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Relationships among floral biology, floral micromorphology and pollinator behaviour in bird-pollinated orchids are important issues to understand the evolution of the huge flower diversity within Orchidaceae. We aimed to investigate floral mechanisms underlying the interaction with pollinators in two hummingbird-pollinated orchids occurring in the Atlantic forest. We assessed floral biology, nectar traits, nectary and column micromorphologies, breeding systems and pollinators. In both species, nectar is secreted by lip calli through spaces between the medial lamellar surfaces of epidermal cells. Such form of floral nectar secretion has not been previously described. Both species present functional protandry and are self-compatible yet pollinator-dependent. Fruit sets in hand-pollination experiments were more than twice those under natural conditions, evidencing pollen limitation. The absence of fruit set in interspecific crosses suggests the existence of post-pollination barriers between these synchronopatric species. In Elleanthus brasiliensis, fruits resulting from cross-pollination and natural conditions were heavier than those resulting from self-pollination, suggesting advantages to cross-pollination. Hummingbirds pollinated both species, which share at least one pollinator species. Species differences in floral morphologies led to distinct pollination mechanisms. In E. brasiliensis, attachment of pollinaria to the hummingbird bill occurs through a lever apparatus formed by an appendage in the column, another novelty to the knowledge of orchids. In E. crinipes, pollinaria attachment occurs by simple contact with the bill during insertion into the flower tube, which fits tightly around the bill. The novelties described here illustrate the overlooked richness in ecology and morphophysiology in Orchidaceae. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The radiation of angiosperms is associated with shifts among pollination modes that are thought to have driven the diversification of floral forms. However, the exact sequence of evolutionary events that led to such great diversity in floral traits is unknown for most plant groups. Here, we characterize the patterns of evolution of individual floral traits and overall floral morphologies in the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). We identified 12 discrete traits that are associated with seven floral types previously described for the group and used a penalized likelihood tree of the tribe to reconstruct the ancestral states of those traits at all nodes of the phylogeny of Bignonieae. In addition, evolutionary correlations among traits were conducted using a maximum likelihood approach to test whether the evolution of individual floral traits followed the correlated patterns of evolution expected under the ""pollination syndrome"" concept. The ancestral Bignonieae flower presented an Anemopaegma-type morphology, which was followed by several parallel shifts in floral morphologies. Those shifts occurred through intermediate stages resulting in mixed floral morphologies as well as directly from the Anemopaegma-type morphology to other floral types. Positive and negative evolutionary correlations among traits fit patterns expected under the pollination syndrome perspective, suggesting that interactions between Bignonieae flowers and pollinators likely played important roles in the diversification of the group as a whole.


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Main conclusion Switches between pollination syndromes have happened frequently during angiosperm evolution. Using QTL mapping and reciprocal introgressions, we show that changes in reproductive organ morphology have a simple genetic basis. In animal-pollinated plants, flowers have evolved to optimize pollination efficiency by different pollinator guilds and hence reproductive success. The two Petunia species, P. axillaris and P. exserta, display pollination syndromes adapted to moth or hummingbird pollination. For the floral traits color and scent, genetic loci of large phenotypic effect have been well documented. However, such large-effect loci may be typical for shifts in simple biochemical traits, whereas the evolution of morphological traits may involve multiple mutations of small phenotypic effect. Here, we performed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of floral morphology, followed by an in-depth study of pistil and stamen morphology and the introgression of individual QTL into reciprocal parental backgrounds. Two QTLs, on chromosomes II and V, are sufficient to explain the interspecific difference in pistil and stamen length. Since most of the difference in organ length is caused by differences in cell number, genes underlying these QTLs are likely to be involved in cell cycle regulation. Interestingly, conservation of the locus on chromosome II in a different P. axillaris subspecies suggests that the evolution of organ elongation was initiated on chromosome II in adaptation to different pollinators. We recently showed that QTLs for pistil and stamen length on chromosome II are tightly linked to QTLs for petal color and volatile emission. Linkage of multiple traits will enable major phenotypic change within a few generations in hybridizing populations. Thus, the genomic architecture of pollination syndromes in Petunia allows for rapid responses to changing pollinator availability.


