943 resultados para HISTONE VARIANT H2A.Z


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La chromatine est plus qu’un système d’empaquetage de l’ADN ; elle est le support de toutes les réactions liées à l’ADN dans le noyau des cellules eucaryotes et participe au contrôle de l’accès de l’ARN polymérase II (ARNPolII) à l’ADN. Responsable de la transcription de tous les ARNm des cellules eucaryotes, l’ARNPolII doit, suivant son recrutement aux promoteurs des gènes, transcrire l’ADN en traversant la matrice chromatinienne. Grâce au domaine C-terminal (CTD) de sa sous-unité Rpb1, elle coordonne la maturation de l’ARNm en cours de synthèse ainsi que les modifications de la chromatine, concomitantes à la transcription. Cette thèse s’intéresse à deux aspects de la transcription : la matrice, avec la localisation de la variante d’histone H2A.Z, et la machinerie de transcription avec le cycle de phosphorylation du CTD de l’ARNPolII. Suivant l’introduction, le chapitre 2 de cette thèse constitue un protocole détaillé et annoté de la technique de ChIP-chip, chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cette technique phare dans l’étude in vivo des phénomènes liés à l’ADN a grandement facilité l’étude du rôle de la chromatine dans les phénomènes nucléaires, en permettant de localiser sur le génome les marques et les variantes d’histones. Ce chapitre souligne l’importance de contrôles adéquats, spécifiques à l’étude de la chromatine. Au chapitre 3, grâce à la méthode de ChIP-chip, la variante d’histone H2A.Z est cartographiée au génome de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae avec une résolution d’environ 300 paires de bases. Nos résultats montrent que H2A.Z orne un à deux nucléosomes au promoteur de la majorité des gènes. L’enrichissement de H2A.Z est anticorrélé à la transcription et nos résultats suggèrent qu’elle prépare la chromatine pour l’activation des gènes. De plus H2A.Z semble réguler la localisation des nucléosomes. Le chapitre suivant s’intéresse à la transcription sous l’angle de la machinerie de transcription en se focalisant sur le cycle de phosphorylation de l’ARN polymérase II. Le domaine C-terminal de sa plus large sous-unité est formé de répétitions d’un heptapeptide YSPTSPS dont les résidus peuvent être modifiés au cours de la transcription. Cette étude localise les marques de phosphorylation des trois résidus sérine de manière systématique dans des souches mutantes des kinases et phosphatases. Nos travaux confirment le profil universel des marques de phosphorylations aux gènes transcrits. Appuyés par des essais in vitro, ils révèlent l’interaction complexe des enzymes impliqués dans la phosphorylation, et identifient Ssu72 comme la phosphatase de la sérine 7. Cet article appuie également la notion de « variantes » des marques de phosphorylation bien que leur étude spécifique s’avère encore difficile. La discussion fait le point sur les travaux qui ont suivi ces articles, et sur les expériences excitantes en cours dans notre laboratoire.


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Floating-Harbor syndrome (FHS) is a rare condition characterized by short stature, delayed osseous maturation, expressive-language deficits, and a distinctive facial appearance. Occurrence is generally sporadic, although parent-to-child transmission has been reported on occasion. Employing whole-exome sequencing, we identified heterozygous truncating mutations in SRCAP in five unrelated individuals with sporadic MS. Sanger sequencing identified mutations in SRCAP in eight more affected persons. Mutations were de novo in all six instances in which parental DNA was available. SRCAP is an SNF2-related chromatin-remodeling factor that serves as a coactivator for CREB-binding protein (CREBBP, better known as CBP, the major cause of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome [RTS]). Five SRCAP mutations, two of which are recurrent, were identified; all are tightly clustered within a small (111 codon) region of the final exon. These mutations are predicted to abolish three C-terminal AT-hook DNA-binding motifs while leaving the CBP-binding and ATPase domains intact. Our findings show that SRCAP mutations are the major cause of FHS and offer an explanation for the clinical overlap between FHS and RTS.


