21 resultados para Hearer
In this article, we examine the case of a system that cooperates with a “direct” user to plan an activity that some “indirect” user, not interacting with the system, should perform. The specific application we consider is the prescription of drugs. In this case, the direct user is the prescriber and the indirect user is the person who is responsible for performing the therapy. Relevant characteristics of the two users are represented in two user models. Explanation strategies are represented in planning operators whose preconditions encode the cognitive state of the indirect user; this allows tailoring the message to the indirect user's characteristics. Expansion of optional subgoals and selection among candidate operators is made by applying decision criteria represented as metarules, that negotiate between direct and indirect users' views also taking into account the context where explanation is provided. After the message has been generated, the direct user may ask to add or remove some items, or change the message style. The system defends the indirect user's needs as far as possible by mentioning the rationale behind the generated message. If needed, the plan is repaired and the direct user model is revised accordingly, so that the system learns progressively to generate messages suited to the preferences of people with whom it interacts.
Since the launch of the ‘Clean Delhi, Green Delhi’ campaign in 2003, slums have become a significant social and political issue in India’s capital city. Through this campaign, the state, in collaboration with Delhi’s middle class through the ‘Bhagidari system’ (literally translated as ‘participatory system’), aims to transform Delhi into a ‘world-class city’ that offers a sanitised, aesthetically appealing urban experience to its citizens and Western visitors. In 2007, Delhi won the bid to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games; since then, this agenda has acquired an urgent, almost violent, impetus to transform Delhi into an environmentally friendly, aesthetically appealing and ‘truly international city’. Slums and slum-dwellers, with their ‘filth, dirt, and noise’, have no place in this imagined city. The violence inflicted upon slum-dwellers, including the denial of their judicial rights, is justified on these accounts. In addition, the juridical discourse since 2000 has ‘re-problematised slums as ‘nuisance’. The rising antagonism of the middle-classes against the poor, supported by the state’s ambition to have a ‘world-class city’, has allowed a new rhetoric to situate the slums in the city. These representations articulate slums as homogenised spaces of experience and identity. The ‘illegal’ status of slum-dwellers, as encroachers upon public space, is stretched to involve ‘social, cultural, and moral’ decadence and depravity. This thesis is an ethnographic exploration of everyday life in a prominent slum settlement in Delhi. It sensually examines the social, cultural and political materiality of slums, and the relationship of slums with the middle class. In doing so, it highlights the politics of sensorial ordering of slums as ‘filthy, dirty, and noisy’ by the middle classes to calcify their position as ‘others’ in order to further segregate, exclude and discriminate the slums. The ethnographic experience in the slums, however, highlights a complex sensorial ordering and politics of its own. Not only are the interactions between diverse communities in slums highly restricted and sensually ordained, but the middle class is identified as a sensual ‘other’, and its sensual practices prohibited. This is significant in two ways. First, it highlights the multiplicity of social, cultural experience and engagement in the slums, thereby challenging its homogenised representation. Second, the ethnographic exploration allowed me to frame a distinct sense of self amongst the slums, which is denied in mainstream discourses, and allowed me to identify the slums’ own ’others’, middle class being one of them. This thesis highlights sound – its production, performances and articulations – as an act with social, cultural, and political implications and manifestations. ‘Noise’ can be understood as a political construct to identify ‘others’ – and both slum-dwellers and the middle classes identify different sonic practices as noise to situate the ‘other’ sonically. It is within this context that this thesis frames the position of Listener and Hearer, which corresponds to their social-political positions. These positions can be, and are, resisted and circumvented through sonic practices. For instance, amplification tactics in the Karimnagar slums, which are understood as ‘uncultured, callous activities to just create more noise’ by the slums’ middle-class neighbours, also serve definite purposes in shaping and navigating the space through the slums’ soundscapes, asserting a presence that is otherwise denied. Such tactics allow the residents to define their sonic territories and scope of sonic performances; they are significant in terms of exerting one’s position, territory and identity, and they are very important in subverting hierarchies. The residents of the Karimnagar slums have to negotiate many social, cultural, moral and political prejudices in their everyday lives. Their identity is constantly under scrutiny and threat. However, the sonic cultures and practices in the Karimnagar slums allow their residents to exert a definite sonic presence – which the middle class has to hear. The articulation of noise and silence is an act manifesting, referencing and resisting social, cultural, and political power and hierarchies.
