The current study investigated oxidative stress parameters (enzymes activities, metallothionein content and lipid peroxidation) in freshwater fish, Oreochromis niloticus, tilapia exposure to Monjolinho River (in 4 months of year: January, April, July and November). One critical site in Monjolinho River (site B) was assessed in comparison to a reference site (site A). Water pH and oxygen concentration was lower than that recommended by CONAMA (Brazilian National Environmental Committee), resolution 357/2005 for protection of aquatic communities, and ammonium and the metals Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe (on all months) concentrations were higher than the maximum concentration recommended. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were significantly decreased in liver and muscle in tila. pia from Monjolinho River, throughout the year, in relation to reference except in gills that SOD activity increased. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was significantly increased in liver of the tilapia from Monjolinho River in all sites, in relation to reference except in gills that GST activity increased in July and decreased in November, suggesting that GST activity could be induced to neutralize the pollutants toxicity. On the other hand, GST activity was significantly decreased in white muscle indicating a toxic effect of pollutants, resulting in a decreased ability of tilapia to perform defense reactions associated to GSTs. The decrease of catalase (CAT) activity in gills of the O. niloticus together with the increase of SOD activity, could explain the increased lipid peroxidation (LPO) level in this organ. Metallothionein levels in liver and gills were significantly high in all sites. Results indicate that the exposure to metals caused severe damage to tissues; despite the consensually assumed antioxidant induction as a sign of exposure to contaminants the effects seem in part to be mediated by suppression of antioxidant system with SOD, CAT and GPx as potential candidates for tissues toxicity biomarkers of pollutants. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The potential use of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and metallothionein (MT) responses as biomarker of organophosphorous (OPs) and trace metal were assessed in fish Seriola dumerilli exposed to 0, 4, 6 mg/kg of malathion for 2, 7 and 13 days, and to 0, 50, 100, 250 mu g/kg of Cd for 2 days. Brain AChE was significantly inhibited after 2 and 7 days of malathion exposure, in a dose-response manner, but no inhibition was observed after 13 days of exposure. When exposed to Cd for 2 days, S. dumerelli presented an increase in AChE activity at a concentration of 50 mu g/kg, but a strong and dose-dependent AChE inhibition at 100 and 250 mu g/kg. Cd treatment also caused a rapid increase in MTs concentration in liver, even at the lower concentration. Our experiments indicate that the measurement of hepatic MT concentration and brain AChE activity in S. dumerilli would be useful biomarkers of OP and Cd exposure and/or effects.
Sulfate plays an essential role in human growth and development, and its circulating levels are maintained by the renal Na+-SO42- cotransporter, NaS1. We previously generated a NaS1 knockout ( Nas1(-/-)) mouse, an animal model for hyposulfatemia, that exhibits reduced growth and liver abnormalities including hepatomegaly. In this study, we investigated the hepatic gene expression profile of Nas1(-/-) mice using oligonucleotide microarrays. The mRNA expression levels of 92 genes with known functional roles in metabolism, cell signaling, cell defense, immune response, cell structure, transcription, or protein synthesis were increased ( n = 51) or decreased ( n = 41) in Nas1(-/-) mice when compared with Nas1(-/-) mice. The most upregulated transcript levels in Nas1(-/-) mice were found for the sulfotransferase genes, Sult3a1 ( approximate to 500% increase) and Sult2a2 ( 100% increase), whereas the metallothionein-1 gene, Mt1, was among the most downregulated genes ( 70% decrease). Several genes involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism, including Scd1, Acly, Gpam, Elov16, Acsl5, Mvd, Insig1, and Apoa4, were found to be upregulated ( >= 30% increase) in Nas1(+/+) mice. In addition, Nas1(+/+) mice exhibited increased levels of hepatic lipid ( approximate to 16% increase), serum cholesterol ( approximate to 20% increase), and low-density lipoprotein ( approximate to 100% increase) and reduced hepatic glycogen ( approximate to 50% decrease) levels. In conclusion, these data suggest an altered lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the hyposulfatemic Nas1(-/-) mouse and provide new insights into the metabolic state of the liver in Nas1(-/-) mice.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis that is endemic to certain countries in Latin America. This study aimed to describe the histological features of liver involvement in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis aged <16 years of age who were treated between 1980 and 2010, with a diagnosis that was confirmed by detection of the fungus by pathological examination. Liver tissue was obtained from one necropsy and 12 biopsies. Throughout 2007, biopsies were taken from patients with persistent jaundice or portal hypertension, after which biopsies became indicated due to elevated aminotransferase and low albumin levels. Using haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Masson's trichrome and immunohistochemical (CK7 and CK19) staining, we noted degenerative alterations in bile duct cells and inflammatory injury to the bile ducts in 10 biopsies. Using immunohistochemistry for CK7 and CK19, we observed ductal proliferation in all 12 samples. Bile duct injuries by inflammatory cells might explain the predominant increase in canalicular enzymes; immunohistochemistry is more sensitive in demonstrating ductular reactions and might show changes that are not apparent on H&E staining.
