995 resultados para HIV exposure
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clades B and C account for more than 60% of the HIV-1 infections worldwide. In this paper, we describe the profiles of patients infected with subtypes of HIV-1 from the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil, and correlate them with demographic and epidemiological findings. A retrospective analysis of HIV cases reported from 1999-2007 was also performed. Data from 293 patients were reviewed and 245 were older than 13 (58% female). The distribution of clades was as follows: B 140 (57%), C 67 (23%), F 24 (10%) and mosaic or unique recombinant forms (URFs) 24 (10%). Of the 48 patients younger than 13 years of age (62.5% male), vertical transmission occurred in 46 and the distribution of clades was as follows: B 14 (29%), C 24 (50%), F 7 (15%) and URFs 6 (13%). There was no significant difference in mortality between HIV-1 subtypes. In both groups, patients infected with clade C tended to have higher rates of injection drug use exposure risk.
The immune consequences of in utero HIV exposure to uninfected children whose mothers were submitted to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) during gestation are not well defined. We evaluated 45 HIV-exposed uninfected (ENI) neonates and 45 healthy unexposed control (CT) neonates. All HIV-infected mothers received HAART during pregnancy, and the viral load at delivery was <50 copies/mL for 56.8%. Twenty-three ENI neonates were further evaluated after 12 months and compared to 23 unexposed healthy age-matched infants. Immunophenotyping was performed by flow cytometry in cord and peripheral blood. Cord blood lymphocyte numbers did not differ between groups. However, ENI neonates had a lower percentage of naive T cells than CT neonates (CD4+, 76.6 vs 83.1%, P < 0.001; CD8+, 70.9 vs 79.6%, P = 0.003) and higher percentages of central memory T cells than CT neonates (CD4+, 13.9 vs 8.7%, P < 0.001; CD8+, 8.6 vs 4.8%, P = 0.001). CD38 mean fluorescence intensity of T cells was higher in ENI neonates (CD4+, 62.2 vs 52.1, P = 0.007; CD8+, 47.7 vs 35.3, P < 0.001). At 12 months, ENI infants still had higher mean fluorescence intensity of CD38 on T cells (CD4+, 34.2 vs 23.3, P < 0.001; CD8+, 26.8 vs 19.4, P = 0.035). Despite effective maternal virologic control at delivery, HIV-exposed uninfected children were born with lower levels of naive T cells. Immune activation was present at birth and remained until at least 12 months of age, suggesting that in utero exposure to HIV causes subtle immune abnormalities.
Background Few studies have monitored late presentation (LP) of HIV infection over the European continent, including Eastern Europe. Study objectives were to explore the impact of LP on AIDS and mortality. Methods and Findings LP was defined in Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) as HIV diagnosis with a CD4 count <350/mm3 or an AIDS diagnosis within 6 months of HIV diagnosis among persons presenting for care between 1 January 2000 and 30 June 2011. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with LP and Poisson regression to explore the impact on AIDS/death. 84,524 individuals from 23 cohorts in 35 countries contributed data; 45,488 were LP (53.8%). LP was highest in heterosexual males (66.1%), Southern European countries (57.0%), and persons originating from Africa (65.1%). LP decreased from 57.3% in 2000 to 51.7% in 2010/2011 (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.96; 95% CI 0.95–0.97). LP decreased over time in both Central and Northern Europe among homosexual men, and male and female heterosexuals, but increased over time for female heterosexuals and male intravenous drug users (IDUs) from Southern Europe and in male and female IDUs from Eastern Europe. 8,187 AIDS/deaths occurred during 327,003 person-years of follow-up. In the first year after HIV diagnosis, LP was associated with over a 13-fold increased incidence of AIDS/death in Southern Europe (adjusted incidence rate ratio [aIRR] 13.02; 95% CI 8.19–20.70) and over a 6-fold increased rate in Eastern Europe (aIRR 6.64; 95% CI 3.55–12.43). Conclusions LP has decreased over time across Europe, but remains a significant issue in the region in all HIV exposure groups. LP increased in male IDUs and female heterosexuals from Southern Europe and IDUs in Eastern Europe. LP was associated with an increased rate of AIDS/deaths, particularly in the first year after HIV diagnosis, with significant variation across Europe. Earlier and more widespread testing, timely referrals after testing positive, and improved retention in care strategies are required to further reduce the incidence of LP.
