8 resultados para Halocinese


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A seqüência evaporítica Aptiana da Bacia de Santos constitui-se num dos maiores depósitos salíferos antigos conhecidos no mundo, tanto em área como em espessura. Esta última chega a atingir 2.500 m em alguns locais com baixa deformação. Devido à intensa halocinese ocorrida a partir do Albiano, sua estratificação deposicional ficou preservada em poucos locais. O Platô de São Paulo, feição fisiográfica que se estende até as águas profundas da Bacia de Santos, teve papel importante na preservação do acamadamento original. Dois poços e traços de uma seção sísmica, localizados nesta área, foram utilizados para o estudo cicloestratigráfico do pacote evaporítico. A correlação dos dois poços, a partir de seus perfis geofísicos, permitiu a identificação de um ciclo evaporítico principal com grande continuidade lateral e de espessura variável. Este ciclo deposicional foi classificado como do tipo brining upward/downward, e caracteriza-se pela precipitação rítmica de anidrita, halita, sais complexos, halita e, novamente, anidrita, no final de um ciclo e início do seguinte. Esta ordem de deposição foi interpretada como função da variação da espessura da lâmina de água e da concentração da salmoura. A análise cicloestratigráfica dos perfis geofísicos dos dois poços (raios gama, velocidade e densidade) e dos dois traços sísmicos resultou na correlação do principal ciclo identificado com o ciclo orbital de Milankovich de precessão longa, com 22 ka. Um outro ciclo secundário, com maior espessura, foi interpretado como resultado de variações climáticas em função do ciclo de obliqüidade, com um período de 39 ka. As taxas de deposição de cada ciclo são bastante variáveis em função da quantidade de cada tipo de evaporito. Através das análises cicloestratigráficas e do estudo das proporções em que cada sal ocorre, chegou-se a uma taxa de deposição da halita entre 10 e 11,5 m/ka, e de 0,61 a 0,64 m/ka para a anidrita. Esta diferença entre as taxas de deposição da halita e da anidrita explica a grande variação de espessura do ciclo principal, especialmente entre o depocentro e a borda da bacia. A menor concentração da salmoura nas proximidades da borda justifica uma menor espessura do ciclo e uma proporção bem maior de anidrita, quando se compara com uma deposição próxima ao depocentro. A cicloestratigrafia aplicada aos traços sísmicos apresentou resultados similares aos encontrados nos dois poços. A grande variação das propriedades físicas entre os diferentes tipos de evaporitos, especialmente entre a anidrita e os sais complexos, permite a intercalação de refletores com grande amplitude e continuidade. Foram contabilizados 22 ciclos nos dois traços analisados, os quais somados com o nível superior não analisado, mais rico em anidrita, totalizam 573 ka para a idade da seqüência evaporítica. Este resultado, mais os encontrados nos dois poços, permite uma previsão de tempo para a deposição de toda a seqüência entre 400 e 600 ka. Como um modelo mais provável para a deposição de toda a seqüência evaporítica, defende-se, neste trabalho, a hipótese de uma bacia profunda com lâmina de água também profunda. Os ciclos teriam se depositados a partir de mudanças de concentração da salmoura originadas pela variação de uma lâmina de água de cerca de 1000 m, na deposição da anidrita, para menos de 200 na deposição dos sais complexos, na parte mais profunda da bacia. Corroboram para este modelo, a grande continuidade, do depocentro até as bordas, das camadas de cada ciclo, a declividade, mesmo que bastante baixa, da bacia e a impossibilidade de valores de taxas de subsidência similares aos de deposição do ciclo evaporítico.


