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The knockdown and toxic effects of insecticides of different chemical groups and modes of action registered for citrus in Brazil were investigated for effective control of Bucephalogonia xanthophis, a sharpshooter vector of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus. The active ingredients dimethoate (1.2 mL/1.2L), imidacloprid (0.24 mL/1.2L) and lambda-cyhalothrin (0.24 mL/1.2L), as well as a control (water), were sprayed onto branches of potted-citrus nursery trees to evaluate the effect of residual contact. The insects were confined on sprayed branches by using sleeve cages, in groups of 10 per branch (5 branches/treatment). Lambdacyhalothrin showed a knockdown effect on B. xanthophis (>70% mortality within 2 h of exposure), and the residues were effective for approximately one wk. Imidacloprid, lambdacyhalothrin and dimethoate suppressed the vector populations for up to 3 wk after application, when the insects were exposed to sprayed plants for at least 24 h. In another experiment, 2 neonicotinoid insecticides (thiamethoxam and imidacloprid) were applied by soil drench to potted nursery trees, in order to study their systemic effect, i.e., mortality by ingestion on sharpshooter adults. Thiamethoxam and imidacloprid effectively controlled the vectors at all concentrations tested, when the insects were exposed to treated plants for 24 h (>80% mortality) or 48 h (near 100% mortality). The knockdown effect of thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothrin might be particularly important to prevent vector transmission of X. fastidiosa in citrus groves.


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In zucchini, the use of row covers until flowering and the insect growth regulator (IGR) pyriproxyfen are effective methods of reducing the number of insects, especially silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotype B), on plants. We compared floating row covers (FRCs) up until flowering with silverleaf whitefly (SLW) introduced (FRC + SLW), or not introduced (FRC-only), or with introduction of SLW in open plots (SLW-only), or with introduction of SLW in open plots with IGR (SLW + IGR). FRC increased temperature and humidity compared with the uncovered treatments. Average fruit weight was less (P < 0.01) for the FRC + SLW treatment compared with the other treatments and the percentage of marketable fruit was less for the FRC + SLW than for the other three treatments. This result indicates that the use of either row covers or IGR controls whiteflies, reduces fruit damage and increases the size, weight, and quality of fruit, and may also control other sap-sucking insects. However, if SLW are already present on plants, the use of FRC may reduce predation and favour build up of SLW. Thus, FRC and IGR, if used judiciously, may provide an effective alternative to broad-spectrum pesticides in small-scale cucurbit production.


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To improve compatibility between chemical and biological controls, the use of selective insecticides such as insect growth regulators (IGRs) is crucial. In cucurbits, the use of pyriproxyfen (an IGR) has been shown by others to be an effective method of reducing the number of sap-sucking insects, especially silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotype B (SLW). Therefore, we compared pyriproxyfen and buprofezin (an IGR) with that of no treatment (control) in a bitter melon crop for the control of populations of SLW and for their effects on fruit production. Pyriproxyfen controlled SLW and tended to have heavier fruits than the control treatment and reduced the abundance of nymphs and exuvia. Buprofezin showed no evidence in controlling SLW compared with the pyriproxyfen and control treatments. Neither pyriproxyfen nor buprofezin had any effect on the number of harvested fruit or overall fruit yield, but the average weight per fruit was higher than the control treatment. Pyriproxyfen was effective in controlling whitefly populations in bitter melons, and both pyriproxyfen and buprofezin may have the potential to increase yield. Their longer-term use may increase predation by natural enemies as they are species-specific and could favour build up of natural enemies of SLW. Thus, the judicious use of pyriproxyfen may provide an effective alternative to broad-spectrum insecticides in small-scale cucurbit production.