The predominant route of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission is infection across the vaginal mucosa. Epithelial cells, which form the primary barrier of protection against pathogens, are the first cell type at these mucosal tissues to encounter the virus but their role in HIV infection has not been clearly elucidated. Although mucosal epithelial cells express only low levels of the receptors required for successful HIV infection, productive infection does occur at these sites. The present work provides evidence to show that HIV exposure, without the need for productive infection, induces human cervical epithelial cells to produce Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP), an IL7-like cytokine, which potently activated human myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) to cause the homeostatic proliferation of autologous CD4+ T cells that serve as targets for HIV infection. Rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) by the vaginal, oral or rectal route exhibited dramatic increases in: TSLP expression, DC and CD4+ T cell numbers, and viral replication, in the vaginal, oral, and rectal tissues, respectively within the first 2 weeks after virus exposure. Evidence obtained showed that HIV-mediated TSLP production by cervical cells is dependent upon the expression of the cell surface salivary agglutinin (SAG) protein gp340. Epithelial cells expressing gp340 exhibited HIV endocytosis and TSLP expression and genetic knockdown of gp340 or use of a gp340-blocking antibody inhibited TSLP expression by HIV. On the other hand, gp340-null epithelial cells failed to endocytose HIV and produce TSLP, but transfection of gp340 resulted in HIV-induced TSLP expression. Finally, HIV-induced TSLP expression was found to be mediated by TLR7/8 signaling and NF-kB activity because silencing these pathways or use of specific inhibitors abrogated TSLP expression in gp340-postive but not in gp340-null epithelial cells. Overall these studies identify TSLP as a key player in the acute phase of HIV-1 infection in permitting HIV to successfully maneuver the hostile vaginal mucosal microenvironment by creating a conducive environment for sustaining the small amount of virus that initially crosses the mucosal barrier allowing it to successfully cause infection and spread to distal compartments of the body
Objective. Predictors of non-adherence to antiretroviral medications in a population of low-income, multiethnic, HIV-positive smokers were investigated. ^ Methods. A secondary analysis was conducted using baseline data collected from 326 patients currently prescribed antiretrovirals enrolled in a randomized clinical trial assessing smoking outcomes. Variables evaluated included demographics, stress, depression, nicotine dependence, illicit drug use and alcohol use. ^ Results. The average age of participants was 45.9 years (SD=7.6). The majority of participants were male (72.1%), Black (76.7%), reported sexual contact as the method of HIV exposure (heterosexual (43%) and MSM (27%)) and were antiretroviral adherent (60.4%). Results from unadjusted analyses indicated depression (OR=1.02; 95% CI=1.00-1.04), illicit drug use (OR=2.39; 95% CI=1.51-3.79) and alcohol consumption (OR=2.86; 95% CI=1.79-4.57) were associated with non-adherence. Multivariate analyses indicated nicotine dependence (OR=1.13; 95% CI=1.02-1.25), illicit drug use (OR=2.10; 95% CI=1.27-3.49) and alcohol use (OR=2.50; 95% CI=1.52-4.12) were associated with nonadherence. ^ Conclusions. Illicit drug use, alcohol use and nicotine dependence are formidable barriers to antiretroviral adherence in this population. Future research is needed to assess how to address these variables in the context of improving antiretroviral adherence for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.^
Objectives The aims of the study were to describe the prevalence and associations of mental health disorder (MHD) among a cohort of HIV-infected patients attending the Victorian HIV/AIDS Service between 1984 and 2000, and to examine whether antiretroviral therapy use or mortality was influenced by MHD (defined as a record of service provision by psychiatric services on the Victorian Psychiatric Case Register). It was hypothesized that HIV-positive individuals with MHD would have poorer treatment outcomes, reduced responses to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and increased mortality compared with those without MHD. Methods This is a retrospective cohort of 2981 individuals (73% of the Victorian population diagnosed with HIV infection) captured on an HIV database which was electronically matched with the public Victorian Psychiatric Case