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A study of the floral biology and the breeding system of Ferdinandusa speciosa Pohl (Rubiaceae) was carried out from March to September 1996 in Uberlândia, MG, central Brazil. This species is a shrub or small tree that occurs in swampy edges of gallery forests. The two studied populations flowered somewhat asynchronously from March to July. The tubular flowers are red, approximately 4.7 cm long and last for two days. They are protandrous and the pollen is available one day before the stigma becomes receptive. The beginning of anthesis and the opening of the stigmatic lips occur at dusk. The nectar is secreted during both the male and the female phases, with concentration of sugars greater in the male phase. The flowers are pollinated by two hummingbird species, Chlorostilbon aureoventris and Phaethornis pretrei. Ferdinandusa speciosa is a self-compatible, non-apomictic species, with low fruit production under natural conditions in the populations studied. No differences were found between fruit set of self- and cross-pollinated flowers, nor in the pollen tube growth rate in the pistils of these flowers. The seeds formed by cross-pollination are larger, heavier and show a higher percentage of germination than those formed by self-pollination, which indicates inbreeding depression. This result suggests that, although the species is self-compatible, cross-pollination may be advantageous.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Adaptations to new pollinators involve multiple floral traits, each requiring coordinated changes in multiple genes. Despite this genetic complexity, shifts in pollination syndromes have happened frequently during angiosperm evolution. Here we study the genetic basis of floral UV absorbance, a key trait for attracting nocturnal pollinators. In Petunia, mutations in a single gene, MYB-FL, explain two transitions in UV absorbance. A gain of UV absorbance in the transition from bee to moth pollination was determined by a cis-regulatory mutation, whereas a frameshift mutation caused subsequent loss of UV absorbance during the transition from moth to hummingbird pollination. The functional differences in MYB-FL provide insight into the process of speciation and clarify phylogenetic relationships between nascent species.


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Interactions between flowers and their visitors span the spectrum from mutualism to antagonism. The literature is rich in studies focusing on mutualism, but nectar robbery has mostly been investigated using phytocentric approaches focused on only a few plant species. To fill this gap, we studied the interactions between a nectar-robbing hermit hummingbird, Phaethornis ruber, and the array of flowers it visits. First, based on a literature review of the interactions involving  P. ruber, we characterized the association of floral larceny to floral phenotype. We then experimentally examined the effects of nectar robbing on nectar standing crop and number of visits of the pollinators to the flowers of Canna paniculata. Finally, we asked whether the incorporation of illegitimate interactions into the analysis affects plant-hummingbird network structure. We identified 97 plant species visited by P. ruber and found that P. ruber engaged in floral larceny in almost 30 % of these species. Nectar robbery was especially common in flowers with longer corolla. In terms of the effect on C. paniculata, the depletion of nectar due to robbery by P. ruber was associated with decreased visitation rates of legitimate pollinators. At the community level, the inclusion of the illegitimate visits of P. ruber resulted in modifications of how modules within the network were organized, notably giving rise to a new module consisting of P. ruber and mostly robbed flowers. However, although illegitimate visits constituted approximately 9 % of all interactions in the network, changes in nestedness, modularity, and network-level specialization were minor. Our results indicate that although a flower robber may have a strong effect on the pollination of a particular plant species, the inclusion of its illegitimate interactions has limited capacity to change overall network structure.


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Geographical variation in the reproductive biology of widespread species often occurs at their distributional boundaries. We sought to determine whether such variation has occurred in an invasive orchid, Oeceoclades maculata, across its naturalized range. We compared its reproductive biology in a Brazilian population with that published for a population on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. In the state of Sao Paulo, O. maculata flowers between December and February, at the height of the rainy season. Similar fruit sets were observed in manual self (76%) and cross (70.4%) pollination treatments. The fruit set of plants protected from both pollinators and rainfall was 6.1%, whereas plants exposed only to rainfall had a fruit set of 41.4%, slightly less than the controls (48.3%). Like the Puerto Rico population, reproduction is primarily through rain-assisted autogamy, but unlike observations made on the island, outcrossing can eventually occur. We observed two butterfly species (Heliconius ethilla narcaea and Heliconius erato phyllis) pollinating O. maculata. Secretory epidermal cells and trichomes of the spur lumen produced 0.7 mu L of 25% (sucrose equivalents) nectar per flower each morning, which was stored in a dilated basal portion of the spur and reabsorbed by the afternoon. Thus, geographical variation in reproductive biology exists across the broad invasive range of O. maculata.


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The pollination effectiveness of the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata and the honey bee Apis mellifera was tested in tomato plots. The experiment was conducted in four greenhouses as well as in an external open plot in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. The tomato plants were exposed to visits by M. quadrifasciata in one greenhouse and to A. mellifera in another; two greenhouses were maintained without bees (controls) and an open field plot was exposed to pollinators in an area where both honey bee and stingless bee colonies are abundant. We counted the number of tomatoes produced in each plot. Two hundred tomatoes from each plot were weighed, their vertical and transversal circumferences were measured, and the seeds were counted. We collected 253 Chrysomelidae, 17 Halictidae, one Paratrigona sp, and one honey bee from the flowers of the tomato plants in the open area. The largest number of fruits (1414 tomatoes), the heaviest and largest tomatoes, and the ones with the most seed were collected from the greenhouse with stingless bees. Fruits cultivated in the greenhouse with honey bees had the same weight and size as those produced in one of the control greenhouses. The stingless bee, M. quadrifasciata, was significantly more efficient than honey bees in pollinating greenhouse tomatoes.


