13 resultados para HYPOCHOLESTEROLEMIA
Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) demeurent au tournant de ce siècle la principale cause de mortalité dans le monde. Parmi les facteurs de risque, l’hypercholestérolémie et l’obésité abdominale sont directement liées au développement précoce de l’athérosclérose. L’hypercholestérolémie familiale, communément associée à une déficience des récepteurs des lipoprotéines de basse densité (LDLR), est connue comme cause de maladie précoce d’athérosclérose et de calcification aortique chez l’humain. La subtilisine convertase proprotéine/kexine du type 9 (PCSK9), membre de la famille des proprotéines convertases, est trouvée indirectement associée aux MCV par son implication dans la dégradation du LDLR. Chez l'humain, des mutations du gène PCSK9 conduisent soit à une hypercholestérolémie familiale, soit à une hypocholestérolémie, selon que la mutation entraîne un gain ou une perte de fonction, respectivement. Il demeure incertain si les individus porteurs de mutations causant un gain de fonction de la PCSK9 développeront une calcification aortique ou si des mutations entraînant une perte de fonction provoqueront une obésité abdominale. Dans cette étude, nous avons examiné : 1) l’effet d’une surexpression de PCSK9 dans le foie de souris sur la calcification aortique ; 2) les conséquences d’une déficience en PCSK9 (Pcsk9 KO), mimant une inhibition pharmacologique, sur le tissu graisseux. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de souris transgénique (Tg) surexprimant le cDNA de PCSK9 de souris dans les hépatocytes de souris et démontrons par tomographie calculée qu’une calcification survient de façon moins étendue chez les souris PCSK9 Tg que chez les souris déficientes en LDLR. Alors que le PCSK9 Tg et la déficience en LDLR causaient tous deux une hypercholestérolémie familiale, les niveaux seuls de cholestérol circulant ne parvenaient pas à prédire le degré de calcification aortique. Dans une seconde étude, nous utilisions des souris génétiquement manipulées dépourvues de PSCK9 et démontrons que l’accumulation de graisses viscérales (adipogenèse) apparaît régulée par la PCSK9 circulante. Ainsi, en l’absence de PCSK9, l’adipogenèse viscérale augmente vraisemblablement par régulation post-traductionnelle des récepteurs à lipoprotéines de très basse densité (VLDLR) dans le tissu adipeux. Ces deux modèles mettent en évidence un équilibre dynamique de la PCSK9 dans des voies métaboliques différentes, réalisant un élément clé dans la santé cardiovasculaire. Par conséquent, les essais d’investigations et d’altérations biologiques de la PCSK9 devraient être pris en compte dans un modèle animal valide utilisant une méthode sensible et en portant une attention prudente aux effets secondaires de toute intervention.
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la principale cause de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. Le récepteur CD36, exprimé à la surface des macrophages, joue un rôle déterminant dans l’internalisation des lipoprotéines oxydées menant à la formation des cellules spumeuses dans l’espace sous endothélial, première étape du développement des lésions athérosclérotiques. Nous avons montré précédemment que les sécrétines de l’hormone de croissance sont des ligands du récepteur CD36 qui possèdent un site de liaison qui chevauche celui des lipoprotéines oxydées. Cependant, aucune étude n’avait rapporté les effets potentiels des ligands sélectifs du CD36 sur la progression des lésions athérosclérotiques et le métabolisme lipidique au niveau des macrophages. Ainsi, ce projet de doctorat visait à évaluer le potentiel anti-athérosclérotique du EP 80317, un ligand sélectif du CD36, et élucider les mécanismes à l’origine de ses effets sur le métabolisme et le transport des lipides au niveau des macrophages. À cette fin, des souris déficientes en apolipoprotéine E (apoE-/-), nourries avec une diète riche en lipides et en cholestérol, ont été traitées quotidiennement pendant 12 semaines avec le EP 80317, montrant un puissant effet anti-athérosclérotique associé à une réduction de 51% des lésions aortiques et de 30% du taux plasmatique de cholestérol total. Cette même étude a permis de montrer une réduction de l’internalisation des lipoprotéines oxydées ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression des gènes/protéines impliqués dans l’efflux du