992 resultados para HD 209458B


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The CoRoT space observatory is a project which is led by the French space agency CNES and leading space research institutes in Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Spain and also the European Space Agency ESA. CoRoT observed since its launch in December 27, 2006 about 100 000 stars for the exoplanet channel, during 150 days uninterrupted high-precision photometry. Since the The CoRoT-team has several exoplanet candidates which are currently analyzed under its study, we report here the discoveries of nine exoplanets which were observed by CoRoT. Discovered exoplanets such as CoRoT-3b populate the brown dwarf desert and close the gap of measured physical properties between usual gas giants and very low mass stars. CoRoT discoveries extended the known range of planet masses down to about 4.8 Earth-masses (CoRoT-7b) and up to 21 Jupiter masses (CoRoT-3b), the radii to about 1.68 x 0.09 R (Earth) (CoRoT-7b) and up to the most inflated hot Jupiter with 1.49 x 0.09 R (Earth) found so far (CoRoT-1b), and the transiting exoplanet with the longest period of 95.274 days (CoRoT-9b). Giant exoplanets have been detected at low metallicity, rapidly rotating and active, spotted stars. Two CoRoT planets have host stars with the lowest content of heavy elements known to show a transit hinting towards a different planethost-star-metallicity relation then the one found by radial-velocity search programs. Finally the properties of the CoRoT-7b prove that rocky planets with a density close to Earth exist outside the Solar System. Finally the detection of the secondary transit of CoRoT-1b at a sensitivity level of 10(-5) and the very clear detection of the ""super-Earth"" CoRoT-7b at 3.5 x 10(-4) relative flux are promising evidence that the space observatory is being able to detect even smaller exoplanets with the size of the Earth.


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Inadequate vitamin D levels have been linked to bone disease but more recently have been associated with wider health implications. Limited studies suggest a high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in dialysis patients, although evidence is lacking on whether this is due to dietary restrictions, limited mobility and time outdoors or a combination of these. The aim of this study was to assess the contributions of diet, supplements and sunlight exposure to serum Vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in dialysis patients. Cross-sectional data were obtained from 30 PD (Mean±SD age 56.9±16.2 y; n=13 male) and 22 HD (Mean±SD age 65.4±14.0 y; n=18 male) patients between 2009 and 2010. Serum 25(OH)D was measured and oral vitamin D intake estimated through a food-frequency-questionnaire and quantifying inactive supplementation. Sunlight exposure was assessed using a validated questionnaire. Prevalence of inadequate/insufficient vitamin D differed between dialysis modality (31% and 43% insufficient (<50nmol/L); 4% and 34% deficient (<25nmol/L) in HD and PD patients respectively (p=0.002)). In HD patients, there was a significant correlation between diet plus supplemental vitamin D intake and 25(OH)D (ρ=0.84, p<0.001). Results suggest a higher frequency of 25(OH)D inadequacy/deficiency in PD compared to HD patients. No other relationships between intake, sun exposure and 25(OH)D were seen. This could reflect limitations of the study design or the importance of other factors such as age, ethnicity and sun protection as interactions in the analysis. Understanding these factors is important given Vitamin D’s emerging status as a biomarker of systemic ill health.


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Television’s 50th anniversary marks half a century of extraordinary technological development. This begs the question: is the best we can expect for the next 50 years just Higher Definition pictures of the same old crap?


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This study investigated Saudi mainstream primary teachers' knowledge of AD/HD and their attitudes towards the inclusion of students with AD/HD-related behaviours. The study also explored the relationships among teachers' attitudes towards inclusion, knowledge of AD/HD, efficacy beliefs for teaching students with behavioural problems, and relevant background factors such as teacher age, training and experience, and class size. In the first phase of the study, more than 200 Saudi teachers completed a four-part self-report questionnaire while in the second, 8 teachers completed semi-structured interviews. Findings from both phases of the study indicated that although teachers' knowledge of AD/HD was somewhat limited, they generally held positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with AD/HD-related behaviours in regular classrooms. Additional significant influences on teachers' attitudes included class size as well as teachers' training and self-efficacy beliefs.


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This thesis explored the experience of schooling of six adolescent boys diagnosed with AD/HD from the perspectives of the boys, their mothers and their teachers. The study utilised social constructionism as the theoretical orientation and an explanatory theory of AD/HD, the Dynamic Developmental Theory (DDT) of AD/HD as a framework. Findings included the importance of making and managing friendships for young people with AD/HD, the importance of being informed about AD/HD as well classroom strategies that support the learning of students for teachers, and the apparent role that medication in concert with an engaging classroom environment can play in the successful schooling of boys with AD/HD.


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This study explored the experience of schooling of six adolescent boys diagnosed with AD/HD from the perspectives of the boys, their mothers and their teachers. The study utilised social constructionism as the theoretical orientation and the Dynamic Developmental Theory (DDT) of AD/HD as the explanatory framework. Utilising a multiple, instrumental case-study, data were collected by means of semi-structured individual and focus group interviews as well as a review of school reports across a two year period. Findings of the study suggest that taking medication as prescribed together with supporting the students to make and manage friendships, utilising classroom strategies that support learning, and providing an engaging classroom environment are important considerations to promote a positive schooling experience for adolescents with AD/HD.


