9 resultados para Gymnogongrus


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Eight compounds were isolated from red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harv. In normal phase silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 gel column chromatography, reverse phase HPLC, and recrystallization. Based on MS and 1D NMR spectroscopic data, their structures were determined as: stigmast-4-en-3-one (I), cholest-4-en-3-one (II), cholesterol (III), uracil (IV), uridine (V), adenosine (VI), succinic acid (VII), and 5-hydroxy-4-methyl-5-pentyl-2,5-dihydro-furan-2-on (VIII). All of them were obtained from this species for the first time. Cytotoxicity of these compounds was screened using standard MTT method, but all the compounds were inactive (IC50 > 10 mu g/ml).


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Two new norisoprenoid derivatives have been isolated from the red alga Gymnogongrus flabelliformis. Their structures were elucidated as (3R, 6R, 7E)-(+)-3-O-phenylacetyl-4,7-megastigmadiene-9-one and (3R,7E)-(-)-3-O-phenylacetyl-5,7-megastigmadiene-9-one, respectively, by spectroscopic methods including HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR techniques.


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The Gymnogongrus devoniensis (Greville) Schotter complex in the North Atlantic Ocean was elucidated by comparative molecular, morphological, and culture studies. Restriction fragment length patterns and hybridization data on organellar DNA revealed two distinct taxa in samples from Europe and eastern Canada. Nucleotide sequences for the intergenic spacer between the large and small subunit genes of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), and the adjoining regions of both genes, differed by 12.5-13.4% between the two taxa. One of the taxa, which included material from the type locality of G. devoniensis at Torbay, Devon, England, was taken to represent authentic G. devoniensis. Within this taxon, samples from Ireland, England, northern France, northern Spain, and southern Portugal showed great morphological variation, particularly in habit, but their Rubisco spacer sequences were identical or differed by only a single nucleotide. Constant morphological features included the development, from a single auxiliary cell, of the spherical cystocarp with a thick mucilage sheath that appears to be typical of Gymnogongrus species with internal cystocarps. Two life-history types were found. Northern isolates underwent a direct-type life history, recycling apomictic females by carpospores, whereas the Portuguese isolate followed a heteromorphic life history in which carpospores gave rise to a crustose tetrasporophyte.


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Polyopes ligulatus (Harv. ex Kütz.) DeToni


