995 resultados para HF5438.N6
by Helen Rich Norton.
Despite data favouring a role of dietary fat in colonic carcinogenesis, no study has focused on tissue n3 and n6 fatty acid (FA) status in human colon adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Thus, FA profile was measured in plasma phospholipids of patients with colorectal cancer (n = 22), sporadic adenoma (n = 27), and normal colon (n = 12) (control group). Additionally, mucosal FAs were assessed in both diseased and normal mucosa of cancer (n = 15) and adenoma (n = 21) patients, and from normal mucosa of controls (n = 8). There were no differences in FA profile of both plasma phospholipids and normal mucosa, between adenoma and control patients. There were considerable differences, however, in FAs between diseased and paired normal mucosa of adenoma patients, with increases of linoleic (p = 0.02), dihomogammalinolenic (p = 0.014), and eicosapentaenoic (p = 0.012) acids, and decreases of alpha linolenic (p = 0.001) and arachidonic (p = 0.02) acids in diseased mucosa. A stepwise reduction of eicosapentaenoic acid concentrations in diseased mucosa from benign adenoma to the most advanced colon cancer was seen (p = 0.009). Cancer patients showed lower alpha linolenate (p = 0.002) and higher dihomogammalinolenate (p = 0.003) in diseased than in paired normal mucosa. In conclusion changes in tissue n3 and n6 FA status might participate in the early phases of the human colorectal carcinogenesis.
O carvão ativado possui a propriedade de adsorver os compostos fenólicos liberados pela oxidação dos tecidos lesionados durante o cultivo in vitro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da interação entre o carvão ativado e diferentes concentrações de N6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) na multiplicação in vitro da bananeira, cv. Grande Naine (AAA). O meio de cultura utilizado foi o MS, solidificado com 5 g.L-1 de ágar. O cultivo foi mantido em sala de crescimento a 25±2ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e intensidade luminosa de 30 mmol.m-2s-1. Foram avaliadas a presença e a ausência de carvão ativado (0 e 3 g.L-1) e quatro concentrações de BAP (0; 2; 4 e 6 mg.L-1) no meio de cultura. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições, em um sistema fatorial 2x4. Os explantes foram avaliados a cada 30 dias, por um período de quatro subcultivos. Após cada subcultivo, o comprimento de brotações, a taxa de multiplicação, o vigor, o nível de oxidação das brotações emitidas e o número de raízes formadas foram avaliados. Independentemente das concentrações de BAP, o carvão ativado influenciou significativamente em todas as variáveis analisadas. De maneira geral, a adição de carvão ativado afetou negativamente a taxa de multiplicação, embora tenha melhorado o vigor e o número de raízes e diminuído a oxidação dos explantes. Na ausência de carvão ativado, o BAP proporcionou as maiores taxas de multiplicação das brotações.
The N6 Plateau presents an iron-ore occurence in Carajás Mineral Province, standing near to actually operating deposits. Geological mapping in 1:10,000 scale and integration of geochemical, geophysical, petrography and drilling turns possible interpretation of his geological evolution. The mapped area has lithotypes from Archean Grão Pará Group, comprising very lowgrade metamorphic basic rocks and iron formation and an Proterozoic sedimentary association of conglomeratic sandstones called as Caninana Unity. The structural geology in given by a regional scale homoclinal, where the Grão Pará Group strata dips towards SW, as a part of the Northern Limb of the Carajás Fold. Subsequent deformation associated to the installation of the Carajás Shear Zone presents as E-W fold axis. Geochemical evidence permits to consider de Parauapebas Formation as the rocks which has been hydrothermally-altered to outsourcing fluids responsible to deposition of iron formations in the oceanic system, including different signatures which can be interpreted as possible sub-embayments in the Carajás Basin. The iron ore in the area occurs in subsurface as very fine friable hematite generated by supergenous enrichment of the iron formation. The conceived geologic model differs from the current academic proposal on the fact that hydrothermal alteration has been involved on the jaspelite enrichment. Metamorphism on the Parauapebas Formation presents paragenesis considered as ocean-floor metamorphism which precedes de deformation insofar as the rocks show no tectonic fabric referring to shallow crust evolution. Geophysical methods such as magnetometry and gravimetry presents excellent results for structural interpretation in uneven exposed terrain
It has previously been reported that 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA), deaminated adenine (hypoxanthine, Hx), and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), but not 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC), are released from DNA in vitro by the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG). To assess the potential contribution of APNG to the repair of each of these mutagenic lesions in vivo, we have used cell-free extracts of tissues from APNG-null mutant mice and wild-type controls. The ability of these extracts to cleave defined oligomers containing a single modified base was determined. The results showed that both testes and liver cells of these knockout mice completely lacked activity toward oligonucleotides containing ɛA and Hx, but retained wild-type levels of activity for ɛC and 8-oxoG. These findings indicate that (i) the previously identified ɛA-DNA glycosylase and Hx-DNA glycosylase activities are functions of APNG; (ii) the two structurally closely related mutagenic adducts ɛA and ɛC are repaired by separate gene products; and (iii) APNG does not contribute detectably to the repair of 8-oxoG.