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L'identité et la réactivité cellulaires sont établies, maintenues et modulées grâce à l'orchestration de programmes transcriptionnels spécifiques. Les éléments régulateurs, des régions particulières de la chromatine responsables de l'activation ou de la répression des gènes, sont au coeur de cette opération. Ces dernières années, de nombreuses études ont révélé le rôle central des « enhancers » dans ce processus. En effet, des centaines de milliers « enhancers » seraient éparpillés dans le génome humain, majoritairement dans sa portion non-codante, et contrairement au promoteur, leur activation varierait selon le type ou l'état cellulaire ou en réponse à une stimulation physiologique, pathologique ou environnementale. Les « enhancers » sont, en quelque sorte, des carrefours où transitent une multitude de protéines régulées par les signaux intra- et extra-cellulaires et un dialogue s'établit entre ces diverses protéines et la chromatine. L'identification des « enhancers ainsi qu'une compréhension de leur mode de fonctionnement sont donc cruciales, tant au plan fondamental que clinique. La chromatine joue un rôle indéniable dans l'activité des éléments régulateurs, tant par sa composition que par sa structure, en régulant, entre autres, l'accessibilité de l'ADN. En effet, l'ADN des régions régulatrices est bien souvent masqué par un nucléosome occlusif, lequel doit être déplacé ou évincé afin de permettre la liaison des protéines régulatrices, notamment les facteurs de transcription (FTs). Toutefois, la contribution de la composition de la chromatine à ce processus reste incomprise. Le variant d'histone H2A.Z a été identifié comme une composante de la chromatine aux régions accessibles, dont des « enhancers » potentiels. Toutefois son rôle y est inconnu, bien que des études récentes suggèrent qu'il pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la structure de la chromatine à ces régions. Par ailleurs, un lien étroit existe entre H2A.Z et la voie de signalisation des oestrogènes (notamment la 17-[beta]-estradiol (E2)). Ainsi, H2A.Z est essentiel à l'expression de plusieurs gènes cibles de l'E2. Les effets de l'E2 sont en partie exercés par un FT, le récepteur alpha des oestrogènes (ER[alpha]), lequel se lie à l'ADN suite à son activation, et ce majoritairement à des « enhancers », et permet l'établissement d'un programme transcriptionnel spécifique. Cette thèse vise à définir le rôle d'H2A.Z aux « enhancers », et plus particulièrement son influence sur l'organisation des nucléosomes aux « enhancers » liés par ER[alpha]. D'abord, mes travaux effectués à l'échelle du génome ont démontré qu'H2A.Z n'est présent qu'à certains ER[alpha]-« enhancers » actifs. Cette particularité a fait en sorte que nous avons pu comparer directement les « enhancers » actifs occupés par H2A.Z à ceux non-occupés, afin de mettre en évidence sa relation à l'environnement chromatinien. Étonnamment, il est apparu qu'H2A.Z n'introduit pas une organisation unique ou particulière des nucléosomes aux « enhancers ». Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent qu'H2A.Z joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation de l'activité des « enhancers ». En effet, nous avons observé que suite à leur activation par l'E2, les « enhancers » occupés par H2A.Z recrutent l'ARN polymérase II (ARNPII) et produisent un transcrit. Ils recrutent également RAD21, une composante du complexe cohésine impliqué, entre autres, dans des interactions chromosomiques entre « enhancers » et promoteurs. De façon intéressante, nous avons mis en évidence que ces trois évènements, connus pour leur importance dans l'activité des « enhancers », sont dépendants d'H2A.Z. Ainsi, la présence d'H2A.Z à l' « enhancer » pourrait permettre un environnement chromatinien favorable à trois aspects clés de l'activité des « enhancers » : la présence de l'ARNPII, la transcription et la formation d'une boucle d'interaction, et par la suite, de par la proximité « enhancer »-promoteur ainsi créée, augmenter la concentration d'ARNPII à proximité du promoteur favorisant l'expression du gène cible. Un tel rôle central d'H2A.Z dans l'activité d' « enhancers » spécifiques pourrait participer à un mécanisme épigénétique ciblé de la régulation de l'expression des gènes.