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海藻是海洋生物中的一大类群,由于其特殊的生活环境,能够代谢产生大量结构独特多变和活性特殊多样的代谢产物,是化学和生物活性多样性研究的重要对象之一。我国海域辽阔,海藻资源丰富,为寻找结构新颖、生理活性独特的先导化合物,加强对海藻资源的开发利用,本论文对中国沿海的三种海洋红藻进行了化学成分和生物活性研究,同时对山东青岛海域生物量丰富的一种海洋红藻松节藻进行了动物体内抗糖尿病活性研究。 利用正相硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱以及反相HPLC和重结晶等现代分离手段,对山东青岛沿海的红藻扇形叉枝藻(Gymnogongrus flabelliformis)进行了系统的化学成分研究,从中得到单体化合物26个,通过波谱学方法(IR、MS、NMR等)鉴定了他们的结构,分别为(3R,6R,7E)-(+)-3-O-phenylacetyl- 4,7-megastigmadiene-9-one(1),(3R,7E)-(-)-3-O-phenylacetyl-5,7-megastigmadiene -9-one(2),(3S,6R,7E)-(+)-3-hydroxyl-4,7-megastigmadien-9-one(3),(3S,5R,6S,7E)- (-)-3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-7-megastigmene-9-one(4),(3S,5S,6R,7E)-(+)-3-hydroxy- 5,6-epoxy-7-megastigmene-9-one(5),Dehydrovomifoliol(6),(3R)-(-)-4-[(2R,4S)-4- acetoxy-2-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexylidene]-3-buten-2-one(7),2,3,3′-三溴-4,4′,5,5′-四羟基-1′-乙氧甲基双苯基甲烷(8),2,2′,3,3′-四溴-4,4′,5,5′-四羟基双苯基甲烷(9),3-溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲醛(10),2,3-二溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲基甲醚(11),2,3-二溴-4,5-二羟基苯甲醇(12),N, N-二甲基酪胺(13),4-羟基苯甲酸乙酯(14),4-羟基苯甲基乙醚(15),4-羟基苯乙基乙酯(16),4-羟基苯乙酸甲酯(17),4-羟基苯甲醛(18),豆甾-4-烯-3-酮(19),胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(20),胆甾醇(21),尿嘧啶(22),尿嘧啶核苷(23),腺嘌呤核苷(24),丁二酸(25),5-羟基-4-甲基-5-戊基-2,5-二氢呋喃-2-酮(26)。其中化合物1、2为新化合物,化合物3为新天然产物,所有化合物均为首次从该属海藻中分离得到。通过 MTT 法对部分单体化合物进行了肿瘤细胞毒活性筛选, 结果表明,化合物8、9、10、12对筛选的所有细胞株均有较强细胞毒活性,化合物11对人肺癌细胞株(A549)、人肝癌细胞株(Bel 7402)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)有一定细胞毒活性。通过研究单体化合物对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞TNF-分泌的影响,对其进行抗炎活性筛选,结果表明,化合物8、9、11、13、17、23、24、25对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞TNF-分泌表现出明显的抑制作用。 从采自山东荣成镆铘岛的红藻小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera)的乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到16个单体化合物,通过波谱学方法鉴定化合物结构14个(另外2个正在鉴定中),分别为2α-乙氧酰基-2β-羟基-A-降胆甾-5-烯-4-酮(27),胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(28),胆甾醇(29),3β-羟基-胆甾-5,24(28)-二烯-7-酮(30),2α-羟基-胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(31),6α-羟基-胆甾-4-烯-3-酮(32),3β-羟基-胆甾-5-烯-7-酮(33),(E)-phytol epoxide(34),Phytenal(35),3,7,11,15- tetramethyl-hexadec-2-en-1-oll(Phytol)(36),Loloilide(37),(3S,5R,6S,7E)-(-)-3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-7- megastigmene-9-one(38),Dehydrovomifoliol(39),4-羟基苯甲醛(40)。其中,化合物 31为新天然产物,化合物27为首次从植物中分离得到,所有化合物均为首次从该种海藻中分离得到。通过 MTT 法对分离得到的单体化合物进行了肿瘤细胞毒活性筛选,化合物27和化合物32对筛选的所有肿瘤细胞株均有细胞毒活性,且化合物27对人胃癌细胞株(BGC-823)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)和人卵巢癌细胞株(A2780)具有中等强度抑制活性。化合物28、化合物31和化合物33对人肝癌细胞株(Bel 7402)、人结肠癌细胞株(HCT-8)和人卵巢癌细胞株(A2780)有一定细胞毒活性。 从采自广西北海涠洲岛的多管藻Polysiphonia sp.的乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到6个单体化合物,通过波谱学方法鉴定化合物结构5个(另外1个仍在鉴定),分别为胆甾醇(41),3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-hexadec-2-en-1-ol(Phytol)(42),3-吲哚甲醛(43),4-羟基苯甲醛(44),4-羟基苯甲酸(45)。 对山东青岛沿海的松节藻 (Rhodomela confervoides) 乙醇提取物进行了初步的体内抗糖尿病活性研究,采用链脲佐菌素诱导的2型糖尿病(STZ-DM)大鼠模型对其进行体内降糖实验,结果发现,松节藻乙醇提取物在糖尿病大鼠体内不仅具有显著的降血糖作用,且呈现良好的量–效关系,而且能够纠正糖尿病引发的物质代谢紊乱,增加体重,提高试验动物的成活率,因此具有良好的应用开发前景。


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Gymnogongrus sp. (Phyllophoraceae) from Nova Scotia, Canada, identified tentatively as G. devoniensis (Greville) Schotter, grows in association with an Erythrodermis-like crust that forms chains of tetrasporangia or bisporangia. The crust resembles tetrasporophytic phases of other Gymnogongrus species, but in culture both it and the G. ?devoniensis gametophytes cycle independently by apomictic reproduction.


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Entre el 29 de setiembre y 3 de octubre 2011, se determinó la estructura de las comunidades, en términos de abundancia relativa, riqueza y diversidad y relación con el medio ambiente de la isla Lobos de Tierra (noreste de isla Rata, El Ñopo y La Grama). En los cálculos de diversidad específi ca se usó métodos uni y multivariados para hacer comparaciones en los lugares estudiados. En la zona mesolitoral se registró alta riqueza específi ca asociada a comunidades de fondos duros destacando el noreste de isla Rata con 58 especies. El grupo dominante fue moluscos en todas las zonas de estudio, sobresaliendo Tegula corvus y Acanthopleura echinata con mayores niveles de abundancia (296 a 412 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad (H’) promedio por estación mostró valores >1,5 bits/ind en todas las zonas, con valores de dominancia y equitatividad <1,0. En el submareal, la riqueza fue de 124 especies. Los crustáceos y poliquetos tuvieron la mayor riqueza de especies y densidad. Los principales representantes fueron Gammarus sp. (26.607 ind.m-2), Spionidae (2.227 ind.m-2) y Diopatra rhizoicola (2.073 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad promedio fue 2,2 bits, valor considerado de alta diversidad. La fauna íctica submareal estuvo conformada por 16 especies, destacando los géneros Auchenionchus y Labrisomus y en el intermareal se registraron 7 especies destacando Tomicodon chilensis. Se detectaron 24 especies de macroalgas: Rhodophyta (16 especies), Chlorophyta (5 especies) y Phaeophyta (3 especies), predominó Caulerpa fi liformis (submareal) y Gymnogongrus furcellatus (intermareal).


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The vegetation of a small fjord and its adjacent open shore was documented by subaquatic video. The distribution of individual species of macroalgae and the composition of assemblages were compared with gradients of light availability, hydrography, slope inclination, substratum, and exposition to turbulence and ice. The sublittoral fringe is usually abraded by winterly ice floes and devoid of large, perennial algae. Below this zone, the upper sublittoral is dominated by Desmarestia menziesii on steep rock faces, where water movements become irregular, or by Ascoseira mirabilis and Palmaria decipiens on weakly inclined slopes with steady rolling water movements. In the central sublittoral above 15 m, where turbulence is still active, Desmarestia anceps is outcompeting all other species on solid substratum, However, the species is not able to persist on loose material under these conditions. Instead, Himantothallus grandifolius may occur. Deeper, where turbulence usually is negligible, Desmarestia anceps also covers loose material. The change of dominance to Himantothallus grandifolius in the deep sublittoral cannot completely be explained at present. Himantothallus grandifolius also prevails in a mixed assemblage under the influence of grounding icebergs. Most of the smaller algae are opportunists with different degrees of tolerance for turbulence, but some apparently need more stable microhabitats and thus are dependent from continuing suppression of competitive large phaeophytes.


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On the area in relation with the very wave battered made, the associations to be noted are: 1) association with Bangia sp., which is seasonal and located at the level of Brachytrichia maculans. 2) Association with Chthamalus stellatus, which is very well developed over under the oysters’ level. 3) Association with Dermonema frappieri, which form a narrow band over the Chnoospora minima band. At the same level are located the associations with Ectocarpus braeviarticulatus, with Centroceras clavulatum, with Gymnogongrus Sereneii and with Chaetomorpha antennina. The infralittoral level does not present any conspicuous different.