1000 resultados para HEISENBERG CHAIN


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The thermodynamic properties of the spin-1/2 diamond quantum Heisenberg chain model have been investigated by means of the transfer matrix renormalization group (TMRG) method. Considering different crystal structures, by changing the interactions among different spins and the external magnetic fields, we first investigate the magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and specific heat of the distorted diamond chain as a model of ferrimagnetic spin systems. The susceptibility and the specific heat show different features for different ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF) interactions and different magnetic fields. A 1/3 magnetization plateau is observed at low temperature in a magnetization curve. Then, we discuss the theoretical mechanism of the double-peak structure of the magnetic susceptibility and the three-peak structure of the specific heat of the compound Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2), on which an elegant measurement was performed by Kikuchi [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 227201 (2005)]. Our computed results are consistent with the main characteristics of the experimental data. Meanwhile, we find that the double-peak structure of susceptibility can be found in several different kinds of spin interactions in the diamond chain. Moreover, a three-peak behavior is observed in the TMRG results of magnetic susceptibility. In addition, we perform calculations relevant for some experiments and explain the characteristics of these materials. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the optimal teleportation based on Bell measurements via the thermal states of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain in the presence of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and obtain an optimal unitary transformation. The explicit expressions of the output state and the teleportation fidelity are presented and compared with those of the standard protocol. It is shown that in this protocol the teleportation fidelity is always larger and the unit fidelity is achieved at zero temperature. The DM interaction can enhance the teleportation fidelity at finite temperatures, as opposed to the effect of the interaction in the standard protocol. Cases with other types of anisotropies are also discussed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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The presence of biquadratic exchange in a one-dimensional ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with an impurity spin is shown to change the nature of the impurity modes and its eigenvalues considerably which can be observed experimentally.


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By means of the time dependent density matrix renormalization group algorithm we study the zero-temperature dynamics of the Von Neumann entropy of a block of spins in a Heisenberg chain after a sudden quench in the anisotropy parameter. In the absence of any disorder the block entropy increases linearly with time and then saturates. We analyse the velocity of propagation of the entanglement as a function of the initial and final anisotropies and compare our results, wherever possible, with those obtained by means of conformal field theory. In the disordered case we find a slower ( logarithmic) evolution which may signal the onset of entanglement localization.


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The spectral properties and phase diagram of the exactly integrable spin-1 quantum chain introduced by Alcaraz and Bariev are presented. The model has a U(1) symmetry and its integrability is associated with an unknown R-matrix whose dependence on the spectral parameters is not of a different form. The associated Bethe ansatz equations that fix the eigenspectra are distinct from those associated with other known integrable spin models. The model has a free parameter t(p). We show that at the special point t(p) = 1, the model acquires an extra U(1) symmetry and reduces to the deformed SU(3) Perk-Schultz model at a special value of its anisotropy q = exp(i2 pi/3) and in the presence of an external magnetic field. Our analysis is carried out either by solving the associated Bethe ansatz equations or by direct diagonalization of the quantum Hamiltonian for small lattice sizes. The phase diagram is calculated by exploring the consequences of conformal invariance on the finite-size corrections of the Hamiltonian eigenspectrum. The model exhibits a critical phase ruled by the c = 1 conformal field theory separated from a massive phase by first-order phase transitions.


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The potential of Bi2CuO4 as the first oxide system to show a linear-chain magnetic behaviour is examined. Electron diffraction studies do not resolve the previously reported ambiguity regarding its space group. The magnetic susceptibility data at high temperatures are best fitted to a uniform antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. At low temperatures, however, neither the uniform nor the alternating Heisenberg antiferromagnetic model fits the data. Magnetic susceptibility data over the entire temperature range can be fitted if one assumes dimeric units with a nearly degenerate second singlet state close to the ground state, these states being separated from an excited triplet state by an energy gap. A simple heuristic model of a dimer that gives such an energy level spectrum is examined.


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We report the optical spectra and single crystal magnetic susceptibility of the one-dimensional antiferromagnet KFeS2. Measurements have been carried out to ascertain the spin state of Fe3+ and the nature of the magnetic interactions in this compound. The optical spectra and magnetic susceptibility could be consistently interpreted using a S = 1/2 spin ground state for the Fe3+ ion. The features in the optical spectra have been assigned to transitions within the d-electron manifold of the Fe3+ ion, and analysed in the strong field limit of the ligand field theory. The high temperature isotropic magnetic susceptibility is typical of a low-dimensional system and exhibits a broad maximum at similar to 565 K. The susceptibility shows a well defined transition to a three dimensionally ordered antiferromagnetic state at T-N = 250 K. The intra and interchain exchange constants, J and J', have been evaluated from the experimental susceptibilities using the relationship between these quantities, and chi(max), T-max, and T-N for a spin 1/2 one-dimensional chain. The values are J = -440.71 K, and J' = 53.94 K. Using these values of J and J', the susceptibility of a spin 1/2 Heisenberg chain was calculated. A non-interacting spin wave model was used below T-N. The susceptibility in the paramagnetic region was calculated from the theoretical curves for an infinite S = 1/2 chain. The calculated susceptibility compares well with the experimental data of KFeS2. Further support for a one-dimensional spin 1/2 model comes from the fact that the calculated perpendicular susceptibility at 0K (2.75 x 10(-4) emu/mol) evaluated considering the zero point reduction in magnetization from spin wave theory is close to the projected value (2.7 x 10(-4) emu/mol) obtained from the experimental data.