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La phosphorylation du domaine C-terminal de l’ARN polymérase II permet à ce complexe protéique d’exécuter la transcription des gènes, en plus de coupler à la transcription des événements moléculaires comme la maturation des ARNm. Mes résultats montrent que même si cette phosphorylation suit un patron similaire à l’ensemble des gènes, il existe des exceptions pouvant être dues à des mécanismes alternatifs de phosphorylation du CTD. Le présent ouvrage s’intéresse également au rôle qu’occupe la variante d’histone H2A.Z dans l’organisation de la chromatine. Des études précédentes on montré que le positionnement de certains nucléosomes le long de l’ADN serait influencé par H2A.Z et aurait une influence sur la capacité de transcrire les gènes. Par une approche génomique utilisant les puces à ADN, j’ai cartographié l’impact de la délétion de H2A.Z sur la structure des nucléosomes. Enfin, des résultats intéressants sur la dynamique d’incorporation de H2A.Z à la chromatine ont été obtenus.


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A role for variant histone H2A.Z in gene expression is now well established but little is known about the mechanisms by which it operates. Using a combination of ChIP-chip, knockdown and expression profiling experiments, we show that upon gene induction, human H2A.Z associates with gene promoters and helps in recruiting the transcriptional machinery. Surprisingly, we also found that H2A.Z is randomly incorporated in the genome at low levels and that active transcription antagonizes this incorporation in transcribed regions. After cessation of transcription, random H2A.Z quickly reappears on genes, demonstrating that this incorporation utilizes an active mechanism. Within facultative heterochromatin, we observe a hyper accumulation of the variant histone, which might be due to the lack of transcription in these regions. These results show how chromatin structure and transcription can antagonize each other, therefore shaping chromatin and controlling gene expression.


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Histones regulate a variety of chromatin templated events by their post-translational modifications (PTMs). Although there are extensive reports on the PTMs of canonical histones, the information on the histone variants remains very scanty. Here, we report the identification of different PTMs, such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation of a major mammalian histone variant TH2B. Our mass spectrometric analysis has led to the identification of both conserved and unique modifications across tetraploid spermatocytes and haploid spermatids. We have also computationally derived the 3-dimensional model of a TH2B containing nucleosome in order to study the spatial orientation of the PTMs identified and their effect on nucleosome stability and DNA binding potential. From our nucleosome model, it is evident that substititution of specific amino acid residues in TH2B results in both differential histone-DNA and histone-histone contacts. Furthermore, we have also observed that acetylation on the N-terminal tail of TH2B weakens the interactions with the DNA. These results provide direct evidence that, similar to somatic H2B, the testis specific histone TH2B also undergoes multiple PTMs, suggesting the possibility of chromatin regulation by such covalent modifications in mammalian male germ cells.


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Nucleotide sequences of the spacer region of the histone gene H2A-H2B from 36 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were determined. The phylogenetic trees were reconstructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods by u


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Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancer types in men. The development of prostate tumors is known to require androgen exposure, and several pathways governing cell growth are deregulated in prostate tumorigenesis. Recent genetic studies have revealed that complex gene fusions and copy - number alterations are frequent in prostate cancer, a unique feature among solid tumors. These chromosomal aberrations are though to arise as a consequence of faulty repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB). Most repair mechanisms have been studied in detail in cancer cell lines, but how DNA damage is detected and repaired in normal differentiated human cells has not been widely addressed. The events leading to the gene fusions in prostate cancer are under rigorous studies, as they not only shed light on the basic pathobiologic mechanisms but may also produce molecular targets for prostate cancer treatment and prevention. Prostate and seminal vesicles are part of the male reproductive system. They share similar structure and function but differ dramatically in their cancer incidence. Approximately fifty primary seminal vesicle carcinomas have been reported worldwide. Surprisingly, only little is known on why seminal vesicles are resistant to neoplastic changes. As both tissues are androgen dependent, it is a mystery that androgen signaling would only lead to tumors in prostate tissue. In this work, we set up novel ex vivo human tissue culture models of prostate and seminal vesicles, and used them to study how DNA damage is recognized in normal epithelium. One of the major DNA - damage inducible pathways, mediated by the ATM kinase, was robustly activated in all main cell types of both tissues. Interestingly, we discovered that secretory epithelial cells had less histone variant H2A.X and after DNA damage lower levels of H2AX were phosphorylated on serine 139 (γH2AX) than in basal or stromal cells. γH2AX has been considered essential for efficient DSB repair, but as there were no significant differences in the γH2AX levels between the two tissues, it seems more likely that the role of γH2AX is less important in postmitotic cells. We also gained insight into the regulation of p53, an important transcription factor that protects genomic integrity via multiple mechanisms, in human tissues. DSBs did not lead to a pronounced activation of p53, but treatments causing transcriptional stress, on the other hand, were able to launch a notable p53 response in both tissue types. In general, ex vivo culturing of human tissues provided unique means to study differentiated cells in their relevant tissue context, and is suited for testing novel therapeutic drugs before clinical trials. In order to study how prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells are able to activate DNA damage induced cell cycle checkpoints, we used primary cultures of prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells. To our knowledge, we are the first to report isolation of human primary seminal vesicle cells. Surprisingly, human prostate epithelial cells did not activate cell cycle checkpoints after DSBs in part due to low levels of Wee1A, a kinase regulating CDK activity, while primary seminal vesicle epithelial cells possessed proficient cell cycle checkpoints and expressed high levels of Wee1A. Similarly, seminal vesicle cells showed a distinct activation of the p53 - pathway after DSBs that did not occur in prostate epithelial cells. This indicates that p53 protein function is under different control mechanisms in the two cell types, which together with proficient cell cycle checkpoints may be crucial in protecting seminal vesicles from endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors and, as a consequence, from carcinogenesis. These data indicate that two very similar organs of male reproductive system do not respond to DNA damage similarly. The differentiated, non - replicating cells of both tissues were able to recognize DSBs, but under proliferation human prostate epithelial cells had deficient activation of the DNA damage response. This suggests that prostate epithelium is most vulnerable to accumulating genomic aberrations under conditions where it needs to proliferate, for example after inflammatory cellular damage.


