922 resultados para HORMONE NEURONS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Voltage- and ligand-activated channels in embryonic neurons containing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were studied by patch-pipette, whole-cell current and voltage clamp techniques. LHRH neurons were maintained in explant cultures derived from olfactory pit regions of embryonic mice. Cells were marked intracellularly with Lucifer yellow following recording. Sixty-two cells were unequivocally identified as LHRH neurons by Lucifer yellow and LHRH immunocytochemistry. The cultured LHRH neurons had resting potentials around -50 mV, exhibited spontaneous discharges generated by intrinsic and/or synaptic activities and contained a time-dependent inward rectifier (Iir). Voltage clamp analysis of ionic currents in the LHRH neuron soma revealed a tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ current (INa) and two major types of K+ currents, a transient current (IA), a delayed rectifier current (IK) and low- and high-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents. Spontaneous depolarizing synaptic potentials and depolarizations induced by direct application of gamma-aminobutyrate were both inhibited by picrotoxin or bicuculline, demonstrating the presence of functional gamma-aminobutyrate type A synapses on these neurons. Responses to glutamate were found in LHRH neurons in older cultures. Thus, embryonic LHRH neurons not yet positioned in their postnatal environment in the forebrain contained a highly differentiated repertoire of voltage- and ligand-gated channels.
Morphine withdrawal is characterized by physical symptoms and a negative affective state. The 41 amino acid polypeptide corticotropin-releasing, hormone (CRH) is hypothesized to mediate, in part, both the negative affective state and the physical withdrawal syndrome. Here, by means of dual-immunohistochemical methodology, we examined the co-expression of the c-Fos protein and CRH following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal. Rats were treated with slow-release morphine 50 mg/kg (subcutaneous, s.c.) or vehicle every 48 It for 5 days, then withdrawn with naloxone 5 mg/kg (s.c.) or saline 48 h after the final morphine injection. Two hours after withdrawal rats were perfused transcardially and their brains were removed and processed for immunohistochemistry. We found that naloxone-precipitated withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats increased c-Fos immunoreactivity (IR) in CRH positive neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus. Withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats also increased c-Fos-IR in the central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. however these were in CRH negative neurons. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Physiological conditions of low leptin levels like those observed during negative energy balance are usually characterized by the suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and fertility. Leptin administration restores LH levels and reproductive function. Leptin action on LH secretion is thought to be mediated by the brain. However, the neuronal population that mediates this effect is still undefined. The hypothalamic ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV) neurons express a dense concentration of leptin receptors and project to brain areas related to reproductive control. Therefore, we hypothesized that the PMV is well located to mediate leptin action on LH secretion. To test our hypothesis, we performed bilateral excitotoxic lesions of the PMV in adult female rats. PMV-lesioned animals displayed a clear disruption of the estrous cycle, remaining in anestrus for 15-20 d. After apparent recovery of cyclicity, animals perfused in the afternoon of proestrus showed decreased Fos immunoreactivity in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus and in gonadotropin releasing hormone neurons. PMV-lesioned animals also displayed decreased estrogen and LH secretion on proestrus. Lesions caused no changes in mean food intake and body weight up to 7 weeks after surgery. We further tested the ability of leptin to induce LH secretion in PMV-lesioned fasted animals. We found that complete lesions of the PMV precluded leptin stimulation of LH secretion on fasting. Our findings demonstrate that the PMV is a key site linking changing levels of leptin and coordinated control of reproduction.