To describe the prevalence of hepatic steatosis and to assess the performance of biochemical, anthropometric and body composition indicators for hepatic steatosis in obese teenagers. Cross-sectional study including 79 adolecents aged from ten to 18 years old. Hepatic steatosis was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound in case of moderate or intense hepatorenal contrast and/or a difference in the histogram ≥7 on the right kidney cortex. The insulin resistance was determined by the Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) index for values >3.16. Anthropometric and body composition indicators consisted of body mass index, body fat percentage, abdominal circumference and subcutaneous fat. Fasting glycemia and insulin, lipid profile and hepatic enzymes, such as aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase, were also evaluated. In order to assess the performance of these indicators in the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in teenagers, a ROC curve analysis was applied. Hepatic steatosis was found in 20% of the patients and insulin resistance, in 29%. Gamma-glutamyltransferase and HOMA-IR were good indicators for predicting hepatic steatosis, with a cutoff of 1.06 times above the reference value for gamma-glutamyltransferase and 3.28 times for the HOMA-IR. The anthropometric indicators, the body fat percentage, the lipid profile, the glycemia and the aspartate aminotransferase did not present significant associations. Patients with high gamma-glutamyltransferase level and/or HOMA-IR should be submitted to abdominal ultrasound examination due to the increased chance of having hepatic steatosis.
The present study analyzed metallothionein (MT) excretion from liver to bile in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sub-lethal copper concentrations (2mgL(-1)) in a laboratory setting. MTs in liver and bile were quantified by spectrophotometry after thermal incubation and MT metal-binding profiles were characterized by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS). Results show that liver MT is present in approximately 250-fold higher concentrations than bile MT in non-exposed fish. Differences between the MT profiles from the control and exposed group were observed for both matrices, indicating differential metal-binding behavior when comparing liver and bile MT. This is novel data regarding intra-organ MT comparisons, since differences between organs are usually present only with regard to quantification, not metal-binding behavior. Bile MT showed statistically significant differences between the control and exposed group, while the same did not occur with liver MT. This indicates that MTs synthesized in the liver accumulate more slowly than MTs excreted from liver to bile, since the same fish presented significantly higher MT levels in liver when compared to bile. We postulate that bile, although excreted in the intestine and partially reabsorbed by the same returning to the liver, may also release MT-bound metals more rapidly and efficiently, which may indicate an efficient detoxification route. Thus, we propose that the analysis of bile MTs to observe recent metal exposure may be more adequate than the analysis of liver MTs, since organism responses to metals are more quickly observed in bile, although further studies are necessary.
CONTEXT: Hepatic fibrosis occurs in response to several aggressive agents and is a predisposing factor in cirrhosis. Hepatotrophic factors were shown to stimulate liver growth and to restore the histological architecture of the liver. They also cause an improvement in liver function and accelerate the reversion of fibrosis before it progresses to cirrhosis. OBJECTIVE: To test the effects of hepatic fibrosis solution composed by amino acids, vitamins, glucose, insulin, glucagon and triiodothyronine on hepatic fibrosis in rats. METHODS: Fibrosis was induced in rats by gastric administration of dimethylnitrosamine (10 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. After liver biopsy, the rats received either hepatotrophic factors solution (40 mg/kg/day) or saline solution for 10 days by intraperitoneal injection. Blood samples and liver fragments were collected for hepatic function analysis, standard histopathology evaluation, and morphometric collagen quantification. RESULTS: Rats in the hepatotrophic factors group showed a decrease of the histopathological components of fibrosis and an increase of their hepatic mass (12.2%). There was no development of neoplasic lesions in both groups. Compared with the saline group, the hepatotrophic factors group also had a decrease of blood levels of hepatic-lesion markers (AST, ALT) and a decrease of collagen content in the portal spaces (31.6%) and perisinusoidal spaces (42.3%), as well as around the hepatic terminal vein (57.7%). Thus, hepatotrophic factors administration in the portal blood promoted a regenerative hepatic response, with an overall reduction of the volumetric density of collagen, improved hepatic function, and a general improvement in the histopathological aspects of fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest the potential therapeutic use of this hepatotrophic factors solution to treat chronic liver diseases.
