970 resultados para Health Expenditures
A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics
"October 1992"--Cover.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Item 507
We study an overlapping-generations model in which agents' mortality risks, and consequently impatience, are endogenously determined by private and public investment in health care. Revenues allocated for public health care arc determined by a voting process. We find that the degree of substitutability between public and private health expenditures matters for macroeconomic outcomes of the model. Higher substitutability implies a “crowding-out" effect, which in turn impacts adversely on morality risks and impatience leading to lower public expenditures on health care in the political equilibrium. Consequently, higher substitutability is associated with greater polarization in wealth, and long-run distributions that are bimodal.
Includes bibliography
OBJECTIVE: Due to their toxicity, diesel emissions have been submitted to progressively more restrictive regulations in developed countries. However, in Brazil, the implementation of the Cleaner Diesel Technologies policy (Euro IV standards for vehicles produced in 2009 and low-sulfur diesel with 50 ppm of sulfur) was postponed until 2012 without a comprehensive analysis of the effect of this delay on public health parameters. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the delay in implementing the Cleaner Diesel Technologies policy on health indicators and monetary health costs in Brazil. METHODS: The primary estimator of exposure to air pollution was the concentration of ambient fine particulate matter (particles with aerodynamic diameters, <2.5 mu m, [PM2.5]). This parameter was measured daily in six Brazilian metropolitan areas during 2007-2008. We calculated 1) the projected reduction in the PM2.5 that would have been achieved if the Euro IV standards had been implemented in 2009 and 2) the expected reduction after implementation in 2012. The difference between these two time curves was transformed into health outcomes using previous dose-response curves. The economic valuation was performed based on the DALY (disability-adjusted life years) method. RESULTS: The delay in implementing the Cleaner Diesel Technologies policy will result in an estimated excess of 13,984 deaths up to 2040. Health expenditures are projected to be increased by nearly US$ 11.5 billion for the same period. CONCLUSIONS: The present results indicate that a significant health burden will occur because of the postponement in implementing the Cleaner Diesel Technologies policy. These results also reinforce the concept that health effects must be considered when revising fuel and emission policies.
It is widely accepted that a new way of looking at Europe’s health sector is necessary if we are to maintain universal health coverage. Financial resources are limited, and the sustainability of Europe’s health systems is under threat. Economic growth is slow, health expenditures outpace GDP growth, public budgets are under strain and demographics – with a growing aging population – are putting pressure on the younger tax-paying generations. In an effort to ensure the sustainability of Europe’s health systems, reforms, underpinned by a new understanding of the economic value of health for individuals and society is needed.
Shipping list no.: 2004-0012-P.
"April 1995."
Includes bibliographical references.
Since 2001, Mexico has been designing, legislating, and implementing a major health-system reform. A key component was the creation of Seguro Popular, which is intended to expand insurance coverage over 7 years to uninsured people, nearly half the total population at the start of 2001. The reform included five actions: legislation of entitlement per family affiliated which, with full implementation, will increase public spending on health by 0.8-1.0% of gross domestic product; creation of explicit benefits packages; allocation of monies to decentralised state ministries of health in proportion to number of families affiliated; division of federal resources flowing to states into separate funds for personal and non-personal health services; and creation of a fund to protect families against catastrophic health expenditures. Using the WHO health-systems framework, we used a wide range of datasets to assess the effect of this reform on different dimensions of the health system. Key findings include: affiliation is preferentially reaching the poor and the marginalised communities; federal non-social security expenditure in real per-head terms increased by 38% from 2000 to 2005; equity of public-health expenditure across states improved; Seguro Popular affiliates used more inpatient and outpatient services than uninsured people; effective coverage of 11 interventions has improved between 2000 and 2005-06; inequalities in effective coverage across states and wealth deciles has decreased over this period; catastrophic expenditures for Seguro Popular affiliates are lower than for uninsured people even though use of services has increased. We present some lessons for Mexico based on this interim evaluation and explore implications for other countries considering health reforms.
Esta tese tem como objeto o estudo do financiamento da saúde pública no Estado de Minas Gerais, no período compreendido entra a promulgação da Constituição mineira, em 21 de setembro de 1989, e o ano de 2005. Seu texto analisa também o financiamento da saúde pública no federalismo trino, em Minas Gerais, e, diferentes momentos de vinculação constitucional: na vigência do ordenamento constitucional determinado pelo 1 do art. 158 da Constituição estadual de 19989 e na vigência da Emenda n 29, de 13 de setembro de 2000, da Constituição da República. A presente tese constrói a série histórica de 1989 a 2005, com os valores do gasto em saúde pelo Estado de Minas Gerais, a partir dos Balanços Gerais do Estado. Através desses dados, comprova-se que a aplicação de recursos em ações e serviços públicos de saúde não se elevou com a vigência da EC-29, ao contrário, constatamos uma diminuição do aporte realizado em 2005 quando comparado ao valor aplicado em 1995 (15,62%). A construção da série histórica de gastos municipais em saúde total despendido pelo conjunto dos 853 municípios mineiros no período 1996-2005, demonstra que Minas Gerais no período analisado o aporte dos governos locais e, na média anual expressa em real de 2005 (13,22%), menor no quinquênio 2000-2005 do que no quadriênio 1996-1999 que antecede a vigência da EC-29. Este estudo pioneiro, já que o Siops disponibiliza dados municipais até o primeiro semestre de 2003, recomenda a necessidade de verificação em outros estados, pois em Minas Gerais a EC-29 se revela ferramenta incapaz de garantir maiores aportes ao financiamento das ações e serviços públicos de saúde. Verificamos, também que, nos últimos quatro anos, há coerência entre as quatro leis que formam o arcabouço do planejamento orçamentário (PMDI, PPAG, LDOs, LOAs) e os respectivos Balanços Gerais do Estado, mas o Fundo Estadual de Saúde FES não é a unidade orçamentária que realiza a maior parte dos gastos na função saúde.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015
RESUMO - Os gastos com a saúde, em Portugal, como nos países da União Europeia e da OCDE, têm crescido a um ritmo superior ao do crescimento económico, assumindo uma importância crescente face ao PIB. Entre estes factores surge a velocidade da introdução da inovação e dos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos dos domínios do diagnóstico e da terapêutica. Uma das mais difíceis e importantes questões para as políticas de saúde é a relação entre a saúde e os gastos com a prestação de cuidados de saúde. Estudos recentes sugerem que os cuidados de saúde ocupam um papel importante na melhoria da saúde da população, e que os recentes avanços tecnológicos são custo-efectivos aceites na generalidade por cada ano de vida ganho. Este trabalho visa estudar a influência que o financiamento e o estatuto jurídico hospitalar têm na introdução e adopção de novas tecnologias em saúde. Para isso, além da revisão bibliográfica, foi realizada uma análise a uma base de dados, cujos elementos se cingem a pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares atendidos num dos hospitais do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, entre 2000 e 2006. --- ------------------------------------ABSTRACT - Health expenditures in Portugal, as in EU countries and in the OECD, have developed at a higher rate than economic growth, assuming an increasing importance to the GDP. Among these factors appears the speed of the introduction of innovation and technological development in diagnosis and therapy areas. One of the most difficult and most important questions for health policy is the relationship of health to health care spending. Studies now suggest that medical care has played an important role in improving the health of the population, and recent technical advances are cost-effective at generally accepted values of an added year of life. This work aims to study the influence that the prospective payment and the hospital’s legal status have in introduction and adoption of new technologies in health. For this, besides the literature review, an analysis was made to a database, whose elements are confined to patients with cardiovascular disease treated in the hospitals of t