995 resultados para H-13 steel


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Steel production is energy intensive so already has achieved impressive levels of energy efficiency. If the emissions associated with steel must be reduced in line with the requirements of the UK Climate Change Act, demand for new steel must be reduced. The strategies of 'material efficiency' aim to achieve such a reduction, while delivering the same final services. To meet the emissions targets set into UK law, UK consumption of steel must be reduced to 30 per cent of present levels by 2050. Previous work has revealed six strategies that could contribute to this target, and this paper presents an approximate analysis of the required transition. A macro-economic analysis of steel in the UK shows that while the steel industry is relatively small, the construction and manufacturing sectors are large, and it would be politically unacceptable to pursue options that lead to a major contraction in other sectors. Alternative business models are therefore required, and these are explored through four representative products--one for each final sector with particular emphasis given to options for reducing product weight, and extending product life. Preliminary evidence on the triggers that would lead to customers preferring these options is presented and organized in order to predict required policy measures. The estimated analysis of transitions explored in this paper is used to define target questions for future research in the area.


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Electrochemical corrosion measurements of AISI H13 steel treated by Pill process in 3.5% (wt) NaCl solution were investigated. So far the corrosion behavior of AISI H 13 steel by Pill has not been studied. The electrochemical results are correlated with the surface morphology, nitrogen content and hardness of the nitride layer. Ion implantation of nitrogen into H 13 steel was carried out by Pill technique. SEM examination revealed a generalized corrosion and porosity over all analyzed sample surfaces. Penetration of nitrogen reaching more than 20 gm was achieved at 450 degrees C and hardness as high as 1340 HV (factor of 2.7 enhancement over standard tempered and annealed H 13) was reached by a high power, 9 h Pill treatment. The corrosion behavior of the samples was studied by potentiodynamic polarization method. The noblest corrosion behavior was observed for the samples treated by PIII at 450 degrees C, during 9 h. Anodic branches of polarization curves of PIII processed samples show a passive region associated with the formation of a protective film. The passive region current density of PIII treated H13 samples (3.5 x 10(-6) A/cm(2)) is about 270 times lower than the one of untreated specimens, which demonstrates the higher corrosion resistance for the Pill treated H 13 samples. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper investigates possible negative effects of the 2002 US steel safeguards on productivity of Eurozone steel companies. The analysis is based on an extensive literature which predicts that exporting firms not only are bigger and more productive, but also that exporting itself has positive effects, improving efficiency and leading to better utilization of firm resources. The paper investigates a large sample of EU-13 steel producing firms, in the 1998 - 2005 period. Using three methods of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimation among which the Olley-Pakes semiparametric estimator, we first calculate the productivity levels of companies, and then check for any unusual fluctuation in this performance variable. We find that in 2002 there has been a significant drop in TFP. The paper is an invitation for further research in this field, given the possible important effects of safeguard measures on exporters.


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Neste trabalho, foi investigado o efeito do tamanho do abrasivo e do pH do meio na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do aço H-13 com matriz martensítica e do aço Hadfield com matriz austenítica. Ensaios de abrasão foram realizados utilizando o equipamento roda de borracha a úmido, variando o tamanho do abrasivo entre 0,15 e 2,40 mm e o pH do meio entre 5,5 e 12,8. As microestruturas dos materiais estudados foram analisadas utilizando microscopia óptica, as superfícies de desgaste e as partículas de desgaste foram analisadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. A macrodureza e a microdureza, antes e após os ensaios, foram obtidas utilizando durômetro Vickers. A topografia da região central da superfície de desgaste foi obtida utilizando Perfilometria 3D, visando obter valores de profundidade de penetração do abrasivo. Os resultados mostraram que o aço Hadfield é mais resistente do que o aço H-13 em todos os valores de pH e tamanhos de abrasivo utilizados. Para os dois materiais, a perda de massa aumenta linearmente até um tamanho crítico de abrasivo (TCA) e, após este, a mesma continua a aumentar, mas com uma intensidade menor. Para os dois materiais e para todos os tamanhos de abrasivo, o aumento do pH do meio resultou em menores perdas de massa, sendo este efeito maior para os dois menores tamanhos de abrasivo. Para maiores valores de pH, foram observadas menores profundidades de penetração do abrasivo. A microdureza da superfície de desgaste do aço H-13 sofreu um pequeno aumento com o aumento do tamanho do abrasivo enquanto que para o aço Hadfield esse aumento foi mais intenso. A análise das partículas de desgaste mostraram que, para todas as condições ensaiadas, os debris do aço H-13 tinham duas morfologias, contínuas e descontínuas enquanto que os cavacos do aço Hadfield foram sempre descontínuos. Para os dois materiais, foram observados dois micromecanismos de desgaste, sendo eles microcorte e microsulcamento. Por fim, os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sugerem que a análise de desempenho do aço Hadfield em serviço deve considerar o pH do meio bem como a granulometria do abrasivo em contato.