The use of aluminum silicates for decontaminating animal feed containing aflatoxins has yielded encouraging results in chicken and turkey poults. In contrast, very few studies have tested these substances in aquaculture. In this work, we investigated the efficacy of a trout diet containing 0.5% hydrated sodium aluminosilicate (HSAS) in protecting against contamination with aflatoxin B1. Trout were reared on these diets for one year and the experimental groups were examined monthly for hepatic presumptive preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Regardless of the presence of HSAS, all of the fish that received aflatoxin in their diet have shown hepatic lesions indicative of a carcinogenic process, presenting also the development of cancer in some fish. The concentration of HSAS used in this study was ineffective in preventing the onset of hepatic lesions induced by aflatoxin B1 in rainbow trout.
Ten cattle and 10 buffalo were divided into 2 groups (control [n = 8] and experimental [n = 12]) that received daily administration of copper. Three hepatic biopsies and blood samples were performed on days 0, 45, and 105. The concentration of hepatic copper was determined by spectrophotometric atomic absorption, and the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) were analyzed. Regression analyses were done to verify the possible existing relationship between enzymatic activity and concentration of hepatic copper. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were determined. The serum activities of AST and GGT had coefficients of determination that were excellent predictive indicators of hepatic copper accumulation in cattle, while only GGT serum activity was predictive of hepatic copper accumulation in buffalo. Elevated serum GGT activity may be indicative of increased concentrations of hepatic copper even in cattle and buffalo that appear to be clinically healthy. Thus, prophylactic measures can be implemented to prevent the onset of a hemolytic crisis that is characteristic of copper intoxication.
Obesity-induced endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) stress has been demonstrated to underlie the induction of obesity-induced JNK and NF-kappa B activation inflammatory responses, and generation of peripheral insulin resistance. On the other hand, exercise has been used as a crucial tool in obese and diabetic patients, and may reduce inflammatory pathway stimulation. However, the ability of exercise training to reverse endoplasmatic reticulum stress in adipose and hepatic tissue in obesity has not been investigated in the literature. Here, we demonstrate that exercise training ameliorates ER stress and insulin resistance in DIO-induced rats. Rats were fed with standard rodent chow (3,948 kcal kg(-1)) or high-fat diet (5,358 kcal kg(-1)) for 2 months. After that rats were submitted to swimming training (1 h per day, 5 days for week with 5% overload of the body weight for 8 weeks). Samples from epididymal fat and liver were obtained and western blot analysis was performed. Our results showed that swimming protocol reduces pro-inflammatory molecules (JNK, I kappa B and NF-kappa B) in adipose and hepatic tissues. In addition, exercise leads to reduction in ER stress, by reducing PERK and eIF2 alpha phosphorylation in these tissues. In parallel, an increase in insulin pathway signaling was observed, as confirmed by increases in IR, IRSs and Akt phosphorylation following exercise training in DIO rats. Thus, results suggest that exercise can reduce ER stress, improving insulin resistance in adipose and hepatic tissue.
During rat hepatocarcinogenesis preneoplastic lesions (PNL) emerge which may persist (pPNL) and be sites of progress to cancer or suffer remodeling (rPNL) tending to disappear. Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in both phenotypes are not sufficiently elucidated. pPNL and rPNL cellular proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated in rats submitted to the resistant hepatocyte (RH) model, and an adjusted growth index (AGI) was established. p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B p65 subunit expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in pPNL and rPNL. p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation was evaluated by Western blot assays in whole livers. A lower number of BrdU-stained hepatocyte nuclei/mm(2) and higher number of apoptotic bodies (AB) per mm(2) were observed in remodeling compared to pPNL. Cytoplasmic p53 accumulation is related to increased hepatocarcinoma malignancy. We observed that 71.3% pPNL and 25.4% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p53 staining in the cytoplasm. Similarly, 67.7% pPNL and 23.1 % rPNL (P < 0.05) presented increased Bcl-2 staining. Thirty-two percent pPNL and 15.6% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p65 staining. Compared to normal rats, increase (P < 0.05) of hepatic p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation in rats submitted to the RH model was observed. in agreement to previous studies hepatic pPNL and rPNL differ regarding cell proliferation and apoptosis. Moreover, persistence and remodeling involve differences in p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B pathways. These data point to molecular pathways that may direct preneoplastic lesions to spontaneously regress or to progress to cancer.