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This thesis deals with the tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Transitional Sequence in the Sergipe Sub-basin (the southern segment of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Northeast Brazil), deposited in the time interval of the upper Alagoas/Aptian stage. Sequence boundaries and higher order internal sequences were identified, as well as the structures that affect or control its deposition. This integrated approach aimed to characterize the geodynamic setting and processes active during deposition of the Transitional Sequence, and its relations with the evolutionary tectonic stages recognized in the East Brazilian Margin basins. This subject addresses more general questions discussed in the literature, regarding the evolution from the Rift to the Drift stages, the expression and significance of the breakup unconformity, the relationships between sedimentation and tectonics at extensional settings, as well as the control on subsidence processes during this time interval. The tectonic-stratigraphic analysis of the Transitional Sequence was based on seismic sections and well logs, distributed along the Sergipe Sub-basin (SBSE). Geoseismic sections and seismic facies analysis, stratigraphic profiles and sections, were compiled through the main structural blocks of this sub-basin. These products support the depositional and tectonic-stratigraphic evolutionary models built for this sequence. The structural analysis highlighted similarities in deformation styles and kinematics during deposition of the Rift and Transitional sequences, pointing to continuing lithospheric extensional processes along a NW trend (X strain axis) until the end of deposition of the latter sequence was finished by the end of late Aptian. The late stage of extension/rifting was marked by (i) continuous (or as pulses) fault activity along the basin, controling subsidence and creation of depositional space, thereby characterizing upper crustal thinning and (ii) sagstyle deposition of the Transitional Sequence at a larger scale, reflecting the ductile stretching and thinnning of lower and sub crustal layers combined with an increasing importance of the thermal subsidence regime. Besides the late increments of rift tectonics, the Transitional Sequence is also affected by reactivation of the border faults of SBSE, during and after deposition of the Riachuelo Formation (lower section of the Transgressive Marine Sequence, of Albian age). It is possible that this reactivation reflects (through stress propagation along the newlycreated continental margin) the rifting processes still active further north, between the Alagoas Sub-basin and the Pernambuco-Paraíba Basin. The evaporitic beds of the Transitional Sequence contributed to the development of post-rift structures related to halokinesis and the continental margin collapse, affecting strata of the overlying marine sequences during the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian, or even the Paleogene time interval. The stratigraphic analysis evidenced 5 depositional sequences of higher order, whose vertical succession indicates an upward increase of the base level, marked by deposition of continental siliciclastic systems overlain by lagunar-evaporitic and restricted marine systems, indicating that the Transitional Sequence was deposited during relative increase of the eustatic sea level. At a 2nd order cycle, the Transitional Sequence may represent the initial deposition of a Transgressive Systems Tract, whose passage to a Marine Transgressive Sequence would also be marked by the drowning of the depositional systems. At a 3rd order cycle, the sequence boundary corresponds to a local unconformity that laterally grades to a widespread correlative conformity. This boundary surface corresponds to a breakup unconformity , being equivalent to the Pre-Albian Unconformity at the SBSE and contrasting with the outstanding Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity at the base of the Transitional Sequence; the latter is alternatively referred, in the literature, as the breakup unconformity. This Thesis supports the Pre-Albian Unconformity as marker of a major change in the (Rift-Drift) depositional and tectonic setting at SBSE, with equivalent but also diachronous boundary surfaces in other basins of the Atlantic margin. The Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity developed due to astenosphere uplift (heating under high lithospheric extension rates) and post-dates the last major fault pulse and subsequent extensive block erosion. Later on, the number and net slip of active faults significantly decrease. At deep to ultra deep water basin segments, seaward-dipping reflectors (SDRs) are unconformably overlain by the seismic horizons correlated to the Transitional Sequence. The SDRs volcanic rocks overly (at least in part) continental crust and are tentatively ascribed to melting by adiabatic decompression of the rising astenospheric mantle. Even though being a major feature of SBSE (and possibly of other basins), the Pre-upper Alagoas Unconformity do not correspond to the end of lithospheric extension processes and beginning of seafloor spreading, as shown by the crustal-scale extensional structures that post-date the Transitional Sequence. Based on this whole context, deposition of the Transitional Sequence is better placed at a late interval of the Rift Stage, with the advance of an epicontinental sea over a crustal segment still undergoing extension. Along this segment, sedimentation was controled by a combination of thermal and mechanical subsidence. In continuation, the creation of oceanic lithosphere led to a decline in the mechanical subsidence component, extension was transferred to the mesoceanic ridge and the newly-formed continental margin (and the corresponding Marine Sequence) began to be controlled exclusively by the thermal subsidence component. Classical concepts, multidisciplinary data and new architectural and evolutionary crustal models can be reconciled and better understood under these lines


