155 resultados para HTA


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Introducción: la hipertensión arterial (HTA) es un problema de salud pública, con alta prevalencia y gran repercusión a nivel cardiovascular. Los estilos de vida no saludables producen un incremento en la probabilidad de padecer dichas enfermedades. Las intervenciones dirigidas a modificar los estilos de vida poco saludables, son un área prioritaria dentro de las Políticas de Salud para Euskadi y la Atención Primaria es el lugar privilegiado para ello. Objetivo: determinar el efecto del programa de promoción de la salud en el manejo adecuado de la HTA, frente a los programas de control tradicionales utilizados en los servicios de Atención Primaria Metodología: Estudio clínico aleatorio con personas recién diagnosticadas de HTA de entre 40 y 65 años del Centro de Salud de Kabiezes (Santurtzi). Los pacientes serán asignados aleatoriamente en 2 grupos: el de intervención, que seguirá el programa y el control, que recibirá los cuidados marcados en las guías clínicas de Osakidetza. La intervención consistirá en 9 sesiones a lo largo de 6 meses y en ellas se abordaran tanto conocimientos como actividades. Se medirán los cambios en los conocimientos sobre la enfermedad y sus cuidados, la salud física (tensión arterial, perfil lipidico, peso, índice de masa corporal y electrocardiograma), los hábitos relacionados con la salud (alimentación, actividad física, consumo de tabaco y alcohol) y uso de sistema sanitario. La recogida de datos se llevará al inicio del programa, a los 3 y 6 meses y a los 6 meses tras la finalización del programa.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Psicología de la Salud) UANL, 2013.


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Prospective multicenter observational case-series.


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A doença cérebro-cardiovascular é uma realidade com taxas de prevalência preocupantes, onde a Hipertensão Arterial (HTA) apresenta-se como fator de risco primário no desenvolvimento daquela. Assim a adesão à terapêutica farmacológica da HTA é um fator importante para a redução da morbilidade e mortalidade associada às doenças cérebro-cardiovasculares, como o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio. A Enfermagem torna-se, assim, a ciência da saúde com bastante enfoque na promoção da saúde e prevenção de complicações em saúde. O objetivo compreende a identificação das estratégias utilizadas pela equipa multidisciplinar na promoção da adesão à terapêutica farmacológica, da pessoa com HTA em ambulatório, e como as mesmas se refletem na prática de cuidados. Nesta Revisão Sistemática da Literatura a formulação da questão de pesquisa está orientada pelo acrónimo PCC, envolvendo os seus constituintes: População – Pessoa com HTA; Conceito – Adesão à terapêutica farmacológica; Contexto – Ambulatório. Estabeleceram-se como critérios de inclusão Pessoas adultas com mais de 18 anos, com HTA diagnosticada, sob tratamento farmacológico, que não se encontrem internadas em unidades hospitalares. Tipos de Estudos primários, publicados na língua portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola num período estabelecido entre janeiro de 2005 e fevereiro de 2016 e que investigam o impacto de intervenções da equipa multidisciplinar de saúde, na adesão à terapêutica farmacológica da HTA. Os estudos apresentam como resultados a efetiva diminuição da TA e aumento da AT farmacológica em que são definidas como estratégias a Melhoria de atitudes e crenças sobre a saúde, Aceitação da intervenção como apoio com relevância à alteração de comportamentos em saúde e à melhoria da adesão à terapêutica e respeito individual e de cuidados individualizados, com impacto na melhoria da adesão à terapêutica.


