1000 resultados para HET-CAM TEST


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We examined the correlation between results obtained from the in vivo Draize test for ocular irritation and in vitro results obtained from the sheep red blood cell (RBC) haemolytic assay, which assesses haemolysis and protein denaturation in erythrocytes, induced by cosmetic products. We sought to validate the haemolytic assay as a preliminary test for identifying highly-irritative products, and also to evaluate the in vitro test as alternative assay for replacement of the in vivo test. In vitro and in vivo analyses were carried out on 19 cosmetic products, in order to correlate the lesions in the ocular structures with three in vitro parameters: (i) the extent of haemolysis (H50); (ii) the protein denaturation index (131); and (iii) the H50/DI ratio, which reflects the irritation potential (IP). There was significant correlation between maximum average scores (MAS) and the parameters determined in vitro (r = 0.752-0.764). These results indicate that the RBC assay is a useful and rapid test for use as a screening method to assess the IP of cosmetic products, and for predicting the IP value with a high level of concordance (94.7%). The assay showed high sensitivity and specificity rates of 91.6% and 100%, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Water-in-oil microemulsions (w/o ME) capable of undergoing a phase-transition to lamellar liquid crystals (LC) or bicontinuous ME upon aqueous dilution were formulated using Crodarnol EO, Crill 1 and Crillet 4, an alkanol or alkanediol as cosurfactant and water. The hypothesis that phase-transition of ME to LC may be induced by tears and serve to prolong precomeal retention was tested. The ocular irritation potential of components and formulations was assessed using a modified hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane test (HET-CAM) and the preocular retention of selected formulations was investigated in rabbit eye using gamma scintigraphy. Results showed that Crill 1, Crillet 4 and Crodamol EO were non-irritant. However, all other cosurfactants investigated were irritant and their irritation was dependent on their carbon chain length. A w/o ME formulated without cosurfactant showed a protective effect when a strong irritant (0.1 M NaOH) was used as the aqueous phase. Precorneal clearance studies revealed that the retention of colloidal and coarse dispersed systems was significantly greater than an aqueous solution with no significant difference between ME systems (containing 5% and 10% water) as well as o/w emulsion containing 85% water. Conversely, a LC system formulated without cosurfactant displayed a significantly greater retention compared to other formulations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The subretinal transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE cells) grown on polymeric supports may have interest in retinal diseases affecting RPE cells. In this study, montmorillonite based polyurethane nanocomposite (PU-NC) was investigated as substrate for human RPE cell growth (ARPE-19 cells). The ARPE-19 cells were seeded on the PU-NC, and cell viability, proliferation and differentiation were investigated. The results indicated that ARPE-19 cells attached, proliferated onto the PU-NC, and expressed occludin. The in vivo ocular biocompatibility of the PU-NC was assessed by using the HET-CAM; and through its implantation under the retina. The direct application of the nanocomposite onto the CAM did not compromise the vascular tissue in the CAM surface, suggesting no ocular irritancy of the PU-NC film. The nanocomposite did not elicit any inflammatory response when implanted into the eye of rats. The PU-NC may have potential application as a substrate for RPE cell transplantation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: The aim of this research was to evaluate the fatigue behavior and reliability of monolithic computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) lithium disilicate and hand-layer-veneered zirconia all-ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: A CAD-based mandibular molar crown preparation, fabricated using rapid prototyping, served as the master die. Fully anatomically shaped monolithic lithium disilicate crowns (IPS e.max CAD, n = 19) and hand-layer-veneered zirconia-based crowns (IPS e.max ZirCAD/Ceram, n = 21) were designed and milled using a CAD/CAM system. Crowns were cemented on aged dentinlike composite dies with resin cement. Crowns