610 resultados para Health Sciences, Mental Health|Gerontology


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Une grande proportion de personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale vit dans l’isolement social. Les infirmières en santé communautaire sont interpellées au premier rang pour accompagner ces personnes dans leur processus de rétablissement et pour atténuer leur isolement social. La participation au sein d’organismes communautaires optimise l’expérience de rétablissement, diminue l’isolement social et renforce les réseaux sociaux de personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale. Toutefois, la participation des personnes utilisatrices de services dans la structure d’organisation des organismes communautaires est encore peu documentée. Afin de pallier cette lacune, cette étude avait pour objectifs de documenter, décrire la nature de la participation des personnes utilisatrices de services en santé mentale et d’explorer des facteurs facilitatants et des barrières à cette participation. Un devis de méthodes mixtes, qualitatif et quantitatif, a été utilisé. Dans le premier de deux volets, une enquête impliquant la réalisation d’entretiens semi-dirigés a été menée auprès de douze directeurs d’organismes communautaires œuvrant dans le domaine des services en santé mentale. Une version française du questionnaire « Adapted User Involvement » (Diamond, Parkin, Morris, Bettinis, & Bettesworth, 2003) a été administrée afin de documenter l’étendue de la participation des personnes utilisatrices de services dans les organismes visés. Pour le deuxième volet, deux organismes communautaires ont été sélectionnés à partir des résultats du questionnaire et de l’analyse documentaire de documents publics de ces organismes. Les scores obtenus au questionnaire ont ainsi permis de sélectionner des organismes présentant des résultats contrastés en matière de participation des personnes utilisatrices de services. Les entretiens semi-dirigés ont été menés avec différents groupes de répondants (membres de conseil d’administration, personnes utilisatrices de services, employés, directeurs) afin de recueillir de l’information sur les thèmes suivants: la nature de la participation des personnes utilisatrices de services, ainsi que les facteurs facilitants et les défis qui y sont associés. Les résultats de l’analyse montrent que: (1) les facteurs qui favorisent la participation des personnes utilisatrices sont: l’accès à un espace de participation pour les personnes utilisatrices et l’accompagnement de celles-ci par les intervenants de diverses disciplines pendant leur participation au sein des organismes communautaires, (2) les barrières de la participation des personnes utilisatrices au sein des organismes communautaires sont la stigmatisation sociale et les caractéristiques personnelles reliées aux problèmes de santé mentale chez les personnes utilisatrices, et (3) les avantages principaux de la participation des personnes utilisatrices de services se déclinent en services mieux adaptés à leurs besoins et leurs demandes, en leur appropriation du pouvoir (dans leur participation dans l’organisme communautaire) et en leur sentiment d’appartenance à l’organisme. À la lumière des ces constats, l’accompagnement des personnes utilisatrices de services dans leur participation apparaît une avenue prometteuse pour les infirmières en santé mentale communautaire afin de faciliter leur appropriation du pouvoir et d’améliorer leur bien-être.


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Background: World population growth is projected to be concentrated in megacities, with increases in social inequality and urbanization-associated stress. Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA) provides a forewarning of the burden of mental disorders in urban settings in developing world. The aim of this study is to estimate prevalence, severity, and treatment of recently active DSM-IV mental disorders. We examined socio-demographic correlates, aspects of urban living such as internal migration, exposure to violence, and neighborhood-level social deprivation with 12-month mental disorders. Methods and Results: A representative cross-sectional household sample of 5,037 adults was interviewed face-to-face using the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), to generate diagnoses of DSM-IV mental disorders within 12 months of interview, disorder severity, and treatment. Administrative data on neighborhood social deprivation were gathered. Multiple logistic regression was used to evaluate individual and contextual correlates of disorders, severity, and treatment. Around thirty percent of respondents reported a 12-month disorder, with an even distribution across severity levels. Anxiety disorders were the most common disorders (affecting 19.9%), followed by mood (11%), impulse-control (4.3%), and substance use (3.6%) disorders. Exposure to crime was associated with all four types of disorder. Migrants had low prevalence of all four types compared to stable residents. High urbanicity was associated with impulse-control disorders and high social deprivation with substance use disorders. Vulnerable subgroups were observed: women and migrant men living in most deprived areas. Only one-third of serious cases had received treatment in the previous year. Discussion: Adults living in Sao Paulo megacity had prevalence of mental disorders at greater levels than similar surveys conducted in other areas of the world. Integration of mental health promotion and care into the rapidly expanding Brazilian primary health system should be strengthened. This strategy might become a model for poorly resourced and highly populated developing countries.


