962 resultados para HOMOPOLYMER BLENDS


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Compatibility of graft copolymer compatibilized two incompatible homopolymer A and B blends was simulated by using Monte Carlo method in a two-dimensional lattice model. The copolymers with various graft structures were introduced in order to study the effect of graft structure on the compatibility. Simulation results showed that incorporation of both A-g-B (A was backbone) and B-g-A (B was backbone) copolymers could much improve the compatibility of the blends. However, A-g-B copolymer was more effective to compatibilize the blend if homopolymer A formed dispersed phase. Furthermore, simulation results indicated that A-g-B copolymers tended to locate at the interface and anchor two immiscible components when the side chain is relatively long. However, most of A-g-B copolymers were likely to be dispersed into the dispersed homopolymer A phase domains if the side chains were relatively short. On the other hand, B-g-A copolymers tended to be dispersed into the matrix formed by homopolymer B. Moreover, it was found that more and more B-g-A copolymers were likely to form thin layers at the phase interface with decreasing the length of side chain.


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The effect of micelle on crystallization behaviour of dilute poly(methyl methacrylate-b-tetrahydrofuran) diblock copolymer/tetrahydrofuran homopolymer, dilute poly (ethylene-b-styrene-b-ethylene) triblock copolymer/ethylene homopolymer solutions has been studied. The results show that with the structural teansitions from spherical to nonspherical micelle in the blends, great changes in the nucleation and spherulite morphologies take place.


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We present an efficient strategy for mapping out the classical phase behavior of block copolymer systems using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). With our new algorithm, the complete solution of a classical block copolymer phase can be evaluated typically in a fraction of a second on a single-processor computer, even for highly segregated melts. This is accomplished by implementing the standard unit-cell approximation (UCA) for the cylindrical and spherical phases, and solving the resulting equations using a Bessel function expansion. Here the method is used to investigate blends of AB diblock copolymer and A homopolymer, concentrating on the situation where the two molecules are of similar size.


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Microphase separation induced by competitive hydrogen bonding interactions in double crystalline diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends was studied for the first time. Poly(ethylene oxide)- block-poly(e-caprolactone) (PEO-b-PCL)/poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVPh) blends were prepared in tetrahydrofuran. The diblock copolymer PEO-b-PCL consists of two immiscible crystallizable blocks wherein bothPEO and PCL blocks can form hydrogen bonds with PVPh. In these A-b-B/C diblock copolymer homopolymer blends, microphase separation takes place due to the disparity in intermolecular interactions; specifically, PVPh and PEO block interact strongly whereas PVPh and PCL block interact weakly. The TEM and SAXS results show that the cubic PEO-b-PCL diblock copolymer changes into ordered hexagonal cylindrical morphology upon addition of 20 wt % PVPh followed by disordered bicontinuous phase in the blend with 40 wt % PVPh and then to homogeneous phase at 60 wt % PVPh and above blends. Up to 40 wt % PVPh there is only weak interaction between PVPh and PCL due to the selective hydrogen bonding between PVPh and PEO. However, with higher PVPh concentration, the blends become homogeneous since a sufficient amount of PVPh is available to form hydrogen bonds with both PEO and PCL. A structural model was proposed to explain the self-assembly and microphase morphology of these blends based on the experimental results obtained. The formation of nanostructures and changes in morphologies depend on the relative strength of hydrogen bonding interaction between each block of the block copolymer and the homopolymer.


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In the present work, nanostructured blends were prepared from double crystalline diblock copolymer poly(ɛ-caprolactone)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) and homopolymer poly(4-vinyl phenol) (PVPh). The diblock copolymer PEO-b-PCL consists of two immiscible crystallizable blocks wherein both PEO and PCL blocks can form hydrogen bonds with PVPh. In these A-b-B/C diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends, microphase separation takes place due to the disparity in intermolecular interactions; specifically, PVPh and PEO block interact strongly whereas PVPh and PCL block interact weakly. The TEM and SAXS results show that the cubic PEO-b-PCL diblock copolymer changes into ordered hexagonal cylindrical morphology upon addition of 20 wt % PVPh followed by disordered bicontinuous phase in the blend with 40 wt % PVPh and then to homogeneous phase at 60 wt % PVPh and above blends. Up to 40 wt % PVPh there is only weak interaction between PVPh and PCL due to the selective hydrogen bonding between PVPh and PEO. However, with higher PVPh concentration, the blends become homogeneous since a sufficient amount of PVPh is available to form hydrogen bonds with both PEO and PCL. A structural model was proposed to explain the self-assembly and microphase morphology of these blends based on the experimental results obtained. The formation of nanostructures and changes in morphologies depend on the relative strength of hydrogen bonding interaction between each block of the block copolymer and the homopolymer.