The data-oriented empirical research on the Chinese adverb “ke” has led to the conclusion that the semantics of the word as a modal adverb is always two-fold: it marks both “contrast” and “emphasis”. “Adversativity” as used in literature on “ke” is but one type of contrast marked by “ke”. Other types of contrast marked by “ke” in declarative sentences include: a) what is assumed by the hearer and what the truth of a matter is; b) what the sentence literally talks about and what it also implicitly conveys; and c) the original wishful nature of the stated action and its final realization. In all declarative sentences, what the adverb emphasizes is the “factuality” of what is stated. Chinese Abstract [提要] 对外汉语教学的实践表明,汉语副词“可”是教学中的难点,这跟我们对其语义内涵缺乏全面准确的认识有关。为了全面揭示副词“可”的核心语义,本作者以电视连续剧《渴望》前二十集为主要语料,并结合其他一些电视剧、电视节目以及文献里已有的语料,对出现在各种语境中的“可”进行了大量的考察和归纳性研究。研究结果表明,作为语气副词的“可”其核心语义不是单一的,它总是在标示“对比”(即“不同”)的同时表示强调。它所强调的是所述内容的“事实性”或“终然性”。由于篇幅所限,本文仅对陈述句中的语气副词“可”加以讨论
The primary goal of this report is to demonstrate how considerations from computational complexity theory can inform grammatical theorizing. To this end, generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG) linguistic theory is revised so that its power more closely matches the limited ability of an ideal speaker--hearer: GPSG Recognition is EXP-POLY time hard, while Revised GPSG Recognition is NP-complete. A second goal is to provide a theoretical framework within which to better understand the wide range of existing GPSG models, embodied in formal definitions as well as in implemented computer programs. A grammar for English and an informal explanation of the GPSG/RGPSG syntactic features are included in appendices.
The study is a cross-linguistic, cross-sectional investigation of the impact of learning contexts on the acquisition of sociopragmatic variation patterns and the subsequent enactment of compound identities. The informants are 20 non-native speaker teachers of English from a range of 10 European countries. They are all primarily mono-contextual foreign language learners/users of English: however, they differ with respect to the length of time accumulated in a target language environment. This allows for three groups to be established – those who have accumulated 60 days or less; those with between 90 days and one year and the final group, all of whom have accumulated in excess of one year. In order to foster the dismantling of the monolith of learning context, both learning contexts under consideration – i.e. the foreign language context and submersion context are broken down into micro-contexts which I refer to as loci of learning. For the purpose of this study, two loci are considered: the institutional and the conversational locus. In order to make a correlation between the impact of learning contexts and loci of learning on the acquisition of sociopragmatic variation patterns, a two-fold study is conducted. The first stage is the completion of a highly detailed language contact profile (LCP) questionnaire. This provides extensive biographical information regarding language learning history and is a powerful tool in illuminating the intensity of contact with the L2 that learners experience in both contexts as well as shedding light on the loci of learning to which learners are exposed in both contexts. Following the completion of the LCP, the informants take part in two role plays which require the enactment of differential identities when engaged in a speech event of asking for advice. The enactment of identities then undergoes a strategic and linguistic analysis in order to investigate if and how differences in the enactment of compound identities are indexed in language. Results indicate that learning context has a considerable impact not only on how identity is indexed in language, but also on the nature of identities enacted. Informants with very low levels of crosscontextuality index identity through strategic means – i.e. levels of directness and conventionality; however greater degrees of cross-contextuality give rise to the indexing of differential identities linguistically by means of speaker/hearer orientation and (non-) solidary moves. When it comes to the nature of identity enacted, it seems that more time spent in intense contact with native speakers in a range of loci of learning allows learners to enact their core identity; whereas low levels of contact with over-exposure to the institutional locus of learning fosters the enactment of generic identities.