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Detailed investigations on the structural and mechanical properties of the forewing of the cicada were carried out. Measurement of the structures of the wings showed that the thickness of the membrane of each cell and the diameter of each vein were non-uniform in both the longitudinal and transverse directions, and their means were approximately 12.2 and 133.3 mum, respectively. However, the aspect ratios of the wings and the bodies were quite uniform and were approximately equal to 2.98 and 2.13, respectively. Based on the measured thickness, mass and area of the membranes of the cells, the mean density and the mean area density of the wing were approximately 2.3 g cm(-3) and 2.8 x 10(-3) g cm(-2), respectively. In addition, the diameters of the veins of the wings, including the diameters of the holes in the vein of the leading edge, were examined. The mechanical properties of the wing were investigated separately by nanoindentation and tensile testing. The results indicated that the mean Young's modulus, hardness and yield stress of the membranes of the wings were approximately 3.7 Gpa, 0.2 Gpa and 29 Mpa, respectively, and the mean Young's modulus and strength of the veins along the direction of the venation of wings were approximately 1.9 Gpa and 52 Mpa, respectively. Finally, the relevant results were briefly analyzed and discussed, providing a guideline to the biomimetic design of the aerofoil materials of micro air vehicles.


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En postrera de 1989 se sembraron tres variedades de maíz (NB6, NB12 y H-5) en el Centro Experimental "Humberto Tapia" (Dpto. Managua), con los objetivos de determinar la existencia de parasitoides de huevos de Dalbulus maidis, el porcentaje de parasitismo de las especies en relación con las variedades y su comportamiento a través del desarrollo de la planta. Se determinó la incidencia de oviposición de D. maidis en las variedades, así como en las etapas del cultivo, y se determinó la abundancia por planta de D. maidis en las variedades, así como su dinámica poblacional a través del tiempo. Se encontraron tres parasitoides de huevos de D. maidis: Anagrus sp, Abella sp y un Hymenoptera parasítica sin identificar. El parasitoide Anagrus sp fue el de mayor porcentaje de parasitismo con 41 %, le sigue Abella sp con 37% y el parasitoide no identificado presentó un promedio de 4%. Los parasitoides parasitan los huevos de D. maidis en cualquiera de las variedades. Existen diferencias significativas de parasitismo en el tiempo, variando a medida que avanza el tiempo, encontrándose porcentajes bajos en las primeras fechas de recuento con 16 % a los 10 dde y en la última fecha de recuento con 47% manteniendo alto el porcentaje de parasitismo a los 24, 31, 38, dde con valores de 90%, 98% y 98% respectivamente. El número de huevos ovipositados por m2 de hoja para las tres variedades fue estadísticamente similar. La chicharrita no mostró preferencia de oviposición por alguna variedad en particular pero la oviposición en términos de No de huevos por m2 varió grandemente en las diferentes fechas de recuento. D. maidis no mostró preferencia por habitar una determinada variedad, el número de D. maidis /planta no registró diferencias significativas para variedad Las poblaciones de D. maidis varían a medida que el tiempo avanza pero decrecen en los últimos recuentos. Tanto el tamaño de parcela, como el reducido número de huevos de donde provienen las estimaciones de las tasas de parasitismo limitan la confiabilidad de los resultados, por lo que se recomienda aumentar el tamaño de las parcelas y la cantidad de follaje por muestra. Es necesario repetir este experimento incluyendo otras apocas, mas localidades y parcelas con y sin insecticidas para establecer la distribución, dinámica poblacional y efectos sobre el rendimiento de estos parasitoides.


