828 resultados para Health Tecnology Assessment, ingegneria clinica, spesa sanitaria, mercato dei dispositivi medici


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La diffusione nelle strutture sanitarie di un numero sempre crescente di apparecchiature biomediche e di tecnologie "avanzate" per la diagnosi e la terapia ha radicalmente modificato l'approccio alla cura della salute. Questo processo di "tecnologizzazione" rende evidente la necessità di fare ricorso a competenze specifiche e a strutture organizzative adeguate in modo da garantire un’efficiente e corretta gestione delle tecnologie, sia dal punto di vista tecnico che economico, bisogni a cui da circa 40 anni risponde l’Ingegneria Clinica e i Servizi di Ingegneria Clinica. Nei paesi industrializzati la crescita economica ha permesso di finanziare nuovi investimenti e strutture all'avanguardia dal punto di vista tecnologico, ma d'altra parte il pesante ingresso della tecnologia negli ospedali ha contribuito, insieme ad altri fattori (aumento del tenore di vita, crescente urbanizzazione, invecchiamento della popolazione, ...) a rendere incontrollabile e difficilmente gestibile la spesa sanitaria. A fronte quindi di una distribuzione sempre più vasta ed ormai irrinunciabile di tecnologie biomediche, la struttura sanitaria deve essere in grado di scegliere le appropriate tecnologie e di impiegare correttamente la strumentazione, di garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti e degli operatori, nonché la qualità del servizio erogato e di ridurre e ottimizzare i costi di acquisto e di gestione. Davanti alla necessità di garantire gli stessi servizi con meno risorse è indispensabile utilizzare l’approccio dell’Health Technology Assessment (HTA), ossia la Valutazione delle Tecnologie Sanitarie, sia nell’introduzione di innovazioni sia nella scelta di disinvestire su servizi inappropriati od obsoleti che non aggiungono valore alla tutela della salute dei cittadini. Il seguente elaborato, dopo la definizione e classificazione delle tecnologie sanitarie, un’analisi del mercato di tale settore e delle spesa sanitaria sostenuta dai vari paesi Ocse, pone l’attenzione ai Servizi di Ingegneria Clinica e il ruolo chiave che essi hanno nel garantire efficienza ed economicità grazie anche all’ausilio dei profili HTA per la programmazione degli acquisti in sanità.


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Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è la revisione della legislazione in materia di dispositivi medici nel mercato europeo, facendone un confronto con la normativa extra-europea. In particolare si sono studiate ed analizzate anche le regolamentazioni degli Stati Uniti e del Giappone, che insieme a quella dell’Unione Europea, rappresentano attualmente i tre maggiori mercati mondiali di dispositivi medici. L’obiettivo quindi è stato la ricerca, lo studio e l’analisi critica dei vari sistemi legislativi in vigore, la loro evoluzione e le prospettive future. Considerando il punto di vista del fabbricante di dispositivi medici, si sono illustrati percorsi normativi per poter immettere sul mercato un nuovo dispositivo medico nell’Unione Europea, negli Stati Uniti e in Giappone, evidenziando le procedure da seguire, le modalità di commercializzazione nei tre mercati, le certificazioni richieste, facendone un’analisi comparativa di un mercato rispetto agli altri. Sempre nella stessa ottica, si è inoltre effettuata una sintetica analisi del mercato dei dispositivi medici nei paesi emergenti, in quanto sono già, e lo diventeranno sempre più, una risorsa importante per una azienda con una visione internazionale del mercato. In questo elaborato di tesi sono stati ampiamente descritti ed analizzati i diversi sistemi di regolamentazione dei dispositivi medici e si è effettuata una valutazione comparativa tra i diversi sistemi legislativi e normativi che condizionano il mercato dei dispositivi medici. Un fabbricante con una visione internazionale della propria azienda deve conoscere perfettamente le legislazioni vigenti in materia di dispositivi medici. Per l'impresa, la conoscenza e la pratica della norma è indispensabile ma, ancor più, l'informazione e la consapevolezza dell'evoluzione della norma è determinante per la crescita competitiva. Il business mondiale dei dispositivi medici infatti ha subito profondi cambiamenti, con l'introduzione nei diversi paesi di complesse procedure di certificazione e autorizzazione, che sono in continua evoluzione. Tutto questo richiede una dimestichezza con le norme di settore e un continuo aggiornamento tecnico-normativo: sono indispensabili per le imprese competenze adeguate, in grado di affrontare tematiche tecnico-scientifiche e di adempiere a quanto prevedono le norme nazionali ed internazionali. Comprendere le opportunità, conoscere le regole e le barriere per l'ingresso in un determinato mercato, è sempre più importante per le imprese interessate ai processi di internazionalizzazione. Per meglio comprendere un mercato/paese, occorre la conoscenza dei peculiari aspetti regolatori, ma anche la conoscenza della specifica cultura, tradizione, società. In questo quadro, conoscere e praticare le norme non è sufficiente, sapere come evolvono le norme e le regole è per le imprese un fattore determinante per la competitività.


