338 resultados para HSAC PTR
We carried out a descriptive, retrospective study with a sample side of 121 patients with Legión® prosthesis replacement in our Vírgen del Rocío hospital area, in the city of Seville, from May of 2008 until March of 2011. This study included epidemiological data as well as technical information about the process performed, including post-operative pain, mobility and functional results using a functional assessment scale and series of radiological studies. Average follow-up was 19 months, with a mean age of 71 years and 87% women. We obtained an average of 20.41º for articular balance obtained, correction of prior deformities by restoring the tibia-femoral axis to the anatomic e balance articular angle; we resolved bone loss prior to replacement and carried out an adequate balance of the inter-lineal joint. 66% of the patients continued with no post-operative pain, with the other 33% reporting slight to moderate pain. With regards to pain at the point of the stem, we have found no significant relationship with the incidence angle of the stem on the cortical or with the type of cement. We observed a 74% rate of intervention without complications, with complications being rupture of the patellar tendon in one patient, one case of peri-prosthesis fracture, two iatrogenic avulsion fractures of the anterior tibial tuberosity and seven infections (4 were diagnosed previously).
Johtajan ja alaisen välistä luottamussuhdetta on tutkittu paljon, mutta vähemmälle huomiolle on jäänyt samassa asemassa työskentelevien välille syntyvä luottamus ja sen merkitys työn tehokkuuteen. Tutkielmassani selvitän luottamuksen muodostumismahdollisuuksia PTR-yhteispartioinnin näkökulmasta. Luottamus yhteispartioinnissa muodostuu sosiaalisen vuoro-vaikutuksen välityksellä. Vuorovaikutus voi tarkoittaa kasvokkain puhumista, videoneuvotte-lua tai muiden elektronisten laitteiden avulla tapahtuvaa kommunikointia. Tärkeintä vuoro-vaikutuksen kannalta on, että sen ei välttämättä tarvitse olla sanallista. Työnjaollisesti samaan asemaan kuuluvilla työntekijöillä on parhaat edellytykset jakaa sa-mankaltaista kokemusainesta ja tuntea solidaarisuutta toisiaan kohtaan. Luottamus on kuin eräänlainen odotus siitä, että toisen toiminta tuo hyötyä omalle toiminnalle. Ihmiset luovat suhteita sellaisten kanssa joista he uskovat hyötyvänsä, ja yhteistyö tuottaa parempaa tulosta kuin yksin toimimalla. Työyhteisön vastavuoroisuutta voidaan korostaa sillä, että työnjako suunnitellaan joustavaksi, työtehtävät jaetaan tasapuolisesti, osaaminen on korkeaa ja tiedon-jako on avointa. Tällöin työyhteisössä on helppoa pyytää apua työkavereilta, koska luottamus luo halun auttaa työkaveria. Tutkielmaan tehdyn kyselyn tulosten perusteella tärkein esille tullut ominaisuus, joka kasvat-taa luottamusta on ammattitaito. Tämä ominaisuus tuli esille kaikissa vastauksissa. Tutkiel-massa luottamus havaittiin tärkeäksi tekijäksi yhteispartioinnissa. Kyselyn perusteella voidaan todeta, että yhteispartiointia suorittavat Rajavartiolaitoksen virkamiehet luottavat poliisiin ja Tulliin ja yhteispartiointi koetaan mielekkääksi.