788 resultados para Hamster cheek pouch
The hamster check pouch is an invagination of oral mucosa, characterized histologically as skin-like. In this paper we describe anatomical, histological and embriological features of the pouch and coment on the pouch as an immunologically privileged site since it lacks lymphatic drainage and has few Langerhans cells. We present the review from literature and our observations after inoculation in the pouch of mycobacteriae (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae) and a fungus (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis). Lesions in the pouch were granulomatous but smaller and long lasting; even granulomatous, the reaction was inefficient to control the proliferation of agents compared with inoculation in other sites, except for BCG. Appearance of immunity was also delayed or absent and, when it was detected, a sharp decrease in number of agents in pouch lesions was observed. These observations make the pouch an interesting site for the study of the role of immune system in infeccious diseases and in granuloma formation.
The subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch, a site of immunologic privilege, has been used to investigate the potential infectivity of different types of parasites. It has been demonstrated that the implantation of fragments of lesions induced by the fungus Lacazia loboi, the etiologic agent of Jorge Lobo's disease, into the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch resulted in parasite multiplication and dissemination to satellite lymph nodes16. Here we describe the evolution of lesions induced by the inoculation of the isolated fungus into this immunologically privileged site. The morphology of the inflammatory response and fungal viability and proliferation were evaluated. Inoculation of the fungus into the cheek pouch induced histiocytic granulomas with rare lymphocytes. Although fungal cells were detected for a period of up to 180 days in these lesions, the fungi lost viability after the first day of inoculation. In contrast, when the parasite was inoculated into the footpad, non-organized histiocytic lesions were observed. Langhan's giant cells, lymphocytes and fungal particles were observed in these lesions. Fungal viability was observed up to 60 days after inoculation and non-viable parasites were present in the persistent lesions up to 180 days post-inoculation. These data indicate that the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch is not a suitable site for the proliferation of Lacazia loboi when the fungus isolated from human tissues is tested.
A bolsa jugal do hamster (BJH) é uma invaginação da mucosa oral, caracterizada histologicamente como semelhante a pele. Nesse estudo nós descrevemos algumas de suas características anatômicas, histológicas e embriológicas e comentamos sobre sua propriedade como local imunologicamente privilegiado, considerando a ausência de drenagem linfática e o reduzido número de células de Langerhans. Apresentamos também os resultados obtidos quando da inoculação de micobacterias (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis e Mycobacterium leprae) e do fungo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis na bolsa jugal. Comparada com as lesões provocadas em outras localizações e, à exceção do BCG, as lesões induzidas na bolsa são menores e de maior duração e, mesmo quando granulomatosas, incapazes de controlar a multiplicação do agente; nos casos em que houve o desenvolvimento da resposta imune, ele se fez tardiamente e foi acompanhado pela redução do número de parasitas nas lesões. Essas observações apontam a bolsa jugal do hamster como um local de escolha para o estudo sobre a participação da resposta imune no desenvolvimento e modulação das doenças infecciosas e dos granulomas.
We have studied the role of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis viability in the morphology of paracoccidioidomycotic granulomas in the hamster cheek pouch, an immunologically privileged site. Naive (N = 75) and previously sensitized (N = 50) two-month old male hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were inoculated into the pouch with 5 x 10(5) live or heat- or formalin-killed fungi. Previously sensitized animals presented a positive footpad test and immunodiffusion demonstrable antibodies (titer 1/32), at the time of sacrifice; naive animals were always negative for those immunological tests. The histological results showed that, like viable P. brasiliensis, killed fungi evoke typical epithelioid granulomas in 100% of animals, even in the absence of immunodiffusion or footpad test detectable immune response. The granulomas elicited by killed fungi were devoid of giant cells or a mononuclear cell halo, suggesting that live proliferating fungi or their products may be involved in these events.
We have characterized the histamine releasing effects of lectins extracted from Brazilian beans, in comparison to concanavalin A, in hamster cheek pouch cell suspensions containing mast cells. The lectins from Dioclea virgata, Canavalia brasiliensis, and Dioclea rostrata induce histamine release in a similar manner to concanavalin A, but appear to differ in potency and efficacy. The effects depended on the temperature, pH, and metabolic energy, demonstrating the non-cytotoxic nature of the histamine release. It is suggested that the lectins studied act by the same mechanism as concanavalin A (interacting with sugars in the antibodies bound to the mast cells), since high concentrations of glucose inhibit the histamine release. The lectins at high concentrations quench the histamine release. This suppression is reversed by increasing calcium concentration, suggesting that the lectins bind to the calcium that is essential for the secretion, thereby confirming and extending our previous data using the lectin from Dioclea virgata in rat peritoneal mast cells.
