917 resultados para Han


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Patrick Danoy, Meng Wei, Hadler Johanna, et al. Association of variants in MMEL1 and CTLA4 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Han Chinese population. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70:1793–97. The following authors were listed as contributing equally to the study...


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Background: The genome-wide association study era has made great progress in identifying susceptibility genes and genetic loci for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in populations of White European ancestry. However, few studies have tried to dissect disease aetiopathogenesis in other ethnic populations. Objective: To investigate these associations in the Han Chinese population. Methods: Haplotypes from the HapMap database Chinese population were used to select tag-single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (r2 =0.8) across 19 distinct RA genomic regions. A two phase case-control association study was performed, with 169 SNPs genotyped in phase I (n=571 cases, n=880 controls), and 64 SNPs achieving p<0.2 in the first phase being genotyped in phase II (n=464 cases, n=822 controls). Association statistics were calculated using permutation tests both unadjusted and adjusted for the number of markers studied. Results: Robust association was detected for MMEL1 and CTLA4 , and modest association was identified for another six loci: PADI4 , STAT4 , PRDM1 , CDK6 , TRAF1-C5 and KIF5A-PIP4K2C. All three markers genotyped in MMEL1 demonstrated association, with peak signal for rs3890745 (p=2.6×10 -5unadjusted, p=0.003 adjusted, OR=0.79). For CTLA4 , significance was detected for three of five variants showing association, with peak association for marker rs12992492 (p=4.3×10-5 unadjusted, p=0.0021 adjusted, OR=0.77). Lack of association of common variants in PTPN22 with RA in Han Chinese was confirmed. Conclusion: This study identifies MMEL1 and CTLA4 as RA susceptibility genes, provides suggestive evidence of association for a further six loci in the Han Chinese population and confirms lack of PTPN22 association in Asian populations. It also confirms the value of multiethnic population studies to help dissect disease aetiopathogenesis.


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Objectives: Recent association studies by the Australo-Anglo-American Spondyloarthritis Consortium (TASC) in Caucasian European populations from Australia, North America and the UK have identified a number of genes as being associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). A candidate gene study in a Han Chinese population was performed based on these findings to identify associated genes in this population. Methods: A case-control study was performed in a Han Chinese population of patients with AS (n=775) and controls (n=1587) from Shanghai and Nanjing. All patients met the modified New York criteria for AS. The cases and controls were genotyped for 115 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tagging IL23R, ERAP1, STAT3, JAK2, TNFRSF1A and TRADD, as well as other confirmation SNPs from the TASC study, using the Sequenom iPlex and the ABI OpenArray platforms. Statistical analysis of genotyped SNPs was performed using the Cochran - Armitage test for trend and meta-analysis was performed using METAL. SNPs in AS-associated genes in this study were then imputed using MaCH, and association with AS tested by logistic regression. Results: SNPs in TNFRSF1A (rs4149577, p=8.2×10-4), STAT3 (rs2293152, p=0.0015; rs1053005, p=0.017) and ERAP1 (rs27038, p=0.0091; rs27037, p=0.0092) were significantly associated with AS in Han Chinese. Association was also observed between AS and the intergenic region 2p15 (rs10865331, p=0.023). The lack of association between AS and IL23R in Han Chinese was confirmed (all SNPs p>0.1). Conclusions: The study results demonstrate for the first time that genetic polymorphisms in STAT3, TNFRSF1A and 2p15 are associated with AS in Han Chinese, suggesting common pathogenic mechanisms for the disease in Chinese and Caucasian European populations. Furthermore, previous findings demonstrating that ERAP1, but not IL23R, is associated with AS in Chinese patients were confirmed.


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Objective Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a highly heritable common inflammatory arthritis that targets the spine and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis, causing pain and stiffness and leading eventually to joint fusion. Although previous studies have shown a strong association of IL23R with AS in white Europeans, similar studies in East Asian populations have shown no association with common variants of IL23R, suggesting either that IL23R variants have no role or that rare genetic variants contribute. The present study was undertaken to screen IL23R to identify rare variants associated with AS in Han Chinese. Methods A 170-kb region containing IL23R and its flanking regions was sequenced in 50 patients with AS and 50 ethnically matched healthy control subjects from a Han Chinese population. In addition, the 30-kb region of peak association in white Europeans was sequenced in 650 patients with AS and 1,300 healthy controls. Validation genotyping was undertaken in 846 patients with AS and 1,308 healthy controls. Results We identified 1,047 variants, of which 729 were not found in the dbSNP genomic build 130. Several potentially functional rare variants in IL23R were identified, including one nonsynonomous single-nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP), Gly149Arg (position 67421184 GA on chromosome 1). Validation genotyping showed that the Gly149Arg variant was associated with AS (odds ratio 0.61, P = 0.0054). Conclusion This is the first study to implicate rare IL23R variants in the pathogenesis of AS. The results identified a low-frequency nsSNP with predicted loss-of-function effects that was protectively associated with AS in Han Chinese, suggesting that decreased function of the interleukin-23 (IL-23) receptor protects against AS. These findings further support the notion that IL-23 signaling has an important role in the pathogenesis of AS.