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The current policy decision making in Australia regarding non-health public investments (for example, transport/housing/social welfare programmes) does not quantify health benefits and costs systematically. To address this knowledge gap, this study proposes an economic model for quantifying health impacts of public policies in terms of dollar value. The intention is to enable policy-makers in conducting economic evaluation of health effects of non-health policies and in implementing policies those reduce health inequalities as well as enhance positive health gains of the target population. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) provides an appropriate framework for this study since HIA assesses the beneficial and adverse effects of a programme/policy on public health and on health inequalities through the distribution of those effects. However, HIA usually tries to influence the decision making process using its scientific findings, mostly epidemiological and toxicological evidence. In reality, this evidence can not establish causal links between policy and health impacts since it can not explain how an individual or a community reacts to changing circumstances. The proposed economic model addresses this health-policy linkage using a consumer choice approach that can explain changes in group and individual behaviour in a given economic set up. The economic model suggested in this paper links epidemiological findings with economic analysis to estimate the health costs and benefits of public investment policies. That is, estimating dollar impacts when health status of the exposed population group changes by public programmes – for example, transport initiatives to reduce congestion by building new roads/ highways/ tunnels etc. or by imposing congestion taxes. For policy evaluation purposes, the model is incorporated in the HIA framework by establishing association among identified factors, which drive changes in the behaviour of target population group and in turn, in the health outcomes. The economic variables identified to estimate the health inequality and health costs are levels of income, unemployment, education, age groups, disadvantaged population groups, mortality/morbidity etc. However, though the model validation using case studies and/or available database from Australian non-health policy (say, transport) arena is in the future tasks agenda, it is beyond the scope of this current paper.


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This study used the Australian Environmental Health Risk Assessment Framework to assess the human health risk of dioxin exposure through foods for local residents in two wards of Bien Hoa City, Vietnam. These wards are known hot-spots for dioxin and a range of stakeholders from central government to local levels were involved in this process. Publications on dioxin characteristics and toxicity were reviewed and dioxin concentrations in local soil, mud, foods, milk and blood samples were used as data for this risk assessment. A food frequency survey of 400 randomly selected households in these wards was conducted to provide data for exposure assessment. Results showed that local residents who had consumed locally cultivated foods, especially fresh water fish and bottom-feeding fish, free-ranging chicken, duck, and beef were at a very high risk, with their daily dioxin intake far exceeding the tolerable daily intake recommended by the WHO. Based on the results of this assessment, a multifaceted risk management program was developed and has been recognized as the first public health program ever to have been implemented in Vietnam to reduce the risks of dioxin exposure at dioxin hot-spots.


