982 resultados para HUMAN CEREBRAL-CORTEX
The pharmacology of the N -methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor site was examined in pathologically affected and relatively spared regions of cerebral cortex tissue obtained at autopsy from Alzheimer's disease cases and matched controls. The affinity and density of the [H-3]MK-801 binding site were delineated along with the enhancement of [H-3]MK-801 binding by glutamate and spermine. Maximal enhancement induced by either ligand was regionally variable; glutamate-mediated maximal enhancement was higher in controls than in Alzheimer's cases in pathologically spared regions, whereas spermine-mediated maximal enhancement was higher in controls in areas susceptible to pathological damage. These and other data suggest that the subunit composition of NMDA receptors may be locally variable. Studies with modified conantokin-G (con-G) peptides showed that Ala(7)-con-G had higher affinity than Lys(7)-con-G, and also defined two distinct binding sites in controls. Nevertheless, the affinity for Lys(7)-con-G was higher overall in Alzheimer's brain than in control brain, whereas the reverse was true for Ala(7)-con-G. Over-excitation mediated by specific NMDA receptors might contribute to localized brain damage in Alzheimer's disease. Modified conantokins are useful for identifying the NMDA receptors involved, and may have potential as protective agents.
The monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 belongs to a large family of membrane proteins involved in the transport of lactate, pyruvate and ketone bodies. Although its expression in rodent brain has been well documented, the presence of MCT2 in the human brain has been questioned on the basis of low mRNA abundance. In this study, the distribution of the monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 has been investigated in the cortex of normal adult human brain using an immunohistochemical approach. Widespread neuropil staining in all cortical layers was observed by light microscopy. Such a distribution was very similar in three different cortical areas investigated. At the cellular level, the expression of MCT2 could be observed in a large number of neurons, in fibers both in grey and white matter, as well as in some astrocytes, mostly localized in layer I and in the white matter. Double staining experiments combined with confocal microscopy confirmed the neuronal expression but also suggested a preferential postsynaptic localization of synaptic MCT2 expression. A few astrocytes in the grey matter appeared to exhibit MCT2 labelling but at low levels. Electron microscopy revealed strong MCT2 expression at asymmetric synapses in the postsynaptic density and also within the spine head but not in the presynaptic terminal. These data not only demonstrate neuronal MCT2 expression in human, but since a portion of it exhibits a distinct synaptic localization, it further supports a putative role for MCT2 in adjustment of energy supply to levels of activity.
Structurally segregated and functionally specialized regions of the human cerebral cortex are interconnected by a dense network of cortico-cortical axonal pathways. By using diffusion spectrum imaging, we noninvasively mapped these pathways within and across cortical hemispheres in individual human participants. An analysis of the resulting large-scale structural brain networks reveals a structural core within posterior medial and parietal cerebral cortex, as well as several distinct temporal and frontal modules. Brain regions within the structural core share high degree, strength, and betweenness centrality, and they constitute connector hubs that link all major structural modules. The structural core contains brain regions that form the posterior components of the human default network. Looking both within and outside of core regions, we observed a substantial correspondence between structural connectivity and resting-state functional connectivity measured in the same participants. The spatial and topological centrality of the core within cortex suggests an important role in functional integration.
Dendritic spines establish most excitatory synapses in the brain and are located in Purkinje cell’s dendrites along helical paths, perhaps maximizing the probability to contact different axons. To test whether spine helixes also occur in neocortex, we reconstructed >500 dendritic segments from adult human cortex obtained from autopsies. With Fourier analysis and spatial statistics, we analyzed spine position along apical and basal dendrites of layer 3 pyramidal neurons from frontal, temporal, and cingulate cortex. Although we occasionally detected helical positioning, for the great majority of dendrites we could not reject the null hypothesis of spatial randomness in spine locations, either in apical or basal dendrites, in neurons of different cortical areas or among spines of different volumes and lengths. We conclude that in adult human neocortex spine positions are mostly random. We discuss the relevance of these results for spine formation and plasticity and their functional impact for cortical circuits.