Dans cette thèse, nous construisons un modèle épidémiologique de la dissémina- tion de normes juridiques. L’objectif est d’expliquer la transmission de normes juridiques américaines régissant les tests de dépistages pour drogues au travail vers le Canada ainsi que la propagation subséquente de ces normes à travers la jurisprudence canadienne. La propagation des normes régissant les tests de dépistages pour drogues au travail sert donc à la fois de point de départ pour une réflexion théorique sur la transmission de normes juridiques et pour une étude de cas empirique. Nous partons de la prémisse que les explications du changement juridique, telles celle de la transplantation et celle de l’harmonisation, sont essentiellement métaphoriques. Ces métaphores explicatives fonctionnent en invitant des comparaisons entre les domaines connus et inconnus. Quand ce processus de comparaison est systématisé, la métaphore devient un modèle. Dans la thèse, nous appliquons cette procédure de systématisation afin de transformer la métaphore de la propagation virale en modèle épidémiologique. Après une revue de la littérature sur les épidémies sociales, nous décrivons les éléments pertinents de la théorie épidémiologique pour, ensuite, les transposer au domaine juridique. Le modèle est alors opérationnalisé en l’appliquant à une base de données composée de la jurisprudence pertinente (n=187). Les résultats soutiennent les hypothèses du modèle. 90 % des décisions qui citent les sources américaines sont infectées selon les critères du modèle, alors que seulement 64 % des décisions qui ne citent pas de sources américaines sont infectées. Cela soutient l’hypothèse d’une épidémie dite de « réservoir commun ». Nous avons également démontré une corrélation positive entre la référence à ces décisions et l’état d’infection! : 87 % des décisions qui citent des décisions qui réfèrent aux sources américaines sont infectées, alors que le taux d’infection parmi la population restante est de seulement 53 %. Les résultats semblables ont été obtenus pour les décisions de troisième génération. Cela soutient l’hypothèse selon laquelle il y a eu propagation à travers la jurisprudence suite aux contacts initiaux avec le réservoir commun. Des corrélations positives ont aussi été démontrées entre l’état d’infection et l’appartenance à l’une ou l’autre de sous-populations particulières qui seraient, par hypothèse, des points d’infection. En conclusion de la thèse, nous avançons que c’est seulement après avoir construit un modèle et d’avoir constaté ses limites que nous pouvons vraiment comprendre le rôle des métaphores et des modèles dans l’explication de phénomènes juridiques.
La présente recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les stratégies de politesse utilisées par des apprenants coréens qui apprennent le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demande et de mettre en évidence le rôle de la L1 et de la culture d’origine des apprenants quant à leurs choix des stratégies de politesse en français. Trois groupes de répondants ont participé à la recherche : 30 locuteurs natifs coréens qui habitent à Séoul, en Corée, 30 étudiants coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde à Montréal, au Canada, et 30 locuteurs natifs francophones habitant Montréal. Les données recueillies auprès des locuteurs natifs ont servi de bases de données reflétant respectivement les normes de la L1 et celles de la langue cible. Pour la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé quatre outils : le Discourse Completion Test (DCT) écrit, des échelles d’évaluation des variables contextuelles, un Questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM) ainsi qu’une entrevue semi-structurée. Les réponses obtenues au DCT écrit ont été analysées à l’aide du schéma de codage élaboré dans le cadre du Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989). Les résultats de notre recherche ont démontré que les apprenants coréens ont estimé les variables contextuelles, comme l’intimité et le pouvoir social ressentis vis-à-vis de l’interlocuteur dans les situations de demande de façon similaire aux locuteurs natifs francophones, alors qu’ils ont eu tendance à estimer une plus grande gravité d’imposition de la demande que les deux groupes de locuteurs natifs dans plusieurs situations de demande. Quant aux stratégies de demande, tandis que ce sont les stratégies indirectes qui ont été le plus fréquemment utilisées par les apprenants coréens et les locuteurs natifs francophones, les apprenants coréens ont montré une tendance au transfert pragmatique de la L1, en recourant aux stratégies directes plus fréquemment que les locuteurs natifs francophones. De plus, étant donné que les apprenants coréens ont utilisé beaucoup moins d’atténuateurs que les locuteurs natifs francophones, leurs formules de demande étaient plus directes et moins polies que celles employées par les locuteurs natifs francophones. En ce qui concerne les mouvements de soutien (supportive moves), les apprenants coréens se sont démarqués des deux groupes de locuteurs natifs, en recourant plus fréquemment à certaines catégories de mouvements de soutien que les autres répondants. Les analyses de corrélation entre l’estimation des variables contextuelles et le choix des stratégies de politesse nous ont permis de constater que les apprenants coréens ainsi que les locuteurs natifs francophones ont eu tendance à utiliser davantage d’atténuateurs lorsque le locuteur possède moins de pouvoir social. Les implications des résultats pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des aspects de la politesse dans la classe de français langue seconde ont été exposées.
Nous soutenons dans ce mémoire qu'il existe, en français québécois, deux sous-types de constructions exclamatives. Située dans un cadre théorique qui participe à la fois de la philosophie du langage (la théorie des actes de langage, Austin, 1962; Searle 1969, Searle, 1979; Searle et Vanderveken 1985) et de la linguistique (la théorie des types de phrase, Sadock et Zwicky, 1985; Reis, 1999), notre analyse porte sur un ensemble de constructions exclamatives en apparence synonymes qui impliquent respectivement les morphèmes -tu, donc et assez (1). (1) Elle est-tu/donc/assez belle! Nous démontrons que si ces exclamatives satisfont aux critères d'identification des constructions exclamatives donnés par Zanuttini et Portner (2003) (factivité, évaluativité/implicature scalaire, expressivité/orientation vers le locuteur et incompatibilité avec les paires de question/réponse), les actes de langage exclamatifs servis par les exclamatives en -tu/donc n'ont pas les mêmes conditions de félicité que les actes de langage exclamatifs servis par les exclamatives en assez. En effet, les exclamatives en -tu/donc imposent une contrainte sur leur contexte d'énonciation par rapport à la position épistémique de l'interlocuteur, lequel doit être en mesure de corroborer le jugement exprimé par le locuteur au moyen de l'exclamative. Les exclamatives en assez n'imposent pas de telle contrainte. Nous démontrons que cette distinction pragmatique peut être corrélée avec des distinctions sémantiques et syntaxiques et concluons qu'il existe bien deux sous-types de constructions exclamatives en français québécois. En ce sens, notre recherche ouvre de nouvelles perspectives empiriques et théoriques pour la description et l'analyse de la grammaire des actes de langage exclamatifs.
The present paper examines the production of definite and indefinite articles in English-speaking typically developing (TD) children and children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Twenty four English-speaking children with SLI (mean age: 7;5), twenty nine TD age-matched (TD-AM) children (mean age: 7;5) and eleven younger (mean age: 5;5) TD vocabulary-matched (TD-VM) children participated in a production task involving short stories without picture props based on Schafer and de Villiers (2000). Article production was examined in two different semantic contexts for the definite article, namely in the anaphoric and the bridging context. In the anaphoric condition, definiteness is established via linguistic means, whereas in the bridging condition via shared world knowledge. Indefinite article production was examined in the referential specific, non-referential predicational, and non-referential instrumental contexts. The referential specific context involves [+speaker, −hearer] knowledge and the non-referential predicational and instrumental [−speaker, −hearer] knowledge. Results showed that in the definite article contexts, all three groups performed better on the bridging compared with the anaphoric condition; in the indefinite article contexts, they had better performance on the non-referential predicational vs. the referential specific and the non-referential instrumental conditions. In terms of errors, the TD-VM children and the children with SLI produced significantly more substitutions than the TD-AM children in the definite article contexts. In the indefinite article contexts, the three groups did not differ in terms of accuracy or error patterns. The present results point towards problems in the discourse integration of entities that are part of the speaker's and hearer's knowledge in children with SLI and TD-VM controls, especially in definite articles. These problems are accentuated in the children with SLI due to their grammatical impairment and suggest that children with SLI exhibit a delayed acquisition profile.