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The issue of gun control has once again become a highly contested issue in the United States after the most recent mass shootings at a movie theatre in Aurora, CO, a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, a mall in Portland, OR, and involving Representative Gabby Giffords in Arizona. However, it was not until the horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT, where 20 children and 6 adult staff members were fatally shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School, that the gun control debate reached its peak.


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Many patients with anxiety and depression initially seek treatment from their primary care physicians. Changes in insurance coverage and current mental parity laws, make reimbursement for services a problem. This has led to a coding dilemma for physicians seeking payment for their services. This study seeks to determine first the frequency at which primary care physicians use alternative coding, and secondly, if physicians would change their coding practices, provided reimbursement was assured through changes in mental parity laws. A mail survey was sent to 260 randomly selected primary care physicians, who are family practice, internal medicine, and general practice physicians, and members of the Harris County Medical Society. The survey evaluated the physicians' demographics, the number of patients with psychiatric disorders seen by primary care physicians, the frequency with which physicians used alternative coding, and if mental parity laws changed, the rate at which physicians would use a psychiatric illness diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. The overall response rate was 23%. Only 47 of the 59 physicians, who responded, qualified for the study and of those 45% used a psychiatric disorder to diagnose patients with a primary psychiatric disorder, 47% used a somatic/symptom disorder, and 8% used a medical diagnosis. From the physicians who would not use a psychiatric diagnosis as a primary ICD-9 code, 88% were afraid of not being reimbursed and 12% were worried about stigma or jeopardizing insurability. If payment were assured using a psychiatric diagnostic code, 81% physicians would use a psychiatric diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. However, 19% would use an alternative diagnostic code in fear of stigmatizing and/or jeopardizing patients' insurability. Although the sample size of the study design was adequate, our survey did not have an ideal response rate, and no significant correlation was observed. However, it is evident that reimbursement for mental illness continues to be a problem for primary care physicians. The reformation of mental parity laws is necessary to ensure that patients receive mental health services and that primary care physicians are reimbursed. Despite the possibility of improved mental parity legislation, some physicians are still hesitant to assign patients with a mental illness diagnosis, due to the associated stigma, which still plays a role in today's society. ^


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Previous research has shown an association between mental health status and cigarette smoking. This study examined four specific mental health predictors and the outcome variable any smoking, defined as smoking one or more cigarettes in the past 30 days. The population included active duty military members serving in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. The data was collected during the 2005 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel, a component of the Defense Lifestyle Assessment Program. The sample size included 13,603 subjects. This cross sectional prevalence study consisted of descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, and multivariate logistic regression analysis of the four mental health predictors and the any smoking outcome variable. Multivariate adjustment showed an association between the four mental health predictors and any smoking. This association is consistent with previous literature and can help guide public health officials in the development of smoking prevention and cessation programs.^


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Objective. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 450 million people suffer from a mental disorder in the world. Developing countries do not have the health system structure in place to support the demand of mental health services. This study will conduct a review of mental health integration in primary care research that is carried out in low-income countries identified as such from the World Bank economic analysis. The research follows the standard of care that WHO has labeled appropriate in treatment of mental health populations. Methods. This study will use the WHO 10 principles of mental health integration into primary care as the global health standard of care for mental health. Low-income countries that used these principles in their national programs will be analyzed for effectiveness of mental health integration in primary care. Results. This study showed that mental health service integration in primary care did have an effect on health outcomes of low-income countries. However, information did not lead to significant quantitative results that determined how positive the effect was. Conclusion. More ethnographic research is needed in low-income countries to truly assess how effective the program is in integrating with the health system currently in place.^ ^


