1000 resultados para HIV (QUIMIOTERAPIA)
FAPESP n. 07/55777-9 e n. 07/50009-3
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a aderência aos anti-retrovirais e os principais fatores preditivos e os motivos para a má-aderência. MÉTODOS: Para avaliar a aderência aos medicamentos, realizou-se um estudo em uma amostra aleatória de 120 pacientes com infecção por HIV/Aids. A avaliação foi feita por auto-relato e complementada com uso de um diário e consulta à farmácia. Foi realizada análise univariada, e utilizados o teste de Student e do qui-quadrado. Calculou-se o odds-ratio como medida de absorção. RESULTADOS: Dos 120 pacientes avaliados, 87 (72,5%) eram homens e 33 (27,5%) eram mulheres com idade média de 35,5 anos. A maioria era de cor parda, tinha apenas o ensino fundamental, mas estava empregada, com renda de até dois salários-mínimos. O tempo médio de uso de anti-retrovirais foi de 12 meses. A principal indicação para início do tratamento foi a queda na contagem de linfócitos CD4+ a menos de 350 cels./mm³. A maioria estava em uso de três ou mais anti-retrovirais. Foram considerados aderentes 89 pacientes (74%). A principal causa de falhas foram os efeitos colaterais. O nível de escolaridade, a idade e o tempo de uso de anti-retrovirais foram importantes fatores de predição da aderência aos anti-retrovirais. CONCLUSÕES: Admite-se, baseado nas principais causas de falhas e nos fatores de predição de aderência encontrados, que, para melhorar essa aderência, é necessário o uso de esquemas com menos efeitos colaterais e um detalhamento minucioso e constante sobre o tratamento.
OBJETIVO: descrever as alterações estruturais e/ou funcionais fetais à ultra-sonografia e à ecocardiografia fetais e os resultados perinatais em gestantes soropositivas para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) em relação a um grupo controle de pacientes atendidas pelo pré-natal de baixo risco. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas, prospectivamente, 109 gestantes soropositivas para o HIV em uso de anti-retrovirais (Grupo de Estudo, GE) e 200 gestantes controles (GC), sendo realizado acompanhamento ultra-sonográfico obstétrico mensal e ecocardiografia fetal e pós-natal com a avaliação do volume de líquido amniótico, da adequação do peso fetal, da presença de alterações estruturais fetais e dos resultados perinatais. RESULTADOS: foram observados oito casos de alterações estruturais fetais (7,3%) contra dois (1%) no GC (p=0,61). Observamos quatro casos de cardiopatia congênita e quatro de hidronefrose no GE, com diferença estatística para as cardiopatias (p=0,015). Foram diagnosticados, no GE, oito (7,3%) casos de oligoidrâmnio e 11 (10%) casos de polidrâmnio contra dois casos (1%) de oligoidrâminio e nenhum de polidrâmnio (p de 0,004 e p<0,001, respectivamente). Onze recém-nascidos (10%) foram pequenos para a idade gestacional no GE contra três (2,7%) no GC (p=0,002). A incidência de prematuridade foi de 8,7 e 2,5% nos grupos de estudo e controle, respectivamente (p=0,041). A taxa de óbito fetal foi de 5,5% (seis casos) no GE, contra nenhum no GC (p=0,002). CONCLUSÕES: observamos maior prevalência de cardiopatia fetal e de alterações da quantidade de líquido amniótico no grupo estudado em relação ao GC. A taxa de óbito fetal no GE provavelmente está vinculada à presença de malformações fetais; já a incidência de neonatos pequenos para a idade gestacional e de prematuridade, está associada à terapia anti-retroviral e ao uso do tabaco e de drogas ilícitas.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a freqüência de efeitos advesos com o uso da nevirapina e suas correlações em gestantes infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo foi realizado entre janeiro de 2003 e dezembro de 2006, incluindo todas as mulheres que utilizaram nevirapina durante a gestação. Os critérios de exclusão foram: início da nevirapina antes da gestação; presença de enzimas hepáticas basais aumentadas e dados incompletos de bioquímica hepática no prontuário. Os parâmetros avaliados foram idade, duração de exposição à nevirapina, idade gestacional no início da medicação, semanas de seguimento, carga viral, contagem de CD4 e dosagens de transaminases. A incidência de efeitos adversos hepáticos e/ou cutâneos foi determinada e correlacionada com a contagem de CD4. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o teste exato de Fisher e o teste t de Student quando apropriado. A significância estatística foi estabelecida quando p<"0,05. RESULTADOS: cento e cinqüenta e sete gestantes foram incluídas nos critérios estabelecidos. Trinta e uma mulheres (19,7%) apresentaram toxicidade cutânea e/ou hepática. Rash cutâneo foi responsável por 77,4% das toxicidades e anormalidade da função hepática por 22,6%. Hepatotoxicidades graus 1, 2 e 3 foram observadas em 0,6, 2,5 e 1,3%, respectivamente. Contagem de CD4, carga viral e dosagem de transaminases basais foram similares em gestantes com e sem reação induzida pela nevirapina. A contagem de CD4 média foi de 465,4 e 416,6 células/µL em mulheres com e sem efeitos colaterais, respectivamente (p=0,3). Todas as pacientes que apresentaram hepatotoxicidade apresentavam contagem de CD4 prévia ao tratamento superior a 250 células/µL. CONCLUSÕES: a incidência de eventos adversos com nevirapina em nosso estudo foi alta, mas a maioria deles foi cutâneo. Não houve correlação entre a alta contagem de CD4 e os eventos adversos quando se analisou conjuntamente as reações cutâneas e hepáticas; entretanto, a hepatotoxicidade ocorreu apenas em gestantes com contagem de CD4 > 250 células/µL.
Apesar de predominar junto à população a idéia de que a violência sexual é praticada por pessoas desconhecidas, na realidade a maioria desses crimes é praticada por pessoa identificável pela vítima. Além de conseqüências físicas e psicológicas, também há risco em adquirir o vírus HIV. Para prevenção deste, em situação de risco, há orientação para uso da quimioprofilaxia anti-retroviral. Esse uso, por 28 dias, pode trazer efeitos adversos com intensidades variáveis. O conhecimento da sorologia anti-HIV do agressor torna-se fundamental para manter, ou suspender, com segurança, essa indicação. Este estudo descritivo, realizado no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, teve como objetivo identificar os agressores e suas respectivas sorologias. Foi realizado a partir de fichas de notificação e os prontuários no período de julho de 2003 a dezembro de 2005. Encontraram-se 920 vítimas de violência sexual, com idades entre oito meses e 77 anos, havendo predomínio do sexo feminino (86,5 por cento). Dentre os agressores, 76 por cento foram referidos como identificáveis. Indicou-se profilaxia anti-retroviral para 24,9 por cento das vítimas. Para 80 (33,2 por cento) agressores localizados, a busca foi realizada através de contato telefônico. Encontrou-se 52,5 por cento em seus domicílios, 45 por cento em Presídio/Delegacia e 2,5 por cento no Pronto Socorro. Um agressor (1,3 por cento) apresentou sorologia positiva para HIV. As buscas encerraram-se, em sua maioria, em até seis dias (80 por cento), possibilitando a suspensão da quimioprofilaxia em 30,6 por cento dos casos. Concluiu-se que a busca ao denunciado permitiu conhecer sua sorologia anti-HIV e suspender, para um terço das vítimas, o uso da quimioprofilaxia anti-retroviral, diminuindo, com isso, a possibilidade de efeitos adversos
OBJETIVO: No contexto de acesso universal à terapia antiretroviral, os resultados do Programa de Aids dependem da qualidade do cuidado prestado. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a qualidade do cuidado dos serviços ambulatoriais que assistem pacientes de Aids. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado em sete Estados brasileiros, em 2001 e 2002. Foi avaliada a qualidade do atendimento a pacientes com Aids quanto à disponibilidade de recursos e a organização do trabalho de assistência. Um questionário com 112 questões estruturadas abordando esses aspectos, foi enviado a 336 serviços. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 95,8% (322). Os indicadores de disponibilidade de recursos mostram uma adequação maior do que os indicadores de organização do trabalho. Não faltam antiretrovirais em 95,5% dos serviços, os exames de CD4 e Carga Viral estão disponíveis em quantidade adequada em 59 e 41% dos serviços, respectivamente. Em 90,4% dos serviços há pelo menos um profissional não médico (psicólogo, enfermeiro ou assistente social). Quanto à organização, 80% não agendavam consulta médica com hora marcada; 40,4% agendavam mais que 10 consultas médicas por período; 17% não possuíam gerentes exclusivos na assistência e 68,6% não realizavam reuniões sistemáticas de trabalho com a equipe. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam que além de garantir a distribuição mais homogênea de recursos, o programa precisa investir no treinamento e disseminação do manejo do cuidado, conforme evidenciado nos resultados da organização de trabalho.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as dificuldades referentes à adesão ao tratamento de pacientes vivendo com HIV/Aids em terapia anti-retroviral altamente ativa. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa baseada em 34 entrevistas com pacientes em tratamento de diversos serviços ambulatoriais do estado de São Paulo em 1998-1999. O grupo compreendeu pessoas de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos, sexo, tempo no tratamento e diferentes graus de adesão de acordo com a percepção da equipe de saúde. As entrevistas foram focalizadas na narrativa do paciente sobre sua doença. A análise de conteúdo classificou as dificuldades relacionadas a fatores sociais e do estilo de vida, incluindo o estigma; a crenças acerca do uso da medicação; e diretamente ao uso da medicação. RESULTADOS: Todos os entrevistados relataram dificuldades relacionadas ao estigma de viver com HIV/Aids. As dificuldades relacionadas ao uso da medicação predominaram entre pacientes com melhor adesão. Pacientes com aderência média apresentaram os três tipos de dificuldade. CONCLUSÕES: Os fatores sociais e culturais são mais difíceis de serem superados para adesão ao tratamento do que aqueles relacionados a tomar a medicação, o que torna importante o papel desempenhado pelo setor saúde, apoiado por políticas públicas sociais claras. Essas dimensões devem ser enfrentadas não somente no setor saúde, mas também nos âmbitos político e social.
Introduction: Testing for HIV tropism is recommended before prescribing a chemokine receptor blocker. To date, in most European countries HIV tropism is determined using a phenotypic test. Recently, new data have emerged supporting the use of a genotypic HIV V3-loop sequence analysis as the basis for tropism determination. The European guidelines group on clinical management of HIV-1 tropism testing was established to make recommendations to clinicians and virologists. Methods: We searched online databases for articles from Jan 2006 until March 2010 with the terms: tropism or CCR5-antagonist or CCR5 antagonist or maraviroc or vicriviroc. Additional articles and/or conference abstracts were identified by hand searching. This strategy identified 712 potential articles and 1240 abstracts. All were reviewed and finally 57 papers and 42 abstracts were included and used by the panel to reach a consensus statement. Results: The panel recommends HIV-tropism testing for the following indications: i) drug-naïve patients in whom toxicity or limited therapeutic options are foreseen; ii) patients experiencing therapy failure whenever a treatment change is considered. Both the phenotypic Enhanced Trofile assay (ESTA) and genotypic population sequencing of the V3-loop are recommended for use in clinical practice. Although the panel does not recommend one methodology over another it is anticipated that genotypic testing will be used more frequently because of its greater accessibility, lower cost and shorter turnaround time. The panel also provides guidance on technical aspects and interpretation issues. If using genotypic methods, triplicate PCR amplification and sequencing testing is advised using the G2P interpretation tool (clonal model) with an FPR of 10%. If the viral load is below the level of reliable amplification, proviral DNA can be used, and the panel recommends performing triplicate testing and use of an FPR of 10%. If genotypic DNA testing is not performed in triplicate the FPR should be increased to 20%. Conclusions: The European guidelines on clinical management of HIV-1 tropism testing provide an overview of current literature, evidence-based recommendations for the clinical use of tropism testing and expert guidance on unresolved issues and current developments. Current data support both the use of genotypic population sequencing and ESTA for co-receptor tropism determination. For practical reasons genotypic population sequencing is the preferred method in Europe.
