192 resultados para HYALURONAN SYNTHASES


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Hyaluronan (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that is synthesized by a family of enzymes called hyaluronan synthases (HASs), of which there are three isoforms (HAS1, 2 and 3) in mammals. The HASs have different tissue expression patterns and function, indicating that synthesis of HA and formation of the HA matrix may be regulated by various factors. The HA matrix has an important role in renal water handling and the production of a concentrated urine. We investigated the distribution of HA and the expression of HAS1, HAS2 and HAS3 mRNAs in the kidney of the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native Australian desert rodent that is reported to produce the most concentrated urine of any mammal. After periods of three, seven and fourteen days of water deprivation, the distribution of renal HA changed considerably, and there was a general down-regulation of HAS mRNA expression. It is proposed that the regulation of HA synthesis by the different HAS isoforms during water deprivation in N. alexis, could be influenced by the molecular mass of the HA chains produced by each isoform, followed by the rate at which the individual HAS produces HA.


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The progression of several cancers is correlated with the increased synthesis of the glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronan. Hyaluronan is synthesized at the plasma membrane by various isoforms of hyaluronan synthases (HAS). The importance of HAS2 expression in highly invasive breast cancer was characterized by the antisense inhibition of HAS2 (ASHAS2). The effect of HAS2 inhibition on cell proliferation, migration, hyaluronan metabolism, and receptor status was characterized in vitro, whereas the effect on tumorigenicity and metastasis was established in vivo. HAS2 inhibition resulted in a 24-hour lag in proliferation that was concomitant to transient arrest of 79% of the cell population in G 0-G1. Inhibition of HAS2 did not alter the expression of the other HAS isoforms, whereas hyaluronidase (HYAL2) and the hyaluronan receptor, CD44, were significantly down-regulated. ASHAS2 cells accumulated greater amounts of high molecular weight hyaluronan (>10,000 kDa) in the culture medium, whereas mock and parental cells liberated less hyaluronan of three distinct molecular weights (100, 400, and 3,000 kDa). The inhibition of HAS2 in the highly invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line inhibited the initiation and progression of primary and secondary tumor formation following s.c. and intracardiac inoculation into nude mice, whereas controls readily established both primary and secondary tumors. The lack of primary and secondary tumor formation was manifested by increased survival times where ASHAS2 animals survived 172% longer than the control animals. Collectively, these unique results strongly implicate the central role of HAS2 in the initiation and progression of breast cancer, potentially highlighting the codependency between HAS2, CD44, and HYAL2 expression. ©2005 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Reasons for performing study: Alternative methods to evaluate the joint condition in asymptomatic osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) and other joint diseases may be useful. Objectives: To investigate possible changes in synovial fluid composition that may lead to joint conditions in asymptomatic OCD, in mature horses. Methods: Animals aged >2 years, of different breeds, with OCD in the intermediate ridge of distal tibia, symptomatic or not, were studied. Synovial fluid samples (10 healthy; 11 asymptomatic OCD; 25 symptomatic OCD) were collected by arthroscopy from 29 horses. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were analysed by a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis and enzymatic degradation with specific GAG lyases. The viscosity, white blood cell (WBC) count, protein concentration and hyaluronic acid (HA) molecular weight were also determined. Results: The method used here to analyse synovial fluid GAGs is reliable, reproducible and specific. The main synovial fluid GAGs are HA and chondroitin sulphate (CS), 93% and 7% respectively in normal horses. In symptomatic OCD, the concentrations of both increased (expressed as GAG/urea ratios), but CS increased more. The CS increased also in asymptomatic OCD. An inflammatory reaction was suggested by the increased WBC counts in OCD. The molecular weight of the synovial fluid HA was reduced in OCD, explaining the lower viscosity observed. Conclusions: The increased CS in synovial fluid of OCD joints in mature horses suggests that the synovial fluid CS and the WBC count are good markers of the joint conditions, allowing the identification of pathological phase in joint diseases. Potential relevance: The analysis of synovial fluid GAGs shows that cartilage damage occurs even in asymptomatic OCD, implying that arthroscopic removal of osteochondral fragments should be performed even in asymptomatic OCD.