Early-life events may induce alterations in neuronal function in adulthood. A crucial aspect in studying long-lasting effects induced by environmental interventions imposed to the animal several weeks before is finding a stable change that could be causally related to the phenotype observed in adulthood. In order to explain an adult trait, it seems necessary to look back to early life and establish a temporal line between events. The neonatal handling procedure is an experimental tool to analyze the long-lasting impact of early-life events. Aside from the neuroendocrine response to stress, neonatal handling also alters the functionality of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis. Reductions in ovulation and surge of the luteinizing hormone (LH) on the proestrous day were shown in female rats. Considering the importance of the medial preoptic area (MPA) for the control of ovulation, the present study aimed to verify the effects of neonatal handling on the numerical density and cell size in the MPA in 11-day-old and 90-day-old female rats. Cellular proliferation was also assessed using BrdU (5-bromo-2`-deoxyuridine) in 11-day-old pups. Results showed that neonatal handling induces a stable reduction in the number of cells and in the size of the cell soma, which were lower in handled females than in nonhandled ones at both ages. Cellular proliferation in the MPA was also reduced 24 h after the last manipulation. The repeated mother-infant disruption imposed by the handling procedure ""lesioned"" the MPA. The dysfunction in the ovulation mechanisms induced by the handling procedure could be related to that neuronal loss. The study also illustrates the impact of an environmental intervention on the development of the brain. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Prepro-RFRP-containing neurons have recently been described in the mammalian brain. These neurons are only found in the tuberal hypothalamus. In this work, we have provided a detailed analysis of the distribution of cells expressing the RFRP mRNA, and found them in seven anatomical structures of the tuberal hypothalamus. No co-expression with melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) or hypocretin (Hcrt), that are also described in neurons of the tuberal hypothalamus, was observed. Using the BrdU method, we found that all RFRP cell bodies are generated between E13 and E14. Thus, RFRP neurons form a specific cell population with a complex distribution pattern in the tuberal hypothalamus. However, they are generated in one peak. These observations are discussed with data concerning the distribution and genesis of the MCH and Hcrt cell populations that are also distributed in the tuberal hypothalamus.
Insulin and leptin are peripheral metabolic factors signaling the body needs in energy to the central nervous system. Because energy homeostasis and reproductive function are closely related phenomena, we investigated the respective roles played by insulin and leptin in the hypothalamic control of GnRH secretion. We observed that increasing circulating insulin levels, by performing hyperinsulinemic clamp studies in male mice, was associated with a significant rise in LH secretion. This effect of insulin is likely mediated at the hypothalamic level, because it was also found to stimulate the secretion and the expression of GnRH by hypothalamic neurons in culture. Leptin was found to potentiate the effect of insulin on GnRH secretion in vitro but was devoid of any effect on its own. These data represent the first evidence of direct insulin sensing by hypothalamic neurons involved in activating the neuroendocrine gonadotrope axis. They also demonstrate that these neurons can integrate different hormonal signals to modulate net hypothalamic GnRH output. We propose that such integration is an essential mechanism for the adaptation of reproductive function to changes in the metabolic status of an individual.
We have shown that a local administration of thyroid hormones (T3) at the level of transected rat sciatic nerve induced a significant increase in the number of regenerated axons. To address the question of whether local administration of T3 rescues the axotomized sensory neurons from death, in the present study we estimated the total number of surviving neurons per dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in three experimental group animals. Forty-five days following rat sciatic nerve transection, the lumbar (L4 and L5) DRG were removed from PBS-control, T3-treated as well as from unoperated rats, and serial sections (1 microm) were cut. The physical dissector method was used to estimate the total number of sensory neurons in the DRGs. Our results revealed that in PBS-control rats transection of sciatic nerve leads to a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in the mean number of sensory neurons (8743.8 +/- 748.6) compared with the number of neurons in nontransected ganglion (mean 13,293.7 +/- 1368.4). However, administration of T3 immediately after sciatic nerve transection rescues a great number of axotomized neurons so that their mean neuron number (12,045.8 +/- 929.8) is not significantly different from the mean number of neurons in the nontransected ganglion. In addition, the volume of ganglia showed a similar tendency. These results suggest that T3 rescues a high number of axotomized sensory neurons from death and allows these cells to grow new axons. We believe that the relative preservation of neurons is important in considering future therapeutic approaches of human peripheral nerve lesion and sensory neuropathy.
