841 resultados para Hb Gphiladelphia


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The studied family showed the presence of four different types of hemoglobin. The family member who gave rise to this study (=propositus) presented Hb C and the hybrid Hb CG-phila. The propositus has three children, all of which have Hb AC; none of the family members showed any clinical symptoms. The investigation of the hemoglobin arose from the finding of target red cells in a blood test done during the pre-operatory examination for lower limb varicose vein stripping. The hybrid Hb CG-phila is due to two gene pairs, each of which with individual expression, determining the synthesis and the particular type subunits. The hybrid Hb CG-phila is formed by the combination velocity of the subunits alpha2G-philabeta2; therefore the proportion of the hybrid Hb CG-phila is lower than Hb G-phila and Hb C. The identification and molecular characterization of Hb G-phila showed the position alpha268 Asn->Lys beta2 and Hb C showed alpha2beta26 Glu->Lys.


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53 amostras de soro, provenientes de Ferreira Gomes, no Amapá, foram testados para antígeno HB Ag e anticorpo HB Ab, com uma positividade de 3,7% para HB Ag, sub-tipo D. Os autores acentuam a necessidade de inquéritos em populações brasileiras a fim de estabelecer os sub-tipos associados à hepatite.


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Hb Köln was identified by DNA analysis in a Brazilian patient. A four-year old Brazilian female, with jaundice since birth, presented an abnormal band, between A2 and S, in hemoglobin electrophoresis on a cellulose acetate membrane, and a band with electrophoretic migration similar to Hb C on agar gel. Thermic instability and isopropanol precipitation tests were positive. Heinz bodies were observed in the patient’s peripheral blood. Sequencing of the three exons of the b globin gene detected a transition from G to A in the first position of codon 98. This alteration does not create or abolish any known restriction site. In this case, confirmation of the mutation was accomplished by allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization, which is a simple and fast identification method when the clinical data and hematological and electrophoretic patterns are suggestive of Hb Köln.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) résulte d’une résistance à l’insuline par les tissus périphériques et par un défaut de sécrétion de l’insuline par les cellules β-pancréatiques. Au fil du temps, la compensation des îlots de cellules β pour la résistance à l’insuline échoue et entraine par conséquent une baisse progressive de la fonction des cellules β. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent contribuer à la compensation de la cellule β. Toutefois, la compréhension des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à la compensation de la masse de la cellule β reste à ce jour inconnue. Le but de ce mémoire était d’identifier précisément quel mécanisme pouvait amener à la compensation de la cellule β en réponse à un excès de nutriments et plus précisément à l’augmentation de sa prolifération et de sa masse. Ainsi, avec l’augmentation de la résistance à l’insuline et des facteurs circulants chez les rats de six mois perfusés avec du glucose et de l’intralipide, l’hypothèse a été émise et confirmée lors de notre étude que le facteur de croissance HB-EGF active le récepteur de l’EGF et des voies de signalisations subséquentes telles que mTOR et FoxM1 impliquées dans la prolifération de la cellule β-pancréatique. Collectivement, ces résultats nous permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la compensation de la masse de la cellule β dans un état de résistance à l’insuline et peuvent servir de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour prévenir ou ralentir le développement du DT2.


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El presente trabajo brinda un estudio de la cadena de abastecimiento y de producción del sector cárnico colombiano específicamente de una micropyme ubicada en la Central de Carnes Guadalupe del Frigorífico Guadalupe. Estudiando y evaluando los diferentes procesos que intervienen en dicha empresa con base en los estándares y regulaciones tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. El estudio usa una metodología donde se da a conocer la situación del mercado ganadero en diferentes momentos del tiempo, así como una proyección a futuro a propósito de las nuevas condiciones de mercado que implican la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos. Se lleva a cabo una revisión teórica y conceptual donde se identifican las mejores prácticas dentro de la cadena cárnica observando experiencias de éxito en Colombia y otros países que han tecnificado el funcionamiento de la misma. Que servirá de base para la evaluación de la cadena específica de HB CARNES PC S.A.S, la micropyme a estudiar. Por último se lleva a cabo un ejercicio de simulación de exportación del producto cárnico desde Colombia a Rusia, a través de la matriz de Distribución Física Internacional, como una estrategia alterna a lo propuesto por el TLC firmado.