Properties of a mutant bacteriophage T2 DNA [N6-adenine] methyltransferase (T2 Dam MTase) have been investigated for its potential utilization in RecA-assisted restriction endonuclease (RARE) cleavage. Steady-state kinetic analyses with oligonucleotide duplexes revealed that, compared to wild-type T4 Dam, both wild-type T2 Dam and mutant T2 Dam P126S had a 1.5-fold higher kcat in methylating canonical GATC sites. Additionally, T2 Dam P126S showed increased efficiencies in methylation of non-canonical GAY sites relative to the wild-type enzymes. In agreement with these steady-state kinetic data, when bacteriophage λ DNA was used as a substrate, maximal protection from restriction nuclease cleavage in vitro was achieved on the sequences GATC, GATN and GACY, while protection of GACR sequences was less efficient. Collectively, our data suggest that T2 Dam P126S can modify 28 recognition sequences. The feasibility of using the mutant enzyme in RARE cleavage with BclI and EcoRV endonucleases has been shown on phage λ DNA and with BclI and DpnII endonucleases on yeast chromosomal DNA embedded in agarose.
DNA methyltransferases modify specific cytosines and adenines within 2-6 bp recognition sequences. We used scanning force microscopy and gel shift analysis to show that M.HhaI, a cytosine C-5 DNA methyltransferase, causes only a 2 degree bend upon binding its recognition site. Our results are consistent with prior crystallographic analysis showing that the enzyme stabilizes an extrahelical base while leaving the DNA duplex otherwise unperturbed. In contrast, similar analysis of M.EcoRI, an adenine N6 DNA methyltransferase, shows an average bend angle of approximately 52 degrees. This distortion of DNA conformation by M.EcoRI is shown to be important for sequence-specific binding.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo presentar una alternativa de desarrollo socioeconómico del distrito fronterizo de Purús, a través del fortalecimiento de una Unidad Militar del Ejército, en este caso la Unidad Militar de Asentamiento Rural Nº 06, (UMAR Nº 6) acantonada más de 40 años en este distrito, como única presencia permanente del Estado. Para el desarrollo de la tesis se ha empleado la metodología del marco lógico, en la cual se identificó el problema, a los involucrados y los objetivos, y se determinaron qué actividades seguir, cuyo producto final es la matriz de marco lógico. Para la priorización de las actividades se tuvo en consideración los planes regionales, locales y una encuesta a los involucrados en el problema. Por último, se ha hecho un engranaje de estas actividades con las capacidades de esta Unidad Militar tomando como fuente para la obtención de los recursos los diferentes proyectos de inversión pública contemplados por el gobierno local de Purús.
A study of spin-orbit mixing and nephelauxetic effects in the electronic spectra of nickel(II)-encapsulating complexes involving mixed nitrogen and sulfur donors is reported. As the number of sulfur donors is systematically varied through the series [Ni(N6-xSx)](2+) (x = 0-6), the spin-forbidden (3)A(2)g --> E-1(g) and (3)A(2g) --> (1)A(1g) transitions undergo a considerable reduction in energy whereas the spin-allowed transitions are relatively unchanged. The [Ni(diAMN(6)sar)](2+) and [Ni(AMN(5)Ssar)](2+) complexes exhibit an unusual band shape for the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) transition which is shown to arise from spin-orbit mixing of the E spin-orbit levels associated with the E-1(g) and T-3(2g) states. A significant differential nephelauxetic effect also arises from the covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals with the result that no single set of Racah B and C interelectron repulsion parameters adequately fit the observed spectra. Using a differential covalency ligand-field model, the spectral transitions are successfully reproduced with three independent variables corresponding to 10Dq and the covalency parameters f(t) and f(e), associated with the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals, respectively. The small decrease in f(t) from unity is largely attributed to central-field covalency effects whereas the dramatic reduction in f(e) with increasing number of sulfur donors is a direct consequence of the increased metal-ligand covalency associated with the sulfur donors. Covalency differences between the t(2g) and e(g) orbitals also result in larger 10Dq values than those obtained simply from the energy of the (3)A(2g) --> T-3(2g) spin-allowed transition.