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This descriptive study assesses the current status of mental illness in Bendel State of Nigeria to determine its implications for mental health policy and education. It is a study of the demographic characteristics of psychiatric patients in the only two modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State, the various treatment modalities utilized for mental illness, and the people's choice of therapeutic measures for mental illness in Bendel State.^ This study investigated ten aspects of mental illness in Bendel State (1) An increase of the prevalence of mental illness (psychiatric disorder) in Bendel State. (2) Unaided, unguided, and uncared for mentally ill people roaming about Bendel State. (3) Pluralistic Treatment Modalities for mentally ill patients in Bendel State. (4) Traditional Healers treating more mentally ill patients than the modern western psychiatric hospitals. (5) Inadequate modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State. (6) Controversy between Traditional Health and modern western trained doctors over the issue of possible cooperation between traditional and modern western medicine. (7) Evidence of mental illness in all ethnic groups in Bendel State. (8) More scientifically based and better organized modern western psychiatric hospitals than the traditional healing centers. (9) Traditional healers' level of approach with patients, and accessibility to patients' families compared with the modern western trained doctors. (10) An urgent need for an official action to institute a comprehensive mental health policy that will provide an optimum care for the mentally ill in Bendel State, and in Nigeria in general.^ Of the eight popular treatment modalities generally used in Bendel State for mental illness, 54% of the non-patient population sampled preferred the use of traditional healing, 26.5% preferred the use of modern western treatment, and 19.5% preferred religious healers.^ The investigator concluded at this time not to recommend the integration of Traditional Healing and modern western medicine in Nigeria. Rather, improvement of the existing modern western psychiatric facilities and a proposal to establish facilities to enable traditional healing and modern western medicine to exist side by side were highly recommended. ^


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The purpose of this 1982 national survey of all operational prepaid health plans, or PHPs (including health maintenance organizations), was to provide information on the current coverage of PHP mental health and substance abuse services, benefits and service provision, general and mental health organization characteristics, mental health service costs, and physical and mental health service utilization.^ Two survey instruments were designed, pretested and distributed to all operational PHPs throughout the United States. A total of 237 PHPs were surveyed, of which 205 (86.50 percent) completed and returned both questionnaires.^ One result of the rapid growth in the PHP field over the past ten years has been the expansion in both the number of PHPs as well as the organizational characteristics of these PHPs. However, little attention in the research literature has been given to the application of empirical results to the PHP arrangements. This project has attempted to contribute to current knowledge regarding prepaid mental health services from a national perspective, and explore, on a preliminary descriptive basis, the variety of potential service delivery arrangements for physical and mental health services (total services) and for mental health services.^ The study emphasized that PHPs must continue to monitor the costs and utilization of mental health services, particularly in light of the apparent elimination of data collection and statistical summary responsibilities within the federal government regarding PHP activities as well as the proposed legislation to eliminate mandated mental health and substance abuse services from basic health plan benefits for federally qualified PHPs. ^


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One of the major challenges in treating mental illness in Nigeria is that the health care facilities and mental health care professionals are not enough in number or well equipped to handle the burden of mental illness. There are several barriers to treatment for individual Nigerians which include the following: such as the lack of understanding of the root causes of mental illness, lack of financial support to get mental treatment, lack of social support (family, friends, neighbors), the fear of stigmatization concerning being labeled as mentally ill or being in association with the mentally ill, and the consultation of traditional native healers who may be unknowingly prolonging illness, rather than addressing and treating them due to lack of formal education and standardization of their treatments. Another barrier is the non-health nature of the mental health services in Nigeria. Traditional healers are essentially the mental health system. The elderly, women, and children are the most vulnerable groups in times of strife and hardships. Their mental well-being must be taken into account as well as their special needs in times of personal or societal crisis. ^ Nigerian mental health policy is geared toward forming a mental health system, but in actuality only a mental illness care system is the observed result of the policy. The government of Nigeria has drafted a mental health policy, yet its actual implementation into the Nigerian health infrastructure and society waits to be materialized. The limited health legislation or policy implementations tend to favor those who have access to these urban areas and the facilities' health services. Nigerians living in rural areas are at a disadvantage; many of them may not even be aware of services available to help them understand and treat mental illness. Perhaps, government driven health interventions geared toward mental illness in rural areas would reach an underserved Nigerians and Africans in general. Issues with political instability and limited infrastructure often hinder crucial financial resources and legislation from reaching the people that are truly in need of governmental leadership in regards to mental health policy.^ Traditional healers are a severely untapped resource in the treatment of mental illness within the Nigerian population. They are abundant within Nigerian communities and are meeting a real need for the mentally ill. However, much can be done to remove the barriers that prevent the integration of traditional healers within the mental health system and improve the quality of care they administer within the population. Mental illness is almost exclusively coped with through traditional medicine practices. Mobilization and education from each strata of Nigerian society and government as well as input from the medical community can improve how traditional medicine is utilized as a treatment for clinical illness and help alleviate the heavy burden of mental illness in Nigeria. Currently, there is no existing policy making structure for a working mental health system in Nigeria, and traditional healers are not taken into account in any formulation of mental health policy. Advocacy for mental illness is severely inadequate due to fear of stigmatization, with no formally recognized national of regional mental health association.^