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Con el objetivo de conocer el efecto de periodo de infestación de la chicharrita del maíz dalbulus maldis sobre la incidencia del achaparramiento y el rendimiento de grano en maíz n3-100 de postrera, se realizó este ensayo en la estación experimental del valle de sebaco “Raúl Gonzales” se establecieron 5 periodo de infestación de dalbulus maidis (0-10,10-20,30-40 dds) y un periodo sin infestación entre 0 y 40 dds. Se usaron jaulas finas para la protección de las plantas del vector dalbulus maidis. Durante los periodos la infestación de las plantas por la chicharrita del maíz dalbulus maidis consistía en quitar las jaulas de las plantas y dejarlas con infestación natural hasta el periodo determinado. El rendimiento tiende a ser más bajo cuando la infestación es mas tarde. El periodo de infestación, 0-40 dds obtuvo el más bajo rendimiento y mayor grado de síntomas de las enfermedades, lo que nos indica que existe un efecto de la cantidad de inoculo ya que este periodo la planta huésped estuvo más tiempo expuesta a la transmisión del inoculo, mientras que los otros periodo de infestación (0-10,10-20,20-30 y 30-40 dds) indican que existe un efecto del momento en que ocurrió la transmisión del inoculo por el vector dalbulus maidis. El rendimiento más alto lo obtuvo el periodo sin infestación en el cual no se presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad. Los rendimiento bajaron en 68-538 en el periodo de infestación, 0-10 dds con respecto al periodo sin infestación. La relación entre grado de síntoma y peso de grano fue determinada. El grado de síntoma de la enfermedad a los 50,60 y 70 dds explicaron aproximadamente el 27,42 y 636 de la varianza en el rendimiento de grano respectivamente y más eficaz. Las estrategias de control del vector dalbulus maidis debe enfocarse con mayor énfasis en los primeros periodo de infestación,, donde una medida de control nos saldría más rentable y más eficaz.


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Durante la época seca bajo riego y la época lluviosa de 1988 se llevó a cabo un sondeo de los parasitoides de huevos de spodoptera frugiperda en maíz, en el centro nacional de investigación de granos básicos “Humberto tapia” (depto. De Managua) y en la estación experimental “Raúl González” del valle de sebaco (depto. de Matagalpa). También se hizo una evaluación de la presencia de telenomus remus en alguno de los sitios de liberación de estas especies en el año 1976. En la calera (depto. De Managua), la trinidad (depto. De Estelí), valle de sebaco (depto. De Matagalpa) y camoapa (depto. De Boaco); en 1984 en la cartonera y santa clara (depto. De león). Durante el ciclo de postrera del año 1988 se llevó a cabo un sondeo de los parasitoides de huevos de dalbulus maidis y peregrinus maidis en el centro experimental “ Humberto tapia”, y en una finca en el km 93 y 98 de la carretera león- Chinandega, km 40 de la carretera Managua-león y en san juan de la concepción (depto. De Masaya). En la estación experimental “Humberto tapia” no se encontraron parasitoides de huevos ni parasitoides ovo-larvales de s. frugiperda. en la “Raúl González” tampoco se encontraron parasitoides de huevos sensuestricto de s. frugiperda, pero se detectó la presencia de parasitoide ovo-larval, chelonus insularis en las dos épocas de siembra se comprobó que en el estado fenológico de la planta durante las dos épocas ni la época de siembra influyeron significativamente sobre la tasa de parasitismo de c. insularis dentro y entre las masas de huevos de s. frugiperda ya no se encontró diferencias significativa en el porcentaje de masas de huevos parasitadas 27 días después de germinación (DDG) (45%) y 55 DDG (50%) en la época seca, ni en la lluviosa 26 DDG (20%), 43 DDG (29%) y 57DDG (0%). Tampoco hubo efecto de la época de siembra (seca, 47% y lluviosa, 19%) sobre el porcentaje de masas de huevos parasitadas. En el porcentaje promedio de huevos por masa parasitados a los 27 DDG (19%) y 55 DDG (8%) durante la época seca y la lluviosa 26 DDG (18%), 43 DDG (9%) y 57 DDG (0%) tampoco se encontró una diferencia significativa. La época (seca 17% y la lluviosa 19%) tampoco influyo sobre el porcentaje promedio de huevos por masas parasitadas. La edad de la masa de huevos de s. frugiperda (5-6 días de edad, 33.33. % y 3-4 días de edad 12.12%) influyo significativamente sobre el porcentaje de masas de huevos parasitadas por c.insulularis el cual afecto las poblaciones de s. frugiperda en la época seca y lluviosa en un 8.35 % y 5.32% respectivamente. Los anteriores resultados más el no aparente establecimiento aparente de t.remus en los sitio donde fue liberado, permiten recomendar la introducción nuevamente de raza especifica de este parasitoide para nuestra condiciones de clima, debiéndose realizar las liberaciones preferiblemente en sitio montañosos y de clima fresco. La presencia de parasitoides de D. maidis fue nula. Las cuatro especies parasíticas de huevos de p.maidis encontradas en esta investigación (anagrus spp, gonatocerus spp, paracentrobia spp y oligosita oophagus), se consideran como un nuevo hallazgo para Nicaragua. Estos resultados insinúan la necesidad de conocer los periodo crítico de infestación de d. maidis en el maíz , para realizar aplicaciones mínima de insecticida con el fin de controlarlo sin afectar las poblaciones de benéficos que atacan a p.maidis, evitando así que este insecto se convierta en una plaga peligrosa para el cultivo de maíz.


