931 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY


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A number of studies have shown that the structure and composition of bacterial nucleoid influences many a processes related to DNA metabolism. The nucleoid-associated proteins modulate not only the DNA conformation but also regulate the DNA metabolic processes such as replication, recombination, repair and transcription. Understanding of how these processes occur in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoid is of considerable medical importance because the nucleoid structure may be constantly remodeled in response to environmental signals and/or growth conditions. Many studies have concluded that Escherichia coli H-NS binds to DNA in a sequence-independent manner, with a preference for A-/T-rich tracts in curved DNA; however, recent studies have identified the existence of medium- and low-affinity binding sites in the vicinity of the curved DNA. Here, we show that the M. tuberculosis H-NS protein binds in a more structure-specific manner to DNA replication and repair intermediates, but displays lower affinity for double-stranded DNA with relatively higher GC content. Notably, M. tuberculosis H-NS was able to bind Holliday junction (HJ), the central recombination intermediate, with substantially higher affinity and inhibited the three-strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA. Likewise, E. coli H-NS was able to bind the HJ and suppress DNA strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA, although much less efficiently compared to M. tuberculosis H-NS. Our results provide new insights into a previously unrecognized function of H-NS protein, with implications for blocking the genome integration of horizontally transferred genes by homologous and/or homeologous recombination.


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The occurrence of DNA architectural proteins containing two functional domains derived from two different architectural proteins is an interesting emerging research theme in the field of nucleoid structure and function. Mycobacterium tuberculosis HupB, unlike Escherichia coli HU, is a two-domain protein that, in the N-terminal region, shows broad sequence homology with bacterial HU. The long C-terminal extension, on the other hand, contains seven PAKK/KAAK motifs, which are characteristic of the histone H1/H5 family of proteins. In this article, we describe several aspects of HupB function, in comparison with its truncated derivatives lacking either the C-terminus or N-terminus. We found that HupB binds a variety of DNA repair and replication intermediates with K(d) values in the nanomolar range. By contrast, the N-terminal fragment of M. tuberculosis HupB (HupB(MtbN)) showed diminished DNA-binding activity, with K(d) values in the micromolar range, and the C-terminal domain was completely devoid of DNA-binding activity. Unlike HupB(MtbN), HupB was able to constrain DNA in negative supercoils and introduce negative superhelical turns into relaxed DNA. Similarly, HupB exerted a robust inhibitory effect on DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins, whereas HupB(MtbN), even at a 50-fold molar excess, had no inhibitory effect. Considered together, these results suggest that synergy between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of HupB is essential for its DNA-binding ability, and to modulate the topological features of DNA, which has implications for processes such as DNA compaction, gene regulation, homologous recombination, and DNA repair.


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Influenza virus evades host immunity through antigenic drift and shift, and continues to circulate in the human population causing periodic outbreaks including the recent 2009 pandemic. A large segment of the population was potentially susceptible to this novel strain of virus. Historically, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been fundamental tools for diagnosis and epitope mapping of influenza viruses and their importance as an alternate treatment option is also being realized. The current study describes isolation of a high affinity (K-D = 2.1 +/- 0.4 pM) murine MAb, MA2077 that binds specifically to the hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein of the pandemic virus. The antibody neutralized the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus in an in vitro microneutralization assay (IC50 = 0.08 mu g/ml). MA2077 also showed hemagglutination inhibition activity (HI titre of 0.50 mu g/ml) against the pandemic virus. In a competition ELISA, MA2077 competed with the binding site of the human MAb, 2D1 (isolated from a survivor of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic) on pandemic H1N1 HA. Epitope mapping studies using yeast cell-surface display of a stable HA1 fragment, wherein `Sa' and `Sb' sites were independently mutated, localized the binding site of MA2077 within the `Sa' antigenic site. These studies will facilitate our understanding of antigen antibody interaction in the context of neutralization of the pandemic influenza virus.