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Objectives: To compare mental health care utilization regarding the source, types, and intensity of mental health services received, unmet need for services, and out of pocket cost among non-institutionalized psychologically distressed women and men. ^ Method: Cross-sectional data for 19,325 non-institutionalized mentally distressed adult respondents to the “The National Survey on Drug Use and Health” (NSDUH), for the years 2006 -2008, representing over twenty-nine millions U.S. adults was analyzed. To assess the relative odds for women compared to men, logistic regression analysis was used for source of service, for types of barriers, for unmet need and cost; zero inflated negative binomial regression for intensity of utilization; and ordinal logistic regression analysis for quantifying out-of-pocket expenditure. ^ Results: Overall, 43% of mentally distressed adults utilized a form of mental health treatment; representing 12.6 million U.S psychologically distressed adults. Females utilized more mental health care compared to males in the previous 12 months (OR: 1. 70; 95% CI: 1.54, 1.83). Similarly, females were 54% more likely to get help for psychological distress in an outpatient setting and females were associated with an increased probability of using medication for mental distress (OR: 1.72; 95% CI: 1.63, 1.98). Women were 1.25 times likelier to visit a mental health center (specialty care) than men. ^ Females were positively associated with unmet needs (OR: 1.50; 95% CI: 1.29, 1.75) after taking into account predisposing, enabling, and need (PEN) characteristics. Women with perceived unmet needs were 23% (OR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.59, 0.99) less likely than men to report societal accommodation (stigma) as a barrier to mental health care. At any given cutoff point, women were 1.74 times likelier to be in the higher payment categories for inpatient out of pocket cost when other variables in the model are held constant. Conclusions: Women utilize more specialty mental healthcare, report more unmet need, and pay more inpatient out of pocket costs than men. These gender disparities exist even after controlling for predisposing, enabling, and need variables. Creating policies that not only provide mental health care access but also de-stigmatize mental illness will bring us one step closer to eliminating gender disparities in mental health care.^


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Empathic engagement by the trauma therapist with another person's traumatic experiences is believed to create risks for the helping professional. Much attention has been focused upon the mental health professional experiencing symptoms of distress as a result of their exposure to the material of clients who survive traumatic incidents. This thesis contains the findings of a qualitative study that centres on a group of male mental health professionals and their experiences of exposure to the trauma material of survivor clients. The participants of the study practise within an internal Employee Assistance Program that provides, among other duties, a 24 hour, 7 day response to critical incidents to a heavy transport industry. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, the effects on the trauma therapists are explored by analysing their reactions to their survivor clients' accounts, the impact of these experiences upon their psychological schema, the organisational culture in which they practise and its influence upon their experiences and the methods participants use to cope with the psychological effects of exposure to trauma material. Participants' experiences are closely examined for critical comparisons with vicarious traumatization. Therapists' responses reveal their continued ability and motivation to empathically engage with the trauma material of survivor clients despite the potential risks.