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die OH-Radikalausbeuten beider Doppelbindungen von alpha-Phellandren, alpha-Terpinen, Limonen und Terpinolen bei der Ozonolyse getrennt voneinander bestimmt. Dabei wurde sich die hohe zeitliche Auflösung des PTR-MS zunutze gemacht. Es wurden die OH-Radikale mittels Cyclohexan abgefangen und aus dem daraus gebildeten Cyclohexanon die OH-Radikalausbeute berechnet. Dadurch konnten zum ersten Mal die OH-Radikalausbeuten der langsamer reagierenden Doppelbindung bestimmt werden. Es ergaben sich für alpha-Phellandren 8%11% (±3%), alpha-Terpinen 12%14% (±4%), Limonen 7%10% (±3%) und für Terpinolen 39%48% (±14%). Desweiteren wurde eine theoretische Diskussion über den Reaktionsmechanismus der Ozonolyse und dem daraus gebildetem Criegee-Intermediat durchgeführt. Dadurch konnten die OH-Radikalausbeuten erklärt werden und eine Voraussage über die OH-Radikalausbeute bei anderen Verbindungen ist mit diesen Überlegungen möglich. In einer Messkampagne in Paris konnten verschiedene VOCs und andere atmosphärisch relevante Komponenten wie Ozon, CO, NO2 und NO gemessen werden. Aus diesen Daten wurde zum einen ein Datenpaket in Igor gefertigt, welches die Interpretation der Daten erleichtern sollte. Zum anderen wurden die Daten mit einem PMF-Model analysiert.Durch die Analyse verschiedener Komponenten konnte die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Lösungsmittelindustrie in und um Paris einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentrationen gewisser Komponenten in der Luft hat. Über die Korrelation von Benzol und Toluol mit schwarzem Kohlenstoff und den typischen Tagesverlauf mit zwei Konzentrationsmaxima dieser Komponenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass als Hauptquelle diese beiden Stoffe nur der Straßenverkehr infrage kommt. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Luftmassen die Paris erreichen einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentration gewisser Komponenten in der Luft haben. Dadurch konnte gut zwischen lokalen Quellen und weit transportierten VOCs unterschieden werden. Schließlich konnten über das PFM-Model ein Großteil der in Paris gemessenen Substanzen in sieben unterschiedliche Quellen eingeteilt werden und deren prozentualer Einfluss während ozeanischer Luftmassen und kontinentalen Luftmassen bestimmt werden. Um Bestandteile von organischem Aerosol mithilfe eines PTR-MS und dessen schonender Ionisationstechnik detektieren zu können, wurde erfolgreich ein Einlass für das PTR-MS entwickelt der es ermöglicht neben den Messungen von VOCs in der Gasphase auch organisches Aerosol zu sammeln, desorbieren und zu detektieren. Zu Testen des neuen Einlasses wurden verschiedene Laborexperimente durchgeführt und es wurde eine Messkampagne in Cabauw (nahe Utrecht, NL) durchgeführt. Die Labortests des neuen Einlasses zeigen, dass es möglich ist organisches Aerosol und VOCs (Aerosol Precurser) in der Gasphase mit einem einzelnen Instrument zu messen. Dazu wurden in einer Smog Chamber Isopren, alpha-Pinen, Limonen und beta-Caryophyllen jeweils mit Ozon zur Reaktion gebracht. Die Messungen in der Gasphase zeigten, dass verschiedene Komponenten wie gewohnt mit hoher Zeitauflösung durch das PTR-MS detektiert werden konnten. Die Messungen des Aerosols zeigten, dass es möglich ist, viele der aus den Reaktionen bekannten Produkte direkt oder mit geringer Fragmentation zu detektieren. Die Messkampagne in Cabauw zeigte, dass es mit diesem Einlass möglich ist über einen langen Zeitraum Aerosol und VOCs mit nur einem Instrument zu messen. Die Gasphasenmessungen sind unbeeinflusst von den Modifikationen, die an dem PTR-MS und der Driftröhre vorgenommen werden mussten um Aerosol detektieren zu können. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich natürliches organisches Aerosol von Aerosol aus einer Smog Chamber im Dampfdruck unterscheidet. Deswegen muss man vorsichtig sein, falls man diese zwei Aerosolarten miteinander vergleichen will.
