976 resultados para Growth-stages


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Self-assembly of highly stoichiometric SiC quantum dots still remains a major challenge for the gas/plasma-based nanodot synthesis. By means of a multiscale hybrid numerical simulation of the initial stage (0.1-2.5 s into the process) of deposition of SiCSi (100) quantum dot nuclei, it is shown that equal Si and kst atom deposition fluxes result in strong nonstoichiometric nanodot composition due to very different surface fluxes of Si and C adatoms to the quantum dots. At this stage, the surface fluxes of Si and C adatoms to SiC nanodots can be effectively controlled by manipulating the SiC atom influx ratio and the Si (100) surface temperature. It is demonstrated that at a surface temperature of 800 K the surface fluxes can be equalized after only 0.05 s into the process; however, it takes more then 1 s at a surface temperature of 600 K. Based on the results of this study, effective strategies to maintain a stoichiometric ([Si] [C] =1:1) elemental ratio during the initial stages of deposition of SiCSi (100) quantum dot nuclei in a neutral/ionized gas-based process are proposed.


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The initial growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films is studied by combined application of atomic force microscopy, cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) (001) substrates with well-defined terraces. X-ray diffraction and cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations revealed well-defined epitaxial films and a sharp interface between BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3:Nb substrates. The layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov mode) growth mechanism observed by analyzing the morphology of a sequence of films with increasing amount of deposited material has been confirmed by microstructure investigations. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (srTiO(3):Nb) (001) substrate surfaces was studied in terms of surface morphology, crystalline orientation, microstructure, and film/substrate interface. Well-oriented BaTiO3 thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates with well-defined terraces by pulsed laser deposition. The regularly terraced TiO2-terminated surfaces of vicinal SrTiO3:Nb (001) substrates were prepared by a definite chemical and thermal treatment. Under our conditions, BaTiO3 seems to grow with a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) growth mechanism. In order to investigate the orientation and crystallinity of the BaTiO3 films, x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission election microscopy were performed. Ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 films was proved by electrical measurements performed on Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb heterostructures.


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Two field trials were conducted using established apple (Malus cv. Golden Delicious) and pear (Pyrus communis 'Williams' Bon Chretien') to assess the efficacy of three commercially available systemic inducing resistance (SIR) products, Messenger (a.i. Harpin protein), Phoenix (a.i. Potassium phosphite) and Rigel (a.i. Salicylic acid derivative) applied at four different growth stages of tree development (bud break, green cluster, 90% petal fall, early fruitlet) against the foliar pathogens Venturia inaequalis and Venturia pirina which cause apple and pear scab respectively. A conventional synthetic fungicide (penconazole) used within the UK for apple and pear scab control was included for comparison. Little efficacy as scab protectants was demonstrated when each SIR product and penconazole was applied at only two growth stages (bud break, green cluster). However when the above compounds were applied at three or more growth stages efficacy as scab protectants was confirmed. The synthetic fungicide penconazole provided greatest protection against apple and pear scab in both the 2006 and 2007 field trials. There was little difference in the magnitude of scab protection conferred by each SIR agent. Results suggest application of at least three sprays during bud break to early fruitlet formation with an appropriate SIR agent may provide a useful addition to existing methods of apple and pear scab management under field conditions. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A study was conducted in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan during the year 2009. Sixteen spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) were screened under osmotic stress with three treatments i.e. control-no PEG (polyethylene glycol), 15 percent and 25 percent PEG-6000 solution. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among treatments for all seedling traits except seed germination percentage. Varieties also differed significantly in germination percentage, coleoptile length, shoot root length, shoot weight, root/shoot ratio and seed vigour index. However, shoot and root weights were non-significant. Significant interactions revealed that cultivars responded variably to osmotic stress treatments; hence provided better opportunity to select drought tolerant cultivars at seedling growth stages. The relative decrease over averages due to osmotic stress was 0.8 percent in seed germination, 53 percent in coleoptile length 62.9 percent in shoot length, 74.4 percent in root length, 50.6 percent in shoot weight, 45.1 percent in root weight, 30.2 percent in root/shoot ratio and 68.5 percent in seed vigour index. However, relative decrease of individual variety for various seedling traits could be more meaningful which indicated that cultivar TD-1 showed no reduction in coleoptile length, while minimum decline was noted in Anmol. For shoot length, cultivar Sarsabz expressed minimum reduction followed by Anmol. However, cultivars Anmol, Moomal, Inqalab-91, and Pavan gave almost equally lower reductions for root length suggesting their higher stress tolerance. In other words, cultivars Anmol, Moomal, Inqalab-91, Sarsabz, TD-1, ZA-77 and Pavan had relatively longer coleoptiles, shoots and roots, and were regarded as drought tolerant. Correlation coefficients among seedlings traits were significant and positive for all traits except germination percentage which had no significant correlation with any of other trait. The results indicated that increase in one trait may cause simultaneous increase in other traits; hence selection for any of these seedling attributes will lead to develop drought tolerant wheat cultivars.


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The utility of the decimal growth stage (DGS) scoring system for cereals is reviewed. The DGS is the most widely used scale in academic and commercial applications because of its comprehensive coverage of cereal developmental stages, the ease of use and definition provided and adoption by official agencies. The DGS has demonstrable and established value in helping to optimise the timing of agronomic inputs, particularly with regard to plant growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides and soluble nitrogen fertilisers. In addition, the DGS is used to help parameterise crop models, and also in understanding the response and adaptation of crops to the environment. The value of the DGS for increasing precision relies on it indicating, to some degree, the various stages in the development of the stem apex and spike. Coincidence of specific growth stage scores with the transition of the apical meristem from a vegetative to a reproductive state, and also with the period of meiosis, is unreliable. Nonetheless, in pot experiments it is shown that the broad period of booting (DGS 41–49) appears adequate for covering the duration when the vulnerability of meiosis to drought and heat stress is exposed. Similarly, the duration of anthesis (61–69) is particularly susceptible to abiotic stresses: initially from a fertility perspective, but increasingly from a mean grain weight perspective as flowering progresses to DGS 69 and then milk development. These associations with DGS can have value at the crop level of organisation: for interpreting environmental effects, and in crop modelling. However, genetic, biochemical and physiological analysis to develop greater understanding of stress acclimation during the vegetative state, and tolerance at meiosis, does require more precision than DGS can provide. Similarly, individual floret analysis is needed to further understand the genetic basis of stress tolerance during anthesis.


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Field experiments carried out with Cyperus rotundus L. at low (58-246), medium (318773), and high (675-1198 shoots/m(2)) densities showed sugarcane yield reductions of 13.5, 29.3, and 45.2%, respectively in relation to the control. In the second field experiment, the integration of a mechanic method with two sequences of plowing and disking operations in the dry season, and complementary applications of trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and sulfentrazone (rainy season) was studied. Average of the chain connected to original shoot showed 92, 95, and 65% of reduction with trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and surfactant, at the application stages early, preflowering, and full flowering, respectively.