Dendritic spines establish most excitatory synapses in the brain and are located in Purkinje cell?s dendrites along helical paths, perhaps maximizing the probability to contact different axons. To test whether spine helixes also occur in neocortex, we reconstructed ?500 dendritic segments from adult human cortex obtained from autopsies. With Fourier analysis and spatial statistics, we analyzed spine position along apical and basal dendrites of layer 3 pyramidal neurons from frontal, temporal, and cingulate cortex. Although we occasionally detected helical positioning, for the great majority of dendrites we could not reject the null hypothesis of spatial randomness in spine locations, either in apical or basal dendrites, in neurons of different cortical areas or among spines of different volumes and lengths. We conclude that in adult human neocortex spine positions are mostly random. We discuss the relevance of these results for spine formation and plasticity and their functional impact for cortical circuits.
Accurate and automated methods for measuring the thickness of human cerebral cortex could provide powerful tools for diagnosing and studying a variety of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Manual methods for estimating cortical thickness from neuroimaging data are labor intensive, requiring several days of effort by a trained anatomist. Furthermore, the highly folded nature of the cortex is problematic for manual techniques, frequently resulting in measurement errors in regions in which the cortical surface is not perpendicular to any of the cardinal axes. As a consequence, it has been impractical to obtain accurate thickness estimates for the entire cortex in individual subjects, or group statistics for patient or control populations. Here, we present an automated method for accurately measuring the thickness of the cerebral cortex across the entire brain and for generating cross-subject statistics in a coordinate system based on cortical anatomy. The intersubject standard deviation of the thickness measures is shown to be less than 0.5 mm, implying the ability to detect focal atrophy in small populations or even individual subjects. The reliability and accuracy of this new method are assessed by within-subject test–retest studies, as well as by comparison of cross-subject regional thickness measures with published values.
The human cerebral cortex is notorious for the depth and irregularity of its convolutions and for its variability from one individual to the next. These complexities of cortical geography have been a chronic impediment to studies of functional specialization in the cortex. In this report, we discuss ways to compensate for the convolutions by using a combination of strategies whose common denominator involves explicit reconstructions of the cortical surface. Surface-based visualization involves reconstructing cortical surfaces and displaying them, along with associated experimental data, in various complementary formats (including three-dimensional native configurations, two-dimensional slices, extensively smoothed surfaces, ellipsoidal representations, and cortical flat maps). Generating these representations for the cortex of the Visible Man leads to a surface-based atlas that has important advantages over conventional stereotaxic atlases as a substrate for displaying and analyzing large amounts of experimental data. We illustrate this by showing the relationship between functionally specialized regions and topographically organized areas in human visual cortex. Surface-based warping allows data to be mapped from individual hemispheres to a surface-based atlas while respecting surface topology, improving registration of identifiable landmarks, and minimizing unwanted distortions. Surface-based warping also can aid in comparisons between species, which we illustrate by warping a macaque flat map to match the shape of a human flat map. Collectively, these approaches will allow more refined analyses of commonalities as well as individual differences in the functional organization of primate cerebral cortex.
Previous studies of cortical retinotopy focused on influences from the contralateral visual field, because ascending inputs to cortex are known to be crossed. Here, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to demonstrate and analyze an ipsilateral representation in human visual cortex. Moving stimuli, in a range of ipsilateral visual field locations, revealed activity: (i) along the vertical meridian in retinotopic (presumably lower-tier) areas; and (ii) in two large branches anterior to that, in presumptive higher-tier areas. One branch shares the anterior vertical meridian representation in human V3A, extending superiorly toward parietal cortex. The second branch runs antero-posteriorly along lateral visual cortex, overlying motion-selective area MT. Ipsilateral stimuli sparing the region around the vertical meridian representation also produced signal reductions (perhaps reflecting neural inhibition) in areas showing contralaterally driven retinotopy. Systematic sampling across a range of ipsilateral visual field extents revealed significant increases in ipsilateral activation in V3A and V4v, compared with immediately posterior areas V3 and VP. Finally, comparisons between ipsilateral stimuli of different types but equal retinotopic extent showed clear stimulus specificity, consistent with earlier suggestions of a functional segregation of motion vs. form processing in parietal vs. temporal cortex, respectively.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to identify and map the representation of the visual field in seven areas of human cerebral cortex and to identify at least two additional visually responsive regions. The cortical locations of neurons responding to stimulation along the vertical or horizontal visual field meridia were charted on three-dimensional models of the cortex and on unfolded maps of the cortical surface. These maps were used to identify the borders among areas that would be topographically homologous to areas V1, V2, V3, VP, and parts of V3A and V4 of the macaque monkey. Visually responsive areas homologous to the middle temporal/medial superior temporal area complex and unidentified parietal visual areas were also observed. The topography of the visual areas identified thus far is consistent with the organization in macaque monkeys. However, these and other findings suggest that human and simian cortical organization may begin to differ in extrastriate cortex at, or beyond, V3A and V4.
