999 resultados para HHV-1


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Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) is an economically important pathogen of cattle associated with respiratory and reproductive disease. To further develop BoHV-1 as a vaccine vector, a study was conducted to identify the essential and non-essential genes required for in vitro viability. Randominsertion mutagenesis utilizing a Tn5 transposition system and targeted gene deletion were employed to construct gene disruption and gene deletion libraries, respectively, of an infectious clone of BoHV-1. Transposon insertion position and confirmation of gene deletion were determined by direct sequencing. The essential or non-essential requirement of either transposed or deleted open reading frames (ORFs) was assessed by transfection of respective BoHV-1 DNA into host cells. Of the 73 recognized ORFs encoded by the BoHV-1 genome, 33 were determined to be essential and 36 to be non-essential for virus viability in cell culture; determining the requirement of the two dual copy ORFs was inconclusive. The majority of ORFs were shown to conform to the in vitro requirements of BoHV-1 homologues encoded by human herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1). However, ORFs encoding glycoprotein K (UL53), regulatory, membrane, tegument and capsid proteins (UL54, UL49.5, UL49, UL35, UL20, UL16 and UL7) were shown to differ in requirement when compared to HHV-1-encoded homologues.


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In order to investigate herpesvirus (HHV) role in the susceptibility to skin cancer, we compared HHV6 and HHV1 incidence in DNA samples extracted from 120 lesions and 41 normal skin tissues. HHV6 (31.7%) and HHV1 (23.8%) were detected more frequently in skin cancer than in control individuals (14.6 and 5%, respectively) (P=0.0391 and P=0.00094, respectively). The risk of presenting basal cell carcinomas (BCC) was more than 3 times higher for HHV-6 infected patients (OR=3.182; 95% CI: 1.125-8.997). The risk for HHV-1 infected individuals of presenting BCC and squamous cell carcinomas was increased 8 and 6 times, respectively (OR=8.125; 95% CI: 1.735-38.043 and OR=6.290; 95% CI: 1.283-30.856, respectively). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os HTLV-1/2 pertencem à família Retroviridae, a qual inclui o HIV. O HHV-8 pertence à família Herpesviridae. Os HTLV-1/2, o HHV-8 e o HIV apresentam as mesmas formas de transmissão, resultando em fatores comuns de risco e isso pode justificar a coinfecção HIV/HTLV e HIV/HHV-8. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a epidemiologia molecular das infecções causadas pelos HTLV-1/2 e o HHV-8 em indivíduos portadores do HIV-1 com ou sem SIDA/AIDS, da cidade de Belém, Pará. Das 520 amostras incluídas no estudo, 515 foram testadas para a presença de anticorpos anti- HTLV-1/2 e 499 para a presença de anticorpos anti-HHV-8, pelo método de ELISA. As amostras reativas para o HTLV e para o HHV-8 foram submetidas à métodos moleculares. A soroprevalência da co-infecção HIV/HTLV foi de 2,3%, enquanto que da co-infecção HIV/HHV-8 foi de 35,9%. Nove amostras do HTLV foram seqüenciadas e 1 classificada como HTLV-1 pertencente ao subtipo Cosmopolita, subgrupo Transcontinental e 3 como HTLV-2 do subtipo HTLV-2c, enquanto que a do HHV-8 agrupou-se ao subtipo B. Foi verificada a heterossexualização, menor escolaridade e pauperização entre os portadores do HIV-1 e não houve associação com fatores de risco. Não houve associação da co-infecção HIV/HTLV com fatores de risco e nem com a contagem de células CD4+ e CD8+ e Carga Viral do HIV-1. Houve associação da co-infecção HIV/HHV-8 com a Carga Viral do HIV- 1. Ocorreu maior taxa da carga viral plasmática do HIV-1 no intervalo 1000|—100000 cópias/mL no grupo dos co-infectados HIV/HHV-8.