The mechanisms underlying preferential atrophy of the striatum in Huntington's disease (HD) are unknown. One hypothesis is that a set of gene products preferentially expressed in the striatum could determine the particular vulnerability of this brain region to mutant huntingtin (mHtt). Here, we studied the striatal protein µ-crystallin (Crym). Crym is the NADPH-dependent p38 cytosolic T3-binding protein (p38CTBP), a key regulator of thyroid hormone (TH) T3 (3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine) transportation. It has been also recently identified as the enzyme that reduces the sulfur-containing cyclic ketimines, which are potential neurotransmitters. Here, we confirm the preferential expression of the Crym protein in the rodent and macaque striatum. Crym expression was found to be higher in the macaque caudate than in the putamen. Expression of Crym was reduced in the BACHD and Knock-in 140CAG mouse models of HD before onset of striatal atrophy. We show that overexpression of Crym in striatal medium-size spiny neurons using a lentiviral-based strategy in mice is neuroprotective against the neurotoxicity of an N-terminal fragment of mHtt in vivo. Thus, reduction of Crym expression in HD could render striatal neurons more susceptible to mHtt suggesting that Crym may be a key determinant of the vulnerability of the striatum. In addition our work points to Crym as a potential molecular link between striatal degeneration and the THs deregulation reported in HD patients.
Lactation is an energy-demanding process characterized by massive food and water consumption, cessation of the reproductive cycle and induction of maternal behavior. During lactation, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) mRNA and peptide expression are increased in the medial preoptic area (MPO) and in the anterior paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Here we show that MCH neurons in the MPO coexpress the GABA synthesizing enzyme GAD-67 mRNA. We also show that MCH neurons in the MPO of female rats are innervated by neuropeptides that control energy homeostasis including agouti-related protein (AgRP), alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha MSH) and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). Most of these inputs originate from the arcuate nucleus neurons. Additionally, using injections of retrograde tracers we found that CART neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus also innervate the MPO. We then assessed the projections of the female MPO using injections of anterograde tracers. The MPO densely innervates hypothalamic nuclei related to reproductive control including the anteroventral periventricular nucleus, the ventrolateral subdivision of the ventromedial nucleus (VMHvl) and the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV). We found that the density of MCH-ir fibers is increased in the VMHvl and PMV during lactation. Our findings suggest that the expression of MCH in the MPO may be induced by changing levels of neuropeptides involved in metabolic control. These MCH/GABA neurons may, in turn, participate in the suppression of cyclic reproductive function and/or sexual behavior during lactation through projections to reproductive control sites. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of tubero-infundibular dopaminergic neurons (TIDA) on the release of prolactin (PRL) and alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) was studied in median eminence-lesioned (MEL) male rats (N = 6-28). Plasma PRL and alpha-MSH levels were significantly elevated 2 (86.1 +/- 19.8 and 505.1 +/- 19.1 ng/ml), 4 (278.7 +/- 15.5 and 487.4 +/- 125.1 ng/ml), 7 (116.2 +/- 16.2 and 495.8 +/- 62.6 ng/ml) and 14 (247.3 +/- 26.1 and 448.4 +/- 63.8 ng/ml) days after MEL when compared to sham-operated control animals (55.5 +/- 13.4 and 56.2 +/- 6.1 ng/ml, respectively). MEL altered plasma PRL and alpha-MSH levels in a differential manner, with a 1.5-to 5.0-fold increase in PRL and an 8.0-to 9.0-fold increase in alpha-MSH. The increase of alpha-MSH levels occurred abruptly and remained constant from days 2 to 14. These observations indicate that TIDA plays an important role in the pituitary release of PRL and alpha-MSH and provide evidence that the release of the two hormones occurs in a differential manner.
The cyclic peptide Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) is known to control a large number of brain functions in mammals such as food intake and metabolism, stress response, anxiety, sleep/wake cycle, memory, and reward. Based on neuro-anatomical and electrophysiological studies these functions were attributed to neuronal circuits expressing MCHR1, the single MCH receptor in rodents. In complement to our recently published work (1) we provided here new data regarding the action of MCH on ependymocytes in the mouse brain. First, we establish that MCHR1 mRNA is expressed in the ependymal cells of the third ventricle epithelium. Second, we demonstrated a tonic control of MCH-expressing neurons on ependymal cilia beat frequency using in vitro optogenics. Finally, we performed in vivo measurements of CSF flow using fluorescent micro-beads in wild-type and MCHR1-knockout mice. Collectively, our results demonstrated that MCH-expressing neurons modulate ciliary beating of ependymal cells at the third ventricle and could contribute to maintain cerebro-spinal fluid homeostasis.
Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is synthesized in the brain, and a single type of cloned receptor for the N-terminal portion of PTHrP and PTH is present in the central nervous system. Nothing is known about the physiological actions or signaling pathways used by PTHrP in the brain. Using cultured rat hippocampal neurons, we demonstrate that N-terminal PTHrP[1-34] and PTH[1-34] signal via cAMP and cytosolic calcium transients. The cAMP response showed strong acute (< or = 6 h) homologous and heterologous desensitization after preincubation with PTHrP or PTH. In contrast, the acute calcium response did not desensitize after preincubation with PTHrP; in fact, preincubation dramatically recruited additional responsive neurons. Unexpectedly, C-terminal PTHrP[107-139], which does not bind or activate the cloned PTH/PTHrP receptor, signaled in neurons via cytosolic calcium but not cAMP. Although some neurons responded to both PTHrP[1-34] and PTHrP[107-139], others responded only to PTHrP[1-34]. We conclude that certain hippocampal neurons exhibit dual signaling in response to PTHrP[1-34] and that some neurons have a receptor for C-terminal PTHrP that signals only via cytosolic calcium.
The reduced progesterone metabolite tetrahydroprogesterone (3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one; 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP) is a positive modulator of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor. Experiments performed in vitro with hypothalamic fragments have previously shown that GABA could modulate the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Using GT1-1 immortalized GnRH neurons, we investigated the role of GABAA receptor ligands, including 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP, on the release of GnRH. We first characterized the GABAA receptors expressed by these neurons. [3H]Muscimol, but not [3H]flunitrazepam, bound with high affinity to GT1-1 cell membranes (Kd = 10.9 +/- 0.3 nM; Bmax = 979 +/- 12 fmol/mg of protein), and [3H]muscimol binding was enhanced by 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP. mRNAs encoding the alpha 1 and beta 3 subunits of the GABAA receptor were detected by the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In agreement with binding data, the benzodiazepine-binding gamma subunit mRNA was absent. GnRH release studies showed a dose-related stimulating action of muscimol. 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP not only modulated muscimol-induced secretion but also stimulated GnRH release when administered alone. Bicuculline and picrotoxin blocked the effects of 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP and muscimol. Finally, we observed that GT1-1 neurons convert progesterone to 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP. We propose that progesterone may increase the release of GnRH by a membrane mechanism, via its reduced metabolite 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP acting at the GABAA receptor.
Studies m hum ins and rodents indicate that a minimum amount of stored energy is required for normal pubertal development The adipocyte-derived hormone leptin is a key metabolic signal to the neuroendocrine reproductive axis Humans and mice lacking leptin or the leptin receptor (LepR) (ob/ob and db/db mice, respectively) are infertile and fail to enter puberty Leptin administration to leptin-deficient subjects and ob/ob mice induces puberty and restores fertility, but the exact site or sites of leptin action are unclear Here, we found that genetic deletion of LepR selectively from hypothalamic Kiss1 neurons m mice had no effect on puberty or fertility, indicating that direct leptin signaling m Kiss1 neurons is not required for these processes However, bilateral lesions of the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV) of ob/ob mice blunted the ability of exogenous leptin to induce sexual maturation Moreover, unilateral reexpression of endogenous LepR m PMV neurons was sufficient to induce puberty and improve fertility m female LepR-null mice This LepR reexpression also normalized the increased hypothalamic GnRH content characteristic of leptin-signaling deficiency These data suggest that the PMV is a key site for leptin's permissive action at the onset of puberty and support the hypothesis that the multiple actions of leptin to control metabolism and reproduction at e anatomically dissociated