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Block copolymers are of particular interest due to their ability to form a rich variety of nanostructures via self-assembly [1]. The self-assembly via competitive hydrogen bonding is a novel concept which is based on the competition between different blocks of the block copolymer to form more than one kind of intermolecular interaction with the complimentary polymer in the system. Recently, Guo and co-workers have proven that careful selection of the polymers specifically the block copolymer, and the experimental conditions can lead to self-assembled structures in blends and complexes exhibiting competitive hydrogen bonding [2-5].


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This study investigated the self-assembled microphase separated morphologies that are obtained in bulk, by the complexation of a semicrystalline poly(ε-caprolactone-dimethyl siloxane-ε-caprolactone) (PCL-PDMS-PCL) triblock copolymer and a homopolymer, poly(hydroxyether of bisphenol A) (PH) in tetrahydrofuran (THF). In these blends, microphase separation takes place due to the disparity in intermolecular interactions; specifically, the homopolymer interacts with PCL blocks through hydrogen bonding interactions. The crystallization, microphase separation and crystalline structures of a triblock copolymer/homopolymer blends were investigated. The phase behavior of the complexes was investigated using small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy. At low PH concentrations, PCL interacts relatively weakly with PH, whereas in complexes containing more than 50 wt% PH, the PCL block interacts significantly with PH, leading to the formation of composition-dependent nanostructures. SAXS and TEM results indicate that the lamellar morphology of neat PCL-PDMS-PCL triblock copolymer changes into disordered structures at 40-60 wt% PH. Spherical microdomains were obtained in the order of 40-50 nm in complexes with 80 wt% PH. At this concentration, the complexes show a completely homogenous phase of PH/PCL, with phase-separated spherical PDMS domains. The formation of these nanostructures and changes in morphology depends on the strength of hydrogen bonding between PH/PCL blocks and also the phase separated PDMS blocks.


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The self-assembly and high temperature behavior of AB/B′ type block copolymer/homopolymer blends containing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymers were studied for the first time. Here, microphase separated nanostructures were formed in the poly(methyl methacrylate-b-polyacrylonitrile) (PMMAN) block copolymer and their blends with homopolymer PAN at various blend ratios. Additionally, these nanostructures were transformed into porous carbon nanostructures by sacrificing PMMA blocks via pyrolysis. Spherical and worm like morphologies were observed in both TEM and AFM images at different compositions. The thermal and phase behavior examinations showed good compatibility between the blend components in all studied compositions. The PAN homopolymer (B′) with a comparatively higher molecular weight than the corresponding block (B) of the block copolymer is expected to exhibit ‘dry brush’ behavior in this AB/B′ type system. This study provides a basic understanding of the miscibility and phase separation in the PMMAN/PAN system, which is important in the nanostructure formation of bulk PAN based materials with the help of block copolymers to develop advanced functional materials.


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A new method is presented for the extraction of single-chain form factors and interchain interference functions from a range of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on bimodal homopolymer blends. The method requires a minimum of three blends, made up of hydrogenated and deuterated components with matched degree of polymerization at two different chain lengths, but with carefully varying deuteration levels. The method is validated through an experimental study on polystyrene homopolymer bimodal blends with M A≈1/2MB. By fitting Debye functions to the structure factors, it is shown that there is good agreement between the molar mass of the components obtained from SANS and from chromatography. The extraction method also enables, for the first time, interchain scattering functions to be produced for scattering between chains of different lengths. © 2014 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Molecular weight dependence of phase separation behavior of the Poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO)/Poly(ethylene oxide-block-dimethylsiloxane) (P(EO-b-DMS)) blends was investigated by both experimental and theoretical methods. The cloud point curves of PEO/P(EO-b-DMS) blends were obtained by turbidity method. Based on Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), the adjustable parameter, epsilon*(12)/k (quantifying the interaction energy between different components), was evaluated by fitting the experimental data in phase diagrams. To calculate the spinodals, binodals, and the volume changes of mixing for these blends, three modified combining rules of the scaling parameters for the block copolymer were introduced.