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Cyrtopodium includes similar to 42 species, among which is Cyrtopodium polyphyllum (Vell.) Pabst ex F. Barros that occurs in a rainforest in south-eastern Brazil. Its non-rewarding flowers, which attract Centridini bees by deceit, are rain-assisted self-pollinated, a phenomenon rarely found in orchids and other plant families. In addition, self-pollination has never been reported in Cyrtopodiinae and data on the pollination of South American orchids are scarce. Flowers were observed at different times of the day, on both sunny and rainy days, to record floral morphology, visitors and the effects of rainfall on flowers. On rainy days, water accumulates on the stigma and dissolves the adhesive substance of the stigmatic surface. A viscous drop thus forms, which contacts the pollinarium. When evaporation makes the viscous drop shrink, the drop moves the pollinarium with the anther onto the stigmatic surface and promotes self-pollination. Fruit set in natural habitat was low, with 2.4% at one study site, where a similar value (2.2%) was recorded in flowers self-pollinated by rain. In C. polyphyllum, facultative self-pollination assisted by rain is thus an important strategy that guarantees fruit set when pollinator`s visits are scarce, which is common in species pollinated by deceit.


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The reproductive biology and pollination mechanisms of Govenia utriculata (Sw.) Lindl. were studied in a mesophytic semideciduous forest at Serra do Japi, south-eastern Brazil. The floral visitors and pollination mechanisms were recorded, and experimental pollinations were carried out to determine the breeding system of this species. Populations of G. utriculata growing at Serra do Japi are exclusively visited and pollinated by two species of hoverflies in the genus Salpingogaster (Diptera: Syrphidae) that are attracted by deceit to the flowers of this orchid species. The lip apex and the column base present small brownish and yellow to orange spots that mimic pollen clusters. Govenia utriculata is self-compatible, but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set was low (10%), but similar to that of other non-obligatorily autogamous sympatric orchid species that occur at Serra do Japi and of other fly-pollinated orchid species pollinated through deceptive mechanisms.


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The long-lived flowers of orchids increase the chances of pollination and thus the reproductive success of the species. However, a question arises: does the efficiency of pollination, expressed by fruit set, vary with the flower age? The objective of this study was to verify whether the flower age of Corymborkis flava(Sw.) Kuntze affects pollination efficiency. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) the fruit set of older flowers is lower than that of younger ones; 2) morphological observations (perianth and stigmatic area), stigma receptivity test by using a solution of hydrogen peroxide and hand-pollination tests are equally effective in defining the period of stigmatic receptivity. Flowers were found to be receptive from the first to the fourth day of anthesis. Fruit set of older flowers (third and fourth day) was lower than that of younger flowers. Morphological observations, the stigma receptivity test and hand-pollinations were equally effective in defining the period of stigmatic receptivity. However, to evaluate the maximum degree of stigma receptivity of orchid species with long-lived flowers, we recommend hand-pollinations, beyond the period of receptivity.


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The species Rhabdodendron macrophyllum (Spr. ex Benth.) Hub. (Rhabdondendraceae) was observed in order to determine its pollination mechanism. Although it flowers around the year, there are flowering peaks when it is visited by several species of pollen-gathering bees. The principal floral visitors are two species of trigonid bees and one Melipona. The Melipona and one other visitor used the buzz method to extract pollen from the longitudinally dehiscent anthers. The trigonid bees collected pollen without buzzing. The flowers open around 6:00 a.m. and are available to the bess until about 10:30 a.m. Pollinator exclusion experiments showed that this species sets fruit equally by self fertilization.


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Floral mechanisms that ensure seed production via autogamy are more likely to occur in species growing in environments where pollination is scarce. Amasonia obovata was studied in the State of Mato Grosso-Brazil, from 2009 to 2012, to analyze the morphological and reproductive characteristics, aside from investigating the association of the reproductive success with the pollinator frequency and identity. The flowering and fruiting of A. obovata was concentrated in a period of five months during the rainy season. The dichogamy in flowers of A. obovata is not clearly defined, since the sexual functions were overlapped in the male and female phases. The species is self-compatible and not apomictic. The fruiting percentage obtained by hand self-pollination did not differ from cross-breeding (F = 0.74, P =0.39). In the observations from 2010 to 2012, a hummingbird (Thalurania furcata) legitimate visited 20-100% of the flowers in the male and female phases on different A. obovata plants. Due to the high frequency, this hummingbird was considered the single potential pollinator of the species. These findings show that a limited availability of pollinators may select for floral traits and plant mating strategies that lead to a system of self-fertilization.


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