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Histone variants and their modification have significant roles in many cellular processes. In this study, we identified and characterized the histone H2A variant h2af1o in fish and revealed its oocyte-specific expression pattern during oogenesis and embryogenesis. Moreover, posttranslational modification of H2af1o was observed that results from phosphorylation during oocyte maturation. To understand the binding dynamics of the novel core histone variant H2af1o in nucleosomes, we cloned ubiquitous gibel carp h2afx as a conventional histone control and investigated the dynamic exchange difference in chromatin by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. H2af1o has significantly higher mobility in nucleosomes than ubiquitous H2afx. Compared with ubiquitous H2afx, H2af1o has a tightly binding C-terminal and a weakly binding N-terminal. These data indicate that fish oocytes have a novel H2A variant that destabilizes nucleosomes by protruding its N-terminal tail and stabilizes core particles by contracting its C-terminal tail. Our findings suggest that H2af1o may have intrinsic ability to modify chromatin properties during fish oogenesis, oocyte maturation, and early cleavage.


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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are induced by either endogenous metabolic processes or by exogenous sources, are one of the most critical DNA lesions with respect to survival and preservation of genomic integrity. An early response to the induction of DSBs is phosphorylation of the H2A histone variant, H2AX, at the serine-139 residue, in the highly conserved C-terminal SQEY motif, forming gammaH2AX(1). Following induction of DSBs, H2AX is rapidly phosphorylated by the phosphatidyl-inosito 3-kinase (PIKK) family of proteins, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), DNA-protein kinase catalytic subunit and ATM and RAD3-related (ATR)(2). Typically, only a few base-pairs (bp) are implicated in a DSB, however, there is significant signal amplification, given the importance of chromatin modifications in DNA damage signalling and repair. Phosphorylation of H2AX mediated predominantly by ATM spreads to adjacent areas of chromatin, affecting approximately 0.03% of total cellular H2AX per DSB(2,3). This corresponds to phosphorylation of approximately 2000 H2AX molecules spanning approximately 2 Mbp regions of chromatin surrounding the site of the DSB and results in the formation of discrete gammaH2AX foci which can be easily visualized and quantitated by immunofluorescence microscopy(2). The loss of gammaH2AX at DSB reflects repair, however, there is some controversy as to what defines complete repair of DSBs; it has been proposed that rejoining of both strands of DNA is adequate however, it has also been suggested that re-instatement of the original chromatin state of compaction is necessary(4-8). The disappearence of gammaH2AX involves at least in part, dephosphorylation by phosphatases, phosphatase 2A and phosphatase 4C(5,6). Further, removal of gammaH2AX by redistribution involving histone exchange with H2A.Z has been implicated(7,8). Importantly, the quantitative analysis of gammaH2AX foci has led to a wide range of applications in medical and nuclear research. Here, we demonstrate the most commonly used immunofluorescence method for evaluation of initial DNA damage by detection and quantitation of gammaH2AX foci in gamma-irradiated adherent human keratinocytes(9)