Register (VPCR) (accounting for 95% of public system psychiatry service provision). The prevalence, dates and recorded specifics of mental health disorders at the time of the electronic match on 1 June 2000 are described. The association with recorded MHD, gender, age, AIDS illness, HIV exposure category, duration and type of antiviral therapy, treatment era (prior to 1986, post-1987 and pre-HAART, and post-HAART) on hospitalization and mortality at 1 September 2001 was assessed. Results Five hundred and twenty-five individuals (17.6% of the Victorian HIV-positive population) were recorded with MHD, most frequently coded as attributable to substance dependence/abuse or affective disorder. MHD was diagnosed prior to HIV in 33% and, of those diagnosed after HIV, 93.8% were recorded more than 1 year after the HIV diagnosis. Schizophrenia was recorded in 6% of the population with MHD. Hospitalizations for both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric illness were more frequent in those with MHD (relative risk 5.4; 95% confidence interval 3.7, 8.2). The total number of antiretrovirals used (median 6.4 agents vs 5.5 agents) was greater in those with MHD. When adjusted for antiretroviral treatment era, HIV exposure category, CD4 cell count and antiretroviral therapy, survival was not affected by MHD. Conclusions MHD is frequent in this population with HIV infection and is associated with increased healthcare utilization but not with reduced survival.
Introduction HIV testing and counselling (HTC) is important to effect positive sexual behaviour change and is an entry point to treatment, care, and psychosocial support. One of the most practical initiatives to increase HTC is to encourage sexual partners of HIV-infected persons to test for HIV. However, partner notification strategies must be feasible in the healthcare setting and acceptable to the population. Methods We conducted a qualitative study during the pilot phase of an HIV partner notification trial to complement its assessment of feasibility and acceptability of methods of partner notification. We performed in-depth interviews with 16 consecutive HIV-positive index participants who consented and their 12 identifiable sexual partners. We also conducted two focus group discussions with healthcare workers to supplement the patient perspectives. In the main study, newly diagnosed HIV cases (index cases) were randomized to one of three methods of partner notification: passive, contract, and provider referral. Clients in the passive referral group were responsible for notifying their sexual partners themselves. Individuals in the contract referral group were given seven days to notify their partners, after which a healthcare provider contacted partners who had not reported for counselling and testing. In the provider group, a healthcare provider notified partners directly. Results Although most index participants and partners expressed a preference for passive notification, they also highlighted benefits for provider-assisted notification and the universal right for all HIV-exposed persons to know their HIV exposure and benefit from HIV testing and access antiretroviral treatment. Several participants mentioned couples counselling as a way to diffuse tension and get accurate information. All mentioned benefits to HIV testing, including the opportunity to change behaviour. Conclusions Provider-assisted partner notification is not preferred, but it is acceptable and may complement the passive method of notification. Couples counselling should also be encouraged.
OBJECTIVE Evaluate and correlate individual, work-related and organizational factors that influence adherence to standard precautions among nursing professionals of psychiatric hospitals in São Paulo. METHOD An exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with 35 nursing professionals, using the assessment tool for adherence to standard precautions through the Likert scale, ranging from 1 to 5. RESULTS Knowledge of the precautions received a high score (4.69); adherence received (3.86) and obstacles (3.78), while intermediaries and the scales of organizational factors received low scores (2.61). There was a strong correlation between the magnitude adherence scale and the personal protective equipment availability (r = 0.643; p = 0.000). The training scale for prevention of HIV exposure (p = 0.007) was statistically different between the nurses and nursing assistants. CONCLUSION The organizational factors negatively contributed to adherence to standard precautions, indicating that psychiatric institutions lack safe working conditions, ongoing training and management actions to control infections.
Les cellules myéloïdes incluant les monocytes, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques (DCs, dendritic cells) contribuent à la pathogénèse de l’infection à VIH-1 en participant à la dissémination du virus, mais également en représentant des réservoirs viraux potentiels. Leurs fonctions sont exploitées par le VIH-1 afin d’assurer sa propagation à travers l’organisme. Notamment, une infection à VIH-1 est associée à une altération de la présentation antigénique et la perte de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques à des antigènes. L’autophagie est un processus catabolique universel impliqué dans la régulation de la présentation antigénique subséquente à la neutralisation/destruction du pathogène. Des études récentes suggèrent que le VIH-1 altère le mécanisme d’autophagie afin d’assurer sa survie. Le premier volet de ce projet de maîtrise a visé la caractérisation des effets du VIH-1 sur l’autophagie dans les DCs dérivées de monocytes circulants (MDDC, monocyte-derived dendritic cells) et l’identification des stratégies thérapeutiques pour contrecarrer ces effets. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été de : (i) caractériser l’expression de marqueurs de maturation sur des MDDC exposées au VIH-1 in vitro, (ii) quantifier l’expression des protéines liées à la régulation positive (i.e., ATG5, LC3, p62) et négative (i.e., mTOR) de l’autophagie dans les MDDC exposées au VIH, (iii) déterminer le rôle de l’autophagie dans la trans infection du VIH-1 aux lymphocytes T CD4+ et (iv) explorer l’impact de l’autophagie sur la présentation antigénique par les MDDC infectées à VIH-1 in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une exposition des MDDC au VIH-1 in vitro altère dramatiquement leur maturation et leur habileté à induire la prolifération des cellules T autologues en réponse à Staphylococcus aureus et Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mais pas la réponse induite par Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Nous démontrons que l’exposition des MDDC au VIH s’associe à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine mTOR totale et de sa forme phosphorylée (phospho-mTOR) et de la protéine p62. Le traitement des MDDC à la rapamycine diminue l’expression de mTOR et réduit la capacité de trans infection du VIH-1 par les MDDC, sans toutefois restaurer leur potentiel immunogène. En effet, nous observons que la rapamycine réduit l’expression de CD83 par les MDDC et augmente l’expression de CCR7, indiquant ainsi que l’effet immunosuppresseur documenté de la rapamycine est associé à une défaillance de maturation des MDDC. Le second volet de ce projet de recherche s’est intéressé à la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale chez les sujets infectés par le VIH-1 sous thérapie antirétrovirale. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été : (i) d’évaluer la présence de différentes formes d’ADN viral dans les monocytes circulants de patients infectés par le VIH-1 et (ii) de mesurer l’intégration et la réplication virale dans des macrophages dérivés de monocytes (MDM) de patients infectés sous ART. Nos résultats indiquent que les monocytes portent des formes précoces de transcription virale inverse (ADN du VIH RU5) et que, malgré une charge virale plasmatique indétectable sous ART, les MDM supportent la réplication virale. Ces données très préliminaires apportent des évidences en faveur de la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale sous ART et représentent une ouverture pour un projet de recherche plus complexe dans le futur. En somme, nos résultats démontrent que le VIH-1 altère le potentiel immunogène des MDDC et que la rapamycine peut être employée pour limiter la trans infection des lymphocytes T CD4+ par les MDDC. Néanmoins, l’incapacité de la rapamycine à rétablir le potentiel immunogène des MDDC incite à identifier de nouvelles stratégies manipulant l’autophagie pour une restauration optimale de la compétence immunitaire chez les sujets infectés à VIH-1. Les cellules myéloïdes jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination et la persistance virale et doivent donc être ciblées par les stratégies actuelles d’éradication des réservoirs du VIH sous ART.