Background A high level of red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a novel prognostic marker that may reflect an underlying inflammatory state. It has recently shown that when increased, it is related to cardiovascular disease, mortality, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in the general population. Objectives To analyse the potential relation between high levels of RDW and cardiovascular risk (CVR) and MetS in HIVpatients. Patients and methods Observational, cross-sectional study of a series of HIVoutpatients attended in our Hospital. Demographic, anthropometric, clinical, and fasting lab data were recorded in all cases. CVR at 10 years was evaluated by Framingham equation, and MetS diagnosed according to the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria. Statistic program: SPSS 17.0. Results 666 patients were included, 79.3% were men, and mean age was 44.7 years. Mean CD4 count was 506 cells/ mm3 , 87.5% of the patients were on antiretroviral therapy, and 85.3% had undetectable HIV viral load. Mean RDW was 13.07% (range: 7.7-33.6%; 75th percentile 14,1%), with a prevalence of MetS of 15.7, 9.3, 18.8 and 16.6% first through fourth RDW quartile, and of patients with CVR >20% of 8.4, 4.0, 4.4 and 6.4%, respectively (p>0,05). The highest quartile of RDW (>14.1%) was associated with AIDS (OR 1.6, 95%CI 1.0-2.4; p 0.02), detectable HIV viral load (OR 1.5, 95%CI 1.01-2.4; p 0.04), and hypertension (OR 2.3, 95%CI 1.4-4.0; p 0.001). Conclusions In HIV-infected outpatients, higher RDW is related with detectable HIV viral load and with AIDS. Although it was associated with a traditional CVR factor as hypertension, we found no relation with MetS nor with higher CVR.
Purpose: HIV-infected patients treated for syphilis may be at increased risk for serological failure and serofast state. Our aim was to analyse serological response to treatment in HIV-infected patients diagnosed with syphilis, and factors associated with serological cure and serofast state. Methods: Open-label, no controlled study of a series of HIV- patients diagnosed with syphilis during 2004-2011. Patients were categorized by rapid plasma reagin titer (RPR) into success (4-fold decrease in RPR by 12 or 24 months after treatment of early or late syphilis), serofast (success with persistently stable reactive RPR), and failure/ re-infection ( failure to decrease 4-fold in RPR by 12 or 24 months after treatment or sustained 4-fold increase in RPR after treatment response). Results: 141 HIV- patients were diagnosed with syphilis during the study period (104 early syphilis, 36 late or indeterminate latent syphilis). The mean age was 36.3 years, 98.5% were male, and 87.2% homosexual men. In 46 (32.6%) cases, HIV and syphilis infection diagnosis were coincident (mean CD4 457/mm3 and HIV-VL 4.72 log10). Among patients with prior known HIV infection, 65 were on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at syphilis diagnosis (mean CD4 469/ mm3, 76.9% undetectable HIV-VL). 116 patients satisfied criteria for serological response analysis (89 early, 24 late/indeterminate). At 12 months of early syphilis treatment (89.2% penicillin) there were 16 (18%) failures, and at 24 months of late/indeterminate syphilis (91.7% penicillin) there were 5 (18.5%) failures. Overall, 36 (31.0%) patients presented serofast state. Treatment failure was related with lower CD4 count (295 vs 510/μL; p=0.045) only in patients with coincident diagnosis. Serofast state was related with older age (41 vs 36 years; p=0.024), and lower CD4 count (391 vs 513/mm3; p=0.026). Conclusions: In this series of HIV-infected patients, with many patients on ART and with good immunological and virological parameters, serological failure and serofast state were frequent. Immunological status, and age could influence on serological response to syphilis treatment in HIV-infected patients.