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Viral infections caused by herpesviruses are common complications after organ transplantation and they are associated with substantial morbidity and even mortality. Herpesviruses remain in a latent state in a host after primary infection and may reactivate later. CMV infection is the most important viral infection after liver transplantation. Less is known about the significance of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6). EBV is believed to play a major role in the development of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD). The aim of this study was to investigate the CMV-, EBV- and HHV-6 DNAemia after liver transplantation by frequent monitoring of adult liver transplant patients. The presence of CMV, EBV and HHV-6 DNA were demonstrated by in situ hybridization assays and by real-time PCR methods from peripheral blood specimens. CMV and HHV-6 antigens were demonstrated by antigenemia assays and compared to the viral DNAemia. The response to antiviral therapy was also investigated. CMV-DNAemia appeared earlier than CMV pp65-antigenemia after liver transplantation. CMV infections were treated with ganciclovir. However, most of the treated patients demonstrated persistence of CMV-DNA for up to several months. Continuous CMV-DNA expression of peripheral blood leukocytes showed that the virus is not eliminated by ganciclovir and recurrences can be expected during several months after liver transplantation. HHV-6 DNAemia / antigenemia was common and occurred usually within the first three months after liver transplantation together with CMV. The HHV-6 DNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlated well with HHV-6 antigenemia. Antiviral treatment significantly decreased the number of HHV-6 DNA positive cells, demonstrating the response to ganciclovir treatment. Clinically silent EBV reactivations with low viral loads were relatively common after liver transplantation. These EBV-DNAemias usually appeared within the first three months after liver transplantation together with betaherpesviruses (CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7). One patient developed high EBV viral loads and developed PTLD. These results indicate that frequent monitoring of EBV-DNA levels can be useful to detect liver transplant patients at risk of developing PTLD.