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El presente trabajo brinda un estudio de la cadena de abastecimiento y de producción del sector cárnico colombiano específicamente de una micropyme ubicada en la Central de Carnes Guadalupe del Frigorífico Guadalupe. Estudiando y evaluando los diferentes procesos que intervienen en dicha empresa con base en los estándares y regulaciones tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. El estudio usa una metodología donde se da a conocer la situación del mercado ganadero en diferentes momentos del tiempo, así como una proyección a futuro a propósito de las nuevas condiciones de mercado que implican la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos. Se lleva a cabo una revisión teórica y conceptual donde se identifican las mejores prácticas dentro de la cadena cárnica observando experiencias de éxito en Colombia y otros países que han tecnificado el funcionamiento de la misma. Que servirá de base para la evaluación de la cadena específica de HB CARNES PC S.A.S, la micropyme a estudiar. Por último se lleva a cabo un ejercicio de simulación de exportación del producto cárnico desde Colombia a Rusia, a través de la matriz de Distribución Física Internacional, como una estrategia alterna a lo propuesto por el TLC firmado.


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Equilibrium study on complex formation of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II), hereafter M(II), with the quadridentate (O-, N, O-, N) donor ligand, N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-L-histidine (H(2)hb-L-his, hereafter H2L), in the absence and in the presence of typical (N, N) donor bidentate ligands, 1,10 phenanthroline(phen), 2, 2'-bipyridine(bipy), ethylenediamine(en), hereafter B, in aqueous solution at 25 +/- 1 degrees C was done at a fixed ionic strength, I = 0.1 mol dm(-3) (NaNO3) by combined pH-metric, UV-Vis and EPR measurements provide evidence for the formation of mononuclear and dinuclear binary and mixed ligand complexes of the types: M(L), M(L)(2)(2-), M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+), M(L)(B), (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+). The imidazole moiety of the ligand is found to act as a bridging bidentate ligand in the dinuclear M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+) and (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+) complexes, using its N-3 atom and N1-H deprotonated moiety. Stability constants of the complexes provide evidence of discrimination of Cu(II) from the other M(II) ions by this ligand. Solid complexes: [Ni(L)(H2O)(2)] (1), [Cu(L)(H2O)] (2), and [Ni(L)(bipy)] (.) H2O (3) have been isolated and characterized by various physicochemical studies. Single crystal X-ray diffraction of the ternary complex, 3, shows an octahedral [(O-,N,N,O-)(N,N)] geometry with extensive pi-pi stacking of the aromatic rings and H-bonding with imidazole (N1-H), secondary amino N-atom, the lattice H2O molecule, and the carboxylate and phenolate O-atoms. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by a microcytic hypochromic anemia and an imbalance in the synthesis of the globin-chains. Hb C is the second most frequently variant of hemoglobin found in Brazil. The laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, including thalassemias, is growing in importance, particularly because of an increasing requirement for neonatal diagnosis of abnormal hemoglobins. Screening tests were carried out using alkaline and acid electrophoresis, globin-chain analysis by cellulose acetate in alkaline pH, isoelectric focusing and HPLC. The molecular characterization was made by PCR-ASO for Hb C and beta thalassemia mutants. Large-scale screening and discriminative methodologies must provide information about the hemoglobin polymorphisms in Brazilian population. HPLC is a powerful tool in these cases. Molecular characterization is important to genetic counseling and clinical management, in particular for the Brazilian population that have an intense racial admixture, with great variability of hemoglobins. In this paper an association between Hb C and beta thalassemia (IVS-II-654) in a black family from Brazil was described.