Purpose: Iron overload (IO) has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) and metabolic syndrome (MS) in the general population; both elevated CVR and MS are frequent in HIV- patients. Our aim was to analyze the prevalence of IO in a cohort of asymptomatic patients with HIV infection, and related factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a cohort of HIV outpatients in regular follow-up. Demographic, epidemiological, clinical, analytical and therapeutic data were collected. Patients completed a questionnaire about CVR factors and 10-year CV disease risk estimation (Framingham score), underwent a physical exam, and a fasting blood analysis. IO was defined as a plasma ferritin level higher than 200 m/L in women and 300 m/L in men. Results: 571 patients (446 men, 125 women), with a mean age of 43.2 years, sexual transmission of HIV in 68.5%, median CD4 count 474 cell/μL (IQR: 308-666), and 36.3% Aids cases 86.2% were on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 74.8% of them had undetectable HIV viral load 14.6% met MS criteria, and mean CVR at 10 years was 6.67%. IO was detected in 11% of cases. Patients with IO were more immunosuppressed (CD4 count 369 vs 483/μL, p<0.0001), presented a higher prevalence of detectable HIV viral load (17.6% vs 8.9%; p<0.005), and of Aids cases (14.9% vs 8.7%; p<0.023), and lower plasma levels of cholesterol, HDLc and LDLc (154 vs 183, 34 vs 43, 93 vs 110 mg/dL, respectively; p<0.0001. In the multivariate analysis, the only related factor was CD4 count <350 cell/μL (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.6-4.9; p<0.0001). IO was not associated with CVR nor with MS. Conclusions: IO is not uncommon in HIV patients, and it is only related with immunosuppression defined as CD4 count <350 cell/ mL, and in contrast to general population, it is not related with increased CVR nor with MS.
Purpose: Bone turnover markers (BTM) - aminoterminal propeptide of type 1 collagen (P1NP) and C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen (b-CTX) - are related to bone density and fracture risk. A high prevalence of osteopenia/osteoporosis and hypovitaminosis D has been reported in HIV patients, however there are few data about BTM in this population. Our aim was to analyse the prevalence of elevated serum levels of BTM in HIV patients before starting antiretroviral therapy (ART), and related factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a series of HIV-patients who started ART during June/11-June/12 in our hospital. Patients with presence of diseases or treatments known to affect bone metabolism were excluded. Epidemiological, clinical, and immunovirological data in addition to serum fasting levels of glucose, lipid profile, calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD), parathyroid hormone (PTH), P1NP, and β-CTX were collected. Definitions: hypovitaminosis D if 25OHD<30 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency if 25OHD<20 ng/ml; elevated levels of BTM if β-CTX (ng/ml) >0.64 (men<70 years),>0.85 (men>70 years),>0.58 (pre-menopause women), >0.99 (post-menopause women), or P1NP (ng/mL)>69.4 (men<60 years), >71.1 (men>60 years), >55.7 (pre-menopause women), >61.2 (post-menopause women). Results: 47 patients were included, 91.5% men, median age 37.1 years (30.0-44.3), and 93.6% sexual transmission of HIV (34 HMX, 10 HTX). Median time since the diagnosis of HIV was 3.4 months (1.4- 31.7); there were 7 (14.9%) Aids cases, median CD4 count was 277/ mm3 (155-433), and HIV-VL 4.8 log10 (4.1-5.2). Median serum 25OHD was 29 mg/L (21.9-41.1), with a prevalence of hypovitaminosis of 52.2%, and deficiency of 17.4%. PTH was in range in all cases. Median serum P1NP was 33.3 ng/mL (24.5-52.5) and β-CTX 0.25 ng/mL (0.20-0.45); five (11.4%) patients presented high levels of BTM: 4 men, median age 37.1 years, median CD4 count 247/mm3, median HIV-VL 5.18 log10, and one with hypovitaminosis D. Elevated BTM were related with no clinical, analytical, immunovirological parameters nor with serum levels of 25OHD nor PTH. Conclusions: The prevalence of elevated BTM was high in this series of HIV-patients, mostly young men, with short time of HIV infection and with no immunovirologic control. BTM were related with no clinical nor analytical data.
Purpose: Combined antiretroviral therapy has dramatically improved HIV-infected individuals survival. Long-term strategies are currently needed to achieve the goal of durable virologic suppression. However, long-term available data for specific antiretrovirals (ARV) are limited. In clinical trials, boosted atazanavir (ATV/r) regimens has shown good efficacy and tolerability in ARV-naïve patients for up to 4 years. The REMAIN study aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes of ATV/r regimens in ARV-naïve patients in a real life setting. Methods: Non-comparative, observational study conducted in Germany, Portugal and Spain. Historical and longitudinal follow-up data was extracted six monthly from the medical record of HIV-infected, treatment-naïve patients, who initiated an ATV/r-regimen between 2008 and 2010. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients remaining on ATV treatment over time. Secondary endpoints included virologic response (HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL and <500 c/mL), reasons for discontinuation and long-term safety. The duration of treatment and time to virologic failure (VF) were analyzed using the Kaplan- Meier method. Data from an interim analysis including patients with at least one year of follow-up are reported here. Results: A total of 411 patients were included in this interim analysis [median (Q1, Q3) follow-up: 23.42 (16.25, 32.24) months≥: 77% male; median age 40 years [min, max: 19, 78≥; 16% IDUs; 18% CDC C; 18% hepatitis C. TDF/FTC was the most common backbone (85%). At baseline, median (Q1, Q3) HIV-RNA and CD4 cell count were 4.91 (4.34, 5.34) log10 c/mL and 256 (139, 353) cells/mm3, respectively. The probability of remaining on treatment was 0.84 (95% CI: 0.80, 0.87) and 0.72 (95% CI: 0.67, 0.76) for the first and second year, respectively. After 2 years of follow-up, 84% (95% CI: 0.79, 0.88) of patients were virologically suppressed (<50 c/mL). No major protease inhibitors mutations were observed at VF. Overall, 125 patients (30%) discontinued ATV therapy [median (Q1, Q3) time to discontinuation: 11.14 (6.24, 19.35) months]. Adverse events (AEs) were the main reason for discontinuation (n =47, 11%). Hyperbilirubinaemia was the most common AE leading to discontinuation (14 patients). No unexpected AEs were reported. Conclusions: In a real life clinical setting, ATV/r regimens showed durable virologic efficacy with good tolerability in an ARV-naïve population. Data from longer follow-up will provide additional valuable information.
Purpose: HIV-infected patients present an increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) of multifactorial origin, usually lower in women than in men. Information by gender about prevalence of modifiable risk factors is scarce. Methods: Coronator is a cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of HIV-infected patients on ART within 10 hospitals across Spain in 2011. Variables include sociodemographics, CVR factors and 10-year CV disease risk estimation (Regicor: Framingham score adapted to the Spanish population). Results: We included 860 patients (76.3% male) with no history of CVD. Median age 45.6 years; 84.1% were Spaniards; 29.9% women were IDUs. Median time since HIV diagnosis for men and women was 10 and 13 years (p=0.001), 28% had an AIDS diagnosis. Median CD4 cell count was 596 cells/mm3, 88% had undetectable viral load. Median time on ART was 91 and 108 months (p=0.017). There was a family history of early CVD in 113 men (17.9%) and 41 women (20.6%). Classical CVR factors are described in the table. Median (IQR) Regicor Score was 3% (2-5) for men and 2% (1-3) for women (p=0.000), and the proportion of subjects with mid-high risk (>5%) was 26.1% for men and 9.4% for women (p=0.000). Conclusions: In this population of HIV-infected patients, women have lower cardiovascular risk than men, partly due to higher levels of HDL cholesterol. Of note is the high frequency of smoking, abdominal obesity and sedentary lifestyle in our population. (Table Presented).
Actions to overcome a disease are dependant, essentially, on what is known about it. Procedures followed in the past were sometimes bizarre, but justified because of how little was known about the disease. The tuberculosis prechemotherapeutic age was somber due to the high levels of fatalities and morbidity. With the arrival of the chemotherapeutic treatment its prognosis has changed. Tuberculosis declined in the 50's and stabilized in the 80's. Nevertheless, it is back increasing alarming its numbers more than ever; probably because of some factors, among them, the public health system lack of attention and the government's policies, increasing in the migration to and from the endemic areas, development of drug multi-resistant cepa and also to the HIV infection. An universal antimycobacteria chemotherapy treatment is not accepted, maybe because of the number of drugs that are available. Modern chemotherapy, however, has an attack and a maintenance phases with the aim to eliminate the bacillus of fast and slow multiplication, respectively. The treatment period is long, when compared with other infectious diseases, that leads to the lack of compliance. In spite of the available resources in the fight against tuberculosis they seem insufficient to restrain the disease. This has forced the search for new chemotherapy alternatives to avoid strong come back of tuberculosis to the point of being called the 'white plague' well into the 21'st century.