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In the new health paradigm, the connotation of health has extended beyond the measures of morbidity and mortality to include wellness and quality of life. Comprehensive assessments of health go beyond traditional biological indicators to include measures of physical and mental health status, social role-functioning, and general health perceptions. To meet these challenges, tools for assessment and outcome evaluation are being designed to collect information about functioning and well-being from the individual's point of view.^ The purpose of this study was to profile the physical and mental health status of a sample of county government employees against U.S. population norms. A second purpose of the study was to determine if significant relationships existed between respondent characteristics and personal health practices, lifestyle and other health how the tools and methods used in this investigation can be used to guide program development and facilitate monitoring of health promotion initiatives.^ The SF-12 Health Survey (Ware, Kosinski, & Keller, 1995), a validated measure of health status, was administered to a convenience sample of 450 employees attending one of nine health fairs at an urban worksite. The instrument has been utilized nationally which enabled a comparative analysis of findings of this study with national results.^ Results from this study demonstrated that several respondent characteristics and personal health practices were associated with a greater percentage of physical and/or mental scale scores that were significantly "worse" or significantly "better" than the general population. Respondent characteristics that were significantly related to the SF-12 physical and/or mental health scale scores were gender, age, education, ethnicity, and income status. Personal health practices that were significantly related to SF-12 physical and/or mental scale scores were frequency of vigorous exercise, presence of chronic illness, being at one's prescribed height and weight, eating breakfast, smoking and drinking status. This study provides an illustration of the methods used to analyze and interpret SF-12 Health Survey data, using norm-based interpretation guidelines which are useful for purposes of program development and collecting information on health at the community level. ^


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Alcohol consumption has a long-standing tradition in the United States Air Force (USAF). From squadron bars to officers and enlisted clubs, alcohol has been used in social settings to increase morale and also as a way to help decrease the stress of military operations. Surveys have demonstrated that the USAF has more than double the percentage of heavy drinkers than the US population. More than one-third of the Air Force reports binge drinking in the last month while only six percent of the nation reports the same consumption pattern.^ However, alcohol has a significant harmful health effect if consumed in excess. As part of an overall prevention and treatment program aimed at curbing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, the USAF uses the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) to screen for high-risk alcohol consumption patterns before alcohol disorder and disability occur. All Air Force active-duty members are required to complete a yearly Preventive Health Assessment questionnaire. Various health topics are included in this questionnaire including nutrition, exercise, tobacco use, family history, mental health and alcohol use. While this questionnaire has been available in a web-based format for several years, mandatory use was not implemented until 2009.^ Although the AUDIT was selected due to its effectiveness in assessing high-risk alcohol consumption in other populations, its effectiveness in the Air Force population had not been studied previously. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of this screening tool, the Air Force Web-based Preventive Health Assessment alcohol screening results were compared to whether any alcohol-related diagnosis was made from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010.^ While the AUDIT has previously been shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity, the Air Force screening values were 27.9% and 93.0% respectively. Positive predictive value was only 4.9%. With the screening statistics found, less than one-third of those having an alcohol disorder will be found with this screening tool and only 1 out of 20 Airmen who require further evaluation actually have an alcohol-related diagnosis.^


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Healthcare for the Homeless—Houston (HHH) received a research grant from The Medallion Foundation, Inc. in March 2006 to pilot The Jail Inreach Project, an intensive “inreach” initiative to assess the impact of providing continuity of mental and primary health care services for homeless individuals who suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse being released from jail. This pilot project was initiated by HHH, in collaboration with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County (MHMRA). Those who are flagged as “frequent flyers” and who are diagnosed with a mental illness are referred to the Jail Inreach Project. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the discharge plan, case managers offer the option of meeting the client at the time of release and bring them to the HHH clinic located four blocks from the jail. Participation in both the program and the option for direct release to the care of a case manager are voluntary.^ The purpose of this study is to determine the outcomes of the Jail Inreach Project and addresses the following objectives: (1) to evaluate the characteristics of inmates that chose to be released from jail to the direct care of an HHH case manager versus those who opt for self release and (2) to determine the number and percent of inmates that are linked to services and relationship with type of release (direct versus indirect), (3) to determine if there is a relationship between outcomes and characteristics and (4) to determine what outcomes are a function of release, controlling for characteristics. Statistical analysis, including frequencies, cross tabulations, chi-square and logistical regression, found that those who opt for self release are six times less likely to be successfully linked to services and that gender is the most significant predictor of choosing self release. Men are far more likely to opt for self release than women engaged in this program. These findings help inform policy and program design and development that addresses the difference in service utilization and successful linkage to services post-incarceration. Successful linkage to services, thus continuity of and access to care, further impact the effects of the revolving door phenomenon of mentally ill homeless individuals cycling between the streets, jails and hospital emergency centers.^