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The “parallel-up” packing in cellulose Iα and Iβ unit cells was experimentally demonstrated by a combination of direct-staining the reducing ends of cellulose chains and microdiffraction-tilting electron crystallographic analysis. Microdiffraction investigation of nascent bacterial cellulose microfibrils showed that the reducing end of the growing cellulose chains points away from the bacterium, and this provides direct evidence that polymerization by the cellulose synthase takes place at the nonreducing end of the growing cellulose chains. This mechanism is likely to be valid also for a number of processive glycosyltransferases such as chitin synthases, hyaluronan synthases, and proteins involved in the synthesis of nodulation factor backbones.


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The role endogenously synthesized hyaluronan plays in myogenesis is not yet known.

Hyaluronan synthase genes were expressed during skeletal muscle growth and regeneration; inhibiting these synthases prevents myoblast differentiation and fusion.

Endogenous hyaluronan synthesis is required for myogenic differentiation.

The necessity for hyaluronan in myogenesis has implications when considering promoting muscle growth or regeneration.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurological disorder that affects thousands of people each year. Although in recent decades significant progress has been made in relation to understanding the molecular and cellular events underlying the nervous damage, spinal cord injury is still a highly disabling condition for which there is no curative therapy. People affected by spinal cord injuries manifested dysfunction or loss, temporary or permanent, of motor, sensory and / or autonomic functions depending on the spinal lesion damaged. Currently, the incidence rate of this type of injury is approximately 15-40 cases per million people worldwide. At the origin of these lesions are: road accidents, falls, interpersonal violence and the practice of sports. In this work we placed the hypothesis that HA is one of the component of the scar tissue formed after a compressive SCI, that it is likely synthetised by the perilesional glial cells and that it might support the permeation of the glial scar during the late phase of SCI. Nowadays, much focus is drawn on the recovery of CNS function, made impossible after SCI due to the high content of sulfated proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix. Counterbalancing the ratio between these proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid could be one of the experimental therapy to re-permeate the glial scar tissue formed after SCI, making possible axonal regrowth and functional recovery. Therefore, we established a model of spinal cord compression in mice and studied the glial scar tissue, particularly through the characterization of the expression of enzymes related to the metabolism of HA and the subsequent concentration thereof at different distances of the lesion epicenter. Our results show that the lesion induced in mice shows results similar to those produced in human lesions, in terms of histologic similarities and behavioral results. but these animals demonstrate an impressive spontaneous reorganization mechanism of the spinal cord tissue that occurs after injury and allows for partial recovery of the functions of the CNS. As regards the study of the glial scar, changes were recorded at the level of mRNA expression of enzymes metabolizing HA i.e., after injury there was a decreased expression of HA synthases 1-2 (HAS 1-2) and an increase of the expression HAS3 synthase mRNA, as well as the enzymes responsible for the HA catabolism, HYAL 1-2. But the amount of HA measured through the ELISA test was found unchanged after injury, it is not possible to explain this fact only with the change of expression of enzymes. At two weeks and in response to SCI, we found synthesized HA by reactive astrocytes and probably by others like microglial cells as it was advanced by the HA/GFAP+ and HA/IBA1+ cells co-location.


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In the present study, we examined a panel of human breast cancer cell lines with regard to their expression of CD44 and ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan. The cell lines expressed varying amounts of different molecular weight forms of CD44 (85-200 kDa) and, in general, those that expressed the greatest amounts of CD44 were the most invasive as judged by in vitro assays. In addition, the ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan was restricted to the cell lines expressing high levels of CD44, and both these functions were blocked by an antibody to CD44 (Hermes-1). Moreover, the rate of [3H]hyaluronan degradation was highly correlated with the amount of CD44 (r = 0.951, P < 0.0001), as well as with the invasive potential of the cells. Scatchard analysis of the [3H]hyaluronan binding of these cells revealed the existence of significant differences in both their binding capacity and their dissociation constant. To determine the source of this deviation, the different molecular weight forms of CD44 were partially separated by gel filtration chromatography. In all cell lines, the 85 kDa form was able to bind hyaluronan, although with different affinities. In contrast, not all of the high molecular weight forms of CD44 had this ability. These results illustrate the diversity of CD44 molecules in invasive tumor cells, and suggest that one of their major functions is to degrade hyaluronan.


