976 resultados para HD, dtr, DtrG historiographie
The origins of biblical historiography may be dated to the end of the VIIth c. and linked to those of the deuteronomic school itself. In order to justify Josiah's politics, his scribes elaborated a collection of texts (Deut, Josh, Kings, a vita Mosis in Gen-Nb) which were widely inspired by Assyrian ideology. During the Babylonian exile, this literature underwent a transformation: the new created « Deuteronomistic History, (Deut-2 Kings) converted propaganda into theodicee. The Deuteronomists were still at work in the Persian period as can be seen in numerous texts in Deut-2 Kings, as well as in the edition of the prophetic corpus. From now on, dtr ideology was centered on three points: the restauration by law, the end of prophecy and the need to separate Israel from the « others » (cf. EsdNeh). But the Persian period was also the, time of compromise. The Pentateuch was made by putting together dtr and priestly ideologies, « autochtonous » and « exodic » views about the origins of Israel.
The book of Joshua is in the very center of the recent discussion about the existence of a coherent deuteronomistic redaction in Deut to 2 Kings during the exilic period. This article analyses the beginning (Josh 1.1-9) and the end (Josh 23 and 24) of Josh. Josh 1.1-2,5-7 and chapter 23 belong to the dtr edition. Josh 23 was followed by Judg 2.6ff. During the Persian period, Deuteronomists and priests intended to publish one Law for the whole community. There was probably a discussion whether the Torah should be a Penta- or a Hexateuch. This discussion may explain such a text as Josh 24 which clearly tries to construct an Hexateuch (cf. also Gen. 50.25: Exod 13.19; Josh 24.32). But since the Torah is about foundations, the main theological trends agreed to have its end with the death of Moses.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The qWR star HD 45166 - II. Fundamental stellar parameters and evidence of a latitude-dependent wind
Context. The enigmatic object HD 45166 is a qWR star in a binary system with an orbital period of 1.596 day, and presents a rich emission-line spectrum in addition to absorption lines from the companion star (B7 V). As the system inclination is very small (i = 0.77 degrees +/- 0.09 degrees), HD 45166 is an ideal laboratory for wind-structure studies. Aims. The goal of the present paper is to determine the fundamental stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star. Methods. A radiative transfer model for the wind and photosphere of the qWR star was calculated using the non-LTE code CMFGEN. The wind asymmetry was also analyzed using a recently-developed version of CMFGEN to compute the emerging spectrum in two-dimensional geometry. The temporal-variance spectrum (TVS) was calculated to study the line-profile variations. Results. Abundances and stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star were obtained. The qWR star has an effective temperature of T(eff) = 50 000 +/- 2000 K, a luminosity of log(L/L(circle dot)) = 3.75 +/- 0.08, and a corresponding photospheric radius of R(phot) = 1.00 R(circle dot). The star is helium-rich (N(H)/N(He) = 2.0), while the CNO abundances are anomalous when compared either to solar values, to planetary nebulae, or to WR stars. The mass-loss rate is. M = 2.2 x 10(-7) M(circle dot) yr(-1), and the wind terminal velocity is v(infinity) = 425 km s(-1). The comparison between the observed line profiles and models computed under different latitude-dependent wind densities strongly suggests the presence of an oblate wind density enhancement, with a density contrast of at least 8: 1 from equator to pole. If a high velocity polar wind is present (similar to 1200 km s(-1)), the minimum density contrast is reduced to 4:1. Conclusions. The wind parameters determined are unusual when compared to O-type stars or to typical WR stars. While for WR stars v(infinity)/v(esc) > 1.5, in the case of HD 45166 it is much smaller (v(infinity)/v(esc) = 0.32). In addition, the efficiency of momentum transfer is eta = 0.74, which is at least 4 times smaller than in a typical WR. We find evidence for the presence of a wind compression zone, since the equatorial wind density is significantly higher than the polar wind. The TVS supports the presence of such a latitude-dependent wind and a variable absorption/scattering gas near the equator.
Context. The star HD 87643, exhibiting the ""B[e] phenomenon"", has one of the most extreme infrared excesses for this object class. It harbours a large amount of both hot and cold dust, and is surrounded by an extended reflection nebula. Aims. One of our major goals was to investigate the presence of a companion in HD87643. In addition, the presence of close dusty material was tested through a combination of multi-wavelength high spatial resolution observations. Methods. We observed HD 87643 with high spatial resolution techniques, using the near-IR AMBER/VLTI interferometer with baselines ranging from 60 m to 130 m and the mid-IR MIDI/VLTI interferometer with baselines ranging from 25 m to 65 m. These observations are complemented by NACO/VLT adaptive-optics-corrected images in the K and L-bands, and ESO-2.2m optical Wide-Field Imager large-scale images in the B, V and R-bands. Results. We report the direct detection of a companion to HD 87643 by means of image synthesis using the AMBER/VLTI instrument. The presence of the companion is confirmed by the MIDI and NACO data, although with a lower confidence. The companion is separated by similar to 34 mas with a roughly north-south orientation. The period must be large (several tens of years) and hence the orbital parameters are not determined yet. Binarity with high eccentricity might be the key to interpreting the extreme characteristics of this system, namely a dusty circumstellar envelope around the primary, a compact dust nebulosity around the binary system and a complex extended nebula suggesting past violent ejections.