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Background: Specialised disease management programmes for chronic heart failure (CHF) improve survival, quality of life and reduce healthcare utilisation. The overall efficacy of structured telephone support or telemonitoring as an individual component of a CHF disease management strategy remains inconclusive. Objectives: To review randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of structured telephone support or telemonitoring compared to standard practice for patients with CHF in order to quantify the effects of these interventions over and above usual care for these patients. Search strategy: Databases (the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) and Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) on The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED and Science Citation Index Expanded and Conference Citation Index on ISI Web of Knowledge) and various search engines were searched from 2006 to November 2008 to update a previously published non-Cochrane review. Bibliographies of relevant studies and systematic reviews and abstract conference proceedings were handsearched. No language limits were applied. Selection criteria: Only peer reviewed, published RCTs comparing structured telephone support or telemonitoring to usual care of CHF patients were included. Unpublished abstract data was included in sensitivity analyses. The intervention or usual care could not include a home visit or more than the usual (four to six weeks) clinic follow-up. Data collection and analysis: Data were presented as risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Primary outcomes included all-cause mortality, all-cause and CHF-related hospitalisations which were meta-analysed using fixed effects models. Other outcomes included length of stay, quality of life, acceptability and cost and these were described and tabulated. Main results: Twenty-five studies and five published abstracts were included. Of the 25 full peer-reviewed studies meta-analysed, 16 evaluated structured telephone support (5613 participants), 11 evaluated telemonitoring (2710 participants), and two tested both interventions (included in counts). Telemonitoring reduced all-cause mortality (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.81, P < 0.0001) with structured telephone support demonstrating a non-significant positive effect (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.01, P = 0.08). Both structured telephone support (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.87, P < 0.0001) and telemonitoring (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.94, P = 0.008) reduced CHF-related hospitalisations. For both interventions, several studies improved quality of life, reduced healthcare costs and were acceptable to patients. Improvements in prescribing, patient knowledge and self-care, and New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class were observed. Authors' conclusions: Structured telephone support and telemonitoring are effective in reducing the risk of all-cause mortality and CHF-related hospitalisations in patients with CHF; they improve quality of life, reduce costs, and evidence-based prescribing.


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Despite an increased focus on proactive policing in recent years, criminal investigation is still perhaps the most important task of any law enforcement agency. As a result, the skills required to carry out a successful investigation or to be an ‘effective detective’ have been subjected to much attention and debate (Smith and Flanagan, 2000; Dean, 2000; Fahsing and Gottschalk, 2008:652). Stelfox (2008:303) states that “The service’s capacity to carry out investigations comprises almost entirely the expertise of investigators.” In this respect, Dean (2000) highlighted the need to profile criminal investigators in order to promote further understanding of the cognitive approaches they take to the process of criminal investigation. As a result of his research, Dean (2000) produced a theoretical framework of criminal investigation, which included four disparate cognitive or ‘thinking styles’. These styles were the ‘Method’, ‘Challenge’, ‘Skill’ and ‘Risk’. While the Method and Challenge styles deal with adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the internal ‘drive’ that keeps an investigator going, the Skill and Risk styles both tap on the concept of creativity in policing. It is these two latter styles that provide the focus for this paper. This paper presents a brief discussion on Dean’s (2000) Skill and Risk styles before giving an overview of the broader literature on creativity in policing. The potential benefits of a creative approach as well as some hurdles which need to be overcome when proposing the integration of creativity within the policing sector are then discussed. Finally, the paper concludes by proposing further research into Dean’s (2000) skill and risk styles and also by stressing the need for significant changes to the structure and approach of the traditional policing organisation before creativity in policing is given the status it deserves.