Results of a HIV prevalence study conducted in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil are presented. History of exposure to acellular blood components was determined for the five year period prior to entry in the study, which occurred during 1986 and 1987. Patients with coagulations disorders (hemophilia A = 132, hemophilia B = 16 and coagulation disorders other than hemophilia = 16) were transfused with liquid cryoprecipitate, locally produced, lyophilized cryoprecipitate, imported from São Paulo (Brazil) and factor VIII and IX, imported from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Europe, and United States. Thirty six (22%) tested HIV seropositive. The univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic model) demonstrated that the risk of HIV infection during the study period was associated with the total units of acellular blood components transfused. In addition, the proportional contribution of the individual components to the total acellular units transfused, namely a increase in factor VIII/IX and lyophilized cryoprecipitate proportions, were found to be associated with HIV seropositivity. This analysis suggest that not only the total amount of units was an important determinant of HIV infection, but that the risk was also associated with the specific component of blood transfused
Suite à un accident exposant à du sang (piqûre; coupure), provenant d'un patient infecté, le risque d'infection par VIH est d'environ 0,3% et par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) d'environ 0,5%. Chez les personnes vaccinées avec une réponse immunitaire adéquate (titre d'anticorps HBs >100 mUI/ml), aucune infection professionnelle par hépatite B n'a été reconnue en Suisse. La plupart des infections par VIH et VHB peuvent être prévenues par un traitement d'urgence et une prophylaxie postexpositionnelle (PEP). Il n'y a actuellement aucune prophylaxie postexpositionnelle pour le VHC. En cas de transmission de VHC, un traitement rapide par peginterféron et ribavirine est à envisager. Chaque hôpital et cabinet médical doivent mettre sur pied un système pour assurer une prise en charge optimale et en urgence des blessures par piqûres ou coupures. Lors de blessures accidentelles avec du sang de patients séropositifs pour le VIH et dans des situations complexes, il est recommandé de consulter un médecin du personnel ou un infectiologue expérimenté. The risk of infection after an occupational needle stick injury with blood from an infected source patient is approximately 0.3% for HIV and 0.5% for hepatitis C virus (HCV). In Switzerland no cases of occupational HBV infection have been recorded in fully vaccinated persons with a documented adequate vaccine response (HBsantibody titer >100 mIU/mL). Most occupational HIV und HBV infections can be prevented by appropriate emergency measures and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). No HCV-PEP is currently available. Early therapy with peginterferon and ribavirin should be considered in cases of occupational HCV seroconversion. Every hospital and office practice should establish a system for 24 h/24 h emergency management of occupational needle stick injuries. In the setting of an HIV-seropositive source patient and in complex situations, early consultation with a specialist in occupational medicine or infectious diseases should be considered.
OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is frequently prescribed after exposure to source persons with an undetermined HIV serostatus. To reduce unnecessary use of PEP, we implemented a policy including active contacting of source persons and the availability of free, anonymous HIV testing ('PEP policy'). METHODS: All consultations for potential non-occupational HIV exposures i.e. outside the medical environment) were prospectively recorded. The impact of the PEP policy on PEP prescription and costs was analysed and modelled. RESULTS: Among 146 putative exposures, 47 involved a source person already known to be HIV positive and 23 had no indication for PEP. The remaining 76 exposures involved a source person of unknown HIV serostatus. Of 33 (43.4%) exposures for which the source person could be contacted and tested, PEP was avoided in 24 (72.7%), initiated and discontinued in seven (21.2%), and prescribed and completed in two (6.1%). In contrast, of 43 (56.6%) exposures for which the source person could not be tested, PEP was prescribed in 35 (81.4%), P < 0.001. Upon modelling, the PEP policy allowed a 31% reduction of cost for management of exposures to source persons of unknown HIV serostatus. The policy was cost-saving for HIV prevalence of up to 70% in the source population. The availability of all the source persons for testing would have reduced cost by 64%. CONCLUSION: In the management of non-occupational HIV exposures, active contacting and free, anonymous testing of source persons proved feasible. This policy resulted in a decrease in prescription of PEP, proved to be cost-saving, and presumably helped to avoid unnecessary toxicity and psychological stress.