The well established rat hepatocarcinogen N-nitrosopytrolidine (NPYR, 1) requires metabolic activation to DNA adducts to express its carcinogenic activity. Among the NPYR-DNA adducts that have been identified, the cyclic 7,8-butanoguanine adduct 2-amino-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-9-hydroxypyrido[2,1-f]purine-4(3H)-one (6) has been quantified using moderately sensitive methods, but its levels have never been compared to those of other DNA adducts of NPYR in rat hepatic DNA. Therefore, in this study, we developed a sensitive new LC-ESI-MS/MS-SRM method for the quantitation of adduct 6 and compared its levels to those of several other NPYR-DNA adducts formed by different mechanisms. The new method was shown to be accurate and precise, with good recoveries and low fmol detection limits. Rats were treated with NPYR by gavage at doses of 46, 92, or 184 mg/kg body weight and sacrificed 16 h later. Hepatic DNA was isolated and analyzed for NPYR-DNA adducts. Adduct 6 was by far the most prevalent, with levels ranging from about 900-3000 mu mol/mol Gua and responsive to dose. Levels of adducts formed from crotonaldehyde, a metabolite of NPYR, were about 0.2-0.9 mu mol/mol dGuo, while those of adducts resulting from reaction with DNA of tetrahydrofuranyl-like intermediates were in the range of 0.01-4 mu mol/mol deoxyribonucleoside. The results of this study demonstrate that, among typical NPYR-DNA adducts, adduct 6 is easily the most abundant in hepatic DNA. Since previous studies have shown that it can be detected in the urine of NPYR-treated rats, the results suggest that it is a potential candidate as a biomarker for assessing human exposure to and metabolic activation of NPYR.
Background & Aims: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease that occasionally progresses to cirrhosis but usually has a benign course. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the hemochromatosis mutation Cys282Tyr in development of the mild hepatic iron overload found in some patients with NASH and its association with hepatic damage in these patients. Methods: Fifty-one patients with NASH were studied. The presence of the Cys282Tyr mutation was tested in all patients, and the data were analyzed with respect to the histological grade of steatosis, inflammation, Perls' staining, hepatic iron concentration (HIC), and serum iron indices. Results: Thirty-one percent of patients with NASH were either homozygous or heterozygous for the Cys282Tyr mutation. This mutation was significantly associated with Perls' stain grade (P < 0.005), HIC (P < 0.005), and transferrin saturation percentage (P < 0.005) but not with serum ferritin levels. Linear regression analysis showed that increased hepatic iron (Perls' stain or HIC) had the greatest association with the severity of fibrosis (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: The Cys282Tyr mutation is responsible for most of the mild iron overload found in NASH and thus has a significant association with hepatic damage in these patients. Heterozygosity for the hemochromatosis gene mutation therefore cannot always be considered benign.
In this work the in-situ perfused rat liver has been used to examine the effect of changing the protein content of the perfusate on the hepatic extraction of O-acyl esters of salicylic acid. The hepatic availability (F) of these solutes was studied at a flow-rate of 30 mt min(-1) with perfusate albumin concentrations of 0, 2, and 4% w/v. The hepatic availability of the esters was shown to decrease with increasing carbon-chain length in the O-acyl group; for all the esters the hepatic availability increased with increasing albumin concentration in the perfusate. The dispersion-model-derived efficiency number (R-N) Of the esters was shown to increase with increasing lipophilicity and decrease with increasing albumin concentration in the perfusate. The unbound fraction (f(u),) of the esters decreased with lipophilicity. R-N/f(u), for acetylsalicylic acid remained relatively constant as the albumin concentration was increased. However, R-N/f(u), for n-pentanoyl- and n-hexanoylsalicylic acids increased significantly as albumin concentration increased from 0% to 4%. Thus, for the more lipophilic solutes (n-pentanoyl- and n-hexanoylsalicylic acids) the presence of albumin apparently facilitates the uptake of unbound solute relative to acetylsalicylic acid.