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Terpenes represent about half of known natural products, with terpene synthases catalyzing reactions to increase the complexity of substrates and generate cyclizations of the linear diphosphate substrates, therefore forming rings and stereocenters. With their diverse functionality, terpene synthases may be highly evolvable, with the ability to accept a wide range of non-natural compounds and with high product selectivity. Our hypothesis is that directed evolution of terpene synthases can be used to increase selectivity of the synthase on a specific substrate. In the first part of the work presented herein, three natural terpene synthases, Cop2, BcBOT2, and SSCG_02150, were tested for activity against the natural substrate and a non-natural substrate, called Surrogate 1, and the relative activities on both the natural and non-natural substrates were compared. In the second part of this work, a terpene synthase variant of BcBOT2 that has been evolved for thermostability, was used for directed evolution for increased activity and selectivity on the non-natural substrate referred to as Surrogate 2. Mutations for this evolution were introduced using random mutagenesis, with error prone polymerase chain reactions, and using site-specific saturation mutagenesis, in which an NNK library is designed with a specific active site amino acid targeted for mutation. The mutant enzymes were then screened and selected for enhancement of the desired functionality. Two neutral mutants, 19B7 W367F and 19B7 W118Q, were found to maintain activity on Surrogate 2, as measured by the screen.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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L’interaction du CD40L plaquettaire avec le CD40 exprimé par les mono-lymphocytaires, dont les cellules progénitrices endothéliales (EPCs), médie l’hémostase. Deux sous-types d’EPCs induisent la réparation vasculaire : les early outgrowth cells (EOCs) et les endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs). Les EOCs expriment des protéines adaptatrices s’associant aux récepteurs du facteur de nécrose tumorale (TRAFs) nécessaires à la signalisation du CD40. L’association des TRAFs au CD40 contribuerait à la fonction antiplaquettaire d’EOCs prétraitées au CD40L, via la libération de prostacycline (PGI2) ou d'oxyde nitrique (NO). Toutefois, la contribution des TRAFs des ECFCs dans la libération de PGI2 et de NO via la régulation des cyclo-oxygénases (COX) et des NO synthases (NOS) demeure inexplorée. Cette étude vise à comprendre le rôle des TRAFs, COX et NOS dans les ECFCs. Nous avons différencié des EPCs via la culture de cellules mononucléaires du sang périphérique (PBMCs) dans un milieu à croissance endothéliale (EGM-2) et révélé, par microscopie optique et confocale, le phénotype monocytaire de nos EOCs et de cellules endothéliales (ECs) de nos ECFCs, incluant leurs caractéristiques endothéliales par cytométrie en flux. L’expression constitutive de l’eNOS, l’iNOS, la COX-1 et faiblement la COX-2 dans nos ECFCs et ECs, des enzymes absentes de nos EOCs, a été décelée par Western Blot. Le profil d'expression des TRAFs dans nos EOCs, ECFCs, PBMCs et ECs a démontré la présence variée du CD40 et celle des TRAF1, 2, 3, 5 et 6, selon le type cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons révélé la présence de TRAFs, COX et NOS, ainsi que leur expression différentielle dans les EOCs et ECFCs. Des études portant sur l’association des TRAFs au CD40 éclaireront sur les mécanismes intracellulaires impliqués dans la régulation de la synthèse de PGI2 et de NO et la fonction antiplaquettaire des EPCs.