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The polynuclear copper(II) complex [{Cu2L(O2CC5H4N)}. C2H5OH](x) (1), where H3L is a 1∶2 Schiff base derived from 1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol and salicylaldehyde, has been prepared and structurally characterized. The structure consists of a one-dimensional zigzag chain in which the binuclear [Cu2L](+) units are covalently linked by isonicotinate ligands to give a syndiotactic arrangement of the copper ions protruding outside the chain. In the basic unit, the copper(II) centres are bridged by an alkoxo and a carboxylato ligand, giving a Cu ... Cu distance of 3.492(3) Angstrom and a Cu-O-Cu angle of 130.9(2)degrees. While one copper centre has a square-planar geometry, the other copper is square-pyramidal with the pyridine nitrogen being the axial ligand. The visible electronic spectrum of 1 shows a broad d-d band at 615 nm. The complex shows a rhombic X-band EPR spectral pattern in the polycrystalline phase at 77 K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature range 22 to 295 K demonstrate the antiferromagnetic behaviour of 1. A theoretical fit to the magnetic data is based on a model assuming 1 as an equimolar mixture of copper atoms belonging to an antiferromagnetically coupled one-dimensional Heisenberg chain with the other copper atoms outside the chain behaving like paramagnetic centres.


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We investigate solitary excitations in a model of a one-dimensional antiferromagnet including a single-ion anisotropy and a Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymmetric exchange interaction term. We employ the Holstein-Primakoff transformation, the coherent state ansatz and the time variational principle. We obtain two partial differential equations of motion by using the method of multiple scales and applying perturbation theory. By so doing, we show that the motion of the coherent amplitude must satisfy the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We give the single-soliton solution.


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A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is constructed starting from the standard perturbation expansion in the interaction representation. The resulting configuration space is strongly related to that of the Stochastic Series Expansion (SSE) method, which is based on a direct power series expansion of exp(-beta*H). Sampling procedures previously developed for the SSE method can therefore be used also in the interaction representation formulation. The new method is first tested on the S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. Then, as an application to a model of great current interest, a Heisenberg chain including phonon degrees of freedom is studied. Einstein phonons are coupled to the spins via a linear modulation of the nearest-neighbor exchange. The simulation algorithm is implemented in the phonon occupation number basis, without Hilbert space truncations, and is exact. Results are presented for the magnetic properties of the system in a wide temperature regime, including the T-->0 limit where the chain undergoes a spin-Peierls transition. Some aspects of the phonon dynamics are also discussed. The results suggest that the effects of dynamic phonons in spin-Peierls compounds such as GeCuO3 and NaV2O5 must be included in order to obtain a correct quantitative description of their magnetic properties, both above and below the dimerization temperature.


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Probing non trivial magnetic ordering in quantum magnets realized with ultracold lattice gases demands detection methods with some spatial resolution built on it. Here we demonstrate that the Faraday matter-light interface provides an experimentally feasible tool to distinguish indubitably different quantum phases of a given many-body system in a non-demolishing way. We illustrate our approach by focussing on the Heisenberg chain for spin-1 bosons in the presence of a SU(2) symmetry breaking field. We explain how using the light signal obtained via homodyne detection one can reconstruct the phase diagram of the model. Further we show that the very same technique that provides a direct experimentally measurable signal of different order parameters can be extended to detect also the presence of multipartite entanglement in such systems.


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Quantum and global discord in a spin-1 Heisenberg chain subject to single-ion anisotropy (uniaxial field) are studied using exact diagonalisation and the density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG). We find that these measures of quantum non-classicality are able to detect the quantum phase transitions confining the symmetry protected Haldane phase and show critical scaling with universal exponents. Moreover, in the case of thermal states, we find that quantum discord can increase with increasing temperature.


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The title radical (F4BlmNN) is a stable nitronylnitroxide that forms hydrogen-bonded NH center dot center dot center dot ON chains in the solid state. The chains assemble the F4BlmNN molecules to form stacked contacts between the radical groups, in a geometry that is expected to exhibit ferromagnetic (FM) exchange based on spin polarization (SP) models. The experimental magnetic susceptibility of F4BlmNN confirms the expectation, showing 1-D Heisenberg chain FM exchange behavior over 1.8-300 K with an intrachain exchange constant Of J(chain)/k = +22 K. At lower temperatures, ac magnetic susceptibility and variable field heat capacity measurements show that F4BlmNN acts as a quasi-1-D ferromagnet. The dominant ferromagnetic exchange interaction is attributable to overlap between spin orbitals of molecules within the hydrogen-bonded chains, consistent with the SP model expectations. The chains appear to be antiferromagnetically exchange coupled, giving cusps in the ac susceptibility and zero field heat capacity at lower temperatures. The results indicate that the sample orders magnetically at about 0.7 K. The magnetic heat capacity ordering cusp shifts to lower temperatures as external magnetic field increases, consistent with forming a bulk antiferromagnetic phase below a Neel temperature of T-N(0) = 0.72 K, with a critical field of H-c approximate to 1800 Oe. The interchain exchange is estimated to be zJ/k congruent to (-)0.1 K.


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We review the recent progress on the construction of the determinant representations of the correlation functions for the integrable supersymmetric fermion models. The factorizing F-matrices (or the so-called F-basis) play an important role in the construction. In the F-basis, the creation (and the annihilation) operators and the Bethe states of the integrable models are given in completely symmetric forms. This leads to the determinant representations of the scalar products of the Bethe states for the models. Based on the scalar products, the determinant representations of the correlation functions may be obtained. As an example, in this review, we give the determinant representations of the two-point correlation function for the U-q(gl(2 vertical bar 1)) (i.e. q-deformed) supersymmetric t-J model. The determinant representations are useful for analyzing physical properties of the integrable models in the thermodynamical limit.