992 resultados para Hearing (sound)


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This thesis explores the possibilities of spatial hearing in relation to sound perception, and presents three acousmatic compositions based on a musical aesthetic that emphasizes this relation in musical discourse. The first important characteristic of these compositions is the exclusive use of sine waves and other time invariant sound signals. Even though these types of sound signals present no variations in time, it is possible to perceive pitch, loudness, and tone color variations as soon as they move in space due to acoustic processes involved in spatial hearing. To emphasize the perception of such variations, this thesis proposes to divide a tone in multiple sound units and spread them in space using several loudspeakers arranged around the listener. In addition to the perception of sound attribute variations, it is also possible to create rhythm and texture variations that depend on how sound units are arranged in space. This strategy permits to overcome the so called "sound surrogacy" implicit in acousmatic music, as it is possible to establish cause-effect relations between sound movement and the perception of sound attribute, rhythm, and texture variations. Another important consequence of using sound fragmentation together with sound spatialization is the possibility to produce diffuse sound fields independently from the levels of reverberation of the room, and to create sound spaces with a certain spatial depth without using any kind of artificial sound delay or reverberation.


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Der Autor stellt drei Thesen zu der Fragestellung „Wie gehen Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene alltagstauglich mit dem Kassettenrekorder um?“ auf, die er in drei Anläufen begründet: „Es geht zunächst um Alltag und wie sich Menschen mit Benachteiligungen und Behinderung darin bewegen. In einem zweiten Anlauf [skizziert er] kurz die gegenwärtigen sonderpädagogische Fragestellungen und deren Aufmerksamkeit für das Hören und Zuhören … [Daraus] soll deutlich werden, wie man mit O-Tönen Sollbruchstellen herstellen kann, und wie sich eine solche Praxis begründen lässt.“ Indem junge Menschen mit Behinderung mit Audiorekordern ihren Alltag erkunden, kehrt sich durch die Erkundungsform Interview die bisher erlebte asymmetrische Kommunikationssituation um, weil selbst über Inhalt, Anfang und Ende einer Kommunikation bestimmt werden kann. Somit begründen Audioclips Erfahrung von Kommunikationssouveränität. (Orig./Autor)


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Sonderpädagogisch orientierter Unterricht thematisiert Hören auf dreierlei Weise: Innerhalb von Artikulationsförderung (Lautproduktion) geht es um die Unterscheidung, Wiederholung einzelner Phoneme oder Phonemgruppen, deren Zusammenbinden zu Wörtern, Sätzen usw. und damit um Aufbau und Stabilisierung auditiv-motorischer Regulationskreise bei der Sprachproduktion. In der Wahrnehmungsförderung geht es um Unterscheidung und Benennung von Klängen oder Geräuschen. Ansätze der Medienerziehung heben den Unterschied konservierter/vermittelter und tatsächlicher Klangereignisse hervor. In allen drei Perspektiven geht es um die Ausbildung, Verbesserung, Schulung des Hörorgans und der darauf bezogenen kognitiven und sprachlichen Leistungen. Was dabei allerdings vernachlässigt bleibt ist der ursprüngliche Weltbezug des Hörens. Denn wir hören nicht an sich, sondernd stets irgendwas. Der Klangcharakter der Welt (Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen) ist nicht eine unverbindliche Metapher sondern korrespondiert mit unserer Fähigkeit zu hören. Nachfolgend wird deshalb vorgeschlagen, Hören als Anliegen des Sachunterrichts zu begreifen und im Rahmen einer ästhetischen Elementarerziehung zu thematisieren. Einige Unterrichtsbeispiele illustrieren, welchen Ertrag eine solche Sicht hat. Dabei soll auch deutlich werden, daß Hörerziehung kein Additivum sein kann, sondern wichtiges Glied schulischer Kommunikationsförderung. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This paper provides curriculum on noise, ears, hearing and deafness for elementary school children.


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To compare the patient benefit of the Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha) Divino and the Baha BP100 sound processors.


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OBJECTIVE To compare speech understanding of the BAHA BP110 and BAHA Intenso sound processors. STUDY DESIGN Prospective experimental study. SETTING Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS Twenty experienced user of osseointegrated auditory implants with conductive or mixed hearing loss. INTERVENTIONS In a first session, half of the participants were fitted with an Intenso, the other half with a BP110. After 1 month of use, aided speech understanding in quiet and in noise was measured, and the other test processor was fitted. One month later, speech understanding with the second sound processor was assessed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Speech understanding in quiet and in noise, with noise arriving either from the front, the rear, or the side of the user with the osseointegrated bone conductor. RESULTS Significant improvements were found for both processors for speech understanding in quiet (+9.6 to +34.8 percent points; p = 0.02 to 0.001) and in noise (+6.2 to +13.8 dB, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found between the 2 devices for speech in quiet. For noise from the rear, subjects were able to understand speech at signal-to-noise ratios which were lower (less favorable) by -5.1 dB (p < 0.001) when compared with the Intenso. CONCLUSION Speech understanding is substantially improved by both devices, with no significant differences between the sound processors in quiet. In noise, speech understanding is significantly better with the BP110 when compared to the Intenso for noise from the rear.