cholestérol au niveau des macrophages, comme le peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), liver x receptor α (LXRα) et les transporteurs ABCA1 et ABCG1, entraînant une réduction de la formation des cellules spumeuses. Ces observations nous ont conduits à élucider les mécanismes moléculaires engendrés par la liaison d’un ligand sélectif au récepteur CD36 dans les macrophages. Les études ont permis de montrer que les ligands du CD36 entraînent une augmentation de l’efflux du cholestérol vers les transporteurs ABCA1 et ABCG1 en augmentant l’expression protéique de la cyclooxygénase 2 (COX-2) consécutive à la phosphorylation de la MAP kinase ERK1/2. L’activation de COX-2 stimule la production intracellulaire de la prostaglandine 15d-PGJ2, cette dernière conduisant à l’activation du PPARγ. Finalement, une troisième étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence les effets du EP 80317 sur le transport inverse du cholestérol in vivo. L’injection de macrophages J774 radiomarqués avec du cholestérol tritié dans la cavité péritonéale de souris avec le EP 80317 nous a permis de montrer que le EP 80317 entraîne une réduction de la radioactivité retrouvée dans le foie tandis qu’il augmente celle retrouvée dans les fèces par comparaison aux souris contrôles, sans néanmoins modifier le profil plasmatique du radiotraceur entre les deux groupes. De plus, l’expression des gènes impliqués dans le transport du cholestérol au niveau intestinal comme le LXRα, ABCA1, ABCG5 ainsi que ABCG8 ont été régulés à la hausse par le EP 80317 tandis que l’expression de NPC1L1, un transporteur impliqué dans l’absorption du cholestérol, a été régulé à la baisse. Toutefois, les gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme du cholestérol au niveau du foie ne sont pas modulés par le EP 80317. En conclusion, les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse nous ont permis de montrer que l’activation du récepteur CD36 par le EP 80317 pourrait s’avérer être une nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour le traitement de l’athérosclérose. Les effets anti-athérosclérotiques et hypocholestérolémiants des ligands synthétiques du récepteur CD36 sont en partie engendrés par 1) la régulation du métabolisme des lipides au niveau des macrophages en réponse à l’activation du PPARγ par son ligand endogène, le 15d-PGJ2 et 2) par une augmentation du transport inverse du cholestérol, particulièrement par une augmentation de l’efflux transintestinal.
Hypercholesterolemic hamsters were fed for 4 wk on diets rich in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, differing only in protein source (20%): casein (control group, HC), whole cowpea seed (HWS), and cowpea protein isolate (HPI). Hamsters fed on HWS and HPI presented significant reductions in plasma total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol. HPI and HC presented similar protein digestibility, which were significantly higher than that of HWS. Animals fed on HWS presented significantly higher levels of bile acids and cholesterol in feces than did the animals fed on casein or HPI diets. Histological analyses of the liver showed that HC diet resulted in steatosis widely distributed throughout the hepatic lobule, while HWS and HPI diets promoted reductions in liver steatosis. The effectiveness of HWS for modulating lipid metabolism was greater than that of HPI, as measured by plasma cholesterol reduction and liver steatosis.
No próximo ano, completam-se 40 anos desde a primeira tentativa de transplante hepático (TxH) em seres humanos. Há quase 20 anos, o transplante (Tx) tornou-se uma opção terapêutica real para os pacientes portadores de doença hepática terminal. Atualmente, o TxH é o tratamento de escolha para diversas enfermidades hepáticas, agudas ou crônicas. Dos transplantes realizados na Europa ou nos EUA, em torno de 12% dos pacientes são crianças e adolescentes. No Brasil, 20,9% dos pacientes transplantados de fígado em 2001 tinham até 18 anos de idade e, destes, 60,7% tinham 5 anos ou menos. O objetivo do TxH é a manutenção da vida dos pacientes com doença hepática irreversível, e a principal forma de avaliação de sucesso é a sobrevida após o Tx. A primeira semana que se segue ao TxH, apesar dos excelentes progressos dos últimos anos, continua sendo o período mais crítico. A maioria dos óbitos ou das perdas do enxerto ocorrem nas primeiras