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As hemoglobinopatias e talassemias constituem as afecções genéticas mais comuns, apresentando-se, na maioria dos casos, em heterozigose. Diante da diversidade de hemoglobinas variantes encontrada na população brasileira, metodologias específicas e complementares para um diagnóstico laboratorial preciso, capaz de elucidar possíveis interações entre estas variantes genéticas, são necessárias. Este relato de caso descreve a interação entre hemoglobina B2 e a hemoglobina S em um indivíduo do sexo feminino, caucasoide, proveniente da região Sudeste do Brasil, identificada por meio de técnicas eletroforéticas em diferentes pH, cromatografia líquida de alta performance e PCR- RFLP. Visto que a hemoglobina B2 coelui com a hemoglobina S na análise cromatográfica e dificilmente é visualizada em eletroforese pH alcalino, devido à sua baixa concentração, justifica-se a necessidade da associação de testes laboratoriais, inclusive moleculares, na rotina do diagnóstico de hemoglobinas para a correta identificação do perfil de hemoglobinas do indivíduo e real frequência na população brasileira. Rev. Bras. Hematol. Hemoter.


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As hemoglobinopatias são um grupo de afecções genéticas que representam problema de saúde pública em muitos países em que sua incidência é alta, com significativa morbidade. Objetivamos identificar defeitos moleculares que pudessem explicar o perfil laboratorial obtido por eletroforese e HPLC com Hb F elevada, em um grupo de indivíduos adultos sem sinais ou sintomas de anemia. Encontramos cinco diferentes mutações que originam beta talassemia por PCR-ASO: três casos com CD 6 (-A), um CD 39, um IVS 1-5, um -87 todas de origem mediterrânea, e um IVS II-654 de origem asiática. As mutações CD 6 (-A), -87 e IVS II-654 foram descritas pela primeira vez na população brasileira.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In malaria endemic regions of Africa, resistance to infection by Plasmodium has been observed in under 6-month-old children, when there are higher fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) levels. Research performed in the São José do Rio Preto region, central-east Brazil, reported increased levels of Hb F in blood donors. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the A2 hemoglobin (Hb A2) and Hb F concentrations in blood donors deriving from the Brazilian malaria endemic region. Forty-five blood donor samples from Macapá, from patients with varying genders, ages and ethnic origins, were collected by venous puncture after informed consent was obtained. The samples were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) - System Variant (Bio-Rad). The HPLC demonstrated sensitivity and rapidity in the identification and measurement of the hemoglobins and gave precise results. Moreover, it provided measurement of hemoglobin variants, even when they were present in small amounts, providing a diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies. Hb F levels above the normal were observed in 33.3% of the analyzed samples. The presence of increased Hb F can suggest resistance to infection by Plasmodium falciparum, as there have been reports that infected red blood cells interfere in the development of the parasite.


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Human hemoglobin genes are located in α and β globin gene clusters in chromosomes 16 and 11, respectively. Different types of hemoglobin are synthesized according to the stage of development with fetal hemoglobin (α2γ2) (Hb F) being the main hemoglobin in the fetal period. After birth, there is a reduction (to about 1%) in Hb F levels and adult hemoglobin, Hb A (2α2β2), increases to more than 96% of total hemoglobin. However, some genetic conditions whether linked to the β-globin gene cluster or not are associated with high Hb F levels in adults. Among those linked to β-globin are hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, delta-beta thalassemia (δβ-Thalassemia) and the XmnI polymorphism (-158 C > T). Other polymorphisms not related to β-globin gene cluster are known to influence the γ-globin gene expression in adulthood. The most relevant polymorphisms that increase concentrations of Hb F are the HMIP locus on chromosome 6, the BCL11A locus on chromosome 2, the Xp22.2 region of the X chromosome and the 8q region on chromosome 8. Findings from our research group studying genetic factors involved in γ-globin gene regulation in adults without anemia in the northwestern region of São Paulo State showed that high Hb F levels are influenced by the presence of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin mutations and the XmnI polymorphism, suggesting that both genetic alterations characterize the molecular basis of the evaluated population.