Realização, Hedonismo, Estimulação, Auto direção, Benevolência, Conformismo e Segurança, maior era a Satisfação no trabalho; que quanto mais elevados são os valores de trabalho Poder, Realização, Hedonismo, Estimulação, Auto direção, Universalismo, Benevolência, Tradição, Conformismo e Segurança maior era a Satisfação com a vida; e que existem diferenças entre sexos, idade, estado civil e escolaridade ao nível dos valores de trabalho. Contudo, apesar da satisfação com a vida ser influenciada pela satisfação no trabalho e pelos valores de trabalho, estas dimensões, por si só, não explicam fortemente a satisfação com a vida.