Pronouns carry considerable importance in language. The speaker’s identity and connection to the audience emerges through the consistent use of certain pronouns (De Fina, 1995). This research is about the use of we, us, and our in political discourse. Specifically, their use will be examined in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush in 2005 and Barack Obama in 2009. The aim of this research is to examine the frequencies and the co-occurrences of these pronouns and then compare their use in these two speeches. More specifically, how do the pronouns examined affect the message and enhance hearer credibility. This is done by applying (a) a quantitative corpus linguistics analysis and (b) qualitative analysis of the context of use. The results show that there is a difference in frequency of pronoun use; however, the usage of pronouns is rather similar in the two speeches
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
The aim of the thesis is to investigate the topic of semantic under-determinacy, i.e. the failure of the semantic content of certain expressions to determine a truth-evaluable utterance content. In the first part of the thesis, I engage with the problem of setting apart semantic under-determinacy as opposed to other phenomena such as ambiguity, vagueness, indexicality. As I will argue, the feature that distinguishes semantic under-determinacy from these phenomena is its being explainable solely in terms of under-articulation. In the second part of the thesis, I discuss the topic of how communication is possible, despite the semantic under-determinacy of language. I discuss a number of answers that have been offered: (i) the Radical Contextualist explanation which emphasises the role of pragmatic processes in utterance comprehension; (ii) the Indexicalist explanation in terms of hidden syntactic positions; (iii) the Relativist account, which regards sentences as true or false relative to extra coordinates in the circumstances of evaluation (besides possible worlds). In the final chapter, I propose an account of the comprehension of utterances of semantically under-determined sentences in terms of conceptual constraints, i.e. ways of organising information which regulate thought and discourse on certain matters. Conceptual constraints help the hearer to work out the truth-conditions of an utterance of a semantically under-determined sentence. Their role is clearly semantic, in that they contribute to “what is said” (rather than to “what is implied”); however, they do not respond to any syntactic constraint. The view I propose therefore differs, on the one hand, from Radical Contextualism, because it stresses the role of semantic-governed processes as opposed to pragmatics-governed processes; on the other hand, it differs from Indexicalism in its not endorsing any commitment as to hidden syntactic positions; and it differs from Relativism in that it maintains a monadic notion if truth.
"An autobiography of an imaginary character ... who in the second year of Hadrian (A. D. 118) becomes a hearer of Epictetus and a Christian convert."
This study investigates the expression of epistemic modality in a corpus of Ghanaian Pidgin English (GhaPE). The epistemic expressions are manually identified and thereafter distinguished from each other in terms of grammatical status and their indication of different epistemic and evidential notions. 7 different elements are found, ranging from 1 pre-verbal marker, 1 adverb, 2 particles and 3 complement-taking predicates. The results indicate, in line with existing research, that to differentiate between usage properties of individual modal expressions it may be necessary to subdivide them in terms of not only epistemic but also evidential meanings. Moreover, a functional parallel between the GhaPE particle abi, the Swedish modal particle väl and the Spanish adverbs a lo mejor and igual is demonstrated, with respect to their simultaneous function of expressing epistemic probability and asking the hearer for confirmation. Finally, the results suggest, contrary to previous accounts, that the pre-verbal marker fit may indicate epistemic possibility without the addition of a preceding irrealis marker go. It is proposed that future researchers should make use of bigger corpora in order to arrive at a more ample conception of both individual modal categories and their interrelations.