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is a chemical messenger generated by the activity of the nitric oxide synthases (NOS). The NOS/NO system appears to be involved in oocyte maturation, but there are few studies on gene expression and protein activity in oocytes of cattle. The present study aimed to investigate gene expression and protein activity of NOS in immature and in vitro matured oocytes of cattle. The influence of pre-maturation culture with butyrolactone I in NOS gene expression was also assessed. The following experiments were performed: (1) detection of the endothelial (eNOS) and inducible (iNOS) isoforms in the ovary by immunohistochemistry; (2) detection of eNOS and iNOS in the oocytes before and after in vitro maturation (W) by immunofluorescence; (3) eNOS and iNOS mRNA and protein in immature and in vitro matured oocytes, with or without pre-maturation, by real time PCR and Western blotting, respectively; and (4) NOS activity in immature and in vitro matured oocytes by NADPH-diaphorase. eNOS and iNOS were detected in oocytes within all follicle categories (primary, secondary and tertiary), and other compartments of the ovary and in the cytoplasm of immature and in vitro matured oocytes. Amount of mRNA for both isoforms decreased after IVM but was maintained after pre-maturation culture. The NOS protein was detected in immature (pre-mature or not) and was still detected in similar amount after pre-maturation and maturation for both isoforms. NOS activity was detected only in part of the immature oocytes. In conclusion, isoforms of NOS (eNOS and iNOS) are present in oocytes of cattle from early folliculogenesis up to maturation; in vitro maturation influences amount of mRNA and NOS activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interactions of leukocytes with endothelium play a role for the immune system modulated by endogenous agents, such as glucocorticoids and nitric oxide (NO). Glucocorticoids inhibit leukocyte-endothelial interactions whereas the role of NO is still controversial. In this study, the activity of Ca(+2)-dependent nitric oxide synthases was in vivo blocked in male Wistar rats by given L-NAME, 20 mg kg(-1) for 14 days dissolved in drinking water and expression of adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte-endothelial interactions was investigated. Expressions of L-selectin and PECAM-I in peripheral leukocytes and PECAM-1 in endothelial cells were reduced by L-NAME treatment. Only L-selectin expression was controlled at transcriptional levels. These effects were not dependent on endogenous glucocorticoids, as corticosterone levels were not altered in NAME-treated rats. Our results show that NO, produced at physiological levels, controls expression of constitutive adhesion molecules expressions in cell membranes by different mechanisms of action. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors are largely used to evaluate the NO contribution to pulmonary allergy, but contrasting data have been reported. In this study, pharmacological, biochemical and pharmacokinetic assays were performed to compare the effects of acute and long-term treatment of BALB/C mice with the non-selective NOS inhibitor L-NAME in ovalbumin (OVA)-challenged mice. Acute L-NAME treatment (50 mg/kg, gavage) significantly reduced the eosinophil number in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). The inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor aminoguanidine (20 mg/kg/day in the drinking water) also significantly reduced the eosinophil number in BALF In contrast, 3-week L-NAME treatment (50 and 150 mg/kg/day in the drinking water) significantly increased the pulmonary eosinophil influx. The constitutive NOS (cNOS) activity in brain and lungs was reduced by both acute and 3-week L-NAME treatments. The pulmonary iNOS activity was reduced by acute L-NAME (or aminoguanidine), but unaffected by 3-week L-NAME treatment. Acute L-NAME (or aminoguanidine) treatment was more efficient to reduce the NO(x) levels compared with 3-week L-NAME treatment. The pharmacokinetic study revealed that L-NAME is not bioavailable when given orally. After acute L-NAME intake, serum concentrations of the metabolite N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine decreased from 30 min to 24 h. In the 3-week L-NAME treatment, the N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine concentration was close to the detection limit. In conclusion, 3-week treatment with L-NAME yields low serum N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine concentrations, causing preferential inhibition of cNOS activity. Therefore, eosinophil influx potentiation by 3-week L-NAME treatment may reflect removal of protective cNOS-derived NO, with no interference on the ongoing inflammation due to iNOS-derived NO. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.