GABA receptors are ubiquitous in the cerebral cortex and play a major role in shaping responses of cortical neurons. GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas from both hemispheres in 9 normal subjects (aged 43-85 years; time between death and fixation 6-24 hours) and in 4 stroke patients (aged 59-87 years; time between death and fixation 7-24 hours) and analyzed qualitatively for GABAA and semiquantitatively for GABAB receptor subunits. In normal brains, the primary auditory area (TC) and the surrounding areas TB and TA displayed distinct GABAA receptor subunit labeling with differences among cortical layers and areas. In postacute and chronic stroke we found a layer-selective downregulation of the alpha-2 subunit in the anatomically intact cerebral cortex of the intact and of the lesioned hemisphere, whereas the alpha-1, alpha-3 and beta-2/3 subunits maintained normal levels of expression. The GABAB receptors had a distinct laminar pattern in auditory areas and minor differences among areas. Unlike in other pathologies, there is no modulation of the GABAB receptor expression in subacute or chronic stroke.
Cortical spreading depression (CSD) has been suggested to underlie migraine visual aura. However, it has been challenging to test this hypothesis in human cerebral cortex. Using high-field functional MRI with near-continuous recording during visual aura in three subjects, we observed blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes that demonstrated at least eight characteristics of CSD, time-locked to percept/onset of the aura. Initially, a focal increase in BOLD signal (possibly reflecting vasodilation), developed within extrastriate cortex (area V3A). This BOLD change progressed contiguously and slowly (3.5 ± 1.1 mm/min) over occipital cortex, congruent with the retinotopy of the visual percept. Following the same retinotopic progression, the BOLD signal then diminished (possibly reflecting vasoconstriction after the initial vasodilation), as did the BOLD response to visual activation. During periods with no visual stimulation, but while the subject was experiencing scintillations, BOLD signal followed the retinotopic progression of the visual percept. These data strongly suggest that an electrophysiological event such as CSD generates the aura in human visual cortex.
We review recent findings that, using fractal analysis, have demonstrated systematic regional and species differences in the branching complexity of neocortical pyramidal neurons. In particular, attention is focused on how fractal analysis is being applied to the study of specialization in pyramidal cell structure during the evolution of the primate cerebral cortex. These studies reveal variation in pyramidal cell phenotype that cannot be attributed solely to increasing brain volume. Moreover, the results of these studies suggest that the primate cerebral cortex is composed of neurons of different structural complexity. There is growing evidence to suggest that regional and species differences in neuronal structure influence function at both the cellular and circuit levels. These data challenge the prevailing dogma for cortical uniformity.
Immunocytochemical techniques were used to examine the distribution of neurons immunoreactive (-ir) for nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY), parvalbumin (PV), calbindin (CB) and calretinin (CH), in the inferotemporal gyros (Brodmann's area 21) of the human neocortex. Neurons that colocalized either nNOS or SOM with PV, CB or CR were also identified by double-labeling techniques. Furthermore, glutamate receptor subunit profiles (GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR2/4, GluR5/6/7 and NMDAR1) were also determined for these cells. The number and distribution of cells containing nNOS, SOM, NPY, PV, CB or CR differed for each antigen. In addition, distinct subpopulations of neurons displayed different degrees of colocalization of these antigens depending on which antigens were compared. Moreover, cells that contained nNOS, SOM, NPY, PV, GB or CR expressed different receptor subunit profiles. These results show that specific subpopulations of neurochemically identified nonpyramidal cells may be activated via different receptor subtypes. As these different subpopulations of cells project to specific regions of pyramidal calls, facilitation of subsets of these cells via different receptor subunits may activate different inhibitory circuits. Thus, various distinct, but overlapping, inhibitory circuits may act in concert in the modulation of normal cortical function, plasticity and disease.