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Climate change presents risks to health that must be addressed by both decision-makers and public health researchers. Within the application of Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA), there have been few attempts to incorporate climate change-related health risks as an input to the framework. This study used a focus group design to examine the perceptions of government, industry and academic specialists about the suitability of assessing the health consequences of climate change within an EHIA framework. Practitioners expressed concern over a number of factors relating to the current EHIA methodology and the inclusion of climate change-related health risks. These concerns related to the broad scope of issues that would need to be considered, problems with identifying appropriate health indicators, the lack of relevant qualitative information that is currently incorporated in assessment and persistent issues surrounding stakeholder participation. It was suggested that improvements are needed in data collection processes, particularly in terms of adequate communication between environmental and health practitioners. Concerns were raised surrounding data privacy and usage, and how these could impact on the assessment process. These findings may provide guidance for government and industry bodies to improve the assessment of climate change-related health risks.


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This study assessed environmental health risk from dioxin in foods and sustainability of risk reduction programs at two heavily contaminated former military sites in Vietnam. The study involved 1000 household surveys, analysis of food samples and in-depth discussions with residents and officials. The findings indicate that more than 40 years after the war, local residents still experience high exposure to dioxin if they consume local high risk foods. Public health intervention programs were rated moderately to well sustained. Internal migration, and lack of clear, official guidance and sensitivity regarding dioxin issues were the main challenges for sustainability of prevention programs.


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Background Bien Hoa and Da Nang airbases were bulk storages for Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and currently are the two most severe dioxin hot spots. Objectives This study assesses the health risk of exposure to dioxin through foods for local residents living in seven wards surrounding these airbases. Methods This study follows the Australian Environmental Health Risk Assessment Framework to assess the health risk of exposure to dioxin in foods. Forty-six pooled samples of commonly consumed local foods were collected and analyzed for dioxin/furans. A food frequency and Knowledge–Attitude–Practice survey was also undertaken at 1000 local households, various stakeholders were involved and related publications were reviewed. Results Total dioxin/furan concentrations in samples of local “high-risk” foods (e.g. free range chicken meat and eggs, ducks, freshwater fish, snail and beef) ranged from 3.8 pg TEQ/g to 95 pg TEQ/g, while in “low-risk” foods (e.g. caged chicken meat and eggs, seafoods, pork, leafy vegetables, fruits, and rice) concentrations ranged from 0.03 pg TEQ/g to 6.1 pg TEQ/g. Estimated daily intake of dioxin if people who did not consume local high risk foods ranged from 3.2 pg TEQ/kg bw/day to 6.2 pg TEQ/kg bw/day (Bien Hoa) and from 1.2 pg TEQ/kg bw/day to 4.3 pg TEQ/kg bw/day (Da Nang). Consumption of local high risk foods resulted in extremely high dioxin daily intakes (60.4–102.8 pg TEQ/kg bw/day in Bien Hoa; 27.0–148.0 pg TEQ/kg bw/day in Da Nang). Conclusions Consumption of local “high-risk” foods increases dioxin daily intakes far above the WHO recommended TDI (1–4 pg TEQ/kg bw/day). Practicing appropriate preventive measures is necessary to significantly reduce exposure and health risk.


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Toxic chemical pollutants such as heavy metals (HMs) are commonly present in urban stormwater. These pollutants can pose a significant risk to human health and hence a significant barrier for urban stormwater reuse. The primary aim of this study was to develop an approach for quantitatively assessing the risk to human health due to the presence of HMs in stormwater. This approach will lead to informed decision making in relation to risk management of urban stormwater reuse, enabling efficient implementation of appropriate treatment strategies. In this study, risks to human health from heavy metals were assessed as hazard index (HI) and quantified as a function of traffic and land use related parameters. Traffic and land use are the primary factors influencing heavy metal loads in the urban environment. The risks posed by heavy metals associated with total solids and fine solids (<150µm) were considered to represent the maximum and minimum risk levels, respectively. The study outcomes confirmed that Cr, Mn and Pb pose the highest risks, although these elements are generally present in low concentrations. The study also found that even though the presence of a single heavy metal does not pose a significant risk, the presence of multiple heavy metals could be detrimental to human health. These findings suggest that stormwater guidelines should consider the combined risk from multiple heavy metals rather than the threshold concentration of an individual species. Furthermore, it was found that risk to human health from heavy metals in stormwater is significantly influenced by traffic volume and the risk associated with stormwater from industrial areas is generally higher than that from commercial and residential areas.