semanas, em particular, nos primeiros 7 dias de TxH. Diversos fatores de risco para o resultado do TxH podem ser identificados na literatura, porém há poucos estudos específicos do Tx pediátrico. As crianças pequenas apresentam características particulares que os diferenciam do Tx nos adultos e nas crianças maiores. Com o objetivo de identificar fatores de risco para o óbito nos 7 primeiros dias após os transplantes hepáticos eletivos realizados em 45 crianças e adolescentes no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre março de 1995 e agosto de 2001, foi realizado um estudo de caso-controle. Entre os 6 casos (13,3%) e os 39 controles foram comparadas características relacionadas ao receptor, ao doador e ao procedimento cirúrgico e modelos prognósticos. Das variáveis relacionadas ao receptor, o gênero, o escore Z do peso e da estatura para a idade, a atresia de vias biliares, a cirurgia abdominal prévia, a cirurgia de Kasai, a história de ascite, de peritonite bacteriana espontânea, de hemorragia digestiva e de síndrome hepatopulmonar, a albuminemia, o INR, o tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada e o fator V não foram associados com o óbito na primeira semana. A mortalidade inicial foi maior nas crianças com menor idade (p=0,0035), peso (p=0,0062) e estatura (p<0,0001), bilirrubinemia total (BT) (p=0,0083) e bilirrubinemia não conjugada (BNC) (p=0,0024) elevadas, e colesterolemia reduzida (p=0,0385). Os receptores menores de 3 anos tiveram um risco 25,5 vezes maior de óbito que as crianças maiores (IC 95%: 1,3–487,7). A chance de óbito após o Tx dos pacientes com BT superior a 20 mg/dL e BNC maior que 6 mg/dL foi 7,8 (IC95%: 1,2–50,1) e 12,7 (IC95%: 1,3–121,7) vezes maior que daqueles com níveis inferiores, respectivamente. Das características relacionadas ao doador e ao Tx, as variáveis gênero, doador de gênero e grupo sangüíneo ABO não idênticos ao do receptor, razão peso do doador/receptor, causa do óbito do doador, enxerto reduzido, tempo em lista de espera e experiência do Programa não foram associados com o óbito nos primeiros 7 dias. Transplantes com enxertos de doadores de idade até 3 anos, ou de peso até 12 Kg representaram risco para o óbito dos receptores 6,8 (IC95%: 1,1–43,5) e 19,3 (IC95%: 1,3–281,6) vezes maior, respectivamente. O tempo de isquemia total foi em média de 2 horas maior nos transplantes dos receptores não sobreviventes (p=0,0316). Os modelos prognósticos Child-Pugh, Rodeck e UNOS não foram preditivos do óbito. Os pacientes classificados como alto risco no modelo de Malatack apresentaram razão de chances para o óbito 18,0 (IC95%: 1,2–262,7) vezes maior que aqueles com baixo risco. A mortalidade na primeira semana foi associada a valores elevados do escore PELD. O risco de óbito foi de 11,3 (IC95%: 1,2–107,0) nas crianças com valor do PELD maior que 10. As crianças pequenas e com maior disfunção hepática apresentaram maior risco de óbito precoce. Doador de pequeno porte e prolongamento do tempo de isquemia também foram associados à mortalidade. Somente os modelos de Malatack e PELD foram preditivos da sobrevida.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The HIV-infected individuals have been identified as a peculiar group whose propensity to the development of abnormalities in lipids metabolism supports the hypothesis that AIDS itself can be considered as an independent risk factor for the occlusive diseases development. The AIDS progression, as well as the therapy against HIV has been capable to show an array of metabolic disturbances that HIV-infected patients are prone to. These metabolic alterations affect the fate of plasmatic lipids and homocysteine as a result of three factor mainly: (i) the viral infection per se which triggers the development of hypertriglyceridemia and hipocholesterolemia; (ii) multiple vitamins and micronutrients deficiencies, that favors an onset of hyperhomocysteinemia; (iii) the state-of-the-art therapy for HIV infection, which is accompanied to idiosyncratic effects encompassing the lipid metabolism. In this context, a variety of risk factors to atherosclerosis can be identified in the HIV-infected individual. Of note, it must be considered that once life expectancy of these patients has been expanded due to the effective therapy, on the other hand they can accelerate atherosclerotic disease or its pathological appearance in the same extent.