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The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, is a major pest of tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, in Yunnan province, China, where its control still depends on the use of insecticides. In recent years, the local government and farmers have sought to improve the biological control of this tobacco pest. In this paper, we present methods for mass rearing Aphidius gifuensis, a dominant endoparasitoid of M. persicae on tobacco plants in this region. The tobacco cultivar K326 (N. tabacum) was used as the host plant and M. persicae as the host insect. In the greenhouse, we collected tobacco seedlings for about 35 days (i.e., until the six-true-leaf stage), transferred them to 7.5-cm diameter pots, and kept these plants in the greenhouse for another 18 days. These pots were then transferred to an insectary-greenhouse, where the tobacco seedlings were inoculated with five to seven wingless adult M. persicae per pot. After 3 days, the infested seedlings were moved to a second greenhouse to allow the aphid population to increase, and after an additional 4 +/- 1 days when 182 +/- 4.25 aphid adults and nymphs were produced per pot, they were inoculated with A. gifuensis. With this rearing system, we were able to produce 256 +/- 8.8 aphid mummies per pot, with an emergence rate of 95.6 +/- 2.45%; 69% were females. The daily cost of parasite production (recurring costs only) was US$ 0.06 per 1000 aphid mummies. With this technique, we released 109 800 parasitoids in 1998, 196 000 in 1999, 780 000 in 2000, and 5 600 000 in 2001 during a 2-month period each year This production method is discussed with respect to countrywide usage in biological control and integrated control of M. persicae.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Forestales) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales 2000.


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In a field experiment the effects of Sumicidin (super) 5EC (fenitrothion), Metasystox EC25 (oxydemeton-methyl) and Tamaron SL600 (methamidophos), applied at different dosages, were evaluated against peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and its parasitoid Aphidius matricariae Haliday on Cardinal and Desiree (respectively partially resistant and susceptible potato cultivars to M. persicae). Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found about 30% more effective in reducing aphid populations than the other insecticides tested. The highest doses of each insecticide caused maximum aphid mortality; in general aphid mortality appeared dose dependent. Almost all the higher and lower doses of the tested insecticides were about 19% more effective on Cardinal than on Desiree. The most significant result was the synergistic interaction at the lower doses with plant resistance, so that the same level of control was recorded with second highest dose on Cardinal as with the highest dose on Desiree. Also the same control level was achieved at the lowest dosage rate on Cardinal compared with the next higher dose on the Desiree. Sumicidin (super) 5EC was found least toxic to the parasitoid, A. matricariae in terms of percent parasitism, emergence of parasitoids and number of mature eggs in the emerging female parasitoids; increase of about 22, 67 and 47% respectively were found in parasitoid performance with Tamaron SL600 which was found comparatively highly toxic. The highest doses of all insecticides were found clearly toxic to the parasitoid. In general, effects on the parasitoid were dose dependent. Maximum yield was obtained from the second highest dose of Sumicidin (super) 5EC.