We have studied the role of the immune response in the morphology of the leishmaniotic granuloma induced in the cheek pouch of hamsters, an immunologically privileged site, after inoculation of 3 x 10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Animals were histologically and immunologically evaluated until 120 days after inoculation. Independent of the time of sacrifice, the animals were always non-reactors to the footpad test (FPT). At histology, the introduction of L. mexicana in the cheek pouch leads to an abscess that evolves to a granulomatous reaction rich in amastigote forms, and later it leads to resolution, even in the absence of immune response detectable by FPT. Our results demonstrate that the development of immune response is not preponderant for the control of infection induced by L. mexicana inoculated subcutaneously in the cheek pouch of the hamster. It also suggests that the macrophages present in the leishmaniotic granuloma are capable of eliminating this parasite, even in the absence of immune response evaluated by FPT.
No presente estudo, investigamos o papel da resposta imune na morfologia do granuloma leishmaniótico induzido na bolsa jugal do hamster, um local imunologicamente privilegiado, após inoculação de 3x10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Os animais foram avaliados histológica e imunologicamente até os 120 dias da inoculação. Independente da época do sacrifício, os animais foram sempre não reatores ao teste do coxim plantar. Histologicamente, a inoculação de Leishmania mexicana na bolsa jugal resultou na formação de abcesso que evoluiu para reação granulomatosa rica em formas amastigotas e, posteriormente, para resolução. Esses resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento da resposta imune não é preponderante no controle da infecção induzida pela Leishmania mexicana inoculada subcutaneamente na bolsa jugal do hamster. Sugerem ainda que os macrófagos que compõe os granulomas leishmanióticos são capazes de eliminar esse parasita, independente da presença de resposta imune avaliável pelo teste do coxim plantar.
We compared the granuloma morphology and immune response of hamsters inoculated with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) into the cheek pouch, which lacks lymphatic drainage, and into the footpad, which is rich in lymphatics. Our objective was to better understand the modulation of Pb granuloma in an immunocompetent animal inoculated in an immunologically privileged site. The humoral immune response (ELISA) and cell mediated immunity (footpad test) became positive on days 7 and 14, respectively in animals inoculated into footpad and on days 35 and 60 in animals inoculated into the pouch. Typical epithelioid granulomas were observed at both sites on day 14. The number of fungi gradually decreased from the beginning of the experiment in footpad lesions, but only after day 35 in pouch granulomas, when cell mediated immunity was detectable. The results indicate that typical epithelioid paracoccidioidomycotic granulomas may develop in the absence of a detectable immune response; however, they are incapable of controlling fungal reproduction. Lack of lymphatic drainage delays the appearance of a detectable immune response, but with time fungi escape from the pouch, elicit an immune response and reach other organs. Our results further indicate the importance of the lymphatics in the pathogenesis of paracoccidioidomycosis.
This study presents the results of T. mentagrophytes inoculation in the cheek pouch of the hamster, an immunologically privileged site. Forty two animals were used: 21 inoculated with 10(6) fungi in the cheek pouch (group 1) and 21 inoculated initially with 10(6) fungi in the foot pad and 15 days later in the cheek pouch, with the same amount of fungi (group 2). Animals were sacrificed at 20 hours, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 120 days; samples from inoculated cheek pouch, and foot pads submitted to the foot pad test (FPT), were collected. Independent of group and time of evolution of infection, animals did not develop delayed hypersensitivity evaluated through the FPT. The pre-inoculation of fungi in the foot pad did not change the morphology of lesions induced in the cheek pouch. Therefore, in animals of group 1 and 2, the introduction of the fungus in the cheek pouch resulted in focal lesion composed of a sterile acute inflammatory infiltrate, with abscess formation that evolved to a macrophagic reaction, and later to resolution even in the absence of immune response detectable by FPT. Our results indicate that in spite of the important role of the immune response in the spontaneous regression of dermatophytosis, other factors are also an integral part in the defense against this fungal infection.
Esse estudo apresenta os resultados obtidos quando da inoculação de Trychophyton mentagrophytes na bolsa jugal do hamster, local imunologicamente privilegiado. Foram utilizados 42 animais: 21 inoculados com 10(6) fungos na bolsa jugal (grupo 1) e, 21 inicialmente inoculados com 10(6) fungos no coxim plantar e, 15 dias após, na bolsa jugal com a mesma quantidade fúngica (grupo 2). Os animais foram sacrificados às 20 h, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60 e 120 dias; foram coletadas amostras da bolsa jugal inoculada, e das patas submetidas ao teste do coxim plantar (TCP). Independente do grupo e do tempo de evolução da infecção, os animais não desenvolveram hipersensibilidade tardia avaliada através do TCP. A pré-inoculação de fungos no coxim plantar não alterou a morfologia das lesões induzidas na bolsa jugal. Assim, nos animais do grupo 1 e grupo 2, a introdução do fungo na bolsa jugal, resultou em lesão focal, constituída por infiltrado inflamatório agudo estéril, com formação de abscesso, que evoluiu para reação macrofágica e, posteriormente, para a resolução mesmo na ausência de resposta imune detectável pelo TCP. Nossos resultados indicam que, apesar do importante papel da resposta imune na regressão espontânea da dermatofitose, outros fatores são, também, parte integral da defesa contra esta infecção fúngica.
