467 resultados para Hare Stylocheilus-longicauda
Blooms of Lyngbya majuscula have been reported with increasing frequency and severity in the last decade in Moreton Bay, Australia. A number of grazers have been observed feeding upon this toxic cyanobacterium. Differences in sequestration of toxic compounds from L. majuscula were investigated in two anaspideans, Stylocheilus striatus, Bursatella leachii, and the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer. Species fed a monospecific diet of L. majuscula had different toxin distribution in their tissues and excretions. A high concentration of lyngbyatoxin-a was observed in the body of S. striatus (3.94 mg/kg(-1)) compared to bodily secretions (ink 0.12 mg/kg- 1; fecal matter 0.56 mg/kg(-1); eggs 0.05 mg/kg(-1)). In contrast, B. leachii secreted greater concentrations of lyngbyatoxin-a (ink 5.41 mg/kg(-1); fecal matter 6.71 mg/kg(-1)) than that stored in the body (2.24 mg/kg(-1)). The major internal repository of lyngbyatoxin-a and debromoaplysiatoxin was the digestive gland for both S. striatus (6.31 +/- 0.31 mg/kg(-1)) and B. leachii (156.39 +/- 46.92 mg/kg(-1)). D. dentifer showed high variability in the distribution of sequestered compounds. Lyngbyatoxin-a was detected in the digestive gland (3.56 +/- 3.56 mg/kg(-1)) but not in the head and foot, while debromoaplysiatoxin was detected in the head and foot (133.73 +/- 129.82 mg/kg(-1)) but not in the digestive gland. The concentrations of sequestered secondary metabolites in these animals did not correspond to the concentrations found in L. majuscula used as food for these experiments, suggesting it may have been from previous dietary exposure. Trophic transfer of debromoaplysiatoxin from L. majuscula into S. striatus is well established; however, a lack of knowledge exists for other grazers. The high levels of secondary metabolites observed in both the anaspidean and the cephalapsidean species suggest that these toxins may bioaccumulate through marine food chains.
Rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens preferences for Lyngbya majuscula collected from three bloom locations in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, were tested along with a range of local plant species in the laboratory. Consumption of L. majuscula by fish did not differ between wild and captive-bred fish (P = 0.152) but did differ between bloom location (P = 0.039). No relationship was found between consumption rates and lyngbyatoxin-a concentration (r(2) = 0.035, P = 0.814). No correlation existed between C : N and proportion of food consumed when all food types were analysed statistically, whereas a clear correlation was observed when L. majuscula was removed from the calculations. In simulated bloom conditions, fish avoided ingestion of L. majuscula by feeding through gaps in the L. majuscula coverage. Both wild and captive-bred S. fuscescens showed a distinct feeding pattern in 10 day no-choice feeding assays, with less L. majuscula being consumed than the preferred red alga Acanthophora spicifera. Lyngbya majuscula however, was consumed in equal quantities to A. spicifera by wild S. fuscescens when lyngbyatoxin-a was not detectable. Wild fish probably do not preferentially feed on L. majuscula when secondary metabolites are present and are not severely impacted by large L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay. Furthermore, poor feeding performance in both captive-bred and wild S. fuscescens suggests that they would exert little pressure as a top-down control agent of toxic L. majuscula blooms within Moreton Bay. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Trophodynamics of blooms of the toxic marine cyanobacterium Lyngkya majuscula were investigated to determine dietary specificity in two putative grazers: the opisthobranch molluscs, Stylocheilus striatus and Bursatella leachii. S. striatus is associated with L. majuscula blooms and is known to sequester L. majuscula metabolites. The dietary specificity and toxicodynamics of B. leachii in relation to L. majuscula is less well documented. In this study we found diet history had no significant effect upon dietary selectivity of S. striatus when offered a range of plant species. However, L. majuscula chemotype may alter S. striatus' selectivity for this cyanobacterium. Daily biomass increases between small and large size groups of both species were recorded in no-choice consumption trials using L. majuscula. Both S. striatus and B. leachii preferentially consumed L. majuscula containing lyngbyatoxin-a. Increase in mass over a 10-day period in B. leachii (915%) was significantly greater than S. striatus (150%), yet S. striatus consumed greater quantities of L. majuscula (g day(-1)) and thus had a lower conversion efficiency (0.038) than B. leachii (0.081) based on sea hare weight per gram of L. majuscula consumed day(-1). Our findings suggest that growth rates and conversion efficiencies may be influenced by sea hare maximum growth potential, acquisition of secondary metabolites or diet type. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study investigates the influence of mesograzer prior exposure to toxic metabolites on palatability of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula. We examined the palatability of L. majuscula crude extract obtained from a bloom in Moreton Bay, South East Queensland, Australia, containing lyngbyatoxin-a (LTA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT), to two groups: (1) mesograzers of L. majuscula from Guam where LTA and DAT production is rare; and (2) macro- and mesograzers found feeding on L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay where LTA and DAT are often prevalent secondary metabolites. Pair-wise feeding assays using artificial diets consisting of Ulva clathrata suspended in agar (control) or coated with Moreton Bay L. majuscula crude extracts (treatment) were used to determine palatability to a variety of consumers. In Guam, the amphipods, Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio; the majid crab Menaethius monoceros; and the urchin Echinometra mathaei were significantly deterred by the Moreton Bay crude extract. The sea hares, Stylocheilus striatus, from Guam were stimulated to feed by treatment food whereas S. striatus collected from Moreton Bay showed no discrimination between food types. In Moreton Bay, the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer and wild caught rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens were significantly deterred by the crude extract. However, captive-bred S. fuscescens with no known experience with L. majuscula did not clearly discriminate between food choices. Lyngbya majuscula crude extract deters feeding by most mesograzers regardless of prior contact or association with blooms.
