989 resultados para HF


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The structural characteristics of the raw coal (AY), the H2O2 oxidized coals (AY–H2O2) and the HF acidized AY–H2O2 (AY–H2O2–HF) were investigated by SEM, X-ray diffraction, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The results indicate that the derivative coals show an obvious increase in the aromaticity, crystalline carbon content and hydroxyl content, especially the AY–H2O2–HF. The stacking layer number of crystalline carbon decreases and the aspect ratio (La/Lc) remarkably increases for AY–H2O2 and AY–H2O2–HF. The crystalline layers become much thinner. The particle size of AY–H2O2–HF in width significantly decreases from 1 μm to less than 100 nm. The combination of H2O2 oxidization and HF acidification is effective to reduce the size of the aromatic layers and to increase the reactivity of derivative coals. The process can help us obtain the superfine crystalline carbon materials like graphite structure.


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Four Cu bearing alloys of nominal composition Zr25Ti25Cu50, Zr34Ti16Cu50, Zr25Hf25Cu50 and Ti25Hf25Cu50 have been rapidly solidified in order to produce ribbons. All the alloys become amorphous after meltspinning. In the Zr34Ti16Cu50 alloy localized precipitation of cF24 Cu5Zr phase can be observed in the amorphous matrix. The alloys show a tendency of phase separation at the initial stages of crystallization. The difference in crystallization behavior of these alloys with Ni bearing ternary alloys can be explained by atomic size, binary heat of mixing and Mendeleev number. It has been observed that both Laves and Anti-Laves phase forming compositions are suitable for glass formation. The structures of the phases, precipitated during rapid solidification and crystallization can be viewed in terms of Bernal deltahedra and Frank-Kasper polyhedra.


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The bonding nature of metallocene acetylene complexes Cp2M(eta(2)-H3SiC2SiH3) 1M and CP2M (eta(2)- HC2H) 1M' (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) wits studied by density functional theory method. It is found that this acetylene complex has indeed it metallacyclopropene moiety with two in-plane M-C sigma-bonds and one out-of-plane pi-bond interacting with the metal center, resulting in the formation of it delocalized three-center and two-electron (3c-2e) system. Along with its delocalized out-of-plane bonding, this complex has been characterized its aromatic on the basis of the computed stabilizing energy and negative nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS). The aromatic stabilization increases from Ti to Zr and Hf, and this is because of the increased charge separation between the CP2M fragment and the H3SiC2SiH3 (also HC2H) unit. The decrease of the M-C bond length from Zr to Hf is ttributed to the increased s character of both M and C hybridization of the M-C a-bonds.


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The dissertation deals with remote narrowband measurements of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by lightning flashes. A lightning flash consists of a number of sub-processes. The return stroke, which transfers electrical charge from the thundercloud to to the ground, is electromagnetically an impulsive wideband process; that is, it emits radiation at most frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, but its duration is only some tens of microseconds. Before and after the return stroke, multiple sub-processes redistribute electrical charges within the thundercloud. These sub-processes can last for tens to hundreds of milliseconds, many orders of magnitude longer than the return stroke. Each sub-process causes radiation with specific time-domain characteristics, having maxima at different frequencies. Thus, if the radiation is measured at a single narrow frequency band, it is difficult to identify the sub-processes, and some sub-processes can be missed altogether. However, narrowband detectors are simple to design and miniaturize. In particular, near the High Frequency band (High Frequency, 3 MHz to 30 MHz), ordinary shortwave radios can, in principle, be used as detectors. This dissertation utilizes a prototype detector which is essentially a handheld AM radio receiver. Measurements were made in Scandinavia, and several independent data sources were used to identify lightning sub-processes, as well as the distance to each individual flash. It is shown that multiple sub-processes radiate strongly near the HF band. The return stroke usually radiates intensely, but it cannot be reliably identified from the time-domain signal alone. This means that a narrowband measurement is best used to characterize the energy of the radiation integrated over the whole flash, without attempting to identify individual processes. The dissertation analyzes the conditions under which this integrated energy can be used to estimate the distance to the flash. It is shown that flash-by-flash variations are large, but the integrated energy is very sensitive to changes in the distance, dropping as approximately the inverse cube root of the distance. Flashes can, in principle, be detected at distances of more than 100 km, but since the ground conductivity can vary, ranging accuracy drops dramatically at distances larger than 20 km. These limitations mean that individual flashes cannot be ranged accurately using a single narrowband detector, and the useful range is limited to 30 kilometers at the most. Nevertheless, simple statistical corrections are developed, which enable an accurate estimate of the distance to the closest edge of an active storm cell, as well as the approach speed. The results of the dissertation could therefore have practical applications in real-time short-range lightning detection and warning systems.


