10 resultados para Guineagrass
Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with forages, such as palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) r. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) Stapf]} or guineagrass [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs (syn. Panicum maximum Jacq.)], provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to evaluate what time these forages have to be sown into corn systems to avoid reductions in both corn and forage production. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu, Brazil, evaluated nutrient concentration and yield of corn as affected by time of forage intercropped as well as forage's dry matter production. our data showed that intercropping systems did not reduce leaf nutrient concentrations and grain yield of corn in relation to sole corn. The simultaneous intercropping of corn and guineagrass resulted in the lowest plant population (51, 200 plant ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.0), and, consequently, the lowest corn grain yield (9801 kg ha-1). Guineagrass seeded at the time of corn fertilizer topdressing resulted in the highest plant population (59, 400 plants ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.2), and corn grain yield (12, 077 kg ha-1). Forage production was highest when intercrop was done simultaneously. palisadegrass could be intercropped with corn both simultaneously or at topdressing fertilization stage. In contrast, it is recommended that guineagrass should only be intercropped with corn at topdressingfertilization. © Crop Science Society of America.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Rapid decline in cell-wall digestibility hinders efficient use of warm-season grasses. The objective of this study was to identify genes whose expressions are related to the slope of decline in cell-wall digestibility. Eleven guineagrass genotypes were harvested at three ages and classified according to fibre digestibility. Extreme genotypes were separated into groups with either FAST or SLOW decline in fibre digestibility. Expression of transcripts from six genes from the lignin synthesis pathway was quantified by real-time PCR. Fast decline in fibre digestibility was associated with higher DM yield after 90 d of regrowth. Apart from lower fibre digestibility and higher lignin content for the FAST group, there were no other differences between the two groups for the chemical composition of stems and leaves. Maturity affected differently the expression of two of the six genes, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase and caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase (C4H and CCoAOMT). Genotypes with fast decline in fibre digestibility had greater increase in the expression of C4H and CCoAOMT from 30 to 60 d of regrowth, than genotypes with slower decline. Expression of C4H and CCoAOMT appears to be related to the decline in cell-wall digestibility with advance in maturity of guineagrass.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de identificar tratamentos capazes de superar a dormência e elevar a taxa de germinação das sementes de Panicum maximum Jacq., passíveis de utilização visando semeadura a campo. Para tanto, sementes foram submetidas a tratamentos de imersão em H2SO4 (98%, 36N) por 5 minutos, de umedecimento do substrato de germinação com KNO3 (0,2%) e a tratamentos térmicos de 40, 55, 70 e 85OC por períodos de exposição de 5, 10 e 15h, em estufa com circulação forçada de ar. As sementes tratadas foram avaliadas por meio do teste de germinação, finalizado pelo teste de tetrazólio nas sementes não germinadas, bimestralmente, ao longo de 6 meses de armazenamento. Foi constatado que os tratamentos químicos (KNO3 e H2SO4) e térmicos (40, 55, 70 e 85 oC por 5, 10 e 15 h) são eficientes na superação da dormência que, não necessariamente, é revertida em elevação da taxa de germinação. A utilização da temperatura de 40oC reduz a taxa de dormência promovendo elevação na taxa de germinação das sementes.
Um piquete de capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq) submetido a pastoreio contínuo e a roçadas periódicas revelou, seis anos após o plantio, elevado grau de infestação por outras plantas, destacando-se entre elas a grama-batatais (Paspalum notatum Flügge) que apresentou 85% de frequência e 20,9% de biomassa epígea seca relativa. As dicotiledóneas, em conjunto, apresentaram frequência de 95% e biomassa relativa de 38,7% mas a sua contribuição específica foi muito reduzida. O capim-colonião, por sua vez, apesar da frequência de 95%, apresentou apenas 32,2% de biomassa relativa (diminuição de 67,8%). Estas profundas alterações da flora e da vegetação podem ser atribuidas, em grande parte, a dois fatores: a) ação seletiva da roçadeira; b) preferências alimentares e disseminação endozoócora da gramabatatais pelos bovinos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to obtain a mathematical equation to estimate the leaf area of Panicum maximum using linear measures of leaf blade. Correlation studies were conducted involving the real leaf area (Sf), the main vein leaf length (C), and the maximum leaf width (L). The linear and geometric equations related to C provided good leaf area estimates. For practical reasons, the use of an equation involving only the C*L product is suggested. Thus, an estimate of P. maximum leaf area can be obtained by the equation Sf = 0.6058 (C*L), with the coefficient of determination R = 0.8586.
Warm-season grasses are economically important for cattle production in tropical regions and tools to aid in management and research on these forages would be highly beneficial both in research and the industry. This research was conducted to adapt the CROPGRO-Perennial Forage model to simulate growth of the tropical species guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. 'Tanzania') and to describe model adaptation for this species. To develop the CROPGRO parameters for this species, we began with values and relationships reported in the literature. Some parameters and relationships were calibrated by comparison with observed growth, development, dry matter accumulation, and partitioning during a 17-mo experiment with Tanzania guineagrass in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Compared with starting parameters for palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. 'Xaraes'], dormancy effects of the perennial forage model had to be minimized, partitioning to storage tissue or root decreased, and partitioning to leaf and stem increased to provide for more leaf and stem growth and less root. Parameters affecting specific leaf area and senescence of plant tissues were improved. After these changes were made to the model, biomass accumulation was better simulated, mean predicted herbage yield was 6576 kg ha(-1), averaged across 11 regrowth cycles of 35 (summer) or 63 d (winter), with a RMSE of 494 kg ha(-1) (Willmott's index of agreement d = 0.985, simulated/observed ratio = 1.014). The model also gave good predictions against an independent data set, with similar RMSE, ratio, and d. The results of the adaptation suggest that the CROPGRO model is an efficient tool to integrate physiological aspects of guineagrass and can be used to simulate growth.