987 resultados para Heat recovery steam generator
Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.
The combined-cycle gas and steam turbine power plant presents three main pieces of equipment: gas turbines, steam turbines and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). In case of HRSG failure the steam cycle is shut down, reducing the power plant output. Considering that the technology for design, construction and operation of high capacity HRSGs is quite recent its availability should be carefully evaluated in order to foresee the performance of the power plant. This study presents a method for reliability and availability evaluation of HRSGs installed in combined-cycle power plant. The method`s first step consists in the elaboration of the steam generator functional tree and development of failure mode and effects analysis. The next step involves a reliability and availability analysis based on the time to failure and time to repair data recorded during the steam generator operation. The third step, aiming at availability improvement, recommends the fault-tree analysis development to identify components the failure (or combination of failures) of which can cause the HRSG shutdown. Those components maintenance policy can be improved through the use of reliability centered maintenance (RCM) concepts. The method is applied on the analysis of two HRSGs installed in a 500 MW combined-cycle power plant. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the first paper of this paper (Part I), conditions were presented for the gas cleaning technological route for environomic optimisation of a cogeneration system based in a thermal cycle with municipal solid waste incineration. In this second part, an environomic analysis is presented of a cogeneration system comprising a combined cycle composed of a gas cycle burning natural gas with a heat recovery steam generator with no supplementary burning and a steam cycle burning municipal solid wastes (MSW) to which will be added a pure back pressure steam turbine (another one) of pure condensation. This analysis aims to select, concerning some scenarios, the best atmospheric pollutant emission control routes (rc) according to the investment cost minimisation, operation and social damage criteria. In this study, a comparison is also performed with the results obtained in the Case Study presented in Part I. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a thermoeconomic functional analysis method based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and applied to analyze four cogeneration systems is presented. The objective of the developed technique is to minimize the operating costs of the cogeneration plant, namely exergetic production cost (EPC), assuming fixed rates of electricity production and process steam in exergy base. In this study a comparison is made between the same four configurations of part I. The cogeneration system consisting of a gas turbine with a heat recovery steam generator, without supplementary firing, has the lowest EPC. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
In the first paper of this paper (Part I), conditions were presented for the gas cleaning technological route for environomic optimisation of a cogeneration system based in a thermal cycle with municipal solid waste incineration. In this second part, an environomic analysis is presented of a cogeneration system comprising a combined cycle composed of a gas cycle burning natural gas with a heat recovery steam generator with no supplementary burning and a steam cycle burning municipal solid wastes (MSW) to which will be added a pure back pressure steam turbine (another one) of pure condensation. This analysis aims to select, concerning some scenarios, the best atmospheric pollutant emission control routes (rc) according to the investment cost minimisation, operation and social damage criteria. In this study, a comparison is also performed with the results obtained in the Case Study presented in Part I. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The proposed method to analyze the composition of the cost of electricity is based on the energy conversion processes and the destruction of the exergy through the several thermodynamic processes that comprise a combined cycle power plant. The method uses thermoeconomics to evaluate and allocate the cost of exergy throughout the processes, considering costs related to inputs and investment in equipment. Although the concept may be applied to any combined cycle or cogeneration plant, this work develops only the mathematical modeling for three-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) configurations and total condensation of the produced steam. It is possible to study any n x 1 plant configuration (n sets of gas turbine and HRSGs associated to one steam turbine generator and condenser) with the developed model, assuming that every train operates identically and in steady state. The presented model was conceived from a complex configuration of a real power plant, over which variations may be applied in order to adapt it to a defined configuration under study [Borelli SJS. Method for the analysis of the composition of electricity costs in combined cycle thermoelectric power plants. Master in Energy Dissertation, Interdisciplinary Program of Energy, Institute of Eletro-technical and Energy, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2005 (in Portuguese)]. The variations and adaptations include, for instance, use of reheat, supplementary firing and partial load operation. It is also possible to undertake sensitivity analysis on geometrical equipment parameters. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química – Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Tässä diplomityössä on kehitetty kustannustehokas lämmöntalteenottokattila savukaasun virtaukselle alle 150 kg/s. Kehitettävä kattila on luonnonkiertoinen ja pystyrakenteinen. Valitun kattilatyypin etuja muihin kattilatyyppeihin nähden on tarkasteltu. Erityistä huomiota kattilassa on kiinnitetty vedenkäsittelyn yksinkertaistamiseen. Tämä on saavutettu tulistinratkaisulla, jonka säätötarve on vähäinen. Tuorehöyryn lämpötilan säätöön käytettyjä säätömenetelmiä on tarkasteltu ja eri tulistinratkaisuja käyttämällä saavutettavia tuorehöyrymääriä ja säätötarvetta on tutkittu simulointiohjelmaa hyväksi käyttäen. Tulistinratkaisun lisäksi työssä on tarkasteltu syöttöveden käyttöä ulkoiseen lämmitykseen sekä lämmönsiirrinpakettien tuentaa. Lisäpolton toteutusta sekä syöttövesiventtiilin sijoittamista ja syöttövesipumpun valintaa on myös tarkasteltu. Osana työtä on lisäksi tehty kehitettyä kattilaa varten mitoitusohjelma ja mitoitettu sitä käyttäen esimerkkilaitos.
Työssä mallinnettiin kombivoimalaitoksen lämmöntalteenottokattila Apros-simulointiohjelmalla. Simulointimalli valmistettiin vastaamaan Helsingin Energian Vuosaari B:n voimalaitoksen lämmöntalteenottokattilaa, joka toimii kahdella painetasolla. Kattila on Foster Wheelerin valmistama. Ennen mallinnuksen aloittamista tutustuttiin laitoksen termodynamiikkaan, jolloin saatiin riittävä teoreettinen tieto koko laitoksen toiminnasta. Kattilan reunaehtoina ovat kaasuturbiiniprosessi ja laitoksen höyrykierto. Kaasuturbiini korvattiin laskentayhtälöillä, jotka antavat alkuarvot mm. savukaasun massavirralle ja lämpötilalle ennen kattilaa kaasuturbiinin tehon funktiona. Kattila liitetään höyrykiertoon tuorehöyry- ja syöttövesilinjasta, jolloin reunaehtoina annetaan lämpötilat ja paineet massavirroille. Valmistettua mallia testattiin ylösajo- ja kuormanmuutostilanteessa. Ylösajotilanteessa saatuja laskentatuloksia verrattiin todellisen laitoksen mittaustuloksiin, jolloin varmistuttiin simulointimallin oikeasta fysikaalisesta toiminnasta. Kuormanmuutostilanteissa kaasuturbiinin tehoa muutettiin ja samalla seurattiin kattilan reagointia muutostilanteessa. Kuormanmuutosmittauksessa varmistettiin vielä, että kattila reagoi kuormanmuutokseen oikealla tavalla, eikä muutos aiheuta kattilan toiminnalle haitallista värähtelyä.