Introduction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) in diabetes is associated with autonomic neuropathy and endothelial dysfunction. Whereas the nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC)/neurogenic nitric oxide pathway has received great attention in diabetes-associated ED, few studies have addressed sympathetic overactivity. Aim. To test the hypothesis that adenosine-induced inhibition of adrenergic-mediated contractile responses in mouse corpus cavernosum is impaired in the presence of diabetes. Methods. The db/db (obesity and type II diabetes caused by a leptin receptor mutation) mouse strain was used as a model of obesity and type II diabetes, and standard procedures were performed to evaluate functional cavernosal responses. Main Outcome Measures. Increased cavernosal responses to sympathetic stimulation in db/db mice are not associated with impaired prejunctional actions of adenosine. Results. Electrical field stimulation (EFS)-, but not phenylephrine (PE)-, induced contractions are enhanced in cavernosal strips from db/db mice in comparison with those from lean littermates. Direct effects of adenosine, 2-chloro-adenosine, A(1) receptor agonist C-8031 (N6 cyclopentyladenosine), and sodium nitroprusside are similar between the strips from lean and db/db mice, whereas relaxant responses to acetylcholine and NANC stimulation are significantly impaired in the cavernosal strips from db/db mice. 5`-Iodotubercidin (adenosine kinase inhibitor) and dipyridamole (inhibitor of adenosine transport), as well as the A(1) agonist C-8031, significantly and similarly inhibit contractions induced by stimulation of adrenergic nerves in the cavernosal strips from lean and db/db mice. Conclusions. Results from this study suggest that corpora cavernosa from obese and diabetic db/db mice display altered neural-mediated responses that would favor penile detumescence, i.e., increased contractile response to adrenergic nerve stimulation and decreased relaxant responses upon activation of NANC nerves. However, increased cavernosal responses to adrenergic nerve stimulation are not due to impaired negative modulation of sympathetic neurotransmission by adenosine in this diabetic model.
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The fatty acid profile of erythrocyte membranes has been considered a good biomarker for several pathologic situations. Dietary intake, digestion, absorption, metabolism, storage and exchange amongst compartments, greatly influence the fatty acids composition of different cells and tissues. Lipoprotein and hepatic lipases were also involved in fatty acid availability. In the present work we examined the correlations between fatty acid in Red Blood Cells (RBCs) membranes, the fatty acid desaturase and elongase activities, glycaemia, blood lipids, lipoproteins and apoproteins, and the endothelial lipase (EL) mass in plasma. Twenty one individuals were considered in the present study, with age >18 y. RBCs membranes were obtained and analysed for fatty acid composition by gas chromatography. The amount of fatty acids (as percentage) were analysed, and the ratios between fatty acid 16:1/16:0; 18:1/18:0; 18:0/16:0; 22:6 n-3/20:5 n-3 and 20:4 n-6/18:2 n-6 were calculated. Bivariate analysis (rs) and partial correlations were determined. SCD16 estimation activity correlated positively with BMI (rs=0.466, p=0.043) and triacylglycerols (TAG) (rs=0.483, p=0.026), and negatively with the ratio ApoA1/ApoB (rs=-0.566, p=0.007). Endothelial lipase (EL) correlated positively with the EPA/AA ratio in RBCs membranes (rs=0.524, p=0.045). After multi-adjustment for BMI, age, hs-CRP and dietary n3/n6 ratio, the correlations remained significant between EL and EPA/AA ratio. At the best of our knowledge this is the first report that correlated EL with the fatty acid profile of RBCs plasma membranes. The association found here can suggest that the enzyme may be involved in the bioavailability and distribution of n-3/n-6 fatty acids, suggesting a major role for EL in the pathophysiological mechanisms involving biomembranes’ fatty acids, such as in inflammatory response and eicosanoids metabolites pathways.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal, 5 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.