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We study the interplay between microphase assembly and macrophase separation in A/B/AB ternary polymer blends by examining the free energy of localized fluctuation structures (micelles or droplets), with emphasis on the thermodynamic relationship between swollen micelles (microemulsion) and the macrophase-separated state, using self-consistent field theory and an extended capillary model. Upon introducing homopolymer B into a micelle-forming binary polymer blend A/AB, micelles can be swollen by B. A small amount of component B (below the A-rich binodal of macrophase coexistence) will not affect the stability of the swollen micelles. A large excess of homopolymer, B, will induce a microemulsion failure and lead to a macrophase separation.


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The effects of the chain structure and the intramolecular interaction energy of an A/B copolymer on the miscibility of the binary blends of the copolymer and homopolymer C have been studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. In the system, the interactions between segments A, B and C are more repulsive than those between themselves. In order to study the effect of the chain structure of the A/B copolymer on the miscibility, the alternating, random and block copolymers were introduced in the simulations, respectively. The simulation results show that the miscibility of the binary blends strongly depends on the intramolecular interaction energy ((ε) over bar (AB)) between segments A and B within the A/B copolymers. The higher the repulsive interaction energy, the more miscible the A/B copolymer and homopolymer C are. For the diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends, they tend to form micro phase domains. However, the phase domains become so small that the blend can be considered as a homogeneous phase for the alternating copolymer/ homopolymer blends. Furthermore, the investigation of the average end-to-end distance ((h) over bar) in different systems indicates that the copolymer chains tend to coil with the decrease Of (ε) over bar (AB) whereas the (h) over bar of the homopolymer chains depends on the chain structure of the copolymers.


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Blends of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with polystyrene (PS) and blends of LLDPE with high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) were prepared through a reactive extrusion method. For increased compatibility of the two blending components, a Lewis acid catalyst, aluminum chloride (AlCl3), was adopted to initiate the Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction between the blending components. Spectra data from Raman spectra of the LLDPE/PS/AlCl3 blends extracted with tetrahydrofuran verified that LLDPE segments were grafted to the para position of the benzene rings of PS, and this confirmed the graft structure of the Friedel-Crafts reaction between the polyolefin and PS. Because the in situ generated LLDPE-g-PS and LLDPE-g-HIPS copolymers acted as compatibilizers in the relative blending systems, the mechanical properties of the LLDPE/PS and LLDPE/HIPS blending systems were greatly improved. For example, after compatibilization, the Izod impact strength of an LLDPE/PS blend (80/20 w/w) was increased from 88.5 to 401.6 J/m, and its elongation at break increased from 370 to 790%. For an LLDPE/HIPS (60/40 w/w) blend, its Charpy impact strength was increased from 284.2 to 495.8 kJ/m(2). Scanning electron microscopy micrographs showed that the size of the domains decreased from 4-5 to less than 1 mum, depending on the content of added AlCl3.


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Full Paper: The phase, behavior of A-B-random copolymer/C-homopolymer, blends with special interaction was studied by a. Monte, Carlo simulation in two dimensions. The interaction between I segment A and segment C was repulsive, whereas it was attractive between segment B and segment C. The simulation results showed that the blend became two large co-continuous phase domains at lower segment-B component compositions, indicating that the blend showed spinodal decomposition. With an increase of the segment-B component, the miscibility between the copolymer,and the polymer was gradually improved up to being miscible. In addition, it was found that segment B tended to move to the surface of the copolymer phase in the case of a lower component of segment B. On the other hand, if was observed that the average, end-to-end distances ((h) over bar) for both copolymer and polymer changed slowly with increasing segment-B component of the copolymer up to 40%, thereafter they increased considerably with increasing segment B component. Moreover, it was found that the (h) over bar of the copolymer was obviously shorter than that of the homopolymer for the segment-B composition, region from 0% to 80%. Finally, a, phase diagram showing I phase and - II phase regions under the condition of constant-temperature is presented.