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LysM domains have been recognized in bacteria and eukaryotes as carbohydrate-binding protein modules, but the mechanism of their binding to chitooligosaccharides has been underexplored. Binding of a Mycobacterium smegmatis protein containing a lectin (MSL) and one LysM domain to chitooligosaccharides has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence titration that demonstrate the presence of two binding sites of nonidentical affinities per dimeric MSL-LysM molecule. The affinity of the molecule for chitooligosaccharides correlates with the length of the carbohydrate chain. Its binding to chitooligosaccharides is characterized by negative cooperativity in the interactions of the two domains. Apparently, the flexibility of the long linker that connects the LysM and MSL domains plays a facilitating role in this recognition. The LysM domain in the MSL-LysM molecule, like other bacterial domains but unlike plant LysM domains, recognizes equally well peptidoglycan fragments as well as chitin polymers. Interestingly, in the case presented here, two LysM domains are enough for binding to peptidoglycan in contrast to the three reportedly required by the LysM domains of Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis. Also, the affinity of the MSL-LysM molecule for chitooligosaccharides is higher than that of LysM-chitooligosaccharide interactions reported so far.


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Irradiated rabbits grafted with allogeneic lymph node, spleen and bone marrow cells from a donor rabbit hyperimmunized against tobacco mosaic virus synthesize high affinity antibodies, displaying mainly recipient allotypic specificities, after antigen boosting. By contrast, recipient rabbits from non-immune donors synthesize antibodies of lower affinity. It is suggested that the differentiation of new emerging host B cells is specifically influenced by the presence of donor-memory cells.


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HSP70 chaperones mediate protein folding by ATP-dependent interaction with short linear peptide segments that are exposed on unfolded proteins. The mode of action of the Escherichia coli homolog DnaK is representative of all HSP70 chaperones, including the endoplasmic reticulum variant BiP/GRP78. DnaK has been shown to be effective in assisting refolding of a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, including the -helical homodimeric secretory cytokine interferon- (IFN-). We screened solid-phase peptide libraries from human and mouse IFN- to identify DnaK-binding sites. Conserved DnaK-binding sites were identified in the N-terminal half of helix B and in the C-terminal half of helix C, both of which are located at the IFN- dimer interface. Soluble peptides derived from helices B and C bound DnaK with high affinity in competition assays. No DnaK-binding sites were found in the loops connecting the -helices. The helix C DnaK-binding site appears to be conserved in most members of the superfamily of interleukin (IL)-10-related cytokines that comprises, apart from IL-10 and IFN-, a series of recently discovered small secretory proteins, including IL-19, IL-20, IL-22/IL-TIF, IL-24/MDA-7 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene), IL-26/AK155, and a number of viral IL-10 homologs. These cytokines belong to a relatively small group of homodimeric proteins with highly interdigitated interfaces that exhibit the strongly hydrophobic character of the interior core of a single-chain folded domain. We propose that binding of DnaK to helix C in the superfamily of IL-10-related cytokines may constitute the hallmark of a novel conserved regulatory mechanism in which HSP70-like chaperones assist in the formation of a hydrophobic dimeric "folding" interface.


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Alternative NADH dehydrogenases (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductases) are single subunit respiratory chain enzymes found in plant and fungal mitochondria and in many bacteria. It is unclear how these peripheral membrane proteins interact with their hydrophobic substrate ubiquinone. Known inhibitors of alternative NADH dehydrogenases bind with rather low affinities. We have identified 1-hydroxy-2-dodecyl-4(1H)quinolone as a high affinity inhibitor of alternative NADH dehydrogenase from Yarrowia lipolytica. Using this compound, we have analyzed the bisubstrate and inhibition kinetics for NADH and decylubiquinone. We found that the kinetics of alternative NADH dehydrogenase follow a ping-pong mechanism. This suggests that NADH and the ubiquinone headgroup interact with the same binding pocket in an alternating fashion.