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The Cumuruxatiba basin is located at the southern coast State of Bahia in northeastern of Brazil. This basin was formed in distensional context, with rifting and subsequent thermal phase during Neocomian to late Cretaceous. At Cenozoic ages, the Abrolhos magmatism occurs in the basin with peaks during the Paleocene and Eocene. In this period, there was a kinematic inversion in the basin represented by folds related to reverse faults. Structural restoration of regional 2D seismic sections revealed that most of the deformation was concentrated at the beginning of the Cenozoic time with the peak at the Lower Eocene. The post-Eocene is marked by a decrease of strain rate to the present. The 3D structural modeling revealed a fold belt (trending EW to NE-SW) accommodating the deformation between the Royal Charlotte and Sulphur Minerva volcanic highs. The volcanic eruptions have caused a differential overburden on the borders of the basin. This acted as the trigger for halokinesis, as demonstrated by physical modeling in literature. Consequently, the deformation tends to be higher in the edges of the basin. The volcanic rocks occur mainly as concordant structures (sills) in the syn-tectonic sediment deposition showing a concomitant deformation. The isopach maps and diagrams of axis orientation of deformation revealed that most of the folds were activated and reactivated at different times during the Cenozoic. The folds exhibit diverse kinematic patterns over time as response to behavior of adjacent volcanic highs. These interpretations allied with information on the petroleum system of the basin are important in mapping the prospects for hydrocarbons


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Neste trabalho, é apresentado um estudo original e detalhado enfocando os aspectos petrográficos dos evaporitos de depósitos aptianos superiores expostos no sul e leste da Bacia de São Luís-Grajaú. O objetivo é o estabelecimento de critérios que permitam distinguir entre evaporitos primários e secundários, além da reconstrução de sua evolução pós-deposicional. Sete fases de evaporitos foram reconhecidas: 1. gipsita em chevron; 2. gipsita ou anidrita nodular a lenticular; 3. gipsita fibrosa a acicular; 4. gipsita em mosaico; 5. gipsita brechada a gipsarenito; 6. anidrita ou gipsita pseudo-nodular; e 7. gipsita em rosetas. As três primeiras fases apresentam características petrográficas condizentes com origem primária. Agipsita fibrosa a acicular e a gipsita em mosaico foramformadas por substituições de gipsita primária, com origem provável nos estágios iniciais da diagenêse, portanto ainda sob influência do ambiente deposicional. Estas morfologias de gipsita estão relacionadas com a fácies de evaporito laminado, tendo sido formadas por substituição, porém sem afetar a estruturação primária. A gipsita ou anidrita pseudo-nodular originou-se pela mobilização de soluções sulfatadas durante ou após soterramento, provavelmente associada à halocinese. A gipsita em rosetas, que intercepta todas as outras variedades de gipsita, representa o ultimo estágio de formação de evaporitos na área de estudo, tendo resultado de soluções intraestratais ou de águas superficiais durante intemperismo.


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The Linguado Field is located in the extreme southwest portion of Campos Basin. It’s associated with Structural Badejo High and can be divided in two groups of faults: one manly formed by antithetic faults, with NW-SE direction, continuous to Badejo Fault, and another identified by N-S faults. Besides these faults had affected the basement and the stratification of basin, these systems also had contributed to coquina permoporosity development, that show 80% of recoverable oil volume of the field. The carbonate marine sequence, Albian age, it was deposited under the salt. This forms structures as like as pillows and raft as a result of the halocinese. Structurally the Linguado Field coquina has monoclinal direction with east dip, it’s cut by faults with slip up to 50 meters. In addition to structural control, stratigraphy and diagenesis also were important to carbonate trap oil. The identification of recoverable oil levels in the low phase of the coquina from Lagoa Feia Group was done by well data. The seismic 2D and 3D, with the well data, was used to structural interpretation to regional scale either to reservoir scale.