The ultrastructure of mature Lagorchestes hirsutus spermatozoa is described for the first time, revealing unusual aspects of sperm structure in macropodid species. The sperm head is ovoid rather than cuneiform, lacks a ventral nuclear groove and has an acrosomal distribution over approximately 85-90% of its dorsal surface. Immediately adjacent to the nuclear membrane the peripheral nucleoplasm in most spermatozoa form an irregular series of distinctive evaginations previously not described in the spermatozoa of any other marsupial. The midpiece is extremely thickened and short, containing no helical network or peripheral plasma membrane specializations. Axonemal structure is unspecialized with no connecting lamellae; dense outer fibres are closely adherent to axonemal doublets. The sperm morphology of this species is highly aberrant in comparison to other macropod taxa and supports the retention of Lagorchestes as a distinctive genus. In light of this new information, skeletal and serological data should be re-evaluated to determine the true taxonomic and phylogenetic position of this species.
Abstract: Gendered embodiment, purity and impurity in the Finnish Hare Krishna movement
Added engraved title page: Waragtige en aanmerkenswaardige historie van Lapland en Finland.
The antimicrobial, hemagglutinating and toxic activities of the purple fluid of the sea hare Aplysia dactylomela are described. Intact or dialyzed purple fluid inhibited the growth of species of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the action was not bactericidal but bacteriostatic. The active factor or factors were heat labile and sensitive to extreme pH values. The fluid preferentially agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and, to a lesser extent, human blood cells, and this activity was inhibited by the glycoprotein fetuin, a fact suggesting the presence of a lectin. The fluid was also toxic to brine shrimp nauplii (LD50 141.25 µg protein/ml) and to mice injected intraperitoneally (LD50 201.8 ± 8.6 mg protein/kg), in a dose-dependent fashion. These toxic activities were abolished when the fluid was heated. Taken together, the data suggest that the activities of the purple fluid are due primarily to substance(s) of a protein nature which may be involved in the chemical defense mechanism of this sea hare.
Trimethylsulfonium, a compound present in the midgut gland of the sea hare Aplysia brasiliana, negatively modulates vagal response, indicating a probable ability to inhibit cholinergic responses. In the present study, the pharmacological profile of trimethylsulfonium was characterized on muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. In rat jejunum the contractile response induced by trimethylsulfonium (pD2 = 2.46 ± 0.12 and maximal response = 2.14 ± 0.32 g) was not antagonized competitively by atropine. The maximal response (Emax) to trimethylsulfonium was diminished in the presence of increasing doses of atropine (P<0.05), suggesting that trimethylsulfonium-induced contraction was not related to muscarinic stimulation, but might be caused by acetylcholine release due to presynaptic stimulation. Trimethylsulfonium displaced [³H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate from rat cortex membranes with a low affinity (Ki = 0.5 mM). Furthermore, it caused contraction of frog rectus abdominis muscles (pD2 = 2.70 ± 0.06 and Emax = 4.16 ± 0.9 g), which was competitively antagonized by d-tubocurarine (1, 3 or 10 µM) with a pA2 of 5.79, suggesting a positive interaction with nicotinic receptors. In fact, trimethylsulfonium displaced [³H]-nicotine from rat diaphragm muscle membranes with a Ki of 27.1 µM. These results suggest that trimethylsulfonium acts as an agonist on nicotinic receptors, and thus contracts frog skeletal rectus abdominis muscle and rat jejunum smooth muscle via stimulation of postjunctional and neuronal prejunctional nicotinic cholinoreceptors, respectively.
My purpose in this paper is to summarize some aspects of utilitarianism and to provide a general overview of Hare's preference utilitarianism, followed by a critique of Hare's preference theory.
peaker(s): Jon Hare Organiser: Time: 25/06/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 Abstract The aggregation of items from social media streams, such as Flickr photos and Twitter tweets, into meaningful groups can help users contextualise and effectively consume the torrents of information on the social web. This task is challenging due to the scale of the streams and the inherently multimodal nature of the information being contextualised. In this talk I'll describe some of our recent work on trend and event detection in multimedia data streams. We focus on scalable streaming algorithms that can be applied to multimedia data streams from the web and the social web. The talk will cover two particular aspects of our work: mining Twitter for trending images by detecting near duplicates; and detecting social events in multimedia data with streaming clustering algorithms. I'll will describe in detail our techniques, and explore open questions and areas of potential future work, in both these tasks.