999 resultados para Harper, Darrel


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Intersex is the condition whereby an individual is born with biological features that are simultaneously perceived as male and female. Ranging from the ambiguous genitalia of the true 'hermaphrodite' to the 'mildly or internally intersexed', the condition may be as common as cleft palate. Like cleft palate, it is hidden and surgically altered, but for very different reasons. Intersex draws heavily on the personal testimony of intersexed individuals, their loved ones and medical carers. The impact of early sex-assignment surgery on an individual's later life is examined within the context of ethical and clinical questions. Harper challenges the conventional and radical 'treatment' of intersexuality through non-consensual infant sex-assignment surgery. In doing so, she exposes powerful myths, taboos and constructions of gender - the perfect phallus, a bi-polar model of gender and the infallibility of medical decisions. Handling sensitive material with care, this book deepens our understanding of a condition that has itself only been medically understood in recent years.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar duas influentes autoras afro-americanas do século XIX, Frances E. W. Harper e Pauline E. Hopkins. Ambas as autoras, através de seus romances Iola Leroy, or, Shadows Uplifted (1892) e Contending Forces: a Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South (1900) respectivamente, entrelaçam ficção e história com o propósito de criar novas alternativas de discurso, afastando-se, portanto, do oficial. Ademais, o presente trabalho propõe demonstrar como Frances Harper e Pauline Hopkins fazem uso do espaço literário com a finalidade de escrever a história do oprimido, permitindo, principalmente, que as mulheres afro-americanas dessem voz as suas experiências e as suas próprias histórias. Assim sendo, a literatura produzida por Frances e Harper e Pauline Hopkins será analisada como forma de empoderamento da comunidade afro-americana, principalmente como forma de aquisição de poder para as Mulheres Afro-Americanas.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from J.W. Harper of the Department of Public Works, Toronto. He is sending a copy of an order in Council on the subject of certain charges made by Joshua Manly of Port Colborne against Mr. Woodruff and other persons connected with the Welland Canal, May 12, 1859.


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Plusieurs indices permettent de croire que le premier ministre Harper a pour projet de faire du Parti conservateur le parti politique dominant au Canada. À cette fin, il doit transformer l’organisation sociale et politique du pays de façon à le rendre plus conservateur. L’objectif du présent mémoire est de préciser les fondements idéologiques du projet de réforme de l’État canadien du premier ministre en m’appuyant sur les écrits des membres de l’École de Calgary. Je fais l’hypothèse que les politiques publiques mises en place par Harper sont inspirées des convictions des membres de cette école de pensée, dont il est un proche. Dans le premier chapitre, je détermine la signification du concept d’idéologie et établis la pertinence de l’analyse des idéologies pour expliquer les décisions politiques. Je définis ensuite les principaux types de conservatisme, afin de déterminer lequel inspire les membres de l’École de Calgary et le Parti conservateur. Dans le second chapitre, je dresse un portrait de la pensée de l’École de Calgary relativement à quatre thèmes, soit ceux du développement économique et social, du pouvoir judiciaire, de la politique étrangère et de l’identité nationale. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, je recense les décisions prises par le gouvernement Harper en relation avec ces quatre mêmes thèmes et vérifie leur concordance avec les idées portées par l’École de Calgary.


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A review of a cutting-edge collection of scholarly articles engaging with contemporary theories of creativity and a gamut of valid and often exhilarating research methods in contemporary creative writing practice.


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The Bessie Harper Radio Talk records consist of a draft of a radio talk on "Family Finance" that was broadcast over WIS, Columbia, South Carolina on Monday, January 25th, 1932. Bessie Harper served as chairman of the American Home Department of the South Carolina Federation of Women's Club (SCFWC). The aim of the talk is to educate families how to budget their finances and to plan their expenses which was particularly important when this talk was given in 1932 during the Great Depression. This talk offers a glimpse into families' attempts to cope with the new economic reality of life during the Great Depression.


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Estampa que fué pasada a pintura por Granville Perkins