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High performance video standards use prediction techniques to achieve high picture quality at low bit rates. The type of prediction decides the bit rates and the image quality. Intra Prediction achieves high video quality with significant reduction in bit rate. This paper present an area optimized architecture for Intra prediction, for H.264 decoding at HDTV resolution with a target of achieving 60 fps. The architecture was validated on Virtex-5 FPGA based platform. The architecture achieves a frame rate of 64 fps. The architecture is based on multi-level memory hierarchy to reduce latency and ensure optimum resources utilization. It removes redundancy by reusing same functional blocks across different modes. The proposed architecture uses only 13% of the total LUTs available on the Xilinx FPGA XC5VLX50T.


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High performance video standards use prediction techniques to achieve high picture quality at low bit rates. The type of prediction decides the bit rates and the image quality. Intra Prediction achieves high video quality with significant reduction in bit rate. This paper presents novel area optimized architecture for Intra prediction of H.264 decoding at HDTV resolution. The architecture has been validated on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA based platform and achieved a frame rate of 64 fps. The architecture is based on multi-level memory hierarchy to reduce latency and ensure optimum resources utilization. It removes redundancy by reusing same functional blocks across different modes. The proposed architecture uses only 13% of the total LUTs available on the Xilinx FPGA XC5VLX50T.


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Part I

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.


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Three kinds of new nickel(II) complexes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-diketones with blue-violet light absorption were synthesized. Their structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, MS and FT-IR spectra. Smooth films on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method. The absorption properties and thermal stability of these complexes were discussed. The static optical recording test for high density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system was also studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O aço inoxidável hiperduplex, SAF 2707 HD, foi desenvolvido com o intuito de se obter novas ligas com maior resistência à corrosão do que a disponível nos aços inoxidáveis duplex / superduplex. Além da melhorada resistência à corrosão, este tb oferece propriedades mecânicas superiores. Os aços hiperduplex são aços de última geração que possuem elevados teores de elementos de liga, principalmente cromo, molibdênio e nitrogênio. Este tipo de aço caracteriza-se por apresentar estrutura bifásica, constituída de proporções praticamente iguais de ferrita e austenita devido à distribuição controlada dos elementos alfagênicos e gamagênicos. O interesse por esses aços cresce gradativamente com a necessidade de novos materiais para diversas aplicações na indústria petrolífera. Porém, quando expostos e mantidos a temperaturas elevadas, na faixa entre 600C e 1000C, algumas fases intermetálicas podem se formar, em que a fase sigma () é a mais proeminente. Possui uma estrutura cristalina tetragonal complexa rica em Cr e Mo, tendo efeito deletério no material afetando tanto a resistência à corrosão, quanto as propriedades mecânicas. Para este fim, faz-se necessário estudos da junta soldada para delinear as limitações desses aços e aperfeiçoar a aplicação. Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar a junta soldada por TIG autógeno manual com arco pulsado e não pulsado do aço inoxidável hiperduplex SAF 2707 HD. As técnicas empregadas foram a metalografia por ataque eletrolítico (reagente NaOH) e color etching (reagente Behara), medidas de microdureza e quantificação microestrutural por Processamento Digital de Imagem. Os aspectos microestruturais foram observados por microscopia óptica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), estes passaram por etapas de processamento digital de imagens (PDI) para quantificar a fração volumétrica da fase austenita. Realizou-se análise química semi-quatitativa por EDS. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente através do teste de hipóteses com distribuição t de Student. Pela técnica color etching observou-se que a fase austenita foi gerada com distribuição mais homogênea para o arco pulsado, que o não pulsado. O ataque eletrolítico não revelou uma terceira fase (fase ) na junta soldada, a análise química por EDS não identificou uma variação significativa nos elementos presentes ao longo da zona de transição do metal de base para a zona de fusão. Através do PDI foram obtidos os valores médios da fração volumétrica de austenita de 36,38% (desvio padrão 6,40%) e 32,41% (desvio padrão 6,67%) para os dois métodos, pulsado e não pulsado, respectivamente. Foram obtidos os valores de microdureza para o metal de base 355,10 HV (desvio padrão 28,60) e para a zona de fusão 343,60 HV (desvio padrão 20,51) da amostra soldada pelo modo pulsado, para o modo não pulsado foram apresentaram os valores médios de 370,30 HV (desvio padrão 34,51) para o metal de base e de 345,20 HV (desvio padrão 41,33) para a zona de fusão. A análise estatística indicou que não houve variação significativa da fração volumétrica da fase austenita no cordão de solda para as duas condições testadas e não houve variação da microdureza entre a zona de fusão e o metal de solda das amostras submetidas aos dois processos.