Cardiac mast cells (MC) are apposed to capillaries within the heart and release renin and proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins (Ang). Therefore, we hypothesized that mast cell degranulation could alter the rat coronary vascular responsiveness to the arterial delivered Ang I and Ang II, taking into account carboxypeptidase and chymase-1 activities. Hearts from animals that were either pretreated or not with systemic injection of the secretagogue compound 48/80 were isolated and mounted on a Langendorff apparatus to investigate coronary reactivity. The proteolytic activity of the cardiac perfusate from isolated hearts, pretreated or not with the secretagogue, toward Ang I and tetradecapeptide renin substrate was analyzed by HPLC. Coronary vascular reactivity to peptides was not affected by compound 48/80 pretreatment, despite the extensive amount of cardiac MC degranulation. Cardiac MC activation did not modify the generation of both Ang II and Ang 5-10 from Ang I by cardiac perfusate, activities that could be ascribed to MC carboxypeptidase and chymase-1, respectively. An aliskiren-resistant Ang I-forming activity was increased in perfusates from secretagogue-treated hearts. Thus, cardiac MC proteases capable of metabolizing angiotensins do not affect rat coronary reactivity to arterial delivered Ang I and II. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Histamine release induced by plant lectins was studied with emphasis on the carbohydrate specificity, external calcium requirement, metal binding sites, and mast cell heterogeneity and on the importance of antibodies bound to the mast cell membrane to the lectin effect. Peritoneal mast cells were obtained by direct lavage of the rat peritoneal cavity and guinea pig intestine and hamster cheek pouch mast cells were obtained by dispersion with collagenase type IA. Histamine release was induced with concanavalin A (Con A), lectins from Canavalia brasiliensis, mannose-specific Cymbosema roseum, Maackia amurensis, Parkia platycephala, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), and demetallized Con A and C. brasiliensis, using 1-300 µg/ml lectin concentrations applied to Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells, peaking on 26.9, 21.0, 29.1, 24.9, 17.2, 10.7, 19.9, and 41.5%, respectively. This effect was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium. The lectins were also active on hamster cheek pouch mast cells (except demetallized Con A) and on Rowett nude rat (animal free of immunoglobulins) peritoneal mast cells (except for mannose-specific C. roseum, P. platycephala and WGA). No effect was observed in guinea pig intestine mast cells. Glucose-saturated Con A and C. brasiliensis also released histamine from Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells. These results suggest that histamine release induced by lectins is influenced by the heterogeneity of mast cells and depends on extracellular calcium. The results also suggest that this histamine release might occur by alternative mechanisms, because the usual mechanism of lectins is related to their binding properties to metals from which depend the binding to sugars, which would be their sites to bind to immunoglobulins. In the present study, we show that the histamine release by lectins was also induced by demetallized lectins and by sugar-saturated lectins (which would avoid their binding to other sugars). Additionally, the lectins also released histamine from Rowett nude mast cells that are free of immunoglobulins.
Background and Objectives: Several studies have suggested that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can ameliorate oral mucositis, however, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of action of LLLT on chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis, as related to effects on collagen expression and inflammation Materials and Methods: A hamster cheek pouch model of oral mucositis was used with all animals receiving intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil, followed by surface irritation. Animals were randomly allocated into three groups, and treated with an InGaAIP diode laser at a wavelength of 660 nm and output power of 35 or 100 mW laser, or no laser Clinical severity of mucositis was assessed at four time-points by a blinded examiner Buccal pouch tissue was harvested from a subgroup of animals in each group at four time-points. Collagen was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated after picrosinus staining. The density of the neutrophil infiltrate was also scored Results: Peak clinical severity of mucositis was reduced in the 35 mW laser group as compared to the 100 mW and control groups The reduced peak clinical severity of mucositis in the 35 mW laser group was accompanied by a decrease in the number of neutrophils and an increase in the proportion of mature collagen as compared to the other two groups. The total quantity of collagen was significantly higher in the control (no laser) group at the day 11 time-point, as compared to the 35 mW laser group, consistent with a more prolonged inflammatory response in the control group. Conclusion: This study supports two mechanisms of action for LLLT in reducing mucositis severity. The increase in collagen organization in response to the 35 mW laser indicates that LLLT promotes wound healing In addition, LLLT also appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect, as evidenced by the reduction in neutrophil infiltrate Lasers Surg Med 42 546-552, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.