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1、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-21、喜树碱类衍生物抗HIV构效关系与作用机制研究 喜树碱为传统的抗肿瘤药物。本研究对经过化学结构修饰的喜树碱类衍生物进行抗HIV活性及作用机制的研究,并初步探讨了其抗HIV构效关系。 我们对喜树碱类衍生物A系列化合物A1(喜树碱)、A2(10-羟基喜树碱)及A3(7-羟基喜树碱)进行了抗HIV活性检测。化合物A1和A3有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,化合物A2没有显示抗HIV活性。表明化合物A1的C-10位上-OH基团修饰可能会降低抗HIV活性,化合物A1的C-7位上-CH2OH基团修饰和C-20位-CH3缺失可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物A3和A1的抗HIV机制研究发现:二者对整合酶有一定的结合活性,对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB 和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对重组的HIV-1蛋白酶和逆转录酶没有抑制活性。化合物A1和A3不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9和Jurkat细胞系的作用。进一步进行化合物A3诱导 H9和H9/HIV-1ⅢB、Jurkat和Jurkat/HIV-1ⅢB的凋亡实验显示,化合物A3诱导感染HIV-1ⅢB和未感染病毒细胞的凋亡没有选择性。据此我们初步认为化合物A3和A1的抗HIV作用可能与抑制整合酶活性有关,该化合物可能还作用于其它靶点。 喜树碱类衍生物B系列中化合物B1为20(S)-O - [-O-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基哌啶-4'-丁二酸)]-20-喜树碱酯,化合物B2为20(S)-O - [-N-( 1'-氧基-2',2',6',6'-四甲基-1',2',5',6'-四氢吡啶酰胺)-4'-丙氨酸)]-20-喜树碱酯)。我们对化合物B1和B2进行了抗HIV活性检测。结果显示:化合物B2有较好的抗HIV-1和抗HIV-2活性,而化合物B1的抗HIV活性差。表明化合物B1的C-4’位-CH2被-NH取代,同时C-3’位-CH3修饰可能会提高其抗HIV活性。对化合物B2的抗HIV机制研究发现,化合物B2对慢性感染H9/HIV-1ⅢB细胞中病毒复制没有抑制活性、不能阻断H9/HIV-1ⅢB与正常细胞间的融合,对HIV-1蛋白酶、重组的HIV-1逆转录酶及整合酶没有抑制活性。化合物B2不具有选择性杀伤HIV-1ⅢB慢性感染的H9细胞系的作用。化合物B2抗HIV的作用机制还需进一步研究。 2、HIV/AIDS患者疱疹病毒感染状况及性病患者的HIV感染状况分析 疱疹病毒是AIDS患者合并感染的常见病原体。引起人类疾病的8种疱疹病毒与HIV感染及AIDS进展、机会性感染、恶性肿瘤密切相关。为了解HIV/AIDS患者人类8型疱疹病毒感染状况,我们检测了30例AIDS患者、40例HIV携带者及70例正常对照的液标本中8型疱疹病毒感染状况。采用ELISA法检测单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)、单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV-2)、水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)和巨细胞病毒(CMV);采用PCR法检测EB病毒(EBV)、疱疹病毒6型(HHV-6)、疱疹病毒7型(HHV-7)及疱疹病毒8型(HHV-8)。结果显示,HIV/AIDS患者中HSV-1、HSV-2、VZV、CMV、HHV-6、HHV-8 阳性率均高于健康体检者,其中AIDS患者VZV感染率与HIV携带者有显著性差异;在AIDS患者中多种疱疹病毒共感染普遍存在,必须重视HIV/AIDS患者合并疱疹病毒感染的防治。 性病可促进HIV的传播,了解性病患者的HIV感染状况及临床特征具有重要的意义。在自愿接受HIV咨询检测的基础上,对临床确诊的412例性病患者进行HIV-1/2抗体检测,并对其临床特征进行分析研究。结果显示412例性病患者的HIV检出率为2.9%。性病患者中检出HIV阳性率依次为:尖锐湿疣(6.2%)、生殖器疱疹(4.2%)、梅毒(3.4%)、淋病(1.5%)及非淋菌性尿道炎(1.0%)。83.3%合并感染HIV的性病患者存在多性伴,商业性行为普遍存在,安全套使用率极低现象。感染HIV的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者以频繁复发为突出表现,1例合并感染HIV的梅毒患者半年即进展为神经梅毒。性病患者是HIV感染的重要高危人群,危险性行为是其感染HIV和其它性病的主要原因,应该加强性病患者的HIV检测。对临床上频繁复发的尖锐湿疣及生殖器疱疹患者、快速进展的梅毒患者应高度怀疑合并HIV感染的可能。