Background: There is increasing interest in non-pharmacological control of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the plasma and diet-drug association represent an important area of studies. The objective of this study was to observe the hypocholesterolemic effect of soybean β-conglycinin (7S protein) alone and combined with fenofibrate and rosuvastatin, two hypolipidemic drugs. Methods. The protein and drugs were administered orally once a day to rats and the effects were evaluated after 28 days. Wistar rats were divided into six groups (n = 9): hypercholesterolemic diet (HC), HC+7S protein (300 mg.kg-1 day-1) (HC-7S), HC+fenofibrate (30 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-FF), HC+rosuvastatin (10 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-RO), HC+7S+fenofibrate (HC-7S-FF) and HC+7S+rosuvastatin (HC-7S-RO). Results: Animals in HC-7S, HC-FF and HC-RO exhibited reductions of 22.9, 35.8 and 18.8% in total plasma cholesterol, respectively. In HC-7S-FF, animals did not show significant alteration of the level in HC+FF while the group HC-7S-RO showed a negative effect in comparison with groups taking only protein (HC-7S) or drug (HC-RO). The administration of the protein, fenofibrate and rosuvastatin alone caused increases in the plasma HDL-C of the animals, while the protein-drug combinations led to an increase compared to HC-FF and HC-RO. The plasma concentration of triacylgycerides was significantly reduced in the groups without association, while HC-7S-FF showed no alteration and HC-7S-RO a little reduction. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that conglycinin has effects comparable to fenofibrate and rosuvastatin on the control of plasma cholesterol, HDL-C and triacylglycerides, when given to hypercholesterolemic rats, and suggests that the association of this protein with rosuvastatin alters the action of drug in the homeostasis of cholesterol. © 2012 Ferreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study describes the hypocholesterolaemic effect of whole lupin and its protein in hamsters. The diets were: casein (control group HC), lupin protein isolate (group HPI) and whole lupin seed (group HWS). Diets from HPI and HWS promoted a significant reduction of total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol in the hamsters' plasma as compared with HC. The true digestibility of HPI and HC groups were similar and differed significantly from the HWS one, which in turn showed a significant difference in total sterol excretion as compared to the former groups. Histological analysis of the liver revealed that animals fed on HPI and HWS diets presented a low level of steatosis (level 1) as compared to the ones fed on HC diet (level 4). Our findings demonstrate that protein isolate from Lupinus albus from Brazil has a metabolic effect on endogenous cholesterol metabolism and a protector effect on development of hepatic steatosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Case Description-A 9-year-old spayed female green iguana (Iguana iguana) was evaluated because of a distended coelom and weight loss. History included a single episode of egg binding and subsequent bilateral ovariosalpingectomy.;Clinical Findings-Physical examination revealed a mass within the coelomic cavity. Ultrasonography revealed a large, irregular mass with hypoechoic regions and coelomic effusion. Clinicopathologic derangements included heterophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, basophilia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypercalcemia. Results of cytologic evaluation of the mass were suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia, but neoplastic cells were not found in the effusion. An ovarian tumor was suspected on the basis of clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and results of cytologic evaluation of the mass.;Treatment and Outcome-Surgical exploration revealed a large left ovary, a normal-appearing contralateral ovary, and a mass in the fat body, all of which were removed and submitted for histologic examination. The histologic diagnosis was granulosa cell tumor with metastasis to the fat body. The patient died 11 months after evaluation, and disseminated granulosa cell tumor was confirmed at necropsy; histologic examination at that time also identified systemic mastocytosis.;Clinical Relevance-Granulosa cell tumors are uncommon in reptiles, and this was the first granulosa cell tumor described antemortem cytologically, histologically, and ultrastructurally in an iguana. Findings in this iguana underscored concerns associated with incomplete oophorectomy of iguanas; cytologic and histopathologic findings were similar to those observed in other domestic animals. Oophorectomy should be considered as an alternative to standard ovariosalpingectomy to avoid potential complications in pet reptiles, and use of microsurgical instruments and vascular clips is advised. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:237-242)
Cholesterol deficiency, a new autosomal recessive inherited genetic defect in Holstein cattle, has been recently reported to have an influence on the rearing success of calves. The affected animals show unresponsive diarrhea accompanied by hypocholesterolemia and usually die within the first weeks or months of life. Here, we show that whole genome sequencing combined with the knowledge about the pedigree and inbreeding status of a livestock population facilitates the identification of the causative mutation. We resequenced the entire genomes of an affected calf and a healthy partially inbred male carrying one copy of the critical 2.24-Mb chromosome 11 segment in its ancestral state and one copy of the same segment with the cholesterol deficiency mutation. We detected a single structural variant, homozygous in the affected case and heterozygous in the non-affected carrier male. The genetic makeup of this key animal provides extremely strong support for the causality of this mutation. The mutation represents a 1.3kb insertion of a transposable LTR element (ERV2-1) in the coding sequence of the APOB gene, which leads to truncated transcripts and aberrant splicing. This finding was further supported by RNA sequencing of the liver transcriptome of an affected calf. The encoded apolipoprotein B is an essential apolipoprotein on chylomicrons and low-density lipoproteins, and therefore, the mutation represents a loss of function mutation similar to autosomal recessive inherited familial hypobetalipoproteinemia-1 (FHBL1) in humans. Our findings provide a direct gene test to improve selection against this deleterious mutation in Holstein cattle.