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A radioiodinated ligand, [125I]SB-236636 [(S)-(-)3-[4-[2-[N-(2-benzoxazolyl)-N-methylamino]ethoxy]3-[125I]iodophenyl]2-ethoxy propanoic acid], which is specific for the ? isoform of the peroxisomal proliferator activated receptor (PPAR?), was developed. [125I]SB-236636 binds with high affinity to full-length human recombinant PPAR?1 and to a GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein contg. the ligand binding domain of human PPAR?1 (KD = 70 nM). Using this ligand, the authors characterized binding sites in adipose-derived cells from rat, mouse and humans. In competition expts., rosiglitazone (BRL-49653), a potent antihyperglycemic agent, binds with high affinity to sites in intact adipocytes (IC50 = 12, 4 and 9 nM for rat, 3T3-L1 and human adipocytes, resp.). Binding affinities (IC50) of other thiazolidinediones for the ligand binding domain of PPAR?1 were comparable with those detd. in adipocytes and reflected the rank order of potencies of these agents as stimulants of glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and antihyperglycemic agents in vivo: rosiglitazone > pioglitazone > troglitazone. Competition of [125I]SB-236636 binding was stereoselective in that the IC50 value of SB-219994, the (S)-enantiomer of an ?-trifluoroethoxy propanoic acid insulin sensitizer, was 770-fold lower than that of SB-219993 [(R)-enantiomer] at recombinant human PPAR?1. The higher binding affinity of SB-219994 also was evident in intact adipocytes and reflected its 100-fold greater potency as an antidiabetic agent. The results strongly suggest that the high-affinity binding site for [125I]SB-236636 in intact adipocytes is PPAR? and that the pharmacol. of insulin-sensitizer binding in rodent and human adipocytes is very similar and, moreover, predictive of antihyperglycemic activity in vivo.


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A library of triazole-based telomeric quadruplex-selective ligands has been developed that mimic an established family of tri-substituted acridine-based ligands, using crystal structure data as a starting-point for computer-based design. Binding affinities, estimated by electrospray mass spectrometry, are in accord with the design concept.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact hyphae of Neurospora crassa using electrophysiological recordings to characterize the response of the plasma membrane to NO3- challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3(-)-associated membrane current was determined using a three electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in hyphae transferred to NO3(-)-free, N-limited medium for 15 hr, and in hyphae grown in the absence of a nitrogen source after a single 2-min exposure to 100 microM NO3-. In the latter, induction showed a latency of 40-80 min and rose in scalar fashion with full transport activity measurable approx. 100 min after first exposure to NO3-; it was marked by the appearance of a pronounced sensitivity of membrane voltage to extracellular NO3- additions which, after induction, resulted in reversible membrane depolarizations of (+)54-85 mV in the presence of 50 microM NO3-; and it was suppressed when NH4+ was present during the first, inductive exposure to NO3-. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3- additions showed that the NO3(-)-evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared in parallel with the depolarizations across the entire range of accessible voltages (-400 to +100 mV). Measurements of NO3- uptake using NO3(-)-selective macroelectrodes indicated a charge stoichiometry for NO3- transport of 1(+):1(NO3-) with common K(m) and Jmax values around 25 microM and 75 pmol NO3- cm-2sec-1, respectively, and combined measurements of pHo and [NO3-]o showed a net uptake of approx. 1 H+ with each NO3- anion. Analysis of the NO3- current demonstrated a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -300 and -100 mV as well as interactions between the kinetic parameters of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. Increasing the bathing pH from 5.5 to 8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 2- to 4-fold. At a constant pHo of 6.1, driving the membrane voltage from -350 to -150 mV resulted in an approx. 3-fold reduction in the maximum current and a 5-fold rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approx. 20% fall in the K(m) for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional results are consistent with a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3- anion transported across the membrane, and implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3- binding is kinetically adjacent to the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit. The data concur with previous studies demonstrating a pronounced voltage-dependence to high-affinity NO3- transport system in Arabidopsis, and underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3- transport; finally, they distinguish metabolite repression of NO3- transport induction from its sensitivity to metabolic blockade and competition with the uptake of other substrates that draw on membrane voltage as a kinetic substrate.


