961 resultados para Health Council
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Women, Debt & Health; a Joint report of The Women’s Health Council and MABS The main aims of the â?~Women, Debt and Healthâ?T project were to:- explore whether women attending the MABS service commonly discuss health during their money advice and budgeting consultations;- investigate whether women attending MABS identifi ed links between their debt or financial difficulties and their health; and- document the types of health issues experienced by MABS clients.- A secondary aim of the research was to explore the need for, and nature of, further research in this area. Click here to download PDF 1.1mb
Prepared by John J. Bourke for Prof. Henry N. Ogden. Cf. letter inserted.
In line with its statutory brief, the Women's Health Council commissioned research to evaluate progress in achieving the objectives of the Department of Health and Children's 1997 Plan for Women's Health 1997-1999 the Plan) at national and regional level. This was used as the basis of a critique of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Plan to date and the development of proposals for:- building on the achievements to date- ensuring a dynamic role for the structures established as a result of the Plan, especially the regional Womenâ?Ts Health Advisory Committees (WHACs)- securing measurable health gain for women over the next 7-10 years.  Download document here
Community Involvement For Women’s Health: Mechanisms Within Primary Care Services The Women.s Health Council is a statutory body established in 1997 to advise the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of women.s health. Following a recommendation in the Report of the Second Commission on the Status of Women (1993), Developing a Policy for Women’s Health. A Discussion Document was published in 1995. One of the recommendations in the Plan was a proposal that a Women’s Health Council be set up as a centre of expertise on women.s health issues, to foster research into women.s health, evaluate the success of this Plan in improving women’s health and advise the Minister for Health on women’s issues generally. Click here to download PDF 644kb Â