During the last months, the number of reports on Holstein calves suffering from incurable idiopathic diarrhea dramatically increased. Affected calves showed severe hypocholesterolemia and mostly died within days up to a few months after birth. This new autosomal monogenic recessive inherited fat metabolism disorder, termed cholesterol deficiency (CD), is caused by a loss of function mutation of the bovine gene. The objective of the present study was to investigate specific components of lipid metabolism in 6 homozygous for the mutation (CDS) and 6 normal Holstein calves with different genotypes. Independent of sex, CDS had significantly lower plasma concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), free cholesterol (FC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), triacylglycerides (TAG), and phospholipids (PL) compared with homozygous wild-type calves ( < 0.05). Furthermore, we studied the effect of the genotype on cholesterol metabolism in adult Holstein breeding bulls of Swissgenetics. Among a total of 254 adult males, the homozygous mutant genotype was absent, 36 bulls were heterozygous carriers (CDC), and 218 bulls were homozygous wild-type (CDF). In CDC bulls, plasma concentrations of TC, FC, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TAG, and PL were lower compared with CDF bulls ( < 0.05). The ratios of FC:cholesteryl esters (CE) and FC:TC were higher in CDC bulls compared with CDF bulls, whereas the ratio of CE:TC was lower in CDC bulls compared with CDF bulls ( < 0.01). In conclusion, the CD-associated mutation was shown to affect lipid metabolism in affected Holstein calves and adult breeding bulls. Besides cholesterol, the concentrations of PL, TAG, and lipoproteins also were distinctly reduced in homozygous and heterozygous carriers of the mutation. Beyond malabsorption of dietary lipids, deleterious effects of apolipoprotein B deficiency on hepatic lipid metabolism, steroid biosynthesis, and cell membrane function can be expected, which may result in unspecific symptoms of reduced fertility, growth, and health.
BACKGROUND Cholesterol deficiency (CD), a newly identified autosomal recessive genetic defect in Holstein cattle, is associated with clinical signs of diarrhea, failure to thrive, and hypocholesterolemia. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES The objective is to describe the clinicopathological phenotype of affected Holstein cattle homozygous for the causative apolipoprotein B gene (APOB) mutation. ANIMALS Six Holstein cattle, 5 calves with a clinical history of chronic diarrhea, and 1 heifer with erosions in the buccal cavity and neurologic symptoms were admitted to the Clinic for Ruminants. METHODS This case review included a full clinical examination, a complete blood count, blood chemistry, and measurements of cholesterol and triglycerides. The animals were euthanized and necropsied. A PCR-based direct gene test was applied to determine the APOB genotype. RESULTS All 6 animals were inbred, could be traced back to the sire Maughlin Storm, and were confirmed homozygous for the APOB mutation. The clinical phenotype included poor development, underweight, and intermittent diarrhea in the calves, and neurologic signs in the heifer included hypermetria and pacing. Hypocholesterolemia and low triglycerides concentrations were present in all animals. The pathological phenotype of all animals was steatorrhea with enterocytes of the small intestine containing intracytoplasmic lipid vacuoles. The peripheral nervous system of the heifer displayed degenerative changes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Suspicion of CD in Holstein cattle is based on the presence of chronic diarrhea with no evidence of primary infections. Confirmation of the associated APOB gene mutation is needed. Additionally, the heifer demonstrated primarily signs of neurologic disease providing an unexpected phenotype of CD.