Abstract : GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, and its receptors play an important role in modulating neuronal activity in the central nervous system and are implicated in many neurological disorders. In this study, GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas TC (= primary auditory area), TB, and TA. Both hemispheres from nine neurologically normal subjects and from four patients with subacute or chronic stroke were included. In normal brains, GABAA receptor subunit (α1, α2, & β2/3) labeling produced neuropil staining throughout all cortical layers as well as labeling fibers and neurons in layer VI for all auditory areas. Densitometry profiles displayed differences in GABAA subunit expression between primary and non-primary areas. In contrast to the neuropil labeling of GABAA subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunit immunoreactivity was revealed on neuronal somata and proximal dendritic shafts of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in layers II-III, more strongly on supra- than in infragranular layers. No differences were observed between auditory areas. In stroke cases, we observed a downregulation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit in granular and infragranular layers, while the other GABAA and the two GABAB receptor subunits remained unchanged. Our results demonstrate a strong presence of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human auditory cortex, suggesting a crucial role of GABA in shaping auditory responses in the primary and non-primary auditory areas. The differential laminar and area expression of GABAA subunits that we have found in the auditory areas and which is partially different from that in other cortical areas speaks in favor of a fine turning of GABA-ergic transmission in these different compartments. In contrast, GABAB expression displayed laminar, but not areal differences; its basic pattern was also very similar to that of other cortical areas, suggesting a more uniform role within the cerebral cortex. In subacute and chronic stroke, the selective GABAA α2 subunit downregulation is likely to influence postlesional plasticity and susceptibility to medication. The absence of changes in the GABAB receptors suggests different regulation than in other pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, in which a downregulation has been reported. Résumé : GABA, le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur, et ses récepteurs jouent un rôle important en tant que modulateur de l'activité neuronale dans le système nerveux central et sont impliqués dans de nombreux désordres neurologiques. Dans cette étude, l'expression des sous-unités des récepteur GABAA et GABAB a été visualisée par immunohistochimie dans les aires auditives du cortex humains: le TC (= aire auditif primaire), le TB, et le TA. Les deux hémisphères de neuf sujets considérés normaux du point de vue neurologique et de quatre patients ayant subis un accident cérébro-vasculaire et se trouvant dans la phase subaiguë ou chronique étaient inclues. Dans les cerveaux normaux, les immunohistochimies contre les sous-unités α1, α2, & β2/3 du récepteur GABAA ont marqué le neuropil dans toutes les couches corticales ainsi que les fibres et les neurones de la couche VI dans toutes les aires auditives. Le profile densitométrique montre des différences dans l'expression des sous-unités du récepteur GABAA entre les aires primaires et non-primaires. Contrairement au marquage de neuropil par les sous-unités du recepteur GABAA, 1'immunoréactivité des sous-unités GABAB1 et GABAB2 a été révélée sur les corps cellulaires neuronaux et les dendrites proximaux des neurones pyramidaux et non-pyramidaux dans les couches II-III et est plus dense dans les couches supragranulaires que dans les couches infragranulaires. Aucune différence n'a été observée entre les aires auditives. Dans des cas lésionnels, nous avons observé une diminution de la sous-unité α2 du récepteur GABAA dans les couches granulaires et infragranulaires, alors que le marquage des autres sous-unités du récepteur GABAA et des deux sous-unités de récepteur GABAB reste inchangé. Nos résultats démontrent une présence forte des récepteurs GABAA et GABAB dans le cortex auditif humain, suggérant un rôle crucial du neurotransmetteur GABA dans la formation de la réponse auditive dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires. L'expression différentielle des sous-unités de GABAA entre les couches corticales et entre les aires auditives et qui est partiellement différente de celle observée dans d'autres aires corticales préconise une modulation fine de la transmission GABA-ergic en ces différents compartiments. En revanche, l'expression de GABAB a montré des différences laminaires, mais non régionales ; son motif d'expression de base est également très semblable à celui d'autres aires corticales, suggérant un rôle plus uniforme dans le cortex cérébral. Dans les phases subaiguë et chronique des accidents cérébro-vasculaires, la diminution sélective de la sous-unité α2 du recepteur GABAA est susceptible d'influencer la plasticité et la susceptibilité postlésionnelle au médicament. L'absence de changement pour les récepteurs GABAB suggère que le récepteur est régulé différemment après un accident cerebro-vasculaire par rapport à d'autres conditions pathologiques, telles que l'épilepsie, la schizophrénie ou le désordre bipolaire, dans lesquels une diminution de ces sous-unités a été rapportée.