The plant PTR/NRT1 (peptide transporter/nitrate transporter 1) gene family comprises di/tripeptide and low-affinity nitrate transporters; some members also recognize other substrates such as carboxylates, phytohormones (auxin and abscisic acid), or defence compounds (glucosinolates). Little is known about the members of this gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Here, we report the influence of altered OsPTR9 expression on nitrogen utilization efficiency, growth, and grain yield. OsPTR9 expression is regulated by exogenous nitrogen and by the day-night cycle. Elevated expression of OsPTR9 in transgenic rice plants resulted in enhanced ammonium uptake, promotion of lateral root formation and increased grain yield. On the other hand, down-regulation of OsPTR9 in a T-DNA insertion line (osptr9) and in OsPTR9-RNAi rice plants had the opposite effect. These results suggest that OsPTR9 might hold potential for improving nitrogen utilization efficiency and grain yield in rice breeding.
Local paper. Pages slightly discolored.
Introduktion I Sverige är 160 000 människor drabbade av demenssjukdom. Det är vanligt med ett lågt matintag hos personer med demenssjukdom, undernäring innebär en ökad risk för andra ohälsotillstånd. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa omvårdnadsrelaterade faktorer som främjar matintaget hos personer med demenssjukdom. Metod Litteraturstudien har följt Polit och Becks (2012) niostegsmodell för litteraturstudier. Sökningar har skett i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Litteraturstudien baseras på tio vetenskapliga artiklar varav åtta är av kvalitativ metod och två är av kvantitativ metod. ResultatTvå teman formulerades baserade på faktorer som främjar matintaget hos personer med demenssjukdom. Temat Måltidsmiljö är baserat på de två faktorerna Fysisk miljö och Social miljö, temat Personalens kunskap är baserat på de tre faktorerna Individkännedom, Utbildning samt Kommunikation. Slutsats Vårdpersonal kan främja matintaget hos personer med demenssjukdom genom att ha kunskap om individen och sjukdomen, samt genom att modifiera den fysiska och sociala miljön, som personen med demenssjukdom befinner sig i, för att skapa en trevlig måltidsupplevelse.
This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.
Isoprene represents the single most important reactive hydrocarbon for atmospheric chemistry in the tropical atmosphere. It plays a central role in global and regional atmospheric chemistry and possible climate feedbacks. Photo-oxidation of primary hydrocarbons (e. g. isoprene) leads to the formation of oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs). The evolution of these intermediates affects the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere (by reacting with OH) and can contribute to secondary aerosol formation, a poorly understood process. An accurate and quantitative understanding of VOC oxidation processes is needed for model simulations of regional air quality and global climate. Based on field measurements conducted during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08) we show that the production of certain OVOCs (e. g. hydroxyacetone) from isoprene photo-oxidation in the lower atmosphere is significantly underpredicted by standard chemistry schemes. Recently reported fast secondary production could explain 50% of the observed discrepancy with the remaining part possibly produced via a novel primary production channel, which has been proposed theoretically. The observations of OVOCs are also used to test a recently proposed HO(x) recycling mechanism via degradation of isoprene peroxy radicals. If generalized our observations suggest that prompt photochemical formation of OVOCs and other uncertainties in VOC oxidation schemes could result in uncertainties of modelled OH reactivity, potentially explaining a fraction of the missing OH sink over forests which has previously been largely attributed to a missing source of primary biogenic VOCs.
The solar driven photo-Fenton process for treating water containing phenol as a contaminant has been evaluated by means of pilot-scale experiments with a parabolic trough solar reactor (PTR). The effects of Fe(II) (0.04-1.0 mmol L(-1)), H(2)O(2) (7-270 mmol L(-1)), initial phenol concentration (100 and 500 mg C L(-1)), solar radiation, and operation mode (batch and fed-batch) on the process efficiency were investigated. More than 90% of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed within 3 hours of irradiation or less, a performance equivalent to that of artificially-irradiated reactors, indicating that solar light can be used either as an effective complementary or as an alternative source of photons for the photo-Fenton degradation process. A non-linear multivariable model based on a neural network was fit to the experimental results of batch-mode experiments in order to evaluate the relative importance of the process variables considered on the DOC removal over the reaction time. This included solar radiation, which is not a controlled variable. The observed behavior of the system in batch-mode was compared with fed-batch experiments carried out under similar conditions. The main contribution of the study consists of the results from experiments under different conditions and the discussion of the system behavior. Both constitute important information for the design and scale-up of solar radiation-based photodegradation processes.