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Objective The results of a recent genome-wide association study have shown that ERAP1 and IL23R are associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in Caucasian populations from North America and the UK. Based on these findings, we undertook the current study to investigate whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the genes ERAP1 and IL23R are associated with AS in a Han Chinese population. Methods A case-control study was performed in Han Chinese patients with AS (n = 527) and controls (n = 945) from Shanghai and Nanjing. All patients met the modified New York criteria for AS. The Sequenom iPlex platform was used to genotype cases and controls for 21 tag SNPs covering IL23R and 38 tag SNPs covering ERAP1. Statistical analysis was performed using the Cochran-Armitage test for trend. Results Multiple SNPs in ERAP1 were significantly associated with AS (for rs27980, P = 0.0048; for rs7711564, P = 0.0081). However, no association was observed between IL23R and AS (for all SNPs, P > 0.1). The nonsynonymous SNP in IL23R, rs11209026, widely thought to be the primary AS-associated SNP in IL23R in Europeans, was found not to be polymorphic in Chinese. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that genetic polymorphisms in ERAP1 are associated with AS in Han Chinese, suggesting a common pathogenic mechanism for the disease in Chinese and Caucasian populations, and that IL23R is not associated with AS in Chinese, indicating a difference in the mechanism of disease pathogenesis between Chinese and Caucasian populations. This may result from the fact that rs11209026, the nonsynonymous SNP in IL23R, is not polymorphic in Chinese patients, providing further evidence that rs11209026 is the key polymorphism associated with AS (and likely inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis) in this gene.


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Objective To investigate differences in genetic risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Han Chinese as compared with Europeans. Methods A genome-wide association study was conducted in China with 952 patients and 943 controls, and 32 variants were followed up in 2,132 patients and 2,553 controls. A transpopulation meta-analysis with results from a large European RA study was also performed to compare the genetic architecture across the 2 ethnic remote populations. Results Three non-major histocompatibility complex (non-MHC) loci were identified at the genome-wide significance level, the effect sizes of which were larger in anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA)-positive patients than in ACPA-negative patients. These included 2 novel variants, rs12617656, located in an intron of DPP4 (odds ratio [OR] 1.56, P = 1.6 × 10 -21), and rs12379034, located in the coding region of CDK5RAP2 (OR 1.49, P = 1.1 × 10-16), as well as a variant at the known CCR6 locus, rs1854853 (OR 0.71, P = 6.5 × 10-15). The analysis of ACPA-positive patients versus ACPA-negative patients revealed that rs12617656 at the DPP4 locus showed a strong interaction effect with ACPAs (P = 5.3 × 10-18), and such an interaction was also observed for rs7748270 at the MHC locus (P = 5.9 × 10-8). The transpopulation meta-analysis showed genome-wide overlap and enrichment in association signals across the 2 populations, as confirmed by prediction analysis. Conclusion This study has expanded the list of alleles that confer risk of RA, provided new insight into the pathogenesis of RA, and added empirical evidence to the emerging polygenic nature of complex trait variation driven by common genetic variants. Copyright © 2014 by the American College of Rheumatology.


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Most genome-wide association studies to date have been performed in populations of European descent, but there is increasing interest in expanding these studies to other populations. The performance of genotyping chips in Asian populations is not well established. Therefore, we sought to test the performance of widely used fixed-marker, genome-wide association studies chips in the Han Chinese population. Non-HapMap Chinese samples (n = 396) were genotyped using the Illumina OmniExpress and Affymetrix 6.0 platforms, whereas a subset also were genotyped using the Immunochip. Genotyped markers from the Affymetrix 6.0 and Illumina OmniExpress were used for full genome imputation based on the HapMap 2 JPT+CHB (Japanese from Tokyo, Japan and Chinese from Beijing, China) reference panel. The concordance between markers genotypes for the three platforms was very high whether directly genotyped or genotyped and imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; .99.8% for directly genotyped and .99.5% for genotyped and imputed SNPs, respectively) were compared. The OmniExpress chip data enabled more SNPs to be imputed, particularly SNPs with minor allele frequency .5%. The OmniExpress chip achieved better coverage of HapMap SNPs than the Affymetrix 6.0 chip (73.6% vs. 65.9%, respectively, for minor allele frequency .5%). The Affymetrix 6.0 and Illumina OmniExpress chip have similar genotyping accuracy and provide similar accuracy of imputed SNPs. The OmniExpress chip however provides better coverage of Asian HapMap SNPs, although its coverage of HapMap SNPs is moderate. © 2013 Jiang et al.


