2 resultados para HSF2
为了探讨 HSF2 mRNA 在热应激和超生理剂量睾酮诱导恒河猴生精细胞凋亡中的表达变化, 作者建立了手术诱导单侧隐睾和注射大剂量11酸睾酮(TU)恒河猴动物模型, 应用3′末端标记分析(TUNEL)和原位杂交方法, 检测睾丸细胞的凋亡信号和 HSF2的表达变化. TUNEL 结果显示热应激和超生理剂量睾酮能够诱导生精细胞出现凋亡信号, 它分别于处理后第5天和第30天达到最强, 表明热应激和睾酮干扰精子发生可能是通过生精细胞凋亡的方式来实现的. HSF2 mRNA 水平在生精细胞凋亡早期(凋亡信号达到最强以前)略有降低, 而在凋亡高峰期之后其表达急剧下降. Hsf2基因与作者以前研究的 Hsp70-2基因的表达具有时间上的相关性, 表明 HSF2蛋白可能调控 Hsp70-2基因的表达, 而且 HSF2可能通过多种方式影响精子的发生以及抑制生精细胞的凋亡。
Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) is a protein known to be involved in both stress and developmental processes through the regulation of heat shock proteins. However, to date, no studies have been performed on examining its expression in the myometrium during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes many structural and functional changes, and it also endures both mechanical and hormonal stresses. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to characterize the expression of Hsf1, and its associated factors in the uterus during pregnancy. Immunoblot analysis determined that Hsf1 protein expression was high early in gestation (day (d) 6) and then decreased significantly from mid gestation onwards (specifically when compared to d15, d17 and d22, p<0.05, n=5). Immunofluorescence analysis, demonstrated that Hsf1 was readily detectable in the myometrium but did not markedly change over gestation. Hsf1 was also localized mainly in the cytoplasm of myometrial cells, with some granular staining in the nucleus. Many related proteins of Hsf1 were also detectable in the myometrium, during pregnancy, such as PARP-1 and Hsf2. These results indicate that Hsf1 could play an important role early in gestation either to aid in myometrial cell proliferation or to upregulate expression of key genes necessary for subsequent myometrial differentiation.