Highly redundant or statically undetermined structures, such as a cable-stayed bridge, have been of particular concern to the engineering community nowadays because of the complex parameters that must be taken into account for healthy monitoring. The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and practicability of using GPS to characterize dynamic oscillations of small span bridges. The test was carried out on a cable-stayed wood footbridge at Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos-Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Initially a static load trial was carried out to get an idea of the deck amplitude and oscillation frequency. After that, a calibration trial was carried out by applying a well known oscillation on the rover antenna to check the environment detectable limits for the method used. Finally, a dynamic load trial was carried out by using GPS and a displacement transducer to measure the deck oscillation. The displacement transducer was used just to confirm the results obtained by the GPS. The results have shown that the frequencies and amplitude displacements obtained by the GPS are in good agreement with the displacement transducer responses. GPS can be used as a reliable tool to characterize the dynamic behavior of large structures such as cable-stayed footbridges undergoing dynamic loads.
The antiproliferative activity of two prenylated benzophenones isolated from Rheedia brasiliensis. the tri-prenylated garciniaphenone and the tetraprenylated benzophenone 7-epiclusianone, was investigated against human cancer cell lines. The antiproliferative activity on melanoma (UACC-62), breast (MCF-7), drug-resistant breast (NCI-ADR), lung/non-small cells (NCI460), ovarian (OVCAR 03), prostate (PC03), kidney (786-0), lung (NCI-460) and tongue (CRL-1624 and CRL-1623) cancer cells was determined using spectrophotometric quantification of the cellular protein content. The effect of these benzophenones on the activity of cathepsins B and G was also investigated. Garciniaphenone displayed cytostatic activity in all cell lines, whereas 7-epiclusianone showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect. The IC(50) values for cell proliferation revealed that 7-epiclusianone is more active than garciniaphenone against most of the cell lines. Furthermore, the antiproliferative effects demonstrated by garciniaphenone and 7-epiclusianone were related to their cathepsin inhibiting properties. In conclusion, 7-epiclusianone is a promising naturally occurring agent which displays multiple inhibitory effects which may be working in concert to inhibit cancer cell proliferation in vitro. The putative pathway by which 7-epiclusianone affects cancer cell development may involve cathepsin inhibition. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mitochondria are important intracellular sources and targets of reactive oxygen species (ROS), while flavonoids, a large group of secondary plant metabolites, are important antioxidants. Following our previous study on the energetics of mitochondria exposed to the flavonoids quercetin, taxifolin, catechin and galangin, the present work addressed the antioxidant activity of these compounds (1-50 mu mol/L) on Fe2+/citrate-mediated membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO) in isolated rat liver mitochondria, running in parallel studies of their antioxidant activity in non-organelle systems. Only quercetin inhibited the respiratory chain of mitochondria and only galangin caused uncoupling. Quercetin and galangin were far more potent than taxifolin and catechin in affording protection against LPO (IC50 = 1.23 +/- 0.27 and 2.39 +/- 0.79 mu mol/L, respectively), although only quercetin was an effective scavenger of both 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide radicals. These results, together with the previous study, suggest that the 2,3-double bond in conjugation with the 4-oxo function in the flavonoid structure are major determinants of the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in mitochondria, the presence of an o-di-OH structure on the B-ring, as occurs in quercetin, favours this activity via superoxide scavenging, while the absence of this structural feature in galangin, favours it via a decrease in membrane fluidity and/or mitochondrial uncoupling. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.