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A meeting was convened on February 22-24, 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina to bring together researchers collaborating on the Bottlenose Dolphin Health and Risk Assessment (HERA) Project to review and discuss preliminary health-related findings from captured dolphins during 2003 and 2004 in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), FL and Charleston (CHS), SC. Over 30 researchers with diverse research expertise representing government, academic and marine institutions participated in the 2-1/2 day meeting. The Bottlenose Dolphin HERA Project is a comprehensive, integrated, multi-disciplinary research program designed to assess environmental and anthropogenic stressors, as well as the health and long-term viability of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Standardized and comprehensive protocols are being used to evaluate dolphin health in the coastal ecosystems in the IRL and CHS. The Bottlenose Dolphin Health and Risk Assessment (HERA) Project was initiated in 2003 by Dr. Patricia Fair at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Ocean Service/Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research and Dr. Gregory Bossart at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution under NMFS Scientific Research Permit No. 998-1678-00 issued to Dr. Bossart. Towards this end, this study focuses on developing tools and techniques to better identify health threats to these dolphins, and to develop links to possible environmental stressors. Thus, the primary objective of the Dolphin HERA Project is to measure the overall health and as well as the potential health hazards for dolphin populations in the two sites by performing screening-level risk assessments using standardized methods. The screening-level assessment involves capture, sampling and release activities during which physical examinations are performed on dolphins and a suite of nonlethal morphologic and clinicopathologic parameters, to be used to develop indices of dolphin health, are collected. Thus far, standardized health assessments have been performed on 155 dolphins during capture-release studies conducted in Years 2003 and 2004 at the two sites. A major collaboration has been established involving numerous individuals and institutions, which provide the project with a broad assessment capability toward accomplishing the goals and objectives of this project.


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This study is one of the very few investigating the dioxin body burden of a group of child-bearing-aged women at an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling site (Taizhou, Zhejiang Province) (24 +/- 2.83 years of age, 40% were primiparae) and a reference site (Lin'an city, Zhejiang Province, about 245 km away from Taizhou) (24 +/- 2.35 years of age, 100% were primiparae) in China. Five sets of samples (each set consisted of human milk, placenta, and hair) were collected from each site. Body burdens of people from the e-waste processing site (human milk, 21.02 +/- 13.81 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat (World Health Organization toxic equivalency 1998); placenta, 31.15 +/- 15.67 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat; hair, 33.82 +/- 17.74 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) dry wt) showed significantly higher levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurnas (PCDD/Fs) than those from the reference site (human milk, 9.35 +/- 7.39 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat, placenta, 11.91 +/- 7.05 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat; hair, 5.59 +/- 4.36 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) dry wt) and were comparatively higher than other studies. The difference between the two sites was due to e-waste recycling operations, for example, open burning, which led to high background levels. Moreover, mothers from the e-waste recycling site consumed more foods of animal origin. The estimated daily intake of PCDD/Fs within 6 months by breast-fed infants from the e-waste processing site was 2 times higher than that from the reference site. Both values exceeded the WHO tolerable daily intake for adults by at least 25 and 11 times, respectively. Our results implicated that e-waste recycling operations cause prominent PCDD/F levels in the environment and in humans. The elevated body burden may have health implications for the next generation.


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The links between fuel poverty and poor health are well documented, yet there is no statutory requirement on local authorities to develop fuel poverty strategies, which tend to be patchy nationally and differ substantially in quality. Fuel poverty starts from the perspective of income, even though interventions can improve health. The current public health agenda calls for more partnership-based, cost-effective strategies based on sound evidence. Fuel poverty represents a key area where there is currently little local evidence quantifying and qualifying health gain arising from strategic interventions. As a result, this initial study sought to apply the principles of a health impact assessment to Luton’s Affordable Warmth Strategy, exploring the potential to identify health impact arising – as a baseline for future research – in the context of the public health agenda. A national strategy would help ensure the promotion of targeted fuel poverty strategies.