were exposed to mouth-motion fatigue by sliding a WC-indenter (r = 3.18 mm) 0.7 mm lingually down the distobuccal cusp using three different step-stress profiles until failure occurred. Failure was designated as a large chip or fracture through the crown. If no failures occurred at high loads (> 900 N), the test method was changed to staircase r ratio fatigue. Stress level probability curves and reliability were calculated. Results: Hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed veneer chipping and had a reliability of < 0.01 (0.03 to 0.00, two-sided 90% confidence bounds) for a mission of 100,000 cycles and a 200-N load. None of the fully anatomically shaped CAD/CAM-fabricated monolithic lithium disilicate crowns failed during step-stress mouth-motion fatigue (180,000 cycles, 900 N). CAD/CAM lithium disilicate crowns also survived r ratio fatigue (1,000,000 cycles, 100 to 1,000 N). There appears to be a threshold for damage/bulk fracture for the lithium disilicate ceramic in the range of 1,100 to 1,200 N. Conclusion: Based on present fatigue findings, the application of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic in a monolithic/fully anatomical configuration resulted in fatigue-resistant crowns, whereas hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed a high susceptibility to mouth-motion cyclic loading with early veneer failures. Int J Prosthodont 2010; 23: 434-442.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tehostaa venttiilipesien koneistuksessa käytettävän monitoimipystysorvin NC - ohjelmointia CAM - ohjelman käyttöönotolla. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa kokonaisuutta liittyen koneistusalihankinnan kehittämiseen ja yrityksen kilpailukyvyn ylläpitoon ja parantamiseen liiketoiminta-alueella, jolla on tällä hetkellä hyvät kasvunäkymät. Tavoite rajattiin yritykseen jo aiemmin hankitun WinCAM - ohjelman päivittämiseen ja hyödyntämiseen monitoimipystysorvin NC - ohjelmoinnissa. Tutkimuksen käytännön tavoitteena oli selvittää CAM - ohjelmoinnin käyttömahdollisuudet, sekä luoda CAM - ohjelmistoon pohjautuva, räätälöity NC - ohjelmointikonsepti pilottikohteeseen. Tutkimuksen kokeellisen osuuden muodostivat tällöin nykyisen tuotannon ongelmakohtien löytäminen, koneen ohjelmointitarpeiden kartoitus,sekä menetelmäkehitys. Tutkimuksen päämääränä oli tuotannon tasolla käytettävä järjestelmä, jolla koneen ohjelmointi olisi mahdollista myös vähemmällä konekohtaisella kokemuksella. Nykyisen toimintatavan ongelmina olivat yhtenäisen NC - ohjelmointikäytännön puute, niin valmiiden ohjelmien käytössä kuin uusienkin ohjelmien tekemisessä. Tähän olivat syynä NC - ohjauksen heikko käytettävyys erityisesti sorvauksen osalta. Nämä tekijät yhdistettynä monitoimityöstökoneessa tarvittavaan koordinaatiston hallintaan vaikeuttivat ohjelmointia. Työntekijäkohtaiset erot NC - ohjelmien käytössä, sekä laadultaan vaihtelevat valuaihiot aiheuttivat tuotannon läpäisyaikaan merkittävää vaihtelua. Siten myös koneen kuormituksen säätely oli vaikeaa. Uuden ohjelmointikonseptin toteutuksessa pidettiin etusijalla hyvää käytettävyyttä, sekä uuden menetelmän aukotonta liittymistä olemassa oleviin tuotantojärjestelmiin. Ohjelmointikonseptin toteutuksessa, osaperheestä haettiin selkeästi parametroitaviksi soveltuvat työvaiheet, jotka voitiin hallita yleiskäyttöisillä aliohjelmilla. Tuotteiden muidengeometrioiden hallintaan laadittiin geometriakirjasto, jota voitiin käyttää tavanomaisen graafisen ohjelmoinnin pohjana. Vanhaa toimintatapaa ja diplomityön aikana kehitettyä CAM - ohjelmointijärjestelmää vertailtiin perustuen NC - ohjelmien tehokkuuteen, jota tarkasteltiin saman työvaiheen työstöaikaan perustuen. Tämän lisäksi tärkeän tuloksen muodostavat myös kvalitatiivisetseikat, jotka liittyvät ohjelmointiympäristön käytettävyyteen. CAM - ohjelmoinnin kehittäminen ja käyttöönotto pilottikohteessa sujui pääosin hyvin ja laaditunsuunnitelman mukaisesti. Aiemmin hankalasti ohjelmoitavat työvaiheet, kuten erilaisten laippatasopintojen ja reikäpiirien ohjelmointi muutettiin makrokäyttöön soveltuviksi. Sorvauksessa ongelmia aiheuttaneen tiivistelilan koneistukseen sovellettiin graafista ohjelmointia. Koko tuotannon mittakaavassa NC - ohjelmoinninosuus oli kuitenkin vähäinen, mistä johtuen koneen tuottavuuteen ei tutkimuksenajanjaksolla voitu vaikuttaa. Sen sijaan tuotannon sujuvuuteen oleellisesti vaikuttavaa työtekijöiden 'hiljaisen tiedon' määrää voitiin vähentää vakioimalla ohjelmointia ja siirtämällä tehokkaiksi havaitut menetelmät ohjelmointijärjestelmään.


