919 resultados para Growing tissues


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Lungfish of the tooth-plated lineage, both fossil and living, may be affected by alterations in the permanent tooth plates and associated jaw bones as they grow. In a few taxa, the unusual structures may be so common that they must be considered as normal for those species, or as a variation of the normal condition. In others the condition is rare, affecting only a few individuals. Variations, or anomalies, may appear in the growing tissues of the lungfish tooth plate at any time in the life cycle, although they usually appear early in development. Once the changes appear, they persist in the dentition. The altered structures include divided or intercalated ridges, short ridge anomaly, changes in the shape, number and position of cusps, pattern loss, and fused ridges or cusps. Criteria used to distinguish alteration from normal conditions are the incidence of the character in the population, the associated changes in the jaw bone, and the position of the altered structure in the tooth plate. The occurrence of similar changes across a wide range of different species suggests that they may have a genetic cause, especially when they are a rare occurrence in most taxa, but common enough to be a part of the normal variation in others. Prevalence of related anomalies throughout the history of the group suggests that dipnoans of the tooth-plated lineage are closely related, despite significant differences in morphology, microstructure, and function of the denfitions.


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Due to the development of new 'bedside' investigative methods, relatively abstract physiologic concepts such as energy cost of growth, efficiency of protein gain, metabolic cost of protein gain and protein turnover have been quantified in very low birthweight infants. 'Healthy' premature infants expend about 30% of their energy to cover the metabolic cost of growth. Stable isotope techniques using 15N-(or 13C)-labeled amino acids gave a new insight into this very high energy demanding process represented by the protein accretion in growing tissues. It has been demonstrated that the rate of protein synthesis (10-12 g/kg/day) greatly exceeds that necessary for net protein gain (2 g/kg/day). The postnatal growth and protein metabolism have different characteristics in 'healthy', 'sick' or 'intrauterine undernourished' very low birthweight infants.