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Tutkielmani käsittelee vepsän kielen momentaanisia ja frekventatiivisia verbijohdoksia. Tutkimus on aineistolähtöinen. Selvitän eri-ikäisistä tekstilähteistä kokoamani korpuksen valossa, minkälaista vepsän verbijohto on muihin itämerensuomalaisiin kieliin, erityisesti suomeen ver-rattuna. Yhtäältä näkökulmani on morfologinen. Toisaalta kiinnostukseni kohteena on verbijohdon silmiinpistävä runsaus ja produktiivisuus. Pohdin, missä ympäristöissä johdoksia käytetään ja minkälaisia merkityksiä niillä ilmaistaan. Taustalla on aiemmassa tutkimuksessa esitetty hypoteesi venäjän verbiaspektin vaikutuksesta vepsän verbijohdon runsastumiseen ja merkityskehitykseen. Teoreettiset katsaukset luon derivaatiomorfologiaan ja aspektin tutkimukseen typologian ja itämerensuomalaisten kielten näkökulmasta. Sivuan myös hieman venäjän kielen aspektia. Tutkimuksessani tulee näkyviin diakroninen muutos, sillä 1900-luvun alussa puhuttua vepsän kieltä 2000-luvun kieleen verrattaessa erityisesti frekventatiivijohdosten käyttö näyttää lisääntyneen. Frekventatiivijohtimet voivat liittyä moniin sellaisiin kantasanatyyppeihin, joihin ne eivät semanttisista tai morfotaktisista syistä vepsän lähisukukielessä suomessa liity. Sekä momentaanisten että frekventatiivisten johdinten valikoima on 2000-luvulla käytännössä supistunut 1900-luvun alun teksteissä esiintyvistä ja aiemmassa kirjallisuudessa mainituista useista johdinvarianteista äänteellisesti lyhyempiin, frekventatiivisiin -(e)le- ja momentaanisiin -(a)hta-johtimiin. Johdoksilla ilmaistuista merkityksistä olen tulkinnut erityisesti habituaalisuuden merkitystä merkittävän frekventatiivijohdoksin. Toisinaan vaikuttaa, että frekventatiivijohdoksilla halutaan korostaa toiminnan imperfektiivisyyttä suhteessa johtamattomaan kantaverbiin. Momentaanijohdoksia aineistossani on vähemmän, mutta niilläkin voi katsoa olevan aspektuaalisiin suhteisiin viittaavaa käyttöä. Voidaan sanoa, että vepsän verbijohtimin ilmaistaan aspektuaalisia suhteita laajemmin kuin suomessa. Avoimeksi jää, voiko imperfektiivisyyden ja habituaalisuuden tai perfektiivisyyden merkitsemistä verbijohdoksin pitää tietyissä konteksteissa pakollisena.


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- Background In the UK, women aged 50–73 years are invited for screening by mammography every 3 years. In 2009–10, more than 2.24 million women in this age group in England were invited to take part in the programme, of whom 73% attended a screening clinic. Of these, 64,104 women were recalled for assessment. Of those recalled, 81% did not have breast cancer; these women are described as having a false-positive mammogram. - Objective The aim of this systematic review was to identify the psychological impact on women of false-positive screening mammograms and any evidence for the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce this impact. We were also looking for evidence of effects in subgroups of women. - Data sources MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, EMBASE, Health Management Information Consortium, Cochrane Central Register for Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Cochrane Methodology, Web of Science, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science, Conference Proceeding Citation Index-Social Science and Humanities, PsycINFO, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Sociological Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents and others. Initial searches were carried out between 8 October 2010 and 25 January 2011. Update searches were carried out on 26 October 2011 and 23 March 2012. - Review methods Based on the inclusion criteria, titles and abstracts were screened independently by two reviewers. Retrieved papers were reviewed and selected using the same independent process. Data were extracted by one reviewer and checked by another. Each included study was assessed for risk of bias. - Results Eleven studies were found from 4423 titles and abstracts. Studies that used disease-specific measures found a negative psychological impact lasting up to 3 years. Distress increased with the level of invasiveness of the assessment procedure. Studies using instruments designed to detect clinical levels of morbidity did not find this effect. Women with false-positive mammograms were less likely to return for the next round of screening [relative risk (RR) 0.97; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96 to 0.98] than those with normal mammograms, were more likely to have interval cancer [odds ratio (OR) 3.19 (95% CI 2.34 to 4.35)] and were more likely to have cancer detected at the next screening round [OR 2.15 (95% CI 1.55 to 2.98)]. - Limitations This study was limited to UK research and by the robustness of the included studies, which frequently failed to report quality indicators, for example failure to consider the risk of bias or confounding, or failure to report participants' demographic characteristics. - Conclusions We conclude that the experience of having a false-positive screening mammogram can cause breast cancer-specific psychological distress that may endure for up to 3 years, and reduce the likelihood that women will return for their next round of mammography screening. These results should be treated cautiously owing to inherent weakness of observational designs and weaknesses in reporting. Future research should include a qualitative interview study and observational studies that compare generic and disease-specific measures, collect demographic data and include women from different social and ethnic groups.