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The development of proteoid roots under phosphorus deficiency by white lupin (Lupinus albus) may result in increased arsenate uptake, as arsenate is a phosphate analogue. This, together with its high biomass production, rapid growth and ability to survive in soils with low phosphate and nitrogen contents, low pH and high metal contents make them an interesting species to investigate with respect to revegetation, and possibly also for long-term phytoremediation, of arsenic contaminated soils. Kinetic parameters for arsenate uptake for P-deficient and P-sufficient plants, as well as for proteoid and nonproteoid roots were obtained. Down-regulation of arsenate uptake by phosphate, as well as phosphate/arsenate competition for P-deficient and P-sufficient plants was studied. Arsenate uptake was reduced by phosphate, but small differences were found between P-deficient and P-sufficient plants. Arsenate uptake by proteoid roots was higher than for nonproteoid roots of P-deficient plants, with higher Vmax and similar Km values. Down-regulation of the high affinity phosphate/arsenate uptake system by phosphate does take place but seems to be slower than in other plants. This study suggests that the low sensitivity of the phosphate/arsenate uptake system to regulation by phosphate may be related to the adaptations of white lupin to low P available environments. Such adaptation are absent in plants unable to develop proteoid roots.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact hyphae of Neurospora crassa using electrophysiological recordings to characterize the response of the plasma membrane to NO3 - challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3 --associated membrane current was determined using a three electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in hyphae transferred to NO3 --free, N-limited medium for 15 hr, and in hyphae grown in the absence of a nitrogen source after a single 2-min exposure to 100 μM NO3 -. In the latter, induction showed a latency of 40-80 min and rose in scalar fashion with full transport activity mensurable approx. 100 min after first exposure to NO3 -; it was marked by the appearance of a pronounced sensitivity of membrane voltage to extracellular NO3 - additions which, after induction, resulted in reversible membrane depolarizations of (+)54-85 mV in the presence of 50 μM NO3 -; and it was suppressed when NH4 +, was present during the first, inductive exposure to NO3 -. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3 - additions showed that the NO3 --evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared in parallel with the depolarizations across the entire range of accessible voltages -400 to +100 mV). Measurements of NO3 - uptake using NO3 --selective macroelectrodes indicated a charge stoichiometry for NO3 - transport of 1(+):1(NO3 -) with common K(m) and J(max) values around 25 μM and 75 pmol NO3 - cm-2sec-1, respectively, and combined measurements of pH(o) and [NO3 -](o) showed a net uptake of approx. 1 H+ with each NO3 - anion. Analysis of the NO3 - current demonstrated a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -300 and -100 mV as well as interactions between the kinetic parameters of membrane voltage, pH(o) and [NO3 -](o). Increasing the bathing pH from 5.5 to 8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 2- to 4-fold. At a constant pH(o) of 6.1, driving the membrane voltage from -350 to -150 mV resulted in an approx. 3-fold reduction in the maximum current and a 5-fold rise in the apparent affinity for NO3 -. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approx. 20% fall in the K(m) for transport as a function in [H+](o). These, and additional results are consistent with a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO anion transported across the membrane, and implicate a carrier cycle in which NO binding is kinetically adjacent to the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit. The data concur with previous studies demonstrating a pronounced voltage-dependence to high-affinity NO3 - transport system in Arabidopsis, and underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3 - transport; finally, they distinguish metabolite repression of NO3 - transport induction from its sensitivity to metabolic blockade and competition with the uptake of other substrates that draw on membrane voltage as a kinetic substrate.


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In Holcus lanatus L. phosphate and arsenate are taken up by the same transport system. Short-term uptake kinetics of the high affinity arsenate transport system were determined in excised roots of arsenate-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes. In tolerant plants the Vmax of ion uptake in plants grown in phosphate-free media was decreased compared to non-tolerant plants, and the affinity of the uptake system was lower than in the non-tolerant plants. Both the reduction in Vmax and the increase in Km led to reduced arsenate influx into tolerant roots. When the two genotypes were grown in nutrient solution containing high levels of phosphate, there was little change in the uptake kinetics in tolerant plants. In non-tolerant plants, however, there was a marked decrease in the Vmax to the level of the tolerant plants but with little change in the Km. This suggests that the low rate of arsenate uptake over a wide range of differing root phosphate status is due to loss of induction of the synthesis of the arsenate (phosphate) carrier. © 1992 Oxford University Press.