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We develop a new multiwave version of the range test for shape reconstruction in inverse scattering theory. The range test [R. Potthast, et al., A ‘range test’ for determining scatterers with unknown physical properties, Inverse Problems 19(3) (2003) 533–547] has originally been proposed to obtain knowledge about an unknown scatterer when the far field pattern for only one plane wave is given. Here, we extend the method to the case of multiple waves and show that the full shape of the unknown scatterer can be reconstructed. We further will clarify the relation between the range test methods, the potential method [A. Kirsch, R. Kress, On an integral equation of the first kind in inverse acoustic scattering, in: Inverse Problems (Oberwolfach, 1986), Internationale Schriftenreihe zur Numerischen Mathematik, vol. 77, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1986, pp. 93–102] and the singular sources method [R. Potthast, Point sources and multipoles in inverse scattering theory, Habilitation Thesis, Göttingen, 1999]. In particular, we propose a new version of the Kirsch–Kress method using the range test and a new approach to the singular sources method based on the range test and potential method. Numerical examples of reconstructions for all four methods are provided.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the passivity and strain induced in infrastructures screwed on abutments, made by CAD/CAM technology, and to compare these samples with parts manufactured by conventional casting. Using CAD/CAM technology, 4 samples were made from zirconia (Zircad) and 4 samples were manufactured from cobaltchrome (CoCrcad). The control groups were 4 specimens of cobalt-chrome, made by onepiece casting (CoCrci), for a total of 12 infrastructures. To evaluate the passivity, the infraestructures were installed on the abutments. One end was tightened and the vertical gap between the infrastructure and the prosthetic abutment was measured with scanning electron microscopy (250×). The mean strain in these infrastructures was analyzed via the photoelasticity test. A significant difference (p = 0.000) in passivity was observed between the control (CoCrci) and sample groups (CoCrcad and CoCrci). CoCrcad exhibited the best value of passivity (48.76 ± 13.45 μm) and CoCrci the worst (187.55 ± 103.63 μm), Zircad presented an intermediate value (103.81 ± 43.15 μm). When compared to the other groups, CoCrci showed the highest mean strain around the implants (17.19 ± 7.22 kPa). It was concluded that the zirconia infrastructure made by CAD / CAM showed a higher vertical marginal misfit than those made in cobalt-chromium alloy with the same methodology, however, the tension generated in the implants was similar. The CAD/CAM technology is more accurate for passivity and mean strain of infrastructure screwed on abutments than conventional manufacturing techniques


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Objective. To determine the influence of cement thickness and ceramic/cement bonding on stresses and failure of CAD/CAM crowns, using both multi-physics finite element analysis and monotonic testing.Methods. Axially symmetric FEA models were created for stress analysis of a stylized monolithic crown having resin cement thicknesses from 50 to 500 mu m under occlusal loading. Ceramic-cement interface was modeled as bonded or not-bonded (cement-dentin as bonded). Cement polymerization shrinkage was simulated as a thermal contraction. Loads necessary to reach stresses for radial cracking from the intaglio surface were calculated by FEA. Experimentally, feldspathic CAD/CAM crowns based on the FEA model were machined having different occlusal cementation spaces, etched and cemented to dentin analogs. Non-bonding of etched ceramic was achieved using a thin layer of poly(dimethylsiloxane). Crowns were loaded to failure at 5 N/s, with radial cracks detected acoustically.Results. Failure loads depended on the bonding condition and the cement thickness for both FEA and physical testing. Average fracture loads for bonded crowns were: 673.5 N at 50 mu m cement and 300.6 N at 500 mu m. FEA stresses due to polymerization shrinkage increased with the cement thickness overwhelming the protective effect of bonding, as was also seen experimentally. At 50 mu m cement thickness, bonded crowns withstood at least twice the load before failure than non-bonded crowns.Significance. Occlusal "fit" can have structural implications for CAD/CAM crowns; pre-cementation spaces around 50-100 mu m being recommended from this study. Bonding benefits were lost at thickness approaching 450-500 mu m due to polymerization shrinkage stresses. (C) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim of the study was to evaluate the biaxial flexural strength of ceramics processed using the Cerec inLab system. The hypothesis was that the flexural strength would be influenced by the type of ceramic. Ten samples (ISO 6872) of each ceramic (N.=50/n.=10) were made using Cerec inLab (software Cerec 3D) (Ø:15 mm, thickness: 1.2 mm). Three silica-based ceramics (Vita Mark II [VM], ProCad [PC] and e-max CAD ECAD]) and two yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia-polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) (e-max ZirCad [ZrCAD] and Vita In-Ceram 2000 YZ Cubes [VYZ]) were tested. The samples were finished with wet silicone carbide papers up to 1200-grit and polished in a polishing machine with diamond paste (3 μm). The samples were then submitted to biaxial flexural strength testing in a universal testing machine (EMIC), 1 mm/min. The data (MPa) were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (5%) tests. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was performed on a representative sample from each group. The values (median, mean±sd) obtained for the experimental groups were: VM (101.7, 102.1±13.65 MPa), PC (165.2, 160±34.7 MPa), ECAD (437.2, 416.1±50.1 MPa), ZrCAD (804.2, 800.8±64.47 MPa) and VYZ (792.7, 807±100.7 MPa). The type of ceramic influenced the flexural strength values (P=0.0001). The ceramics ECADa, e-max ZrCADa and VYZa presented similar flexural strength values which were significantly higher than the other groups (PCb and VM IIb), which were similar statistically between them (Dunn's test). The hypothesis was accepted. The polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) should be material chosen for make FPDs because of their higher flexural strength values.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)