Context. We present spectroscopic ground-based observations of the early Be star HD 49330 obtained simultaneously with the CoRoT-LRA1 run just before the burst observed in the CoRoT data. Aims. Ground-based spectroscopic observations of the early Be star HD 49330 obtained during the precursor phase and just before the start of an outburst allow us to disantangle stellar and circumstellar contributions and identify modes of stellar pulsations in this rapidly rotating star. Methods. Time series analysis (TSA) is performed on photospheric line profiles of He I and Si III by means of the least squares method. Results. We find two main frequencies f1 = 11.86 c d(-1) and f2 = 16.89 c d(-1) which can be associated with high order p-mode pulsations. We also detect a frequency f3 = 1.51 c d(-1) which can be associated with a low order g-mode. Moreover we show that the stellar line profile variability changed over the spectroscopic run. These results are in agreement with the results of the CoRoT data analysis, as shown in Huat et al. (2009). Conclusions. Our study of mid-and short-term spectroscopic variability allows the identification of p-and g-modes in HD 49330. It also allows us to display changes in the line profile variability before the start of an outburst. This brings new constraints for the seimic modelling of this star.
Context. The presence of pulsations in late-type Be stars is still a matter of controversy. It constitutes an important issue to establish the relationship between non-radial pulsations and the mass-loss mechanism in Be stars. Aims. To contribute to this discussion, we analyse the photometric time series of the B8IVe star HD 50 209 observed by the CoRoT mission in the seismology field. Methods. We use standard Fourier techniques and linear and non-linear least squares fitting methods to analyse the CoRoT light curve. In addition, we applied detailed modelling of high-resolution spectra to obtain the fundamental physical parameters of the star. Results. We have found four frequencies which correspond to gravity modes with azimuthal order m = 0,-1,-2,-3 with the same pulsational frequency in the co-rotating frame. We also found a rotational period with a frequency of 0.679 cd(-1) (7.754 mu Hz). Conclusions. HD 50 209 is a pulsating Be star as expected from its position in the HR diagram, close to the SPB instability strip.
Context. The origin of the short-term variability in Be stars remains a matter of controversy. Pulsations and rotational modulation are the components of the favored hypothesis. Aims. We present our analysis of CoRoT data of the B8IIIe star HD 175869 observed during the first short run in the center direction (SRC1). Methods. We review both the instrumental effects visible in the CoRoT light curve and the analysis methods used by the CoRoT Be team. We applied these methods to the CoRoT light curve of the star HD 175869. A search for line-profile variations in the spectroscopic data was also performed. We also searched for a magnetic field, by applying the LSD technique to spectropolarimetric data. Results. The light curve exhibits low-amplitude variations of the order of 300 mu mag with a double wave shape. A frequency within the range determined for the rotational frequency and 6 of its harmonics are detected. The main frequency and its first harmonic exhibit amplitude variations of a few days. Other significant frequencies of low-amplitude from 25 to a few mu mag are also found. The analysis of line profiles from ground-based spectroscopic data does not detect any variation. In addition, no Zeeman signature was found. Conclusions. Inhomogeneities caused by stellar activity in or just above the photosphere are proposed to produce the photometric variability detected by CoRoT in the Be star HD 175869. The hypothesis that non-radial pulsations are the origin of these variations cannot be excluded.
Context. HD 181231 is a B5IVe star, which has been observed with the CoRoT satellite during similar to 5 consecutive months and simultaneously from the ground in spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry. Aims. By analysing these data, we aim to detect and characterize as many pulsation frequencies as possible, to search for the presence of beating effects possibly at the origin of the Be phenomenon. Our results will also provide a basis for seismic modelling. Methods. The fundamental parameters of the star are determined from spectral fitting and from the study of the circumstellar emission. The CoRoT photometric data and ground-based spectroscopy are analysed using several Fourier techniques: CLEAN-NG, PASPER, and TISAFT, as well as a time-frequency technique. A search for a magnetic field is performed by applying the LSD technique to the spectropolarimetric data. Results. We find that HD 181231 is a B5IVe star seen with an inclination of similar to 45 degrees. No magnetic field is detected in its photosphere. We detect at least 10 independent significant frequencies of variations among the 54 detected frequencies, interpreted in terms of non-radial pulsation modes and rotation. Two longer-term variations are also detected: one at similar to 14 days resulting from a beating effect between the two main frequencies of short-term variations, the other at similar to 116 days due either to a beating of frequencies or to a zonal pulsation mode. Conclusions. Our analysis of the CoRoT light curve and ground-based spectroscopic data of HD 181231 has led to the determination of the fundamental and pulsational parameters of the star, including beating effects. This will allow a precise seismic modelling of this star.