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Field studies were conducted in Pakistan to examine the effects and the interaction of two differentially resistant potato cultivars i.e. Cardinal and Desiree (one partially resistant and one susceptible to Myzus persicae (Sulzer), respectively) with different dosage rates of granular insecticides, at different time intervals after application in relation to percent kill of M. persicae and effects on the parasitoid Aphidius matricariae Haliday (i.e. the third trophic level) within the aphid mummies, percent parasitism and Thimet 10G (phorate) was found about 30% more effective in reducing aphid population than the Furadan 3G (carbofuran). The highest doses of each insecticide caused maximum aphid mortality, in general aphid mortality appeared dose dependent. Mostly all the higher and lower doses of the tested insecticides were about 10% more effective on Cardinal than on Desiree. The most significant result was the synergistic interaction at the lower doses with plant resistance, so that the same level of control was recorded with the second highest dose on Cardinal as with the highest dose on Desiree. Also the same level of control was observed at the lowest dose on Cardinal as with the second last lowest dose on Desiree. Furadan 3G was found least toxic to the A. matricariae in terms of percent parasitism, emergence of parasitoids and number of mature eggs in the emerging females. Furadan 3G gave 13, 15 and 6% higher figures, respectively from the parasitoid characteristics than Thimet 10G. The highest doses of both insecticides were clearly toxic to the parasitoid. In general, the effects on the parasitoid were dose dependent. The second highest dose of Thimet 10G, gave the maximum yield


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The greenhouse whitefly, Dialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), is known to respond to UV light (UV). Field studies were conducted to improve our understanding of the behavioral effects and practical implications of using UV-blocking plastic films for the control of whitefly. Adult whiteflies were released in outdoor-located choice-chamber experiments with compartments clad with a range of films that transmitted incident UV to different extents. In release-recapture experiments, a very small proportion of the whiteflies recovered had dispersed into compartments where the entire UV spectrum was blocked, whereas the major proportion preferred compartments with UV. Compartments clad with films that blocked LTV below 375 nm attracted significantly more whiteflies than films that blocked UV below 385 nm, whereas the absorption of LTV wavelengths above 385 nm did not show any further effect on whitefly numbers. A reduction in the side cladding of the compartments by > 20% significantly reduced the advantage of using LTV-blocking films. Adult whitefly did not discriminate between direct- and diffused-light environments, as long as the UV-absorbing properties of the films were equivalent. Whitefly dispersal was influenced by the time of the day when adult whitefly were released, with a higher proportion of whitelly avoiding compartments clad with LTV-blocking films, at times of the day when light intensities were higher. The future use of UV-blocking films as a potentially highly effective component of integrated pest management systems for the control of whitefly is discussed.


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Considerada importante praga do algodoeiro, a mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B pode através de sua alimentação, diminuir o vigor das plantas, trasmitir vírus e prejudicar a qualidade da fibra. Visando avaliar a resistência de genótipos de algodoeiro, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), à mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B, realizaram-se testes de atratividade e não-preferência para oviposição, com e sem chance de escolha, em telado, a temperatura ambiente. Verificou-se baixa atratividade das plantas dos genótipos Fabrika, CNPA Ita 90, Makina, Coodetec 407 e IAC 01-639 CPA 02-24 a adultos dessa mosca-branca, o que pode representar um componente de resistência destes materiais genéticos ao inseto. Os genótipos BRS Aroeira, Coodetec 406, Fabrika e Coodetec 401 apresentaram resistência do tipo não-preferência para oviposição, nos testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os números de tricomas e de glândulas de gossipol por cm² não foram adequados para se avaliar a não-preferência para oviposição de adultos da mosca-branca em genótipos de algodoeiro.