BACKGROUND: We conducted a retrospective analysis of administration of nonoccupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) in a single centre where tracing and testing of the source of exposure were carried out systematically over a 10-year period. METHODS: Files of all nPEP requests between 1998 and 2007 were reviewed. Characteristics of the exposed and source patients, the type of exposure, and clinical and serological outcomes were analysed. RESULTS: nPEP requests increased by 850% over 10 years. Among 910 events, 58% were heterosexual exposures, 15% homosexual exposures, 6% sexual assaults and 20% nonsexual exposures. In 208 events (23%), the source was reported to be HIV positive. In the remaining cases, active source tracing enabled 298 HIV tests to be performed (42%) and identified 11 HIV infections (3.7%). nPEP was able to be avoided or interrupted in 31% of 910 events when the source tested negative. Of 710 patients who started nPEP, 396 (56%) reported side effects, among whom 39 (5%) had to interrupt treatment. There were two HIV seroconversions, and neither was attributed to nPEP failure. CONCLUSIONS: nPEP requests increased over time. HIV testing of the source person avoided nPEP in 31% of events and was therefore paramount in the management of potential HIV exposures. Furthermore, it allowed active screening of populations potentially at risk for undiagnosed HIV infection, as shown by the increased HIV prevalence in these groups (3.7%) compared with a prevalence of 0.3% in Switzerland as a whole.
BACKGROUND: Patients with HIV exposed to the antiretroviral drug abacavir may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is concern that this association arises because of a channeling bias. Even if exposure is a risk, it is not clear how that risk changes as exposure cumulates. METHODS: We assess the effect of exposure to abacavir on the risk of CVD events in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. We use a new marginal structural Cox model to estimate the effect of abacavir as a flexible function of past exposures while accounting for risk factors that potentially lie on a causal pathway between exposure to abacavir and CVD. RESULTS: A total of 11,856 patients were followed for a median of 6.6 years; 365 patients had a CVD event (4.6 events per 1000 patient-years). In a conventional Cox model, recent--but not cumulative--exposure to abacavir increased the risk of a CVD event. In the new marginal structural Cox model, continued exposure to abacavir during the past 4 years increased the risk of a CVD event (hazard ratio = 2.06; 95% confidence interval: 1.43 to 2.98). The estimated function for the effect of past exposures suggests that exposure during the past 6-36 months caused the greatest increase in risk. CONCLUSIONS: Abacavir increases the risk of a CVD event: the effect of exposure is not immediate, rather the risk increases as exposure cumulates over the past few years. This gradual increase in risk is not consistent with a rapidly acting mechanism, such as acute inflammation.
Evaluation of HIV-induced IL-2 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and HIV-specific T helper and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in health care workers (HCW) occupationally exposed to HIV reveals a high rate of response to HIV among non-seroconverters. IL-10 is also known to interfere with HIV infection in vitro. To evaluate the induction of IL-10 by HIV antigens in HCW occupationally exposed to HIV, 18 HCW with percutaneous injury were enrolled in this study, 9 of them exposed to HIV-contaminated blood, and 9 exposed to HIV-negative blood. PBMC were incubated on plates coated with HIV-1 antigens, and IL-10 was measured in supernatants by ELISA. Five of nine HCW exposed to HIV-contaminated blood presented HIV-induced IL-10. Two of nine HCW exposed to HIV-negative source patients also had detectable levels of HIV-induced IL-10, one of them in the sample obtained on the day of accidental exposure. There was a relationship between the type of device involved in injury and IL-10 production. Individuals exposed to hollow needles or scalpels presented HIV-induced IL-10, whereas those exposed to solid needles and to digital puncture did not, suggesting a relationship between infectious load and IL-10. Although occupational exposure to HIV leads to a low rate of seroconversion, these individuals can develop an antigen-specific immune response characterized in our study by induction of IL-10 in PBMC in vitro.