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We aimed to evaluate the frequency of Kaposi sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection in KS lesions in patients from Brazil. In addition, expression of human bcl-2, cleaved caspase-3, and KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA)-1 in tumors was evaluated using inummohistochemical analysis. We studied 64 KS cases, classified as follows: classical, 20 (31 %); iatrogenic, 2 (3 %); AIDS-associated, 25 (39%); and not otherwise specified (lack of information about HIV status), 17 (27%). KSHV was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 61 cases (95%); 40 cases (63%) were KSHV+ by PCR and immunohistochemical analysis for LANA-L Immunoexpression of bcl-2 was detected in 47 cases (73%). Only a few cells in 15 cases (23%) of KS had demonstrable immunostaining for cleaved caspase-3. These results further support the association of KSHV with all KS forms. Cleaved caspase-3 in KS tumors was infrequent, which may reflect the inhibition of apoptosis owing to bcl-2 overexpression observed in the majority of KS tumors.


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O Herpesvírus associado ao sarcoma de Kaposi (KSHV), ou Herpesvírus Humano tipo 8 (HHV-8), é o agente etiológico do sarcoma de Kaposi (SK), uma neoplasia maligna vascular. O ciclo biológico do KSHV apresenta duas fases, denominadas ciclo latente e ciclo lítico (ou produtivo). O ciclo latente é marcado pela expressão de um número reduzido de genes virais, com destaque para LANA e vFLIP. No ciclo lítico ocorre a replicação do genoma viral e a produção de novas partículas virais infecciosas; dentre seus principais produtos destacam-se as proteínas Rta, vGPCR e K1. LANA, vFLIP, vGPCR e K1 apresentam propriedades oncogênicas relatadas na literatura, enquanto Rta têm papel importante na regulação da transição entre os ciclos lítico e latente do KSHV. O KSHV é requerido para o desenvolvimento do SK. No entanto, a infecção pelo vírus não é suficiente para o desenvolvimento da doença. Por outro lado, sabe-se que o HIV é um co-fator importante, que favorece o desenvolvimento dessa neoplasia. Sugere-se que a proteína tat do HIV-1 amplifica a infectividade do KSHV, hiper-regulando a expressão de diferentes genes herpesvirais e colaborando para o crescimento e sobrevivência de células endoteliais que compõem as lesões do SK. A fim de contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos efeitos da proteína tat do HIV-1 em células infectadas pelo KSHV, o presente trabalho descreveu eventuais alterações na expressão dos genes codificadores de vFLIP, LANA, vGPCR, Rta e K1 em células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana imortalizada pela telomerase e infectada pelo KSHV a longo prazo (TIVE-LTCs) expostas à proteína tat do HIV-1 produzida por células linfóides T (CLTs) em co-cultivo. Células Jurkat contendo ou não vetor da proteína tat do HIV-1 foram utilizadas como CLTs e co-cultivadas com TIVE-LTCs por 48, 72 e 96 horas. Após extração do RNA total das...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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BACKGROUND Human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) is the underlying infectious cause of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and other proliferative diseases; that is, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman disease. In regions with high HHV-8 seroprevalence in the general population, KS accounts for a major burden of disease. Outside these endemic regions, HHV-8 prevalence is high in men who have sex with men (MSM) and in migrants from endemic regions. We aim to conduct a systematic literature review and meta-analysis in order 1) to define the global distribution of HHV-8 seroprevalence (primary objective) and 2) to identify risk factors for HHV-8 infection, with a focus on HIV status (secondary objective). METHODS/DESIGN We will include observational studies reporting data on seroprevalence of HHV-8 in children and/or adults from any region in the world. Case reports and case series as well as any studies with fewer than 50 participants will be excluded. We will search MEDLINE, EMBASE, and relevant conference proceedings without language restriction. Two reviewers will independently screen the identified studies and extract data on study characteristics and quality, study population, risk factors, and reported outcomes, using a standardized form. For the primary objective we will pool the data using a fully bayesian approach for meta-analysis, with random effects at the study level. For the secondary objective (association of HIV and HHV-8) we aim to pool odds ratios for the association of HIV and HHV-8 using a fully bayesian approach for meta-analysis, with random effects at the study level. Sub-group analyses and meta-regression analyses will be used to explore sources of heterogeneity, including factors such as geographical region, calendar years of recruitment, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, different risk groups for sexually and parenterally transmitted infections (MSM, sex workers, hemophiliacs, intravenous drug users), comorbidities such as organ transplantation and malaria, test(s) used to measure HHV-8 infection, study design, and study quality. DISCUSSION Using the proposed systematic review and meta-analysis, we aim to better define the global seroprevalence of HHV-8 and its associated risk factors. This will improve the current understanding of HHV-8 epidemiology, and could suggest measures to prevent HHV-8 infection and to reduce its associated cancer burden.


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In this study, rice husk and corn stalk have been pyrolyzed in an auger pyrolysis reactor at pyrolysis temperatures of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 °C in order to investigate the effect of the pyrolysis temperature on the pyrolysis performance of the reactor and physicochemical properties of pyrolysis products (this paper focuses on char and gas). The results have shown that the pyrolysis temperature significantly affects the mass yields and properties of the pyrolysis products. The mass yields of pyrolysis liquid and char are comparable to those reported for the same feedstocks processed in fluidized bed reactors. With the increase of the pyrolysis temperature, the pyrolysis liquid yield shows a peak at 500 °C, the char yield decreases, and the gas yield increases for both feedstocks. The higher heating value (HHV) and volatile matter content of char increase as the pyrolysis temperature increases from 350 to 600 °C. The gases obtained from the pyrolysis of rice husk and corn stalk mainly contain CO2, CO, CH4, H2, and other light hydrocarbons; the molar fractions of combustible gases increase and therefore their HHVs subsequently increase with the increase of the pyrolysis temperature.