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The HLA-B27 subtypes have a varied racial and ethnic prevalence throughout the world. However, the association of B27-subtypes with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the mainland China is unknown. To determine the association of B27-subtypes with AS in the Mainland Chinese Han population, a total of unrelated 153 patients with AS were enrolled in a large case-control association study, and 1545 unrelated, healthy, ethnically matched blood donors were included as controls. The genotyping of B27 and its subtypes was performed using the polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). A total of 130 (84.97%) AS patients and 61 (3.95%) healthy controls were B27 positive. Three B27-subtypes, B*2704, B*2705 and B*2710, were further identified, of which both B*2704 and B*2705 were strongly AS associated. B*2710 was only detected in one AS patient and two other healthy controls. Considering only B27-positive cases and controls, a statistically different frequency of B27-subtypes was observed, with an over-representation of B*2704 (P = 0.018). B*2704 was clearly more strongly associated than B*2705 with AS [odds ratio (OR) = 2.4, P = 0.011]. Furthermore, a combined analysis including three previous studies of B27-subtype distributions in Chinese AS cases confirmed the stronger association of B*2704 with AS than B*2705 (OR = 2.5, P = 0.00094).


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on tehty osana Svenska i toppen -projektia, joka alkoi syksyllä 2008 Pohjoismaisten kielten ja pohjoismaisen kirjallisuuden laitoksella. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat lukiolaisten näkökulmasta hyvien tulosten saavuttamiseen ruotsin ylioppilaskirjoituksissa kolmessa suomenkielisessä lukiossa, jotka sijaitsevat Turun, Tampereen ja Joensuun seuduilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, miten maantieteelliset tekijät vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden ruotsin kielen osaamiseen sekä mitä eroja on keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin oppimäärän opiskelijoiden asenteissa kieltä kohtaan. Tutkielman aineistona on kolme ryhmähaastattelua, joihin on osallistunut 14 lukiolaista, 11 tyttöä ja 3 poikaa. Haastattelut on tehty joulukuussa 2008 sekä tammi- ja maaliskuussa 2009. Haastatteluissa on käytetty strukturoitua kyselylomaketta, jossa kysytään opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä ruotsin opiskelusta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on kvalitatiivinen tutkimusote, jossa on piirteitä kolmesta eri menetelmästä: tapaustutkimuksesta, etnografisesta tutkimuksesta sekä temaattisesta analyysistä. Tärkeimpänä teoriataustana on ruotsi toisena kielenä -tutkimus, oppiminen sosiokonstruktivistisena ilmiönä sekä motivaatiotutkimus. Tarkastelen kielenoppijaa luokkahuoneessa sosiaalisena osallistujana omassa oppimisprosessissaan. Oppiminen nähdään kokonaisuutena, johon kuuluu eri osa-alueita, esimerkiksi koulujen käytännöt, yhteisön vaikutus oppimiseen sekä opiskelijan identiteetin muokkautuminen kouluyhteisössä. Motivaatiota tarkastelen kielenoppimisen näkökulmasta, ja se koostuu erilaisista dynaamisista vaiheista, esimerkiksi tavoitteiden asettamisesta oppimisprosessin alussa, valintojen tekemisestä sekä motivaation ylläpitämisestä oppimisprosessin kuluessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että suurin yksittäinen syy menestykseen opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta on opettaja, joka omalla toiminnallaan voi merkittävästi parantaa opiskelijoiden oppimisedellytyksiä. Työhön panostaminen, opiskelijoiden yksilöllinen kohtaaminen myös luokkahuoneen ulkopuolella ja esimerkiksi omien oppimateriaalien valmistaminen ovat opettajaan liittyviä tekijöitä, jotka voivat nostaa opiskelijoiden motivaatiota huomattavasti. Myös lukion maantieteellisellä sijainnilla on vaikutusta. Paikkakunnilla, joilla ruotsin kieltä käytetään vähän, korostuu opettajan rooli kielellisen oppimisympäristön luomisessa. Keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin opiskelijoiden välillä ei tutkimuksessa ilmene eroja asenteissa kieltä kohtaan.


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We investigated the distribution of Y-chromosome haplotype using 19 Y-SNPs in Han Chinese populations from 22 provinces of China. Our data indicate distinctive patterns of Y chromosome between southern and northern Han Chinese populations. The southern po


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The spread of culture and language in human populations is explained by two alternative models: the demic diffusion model, which involves mass movement of people; and the cultural diffusion model, which refers to cultural impact between populations and in


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Background: Schizophrenia is a complex genetic disorder caused by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Several lines of linkage and association studies have repeatedly suggested that the chromosome 5q22-33 region is implicated in the aetiology of s


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We present a new approach for estimating mixing between populations based on non-recombining markers, specifically Y-chromosome microsatellites. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian statistical approach is used to calculate the posterior probability


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To characterize the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in Han Chinese from several provinces of China, we have sequenced the two hypervariable segments of the control region and the segment spanning nucleotide positions 10171-10659 of the coding region,