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Pt. 2. Ninety-third Congress, second session, on S. 3536, Aug. 13, 1974


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Pedestrians’ use of mp3 players or mobile phones can pose the risk of being hit by motor vehicles. We present an approach for detecting a crash risk level using the computing power and the microphone of mobile devices that can be used to alert the user in advance of an approaching vehicle so as to avoid a crash. A single feature extractor classifier is not usually able to deal with the diversity of risky acoustic scenarios. In this paper, we address the problem of detection of vehicles approaching a pedestrian by a novel, simple, non resource intensive acoustic method. The method uses a set of existing statistical tools to mine signal features. Audio features are adaptively thresholded for relevance and classified with a three component heuristic. The resulting Acoustic Hazard Detection (AHD) system has a very low false positive detection rate. The results of this study could help mobile device manufacturers to embed the presented features into future potable devices and contribute to road safety.


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This paper constitutes a major attempt to associate tympanic deflections with the mechanoreceptor organ location in an acoustic insect. The New Zealand tree weta (Hemideina thoracica) has tympanal ears located on each of the prothoracic tibiae. The tympana exhibit a sclerotized oval plate, membranous processes bulging out from the tibial cuticle and many loosely suspended ripples. We used microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry to determine how such a tympanal membrane vibrates in response to sound and whether the sclerotized region plays a role in hearing. The tympanum displays a single resonance at the calling frequency of the male, an unusual example of an insect tympana acting as a narrow bandpass filter. Both tympana resonate in phase with the stimulus and with each other. Histological sections show that the tympanal area is divided into two distinct regions, as in other ensiferans. An oval plate lies in the middle of a thickened region and is surrounded by a transparent and uniformly thin region. It is hinged dorsally to the tympanal rim and thus resembles the model of a ‘hinged flap’. The thickened region appears to act as a damping mass on the oscillation of the thin region, and vibration displacement is reduced in this area. The thinner area vibrates with higher amplitude, inducing mechanical pressure on the dorsal area adjacent to the crista acustica. We present a new model showing how the thickened region might confer a mechanical gain onto the activation of the crista acustica sensory neurons during the sound-induced oscillations.


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Speech has both auditory and visual components (heard speech sounds and seen articulatory gestures). During all perception, selective attention facilitates efficient information processing and enables concentration on high-priority stimuli. Auditory and visual sensory systems interact at multiple processing levels during speech perception and, further, the classical motor speech regions seem also to participate in speech perception. Auditory, visual, and motor-articulatory processes may thus work in parallel during speech perception, their use possibly depending on the information available and the individual characteristics of the observer. Because of their subtle speech perception difficulties possibly stemming from disturbances at elemental levels of sensory processing, dyslexic readers may rely more on motor-articulatory speech perception strategies than do fluent readers. This thesis aimed to investigate the neural mechanisms of speech perception and selective attention in fluent and dyslexic readers. We conducted four functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, during which subjects perceived articulatory gestures, speech sounds, and other auditory and visual stimuli. Gradient echo-planar images depicting blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast were acquired during stimulus presentation to indirectly measure brain hemodynamic activation. Lip-reading activated the primary auditory cortex, and selective attention to visual speech gestures enhanced activity within the left secondary auditory cortex. Attention to non-speech sounds enhanced auditory cortex activity bilaterally; this effect showed modulation by sound presentation rate. A comparison between fluent and dyslexic readers' brain hemodynamic activity during audiovisual speech perception revealed stronger activation of predominantly motor speech areas in dyslexic readers during a contrast test that allowed exploration of the processing of phonetic features extracted from auditory and visual speech. The results show that visual speech perception modulates hemodynamic activity within auditory cortex areas once considered unimodal, and suggest that the left secondary auditory cortex specifically participates in extracting the linguistic content of seen articulatory gestures. They are strong evidence for the importance of attention as a modulator of auditory cortex function during both sound processing and visual speech perception, and point out the nature of attention as an interactive process (influenced by stimulus-driven effects). Further, they suggest heightened reliance on motor-articulatory and visual speech perception strategies among dyslexic readers, possibly compensating for their auditory speech perception difficulties.


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The ability to isolate a single sound source among concurrent sources and reverberant energy is necessary for understanding the auditory world. The precedence effect describes a related experimental finding, that when presented with identical sounds from two locations with a short onset asynchrony (on the order of milliseconds), listeners report a single source with a location dominated by the lead sound. Single-cell recordings in multiple animal models have indicated that there are low-level mechanisms that may contribute to the precedence effect, yet psychophysical studies in humans have provided evidence that top-down cognitive processes have a great deal of influence on the perception of simulated echoes. In the present study, event-related potentials evoked by click pairs at and around listeners' echo thresholds indicate that perception of the lead and lag sound as individual sources elicits a negativity between 100 and 250 msec, previously termed the object-related negativity (ORN). Even for physically identical stimuli, the ORN is evident when listeners report hearing, as compared with not hearing, a second sound source. These results define a neural mechanism related to the conscious perception of multiple auditory objects.