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Els organismes responen a la temperatura i a molts altres estressos sintetitzant un grup de proteïnes anomenat proteïnes de xoc de calor (HSPs). En plantes les sHsps, d'entre 15 i 30 kDa formen el grup més abundant i divers, classificat en funció de la seva localització subcel.lular i homologia en: mitocondrials, cloroplàstiques, de reticle endoplasmàtic i citoplàsmiques de classe I i II. Les sHsps-CI s'ha descrit que s'indueixen per estrès tèrmic, hídric i oxidatiu (peròxid d'hidrògen, llum UV, ozó) i en resposta a algunes hormones. També s'expressen durant el desenvolupament, per exemple durant l'embriogènesi, on es creu que podrien tenir un paper protector de l'embrió enfront la dessecació. Tot i que hi ha abundants treballs que correlacionen la resistència a l'estrès i l'acumulació de sHsps-CI, els mecanismes moleculars d'aquesta activitat són poc conguts. Tot i això, per diverses sHsps-CI ha estat descrita una activitat xaperona in vitro i, més recentment, que la seva sobreexpressió augmenta la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E.coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic. L'estudi de l'acumulació de sHsps-CI en surera (Quercus suber) mitjançant immunodetecció en electroforesi bidimensional mostra uns patrons d'acumulació complexos i formats per dos grups d'espècies proteiques principals, a l'entorn dels 10 i 17 kDa respectivament, que mostren una inducció diferencial en funció del teixit i l'estrès. Mentre que les espècies proteiques de 17 kDa s'indueixen per temperatura però no per estrès oxidatiu, les de ca. 10 kDa ho fan per estrès oxidatiu i no per temperatura. Ambdós grups d'espècies proteiques s'acumulen conjuntament en fel.lema. Assajos de PCR i RT-PCR han permès clonar parcialment tres noves sHsps-CI en surera: Qshsp10-CI, QshspC-CI i QshspD-CI. Aquest fet confirma la multigeneïcitat de les sHsps-CI en surera que apuntava el patró bidimensional. Dels nous clons obtinguts destaca especialment Qshsp10-CI, un gen que presenta un codó stop enmig del domini -cristal.lí que fa que a la proteïna que se'n dedueix li manqui un 55% del domini -cristal.lí i tota l'extensió C-terminal. Es tractaria de la sHsp més petita i més truncada descrita fins al moment. L'anàlisi de l'expressió de Qshsp10-CI mitjançant RT-PCR mostra expressió en plantes tractades amb H2O2 però no en les que han estat sotmeses a un xoc de calor. Aprofitant l'oportunitat que oferia aquesta sHsp-CI de ser utilitzada com a model per l'estudi de la importància del domini -cristal.lí i l'extensió C-terminal en l'activitat protectora enfront l'estrès, es va voler determinar la capacitat que tenia d'augmentar la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i oxidatiu. Els resultats mostren que la proteïna recombinant QsHsp10-CI, tot i la important truncació que té, és capaç de protegir cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i, remarcablement, en condicions d'estrès oxidatiu. Tots aquests resultats indiquen que les espècies proteiques de ca. 10 kDa podrien correspondre a Qshsp10-CI i tenir un paper en les cèl.lules del fel.lema en la protecció enfront l'estrès oxidatiu. L'estrès oxidatiu provoca lesions al DNA que poden produir errors en la replicació, transcripció o traducció i generar proteïnes aberrants. Donades les condicions d'estrès oxidatiu a les quals es troben sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema, s'ha volgut estudiar la variabilitat dels seus àcids nucleics. La determinació de la taxa de mutació de la regió codificant del gen Qshsp17.4-CI en mRNA i DNA de fel.lema i àpex radicular, un teixit jove i en creixement actiu va mostrar unes taxes sorprenentment elevades en l'mRNA (1/1784 pb) i el DNA genòmic (1/1520 pb) del fel.lema. Aquestes taxes són les més altes descrites en un genoma nuclear eucariota i són similars a les dels virus d'RNA d'evolució ràpida com el virus de l'Hepatitis C. Amb aquestes taxes de mutació, un terç dels mRNAs del fel.lema de la surera contindrien missatges aberrants i la supervivència de les cel.lules es veuria compromesa. Això implica que el fel.lema hauria de ser considerat com un mosaic de cèl.lules genèticament heterogènies i, per tant, una sola seqüència no defineix en tota la seva amplitud un gen en aquest teixit. No es va detectar cap mutació en àpex de rel. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les mutacions que es donen en aquests dos teixits i per tal de poder fer una anàlisi qualitativa més completa que permetés especular sobre el seu origen, es va aplicar un mètode de selecció de seqüències mutants en base a la utilització d'enzims de restricció. Les mutacions detectades en fel.lema es corresponen amb les relacionades, en altres sistemes no nuclears (plasmidis, fags i DNA bacterià), amb l'estrès oxidatiu. En conseqüència, l'estrès oxidatiu al qual estan sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema podria ser el causant de l'elevada taxa de mutació detectada. D'acord amb això, el tipus majoritari de productes d'oxidació de les bases del DNA que s'acumulen en brots de plàntules de surera en resposta al peròxid d'hidrògen produeixen el mateix tipus de mutacions detectades en l'mRNA del fel.lema de la surera. La major sensibilitat d'aquest nou mètode ha permès, a més, detectar mutacions en molècules d'mRNA de rel, un teixit en el qual no s'havia trobat cap mutació utilitzant el mètode de clonatge i seqüenciació directa. Tot i això, el tipus de mutacions predominants no estan relacionades amb l'estrès oxidatiu sinó amb erros en la reparació dels àcids nucleics.


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Angiogenesis, i.e. the development and growth of blood vessels, is a major topic of research as it plays an important role in normal development and in various pathologies. Recent evidence revealed the existence of different mechanisms of blood vessel growth, including sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis, vascular mimicry, and blood vessel cooption. The latter two have only been observed in tumor growth, but sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis also occur in healthy, physiologically growing tissues. Despite this variety of angiogenic mechanisms, most of the current research is focused on the mechanism of sprouting angiogenesis because this mechanism was first described and because most existing experimental models are related to sprouting angiogenesis. Consequently, the mechanism of intussusceptive angiogenesis is often overlooked in angiogenesis research. Here, the mechanism of intussusceptive angiogenesis is reviewed and the current techniques and models for investigating intussusceptive angiogenesis are summarized. In addition, other mechanisms of vascular growth are briefly reviewed.