Voimalaitoksen sisäisellä optimoinnilla pyritään parantamaan prosessia ja lisäämään voimalaitoskonseptin kilpailukykyä energiamarkkinoilla. Tässä työssä optimoitiin lisäpoltolla varustettua, sähköteholtaan noin 125 MW:n maakaasukompivoimalaitosta. Työ on osa Fortum Engineering Oy:n konseptikehitysohjelmaa. Kaasuturbiinin savukaasun sisältämää happea voidaan hyödyntää lämmöntal-teenottokattilan savukaasukanavaan sijoitetussa lisäpoltossa. Lisäpoltolla saadaan nostettua savukaasun lämpötilaa ja lisättyä tuotetun tuorehöyryn määrää. Työssä tutkittiin lisäpolton kannattavuutta ja sen vaikutusta voimalaitoksen mitoitukseen. Lisäpolton lämpötila valitaan teknisten rajoitusten perusteella, jolloin siitä aiheutuvat investointikustannukset eivät nouse merkittäviksi. Optimointimenetelmä pohjautuu Fortum Oyj:ssä kehitetyllä voimalaitossimulaattori Solvolla laskettujen lämpötaseiden ja asiantuntija-arvioihin perustuvien investointikustannuskaavojen käyttöön. Taloudelliset lähtöarvot on valittu Itä-Euroopan markkinatilanteen mukaisiksi. Kannattavuuslaskelmat perustuvat nykyarvomenetelmään, jossa investointikustannuksille ja sähkön ja kaukolämmön myynnistä saaduille tuotoille lasketaan nykyarvo. Teknisten rajoitusten puitteissa suurimman nykyarvon antava tapaus on aina kunkin tutkittavan prosessisuureen optimitapaus. Tutkittavia prosessisuureita voivat olla esimerkiksi tuorehöyryn tila-arvot. Eräs työn tavoitteista oli selvittää lämmöntalteenottokattilan painetasojen optimaalinen lukumäärä. Lisäpoltto todettiin lämmitysvoimalaitoksella kannattavaksi ratkaisuksi kun nyt optimoitua laitosta verrattiin ilman lisäpolttoa mitoitettuun vastaavanlaiseen laitokseen. Kannattavuuslaskelmille tehtiin herkkyystarkastelut, joiden avulla tutkittiin mitoitetun konseptin herkkyyttä taloudellisten lähtöarvojen muutoksille. Herkkyysanalyysin avulla optimoitua voimalaitoskonseptia voidaan hyödyntää suuremmalla taloudellisten lähtöarvojen vaihteluvälillä.
Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli laatia mitoitussovellus KPA Unicon Oy:lle, jolla voidaan arvioida lämmöntalteenottokattilasta saatavaa tehoa sekä tarvittavaa lämmönsiirtopinta-alaa. Mitoitussovellus laadittiin yksipaineisen kattilan mitoitusta varten ja sitä on tarkoitus hyödyntää yrityksen tarjousvaiheen projekteissa. Laskentasovelluksen laatimista varten tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään kaasuturbiinin jälkeistä lämmöntalteenottokattilaa ja sen mitoittamista. Erityisesti huomiota kiinnitetään yleisiin suunnitteluperiaatteisiin ja lämpötekniseen mitoittamiseen. Työssä esitetään tyypillisiä suunnitteluarvoja, rakenteita sekä laskentamenetelmiä, joiden avulla lämmöntalteenottokattila voidaan mitoittaa.
The use of mean values of thermal and electric demand can be justifiable for synthesising the configuration and for estimating the economic results because it simplifies the analysis in a preliminary feasibility study of a cogeneration plant. For determining the cogeneration scheme that best fits the energetic needs of a process several cycles and combinations must be considered, and those technically feasible will be analysed according to economic models. Although interesting for a first approach, this procedure do not consider that the peaks and valleys present in the load patterns will impose additional constraints relatively to the equipment capacities. In this paper, the effects of thermal and electric load fluctuation to the cogeneration plant design were considered. An approach for modelling these load variability is proposed for comparing two competing thermal and electric parity competing schemes. A gas turbine associated to a heat recovery steam generator was then proposed and analysed for thermal- and electric-following operational strategies. Thermal-following option revealed to be more attractive for the technical and economic limits defined for this analysis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we present technical and economic studies of cogeneration systems utilizing combustion engines and gas turbines, applied in two establishments of the tertiary sector, regarding Brazilian conditions (according to Silveria, 1994). In the first step cogeneration systems utilizing combustion engines associated to absorption refrigeration systems are studied, in which electricity and cold air for a university building rate produced. In the second step some possibilities of the use of the gas turbine in cogeneration systems for a hospital are shown. In this case, the exhaust gases are utilized for the production of steam in a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) or cold water in an absorption refrigeration system (for air conditioning) for the hospital building. The dynamic increment of the energy demand of Brazilian tertiary sector in last years can increase the installation of these cogeneration system (in compact version) as well as strengthen the development of the decentralized energy generation in Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS