995 resultados para Hand Skill Relative


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Humans display structural and functional asymmetries in brain organization, strikingly with respect to language and handedness. The molecular basis of these asymmetries is unknown. We report a genome-wide association study meta-analysis for a quantitative measure of relative hand skill in individuals with dyslexia [reading disability (RD)] (n = 728). The most strongly associated variant, rs7182874 (P = 8.68×10-9), is located in PCSK6, further supporting an association we previously reported. We also confirmed the specificity of this association in individuals with RD; the same locus was not associated with relative hand skill in a general population cohort (n = 2,666). As PCSK6 is known to regulate NODAL in the development of left/right (LR) asymmetry in mice, we developed a novel approach to GWAS pathway analysis, using gene-set enrichment to test for an over-representation of highly associated variants within the orthologs of genes whose disruption in mice yields LR asymmetry phenotypes. Four out of 15 LR asymmetry phenotypes showed an over-representation (FDR≤5%). We replicated three of these phenotypes; situs inversus, heterotaxia, and double outlet right ventricle, in the general population cohort (FDR≤5%). Our findings lead us to propose that handedness is a polygenic trait controlled in part by the molecular mechanisms that establish LR body asymmetry early in development. © 2013 Brandler et al.


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Las respuestas que se generan a partir de cuestionamientos del origen del hombre nos permitirán especular hacia dónde evolucionará como especie. Los grandes saltos evolutivos que diferencian a los primates humanos de los no humanos, se podrían describir entre otras características por una eficiente memoria para el uso de herramientas, la dominancia para el uso de la mano junto al desarrollo de la oposición del pulgar y el lenguaje. Se ha descrito un gen, el HSR que expresa para la dominancia para el uso de la mano derecha, habilidades cognitivas relacionadas con el lenguaje y asimetría cerebral en humanos. Este es un gen imprintado, es decir, que se hereda su expresión según el origen parental y cuya expresión está regulada por factores epigenéticos. Estos factores, modifican la expresión del gen sin afectar la estructura primaria del ADN. Se ha estudiado la expresión fenotípica del gen HSR en una población de niños escolarizados de La Rioja, dividida en dos regiones (Región 1 y Región 2). Los resultados obtenidos, que muestran una alteración de las proporciones fenotípicas del gen en la Región 2, apoyan fuertemente la posibilidad de que un factor ambiental estaría condicionando el epigenotipo del gen HSR. Se piensa que el estudio de estos mecanismos regulatorios en estos genes recientemente adquiridos por la evolución y blanco de funciones también recientemente adquiridas, podría dar información de hacia dónde la evolución del hombre podría proyectarse en el futuro.


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L’observation d’un modèle pratiquant une habileté motrice promeut l’apprentissage de l’habileté en question. Toutefois, peu de chercheurs se sont attardés à étudier les caractéristiques d’un bon modèle et à mettre en évidence les conditions d’observation pouvant optimiser l’apprentissage. Dans les trois études composant cette thèse, nous avons examiné les effets du niveau d’habileté du modèle, de la latéralité du modèle, du point de vue auquel l’observateur est placé, et du mode de présentation de l’information sur l’apprentissage d’une tâche de timing séquentielle composée de quatre segments. Dans la première expérience de la première étude, les participants observaient soit un novice, soit un expert, soit un novice et un expert. Les résultats des tests de rétention et de transfert ont révélé que l’observation d’un novice était moins bénéfique pour l’apprentissage que le fait d’observer un expert ou une combinaison des deux (condition mixte). Par ailleurs, il semblerait que l’observation combinée de modèles novice et expert induise un mouvement plus stable et une meilleure généralisation du timing relatif imposé comparativement aux deux autres conditions. Dans la seconde expérience, nous voulions déterminer si un certain type de performance chez un novice (très variable, avec ou sans amélioration de la performance) dans l’observation d’une condition mixte amenait un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche. Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les différents types de modèle novices employés dans l’observation de la condition mixte. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une observation mixte fournit une représentation précise de ce qu’il faut faire (modèle expert) et que l’apprentissage est d’autant plus amélioré lorsque l’apprenant peut contraster cela avec la performance de modèles ayant moins de succès. Dans notre seconde étude, des participants droitiers devaient observer un modèle à la première ou à la troisième personne. L’observation d’un modèle utilisant la même main préférentielle que soi induit un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche que l’observation d’un modèle dont la dominance latérale est opposée à la sienne, et ce, quel que soit l’angle d’observation. Ce résultat suggère que le réseau d’observation de l’action (AON) est plus sensible à la latéralité du modèle qu’à l’angle de vue de l’observateur. Ainsi, le réseau d’observation de l’action semble lié à des régions sensorimotrices du cerveau qui simulent la programmation motrice comme si le mouvement observé était réalisé par sa propre main dominante. Pour finir, dans la troisième étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à déterminer si le mode de présentation (en direct ou en vidéo) influait sur l’apprentissage par observation et si cet effet est modulé par le point de vue de l’observateur (première ou troisième personne). Pour cela, les participants observaient soit un modèle en direct soit une présentation vidéo du modèle et ceci avec une vue soit à la première soit à la troisième personne. Nos résultats ont révélé que l’observation ne diffère pas significativement selon le type de présentation utilisée ou le point de vue auquel l’observateur est placé. Ces résultats sont contraires aux prédictions découlant des études d’imagerie cérébrale ayant montré une activation plus importante du cortex sensorimoteur lors d’une observation en direct comparée à une observation vidéo et de la première personne comparée à la troisième personne. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que le niveau d’habileté du modèle et sa latéralité sont des déterminants importants de l’apprentissage par observation alors que le point de vue de l’observateur et le moyen de présentation n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur l’apprentissage d’une tâche motrice. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que la plus grande activation du réseau d’observation de l’action révélée par les études en imagerie mentale durant l’observation d’une action n’induit pas nécessairement un meilleur apprentissage de la tâche.


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AIM To describe structural covariance networks of gray matter volume (GMV) change in 28 patients with first-ever stroke to the primary sensorimotor cortices, and to investigate their relationship to hand function recovery and local GMV change. METHODS Tensor-based morphometry maps derived from high-resolution structural images were subject to principal component analyses to identify the networks. We calculated correlations between network expression and local GMV change, sensorimotor hand function and lesion volume. To verify which of the structural covariance networks of GMV change have a significant relationship to hand function, we performed an additional multivariate regression approach. RESULTS Expression of the second network, explaining 9.1% of variance, correlated with GMV increase in the medio-dorsal (md) thalamus and hand motor skill. Patients with positive expression coefficients were distinguished by significantly higher GMV increase of this structure during stroke recovery. Significant nodes of this network were located in md thalamus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and higher order sensorimotor cortices. Parameter of hand function had a unique relationship to the network and depended on an interaction between network expression and lesion volume. Inversely, network expression is limited in patients with large lesion volumes. CONCLUSION Chronic phase of sensorimotor cortical stroke has been characterized by a large scale co-varying structural network in the ipsilesional hemisphere associated specifically with sensorimotor hand skill. Its expression is related to GMV increase of md thalamus, one constituent of the network, and correlated with the cortico-striato-thalamic loop involved in control of motor execution and higher order sensorimotor cortices. A close relation between expression of this network with degree of recovery might indicate reduced compensatory resources in the impaired subgroup.


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Approximately 90% of humans are right-handed. Handedness is a heritable trait, yet the genetic basis is not well understood. Here we report a genome-wide association study for a quantitative measure of relative hand skill in individuals with dyslexia [reading disability (RD)]. The most highly associated marker, rs11855415 (P = 4.7 × 10-7), is located within PCSK6. Two independent cohorts with RD show the same trend, with the minor allele conferring greater relative right-hand skill. Meta-analysis of all three RD samples is genome-wide significant (n = 744, P = 2.0 × 10-8). Conversely, in the general population (n = 2666), we observe a trend towards reduced laterality of hand skill for the minor allele (P = 0.0020). These results provide molecular evidence that cerebral asymmetry and dyslexia are linked. Furthermore, PCSK6 is a protease that cleaves the left–right axis determining protein NODAL. Functional studies of PCSK6 promise insights into mechanisms underlying cerebral lateralization and dyslexia.


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We recently reported the association of the PCSK6 gene with handedness through a quantitative genome-wide association study (GWAS; P < 0.5 × 10(-8)) for a relative hand skill measure in individuals with dyslexia. PCSK6 activates Nodal, a morphogen involved in regulating left-right body axis determination. Therefore, the GWAS data suggest that the biology underlying the patterning of structural asymmetries may also contribute to behavioural laterality, e.g. handedness. The association is further supported by an independent study reporting a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) within the same PCSK6 locus to be associated with degree of handedness in a general population cohort. Here, we have conducted a functional analysis of the PCSK6 locus combining further genetic analysis, in silico predictions and molecular assays. We have shown that the previous GWAS signal was not tagging a VNTR effect, suggesting that the two markers have independent effects. We demonstrated experimentally that one of the top GWAS-associated markers, rs11855145, directly alters the binding site for a nuclear factor. Furthermore, we have shown that the predicted regulatory region adjacent to rs11855415 acts as a bidirectional promoter controlling the expression of novel RNA transcripts. These include both an antisense long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and a short PCSK6 isoform predicted to be coding. This is the first molecular characterization of a handedness-associated locus that supports the role of common variants in non-coding sequences in influencing complex phenotypes through gene expression regulation.


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Among the numerous problems that are common to the Latin-American metropolises, such as the deep socio-spatial segregation, the impressive territorial fragmentation and the real estate valorisation that overvalues some territories, whilst it depreciates others, we have chosen to focus on the management of the metropolitan regions. That question clearly indicates that due to the great current changes of the economical restructuring - a process that strengthened the capitalist logic of social development - the traditional form of thinking urban planning has found its limits. Consequently, this issue of metropolitan management shows the need to look for new ways of metropolitan administration that can answer to the The main metropolitan regions of South America: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Santiago form our references to characterize the recent changes from a territorial point of view on the one hand; and relative to the new determinations of the metropolis on the other hand. This leads us to discuss the challenges that metropolitan management face in a scenario of governability fragmentation.


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The human mirror neuron system (hMNS) is believed to provide a basic mechanism for social cognition. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) in alpha (8–12 Hz) and low beta band (12–20 Hz) over sensori-motor cortex has been suggested to index mirror neurons' activity. We tested whether autistic traits revealed by high and low scores on the Autistic Quotient (AQ) in the normal population are linked to variations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) over motor, pre-motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA) during action observation. Results revealed that in the low AQ group, the pre-motor cortex and SMA were more active during hand action than static hand observation whereas in the high AQ group the same areas were active both during static and hand action observation. In fact participants with high traits of autism showed greater low beta ERD while observing the static hand than those with low traits and this low beta ERD was not significantly different when they watched hand actions. Over primary motor cortex, the classical alpha and low beta ERD during hand actions relative to static hand observation was found across all participants. These findings suggest that the observation–execution matching system works differently according to the degree of autism traits in the normal population and that this is differentiated in terms of the EEG according to scalp site and bandwidth.


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The statistical properties and skill in predictions of objectively identified and tracked cyclonic features (frontal waves and cyclones) are examined in MOGREPS-15, the global 15-day version of the Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS). The number density of cyclonic features is found to decline with increasing lead-time, with analysis fields containing weak features which are not sustained past the first day of the forecast. This loss of cyclonic features is associated with a decline in area averaged enstrophy with increasing lead time. Both feature number density and area averaged enstrophy saturate by around 7 days into the forecast. It is found that the feature number density and area averaged enstrophy of forecasts produced using model versions that include stochastic energy backscatter saturate at higher values than forecasts produced without stochastic physics. The ability of MOGREPS-15 to predict the locations of cyclonic features of different strengths is evaluated at different spatial scales by examining the Brier Skill (relative to the analysis climatology) of strike probability forecasts: the probability that a cyclonic feature center is located within a specified radius. The radius at which skill is maximised increases with lead time from 650km at 12h to 950km at 7 days. The skill is greatest for the most intense features. Forecast skill remains above zero at these scales out to 14 days for the most intense cyclonic features, but only out to 8 days when all features are included irrespective of intensity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O método de gêmeos envolve a análise diferencial de gêmeos monozigóticos (MZs) e dizigóticos (DZs) a fim de determinar a proporção de variância em um determinado traço atribuível a fatores genéticos e ambientais. Sendo geneticamente idênticos, os gêmeos MZs tendem a apresentar alto índice de concordância em vários atributos comportamentais, enquanto que, os DZs, compartilham 50 % da carga genética, manifestando um reduzido grau de concordância. Todavia, pesquisadores têm investigado possíveis mecanismos genéticos subjacentes do desenvolvimento cerebral para dominância manual e, não têm encontrado utilidade no método de gêmeos, pois, desde 1924, em todos os estudos de dominância manual em gêmeos, a taxa de discordância para o canhotismo e destrimanismo têm sido similares em MZs e DZs. Além disso, frequentemente gêmeos mostram taxa mais alta de prevalência para o canhotismo que os não gêmeos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as possíveis diferenças entre gêmeos destros e canhotos (MZs e DZs combinados) e não gêmeos em variáveis fenótipicas específicas relacionadas à dominância manual, incluindo dominância podálica (chute de penalty), consistência de dominância manual, canhotismo familiar (CF+), postura manual e medidas de habilidades motoras em três testes : Batidas digitais, Tabuleiro de Annett e Pontilhar Pontinhos. Foram avaliados 286 gêmeos ( 255 destros, 34 canhotos) e, 251 não gêmeos (141 destros e 110 canhotos). A análise dos dados revelou o aumento de canhotismo no sexo masculino em três vezes mais do que no feminino. Além disto, destros e canhotos gêmeos foram mais mistos em suas dominâncias manuais e apontaram alta incidência de CF+ entre parentes de primeiro grau que não gêmeos canhotos e destros. Em concordância com estudos anteriores, a frequência de chute contralateral foi mais alta nos mistos do que nos que apresentaram consistência na dominância manual, especialmente entre os canhotos. No que diz respeito à habilidade manual, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos três testes de habilidade manual. Conforme as expectativas, destros e canhotos foram mais proficientes na manipulação do estímulo com suas mãos dominantes. Em todas as três medidas, em contraste com os destros, os canhotos (gêmeos e não gêmeos) apresentaram redução entre as assimetrias manuais. Por extensão, o aumento da prevalência de canhotismo entre gêmeos não poderia ser atribuída a influências patológicas, inversão de assimetria ou ordem de nascimento. É possível, levar em consideração, observando a diferença robusta em dominância manual mista que, o padrão de lateralização neuromotora, pode ser mais difusamente organizado nos hemisférios dos gêmeos que em não gêmeos, mas, esta sugestão requer evidência direta, pelo menos a partir de testes de neuro-imagem.


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Melatonin has been postulated to have diverse properties, acting as an antioxidant, a neuroprotector, or a stabilizer within the circadian timing system, and is thus thought to be involved in the aging process and Alzheimer's disease (AD). We used computed tomography to determine the degree of pineal calcification (DOC), an intra-individual melatonin deficit marker, as well as the size of uncalcified pineal tissue, in 279 consecutive memory clinic outpatients (AD: 155; other dementia: 25; mild cognitive impairment: 33; depression: 66) and 37 age-matched controls. The size of uncalcified pineal tissue in patients with AD (mean 0.15 cm(2) [S.D. 0.24]) was significantly smaller than in patients with other types of dementia (0.26 [0.34]; P=0.038), with depression (0.28 [0.34]; P=0.005), or in controls (0.25 [0.31]; P=0.027). Additionally, the DOC in patients with AD (mean 76.2% [S.D. 26.6]) was significantly higher than in patients with other types of dementia (63.7 [34.7]; P=0.042), with depression (60.5 [33.8]; P=0.001), or in controls (64.5 [30.6]; P=0.021). These two findings may reflect two different aspects of melatonin in AD. On the one hand, the absolute amount of melatonin excretion capability, as indicated by uncalcified pineal volume, refers to the antioxidant properties of melatonin. On the other hand, the relative reduction in melatonin production capability in the individual, as indicated by DOC, refers to the circadian properties of melatonin.


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OBJETOS TENACES versa sobre la práctica del adaptive reuse (la “reutilización adaptativa”, la reconversión) explicado a través del fenómeno de ruptura, suspensión y reconfiguración de vínculos que el objeto arquitectónico tiene con respecto a su medio económico, sociocultural, normativo y de utilitas. Se trata de un fenómeno en tres fases, muy próximo al mecanismo empleado por el readymade y por el display, que en arquitectura parte de la crisis que supone un cambio de circunstancias, un desarraigo del objeto respecto de su ámbito anterior. El mecanismo tiene vocación de intervención mínima, desde un posicionamiento actual que comprende el mundo construido como una realidad “ya hecha”, y donde las operaciones de proyecto son acciones de transformación que llevan de una situación de obsolescencia a otra de vigencia renovada, es decir, de una realidad completa a otra igualmente completa. Para ello, la investigación se sirve de tres ejemplos de un mismo entorno geográfico (el área en torno a Meatpacking, en el lado oeste del bajo Manhattan, Nueva York) y temporal (las últimas décadas del siglo XX, en las que los casos se solapan a pesar de tener desarrollos cronológicos diversos). Bell Telephone Laboratories, The West Side Improvement y The National Biscuit Company, reconvertidos a Westbeth, a The High Line y a Chelsea Market, construyen juntos el argumento por suma de conceptos, por adición de fenómenos, estudiando las cualidades y las circunstancias que hacen posible la continuidad de las estructuras, es decir, su supervivencia. El texto forma un corpus que proporciona algunas de las claves del objeto denominado como tenaz a través del análisis sincrónico del antes y el después de su puesta en crisis. A tal efecto, se exponen una serie de figuras razonadas entre las cuales figuran el lijado del barniz, los hilos compartidos, la máscara, la momificación y la vitrina, el puente sobre le desfiladero, el enfriamiento, o las reliquias, incrustaciones y adherencias, todas ellas encaminadas a explicar el proceso de renovación del artefacto como un cambio en el sentido, en el significado, y no tanto en lo material. Entre las consideraciones de la tesis está, por un lado, el carácter relativo del término tenacidad, concepto que define a los objetos que se encuentran y se reconocen en su idoneidad, que tienen capacidad de adaptación, y que precisan finalmente de grandes dosis de pragmatismo para su reconfiguración, siendo todas éstas condiciones necesarias pero sólo suficientes a posteriori. Por otro lado, el texto reflexiona acerca del intangible que comparten todos los objetos así llamados y que consiste en la condición, quizá formidable, de ser reconocibles por parte de los sucesivos intervinientes de su historia, convencidos de que su renovación supone una oportunidad; su desaparición, una pérdida. Finalmente, la investigación apunta hacia el concepto de anacronismo como justificación para los objetos que se demuestran adaptables a épocas sucesivas, y que encajan en el tiempo de forma compleja. ABSTRACT TENACIOUS OBJECTS deals with the practice of the adaptive reuse explained by means of the phenomenon of rupture, suspension and reconfiguration of links that the architectural object has vis-à-vis its economic, socio-cultural and regulatory environment, and its utilitas. It is a phenomenon structured in three stages, very close to the mechanism used by the readymade and by the display, which in architecture arise from the crisis that leads to a change in circumstances, an alienation of the object regarding its previous environment. The mechanism aims to the minimum intervention, from a current positioning which understands the world built as a reality “already made”, and where the operations of the project are transformative actions that take us from a situation of obsolescence to a situation of renewed validity, that is, from a complete reality to one just as complete. For this purpose, the research makes use of three examples in the same geographical area (the Meatpacking Discrict, in the Lower West Side of Manhattan, New York) and the same period (the last decades of the 20th century, in which the cases overlap in spite of their diverse chronological developments). Bell Telephone Laboratories, The West Side Improvement and The National Biscuit Company, reconverted into Westbeth, The High Line and Chelsea Market, make up, together, the argument as a sum of concepts, and addition of phenomena, studying the qualities and circumstances which make the continuity of the structures possible, that is, their survival. The text forms a corpus that provides some of the keys of the so-called tenacious object by means of the synchronic analysis of before and after its crisis. To this end, a series of reasoned figures is presented, including the sanding of varnish, the shared threads, the mask, the mummification and the display cabinet, the bridge over the gorge, cooling, or the relics, incrustations and adherences, all of them aimed at explaining the renovation process of the artifact as a change in the sense and the meaning, rather than the material. The considerations of this dissertation include, on the one hand, the relative nature of the term tenacity, a concept which defines the objects found and recognized in their suitability, that are capable of adapting and which finally require large doses of pragmatism for their reconfiguration, all these conditions being necessary but only sufficient a posteriori. On the other hand, the text reflects on the intangible shared among all the so-called objects, and which consists of the condition, perhaps extraordinary, of being recognized by the subsequent interveners of their history, convinced that their renovation represents an opportunity; their disappearance, a loss. Finally, the dissertation studies the concept of anachronism as a justification for the objects that prove to adapt to subsequent periods, and which fit in time in a complex manner.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge of results (KR) frequency and task complexity on motor skill acquisition. The task consisted of throwing a bocha ball to place it as close as possible to the target ball. 120 students ages 11 to 73 years were assigned to one of eight experimental groups according to knowledge of results frequency (25, 50, 75, and 100%) and task complexity (simple and complex). Subjects performed 90 trials in the acquisition phase and 10 trials in the transfer test. The results showed that knowledge of results given at a frequency of 25% resulted in an inferior absolute error than 50% and inferior variable error than 50, 75, and 100 I frequencies, but no effect of task complexity was found.