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Immunoblotting studies using highly specific polyclonal anti-histone H1t-IgG, which was extensively characterized by us previously, did not produce a signal with any of the histone H1 subtypes of either 1-day-old or adult rat ovarian nuclei. The absence of histone H1t in ovarian nuclei was also confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence studies. It is concluded, therefore, that histone H1t is truly a testis-specific histone variant and not a meiotic-specific variant.


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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are particularly lethal and genotoxic lesions, that can arise either by endogenous (physiological or pathological) processes or by exogenous factors, particularly ionizing radiation and radiomimetic compounds. Phosphorylation of the H2A histone variant, H2AX, at the serine-139 residue, in the highly conserved C-terminal SQEY motif, forming γH2AX, is an early response to DNA double-strand breaks1. This phosphorylation event is mediated by the phosphatidyl-inosito 3-kinase (PI3K) family of proteins, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), DNA-protein kinase catalytic subunit and ATM and RAD3-related (ATR)2. Overall, DSB induction results in the formation of discrete nuclear γH2AX foci which can be easily detected and quantitated by immunofluorescence microscopy2. Given the unique specificity and sensitivity of this marker, analysis of γH2AX foci has led to a wide range of applications in biomedical research, particularly in radiation biology and nuclear medicine. The quantitation of γH2AX foci has been most widely investigated in cell culture systems in the context of ionizing radiation-induced DSBs. Apart from cellular radiosensitivity, immunofluorescence based assays have also been used to evaluate the efficacy of radiation-modifying compounds. In addition, γH2AX has been used as a molecular marker to examine the efficacy of various DSB-inducing compounds and is recently being heralded as important marker of ageing and disease, particularly cancer3. Further, immunofluorescence-based methods have been adapted to suit detection and quantitation of γH2AX foci ex vivo and in vivo4,5. Here, we demonstrate a typical immunofluorescence method for detection and quantitation of γH2AX foci in mouse tissues.


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A comparison of the DNase I digestion products of the 32P-5’-end-labeled pachytene nucleosome core particles (containing histones H2A, TH2A, X2, H2B, THPB, H3a, nd H4) and liver nucleosome core particles (containing somatic histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) revealed that the cleavage sites that are 30, 40, and 110 nucleotidesa way from the 5’-enda re significantly more accessiblei n the pachytene core particles than in the liver core particles. These cleavage sites correspond to the region wherein H2B interacts with the nucleosome core DNA. These results, therefore, suggest that the histone-DNA interactiona t these sites in the pachytene core particles is weaker, possibly because of the presence of the histone variant THBB interacting at similar topological positions in the nucleosome core as that of its somatic counterpart H2B. Such a loosened structumrea y also be maintainede ven in the native pachytene chromatin since micrococcal nuclease digestion of pachytene nuclei resulted in a higher ratio of subnucleosomes (SN4 + SN?) to mononucleosomes than that observed liinv er chromatin


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The octameric nucleosomal core-histone complex, (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2, isolated from rat liver, undergoes dissociation during gel exclusion chromatography as a result of dilution occurring in the columns. The elution pattern at pH 7.0 and 4°C showed a sharp leading peak containing all four histones but predominantly H3 and H4, and a trailing peak containing equal amounts of histones H2A and H2B. As column length was increased the area under the leading peak decreased and that under the trailing peak increased. In addition the relative positions of the two peaks varied with column length. From an analysis of the data on increase in elution volume of the leading peak in relation to column length an apparent molecular weight of 86 000 was calculated for the undissociated molecule. Its apparent molecular weight, histone composition and pattern of further dissociation in relation to column length suggest that this species is the hexamer, (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2. At pH 7.0 and 4°C the dissociation of the core complex appears to be as follows: (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2 → (H2A-H2B) + (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2 → 2(H2A-H2B) + (H3)2-(H4)2 This dissociation was accelerated by an increase in temperature or decrease in pH and was accompanied by marked conformational changes as judged by circular dichroism measurements.