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Cell competition is a process by which the slow dividing cells (losers) are recognized and eliminated from growing tissues. Loser cells are extruded from the epithelium and engulfed by the haemocytes, the Drosophila macrophages. However, how macrophages identify the dying loser cells is unclear. Here we show that apoptotic loser cells secrete Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS), which is best known as a core component of the translational machinery. Secreted TyrRS is cleaved by matrix metalloproteinases generating MiniTyr and EMAP fragments. EMAP acts as a guiding cue for macrophage migration in the Drosophila larvae, as it attracts the haemocytes to the apoptotic loser cells. JNK signalling and Kish, a component of the secretory pathway, are autonomously required for the active secretion of TyrRS by the loser cells. Altogether, this mechanism guarantees effective removal of unfit cells from the growing tissue.


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A permanent line of mouse embryo fibroblasts was treated with concentrations of the anticancer drug methotrexate (MTX) that left 20–50% surviving colonies. The surviving population initially multiplied at a much slower rate than controls after subculture in the absence of the drug, and required 9–12 days of serial subculture, with selective growth of the faster growing cells, to approximate the control rate. To determine the distribution of growth rates of cells in the original posttreatment populations, many single cells were isolated in multiwell plates immediately after the treatment period, and the resulting clones were serially subcultured. Most of the control clones underwent about 2 population doublings per day (PD/D). Almost all the survivors of MTX treatment multiplied at heterogeneously reduced rates, ranging from 0.6 PD/D to as high as control rates for a very few clones. They maintained the reduced rates through many subcultivations. The heritability of the reduced growth rates indicates that most cells that retain proliferative capacity after treatment with MTX carry random genetic damage that is perpetuated through many divisions of their progeny. Similar results have been described for cells that survive x-irradiation, and suggest random genetic damage is a common occurrence among cells in rapidly growing tissues that survive cytotoxic treatment. It also occurs in serial subcultures of cells that had been held under the constraint of confluence for extended periods, which suggests that the accumulation of random genetic damage to somatic cells during aging of mammals underlies the reduction of growth rate and function of the cells that characterizes the aging process.


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A highly purified preparation of uridine 5′-diphosphate (UDP)-glucose (Glc) dehydrogenase (DH; EC has been characterized from soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules. The enzyme had native and subunit molecular masses of approximately 272 and 50 kD, respectively. UDP-Glc DH displayed typical hyperbolic substrate kinetics and had Km values for UDP-Glc and NAD+ of 0.05 and 0.12 mm, respectively. Thymidine 5′-diphosphate-Glc and UDP-galactose could replace UDP-Glc as the sugar nucleotide substrate to some extent, but the enzyme had no activity with NADP+. Soybean nodule UDP-Glc DH was labile in the absence of NAD+ and was inhibited by a heat-stable, low-molecular-mass solute in crude extracts of soybean nodules. UDP-Glc DH was also isolated from developing soybean seeds and shoots of 5-d-old wheat and canola seedlings and was shown to have similar affinities for UDP-Glc and NAD+ as those of the soybean nodule enzyme. UDP-Glc DH from all of these sources was most active in young, rapidly growing tissues.