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From the quaternary Ti-Zr-Hf-Ni phase diagram. the cross-section at 20 at % Ni was selected for investigation. The icosahedral quasicrystalline, crystalline and amorphous phases were observed to form in nine kinds of rapidly solidified (TixZryHfz)(80)Ni-20 (x + y + z = 1) alloys at different compositions. The quasilattice constants of 0.519 and 0.531 nm were obtained for the icosahedral phase formed in the melt-spun Ti40Zr20Hf20Ni20 and Ti20Zr40Hf20Ni20 alloys. respectively. The icosahedral phase formed in the melt-spun Ti40Zr20Hf20Ni20 alloy especially is thermodynamically stable. The supercooled liquid region of the Ti20Zr20Hf40Ni20 glassy alloy reached 64 K. From these results a comparison of quasicrystal-forming and glass-forming abilities, was carried out. The quasicrystal-forming ability was reduced and glass-forming ability was improved with an increase in Hf and Zr contents in the (TixZryHfz)(80)Ni-20 alloys. On the other hand. an increase in Ti content caused an improvement in quasicrystal-forming ability.


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This paper deals with the system oriented analysis, design, modeling, and implementation of active clamp HF link three phase converter. The main advantage of the topology is reduced size, weight, and cost of the isolation transformer. However, violation of basic power conversion rules due to presence of the leakage inductance in the HF transformer causes over voltage stresses across the cycloconverter devices. It makes use of the snubber circuit necessary in such topologies. The conventional RCD snubbers are dissipative in nature and hence inefficient. The efficiency of the system is greatly improved by using regenerative snubber or active clamp circuit. It consists of an active switching device with an anti-parallel diode and one capacitor to absorb the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the isolation transformer and to regenerate the same without affecting circuit performance. The turn on instant and duration of the active device are selected such that it requires simple commutation requirements. The time domain expressions for circuit dynamics, design criteria of the snubber capacitor with two conflicting constrains (over voltage stress across the devices and the resonating current duration), the simulation results based on generalized circuit model and the experimental results based on laboratory prototype are presented.


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This paper reports ab intio, DFT and transition state theory (TST) calculations on HF, HCI and CIF elimination reactions from CH2Cl-CH2F molecule. Both the ground state and the transition state for HX elimination reactions have been optimized at HF, MP2 and DFT calculations with 6-31G*, 6-31G** and 6-311++G** basis sets. In addition, CCSD(T) single point calculations were carried out with MP2/6-311++G** optimized geometry for more accurate determination of the energies of the minima and transition state, compared to the other methods employed here. Classical barriers are converted to Arrhenius activation energy by TST calculations for comparisons with experimental results. The pre-exponential factors, A, calculated at all levels of theory are significantly larger than the experimental values. For activation energy, E-a DFT gives good results for HF elimination, within 4-8 W mol(-1) from experimental values. None of the methods employed, including CCSD(T), give comparable results for HCI elimination reactions. However, rate constants calculated by CCSD(T) method are in very good agreement with experiment for HCI elimination and they are in reasonable agreement for HF elimination reactions. Due to the strong correlation between A and E., the rate constants could be fit to a lower A and E-a (as given by experimental fitting, corresponding to a tight TS) or to larger A and E-a (as given by high level ab initio calculations, corresponding to a loose TS). The barrier for CIF elimination is determined to be 607 U mol(-1) at HF level and it is unlikely to be important for CH2FCH2Cl. Results for other CH2X-CH2Y (X,Y = F/Cl) are included for comparison.


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The applicability of the confusion principle and size factor in glass formation has been explored by following different combinations of isoelectronic Ti, Zr and Hf metals. Four alloys of nominal composition Zr41.5Ti41.5Ni17, Zr41.5Hf41.5Ni17, Zr25Ti25Cu50 and Zr34Ti16Cu50 have been rapidly solidified to obtain an amorphous phase and their crystallisation behaviour has been studied. The Ti-Zr-Ni alloy crystallises in three steps. Initially this alloy precipitates icosahedral quasicrystalline phase, which on further heat treatment precipitates cF96 Zr2Ni phase. The Zr-Hf-Ni alloy can not be amorphised under the same experimental conditions. The amorphous Zr-Ti-Cu alloys at the initial stages of crystallisation phase-separateinto two amorphous phases and then on further heat treatment cF24 Cu5Zr and oC68 Cu10Zr7 phase are precipitated. The lower glass-forming abilityof Zr-Hf-Ni alloy and the crystallisation behaviour of the above alloys has been studied. The rationale behind nanoquasicrystallisation and the formation of other intermetallic phases has been explained.


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Power conversion using high frequency (HF) link converters is popular because of compact size and light weight of highfrequency transformer. This study focuses on improved utilisation of HF transformer in DC–AC applications. In practical application, the operating condition of the power converter deviates significantly from the designed considerations. These deviating factors are commutation requirements (dead-time, overlap), mismatch in device drops and presence of the fundamental frequency in load current. As a result, the HF transformer handles some amount of low-frequency components (including DC) other than desired HF components. This causes the operating point in B-H curve to shift away from its normal or idealised position and hence results poor utilisation of the HF transformer and unwanted losses. This study investigates the nature of the problem with experimental determination of approximate lumped parameter modelling and saturation behaviour (B-H curve) of the HF transformer. A simple closed-loop control algorithm with online tuning of the controller parameters is proposed to improve the utilisation of the isolation transformer. The simulation and experimental results are presented.