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Kinetics modelling was used to study the effects of different dietary phosphorus (P) levels on P metabolism in young sheep. An experiment was conducted with 12 Santa Ines lambs receiving a basal diet of a hay-concentrate mixture. Different amounts of dicalcium phosphate were added to the basal diet, to give the following treatments levels of 0, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 g/animal/day. The isotopic dilution technique (32 p) was used for analyze four compartments: gastrointestinal tract, plasma, bone and soft tissues (liver, heart, kidney and muscle), as well as nutrient flows between them. All P flows showed a positive linear or exponential relationship with P intake. Both incorporation and reabsorption in bone and soft tissue increased with increasing P levels in the diet, with positive retention above 3 g/day. On the 4.5g P/day treatment, reduced P absorption and increased P in the faeces from dietary origin was noted. Three g/day of P treatment was sufficient to meet soft tissue requirements for young sheep. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on Canavalia ensiformis growth. nutrient and Zn uptake, and on some physiological parameters in response to increasing soil Zn concentrations was studied. Treatments were applied in seven replicates in a 2 x 4 factorial design, consisting of the inoculation or not with the AMF Glomus etunicatum, and the addition of Zn to soil at the concentrations of 0, 100, 300 and 900 mg kg(-1). AMF inoculation enhanced the accumulation of Zn in tissues and promoted biomass yields and root nodulation. Mycorrhizal plants exhibited relative tolerance to Zn up to 300 mg kg(-1) without exhibiting visual symptoms of toxicity, in contrast to non-mycorrhizal plants which exhibited a significant growth reduction at the same soil Zn concentration. The highest concentration of Zn added to soil was highly toxic to the plants. Leaves of plants grown in high Zn concentration exhibited a Zn-induced proline accumulation and also an increase in soluble amino acid contents; however proline contents were lower in mycorrhizal jack beans. Plants in association or not with the AMF exhibited marked differences in the foliar soluble amino acid profile and composition in response to Zn addition to soil. In general, Zn induced oxidative stress which could be verified by increased lipid peroxidation rates and changes in catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase activities. In summary, G. etunicatum was able to maintain an efficient symbiosis with jack bean plants in moderately contaminated Zn-soils, improving plant performance under those conditions, which is likely to be due to a combination of physiological and nutritional changes caused by the intimate relation between fungus and plant. The enhanced Zn uptake by AMF inoculated jack bean plants might be of interest for phytoremediation purposes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Radiotherapy is widely used to treat human cancer. Patients locally recurring after radiotherapy, however, have increased risk of metastatic progression and poor prognosis. The clinical management of postradiation recurrences remains an unresolved issue. Tumors growing in preirradiated tissues have an increased fraction of hypoxic cells and are more metastatic, a condition known as tumor bed effect. The transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 promotes invasion and metastasis of hypoxic tumors, but its role in the tumor bed effect has not been reported. Here, we show that tumor cells derived from SCCVII and HCT116 tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, or selected in vitro through repeated cycles of severe hypoxia, retain invasive and metastatic capacities when returned to normoxia. HIF activity, although facilitating metastatic spreading of tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, is not essential. Through gene expression profiling and gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we identified the matricellular protein CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins cooperating to mediate these effects. The anti-alphaV integrin monoclonal antibody 17E6 and the small molecular alphaVbeta3/alphaVbeta5 integrin inhibitor EMD121974 suppressed invasion and metastasis induced by CYR61 and attenuated metastasis of tumors growing within a preirradiated field. These results represent a conceptual advance to the understanding of the tumor bed effect and identify CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins that cooperate to mediate metastasis. They also identify alphaV integrin inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach for preventing metastasis in patients at risk for postradiation recurrences.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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1. The C-13 turnover rates of the liver and thoracic pectoral muscle of growing broilers were determined by feeding diets with varying C-13 content.2. Male chicks ( 1- d- old) were subjected to treatments based on free choice of 5 different mixes of energy and protein sources from plants with C-3 and C-4 photosynthetic pathways that had differing C-13 content. Rice bran ( R) and soybean meal ( S) were the C-3 sources, while maize ( C) and maize gluten meal ( G) were the C-4 sources. Choices were R + S, C + G, R + G, C + S or R + C +G + S. The 6th treatment was a complete feed ( CF) that was similar to a commercial broiler feed.3. The isotopic composition of the birds' tissues was representative of the isotopic composition of the diets. The assimilation was faster for C-3, in both liver and muscle, than for C-4 diets, and give the delta per mil difference between the diet and tissues.4. The liver is the most active metabolic tissue and gave more rapid isotope turnover than in muscle.


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The effect of increasing phosphorus (P) intake on P utilization was investigated in balance experiments using 12 Saanen goats, 4 to 5 mo of age and weighing 20 to 30 kg. The goats were given similar diets with various concentrations of P, and 32P was injected to trace the movement of P in the body. A P metabolism model with four pools was developed to compute P exchanges in the system. The results showed that P absorption, bone resorption, and excretion of urinary P and endogenous and fecal P all play a part in the homeostatic control of P. Endogenous fecal output was positively correlated to P intake (P < .01). Bone resorption of P was not influenced by intake of P, and P recycling from tissues to the blood pool was lesser for low P intake. Endogenous P loss occurred even in animals fed an inadequate P diet, resulting in a negative P balance. The extrapolated minimum endogenous loss in feces was .067 g of P/d. The minimum P intake for maintenance in Saanen goats was calculated to be .61 g of P/ d or .055 g of P/(kg.75·d) at 25 kg BW. Model outputs indicate greater P flow from the blood pool to the gut and vice versa as P intake increased. Intake of P did not significantly affect P flow from bone and soft tissue to blood. The kinetic model and regressions could be used to estimate P requirement and the fate of P in goats and could also be extrapolated to both sheep and cattle.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV