98 resultados para Grout
This paper deals with the coupled effect of temperature and silica fume addition on rheological, mechanical behaviour and porosity of grouts based on CEMI 42.5R, proportioned with a polycarboxylate-based high range water reducer. Preliminary tests were conducted to focus on the grout best able to fill a fibrous network since the goal of this study was to develop an optimized grout able to be injected in a mat of steel fibers for concrete strengthening. The grout composition was developed based on criteria for fresh state and hardened state properties. For a CEMI 42.5R based grout different high range water reducer dosages (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.7%) and silica fume (SF) dosages (0%, 2%, 4%) were tested (as replacement of cement by mass). Rheological measurements were used to investigate the effect of polycarboxylates (PCEs) and SF dosage on grout properties, particularly its workability loss, as the mix was to be injected in a matrix of steel fibers for concrete jacketing. The workability behaviour was characterized by the rheological parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity (for different grout temperatures and resting times), as well as the procedures of mini slump cone and funnel flow time. Then, further development focused only on the best grout compositions. The cement substitution by 2% of SF exhibited the best overall behaviour and was considered as the most promising compared to the others compositions tested. Concerning the fresh state analysis, a significant workability loss was detected if grout temperature increased above 35 degrees C. Below this temperature the grout presented a self-levelling behaviour and a life time equal to 45 min. In the hardened state, silica fumes increased not only the grout's porosity but also the grout's compressive strength at later ages, since the pozzolanic contribution to the compressive strength does not occur until 28 d and beyond. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tese apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil na especialidade de Reabilitação do Património Edificado, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
CONSTRUÇÃO 2012, Universidade de Coimbra, Dez. 2012
4º Congreso de patología y rehabilitación de edificios. PATORREB 2012
The main purpose of the present dissertation is the simulation of the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects using the Applied Element Method, in order to validate and verify its applicability. Therefore, four experimental models, three of which were strengthened with a cement-based grout, each reinforced by one type of steel reinforcement, were tested against blast effects. After the calibration of the experimental set-up, it was possible to obtain and compare the response to the blast effects of the model without strengthening (reference model), and a fibre grout strengthened RC panel (strengthened model). Afterwards, a numerical model of the reference model was created in the commercial software Extreme Loading for Structures, which is based on the Applied Element Method, and calibrated to the obtained experimental results, namely to the residual displacement obtained by the experimental monitoring system. With the calibration verified, it is possible to assume that the numerical model correctly predicts the response of fibre grout RC panels when subjected to blast effects. In order to verify this assumption, the strengthened model was modelled and subjected to the blast effects of the corresponding experimental set-up. The comparison between the residual and maximum displacements and the bottom surface’s cracking obtained in the experimental and the numerical tests yields a difference of 4 % for the maximum displacements of the reference model, and a difference of 4 and 10 % for the residual and maximum displacements of the strengthened model, respectively. Additionally, the cracking on the bottom surface of the models was similar in both methods. Therefore, one can conclude that the Applied ElementMethod can correctly predict and simulate the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects.
O envelhecimento do património edificado que constitui a maioria dos centros históricos e urbanos, não só em Portugal, como em toda a Europa, é uma realidade. Parcela significativa destes edifícios é constituída por paredes de alvenaria de pedra em mau estado de conservação. A necessidade crescente de intervenção no sentido de optimizar as respectivas condições de segurança destes edifícios é por isso prioritária. Uma das técnicas mais comuns, usadas na consolidação de alvenarias antigas e elementos arquitectónicos danificados, é a injecção de grouts. A utilização desta técnica tem como finalidade, não só o preenchimento de vazios existentes, de modo a aumentar a compacidade e resistência mecânica do núcleo da estrutura, mas também a criação de uma boa ligação com os panos exteriores, permitindo que a alvenaria recupere o seu comportamento monolítico. No entanto, é necessário ter em consideração, antes de qualquer intervenção de reabilitação, a compatibilidade entre os materiais originais e os materiais utilizados na intervenção. Deste modo, optou-se pela utilização de um ligante, cuja as propriedades mecânicas, físicas e químicas mais se assemelham aos materiais originais em alvenarias antigas, caso da cal hidráulica. Outro aspecto de grande importância a ter em conta, na injecção de grouts, é o poder de penetração da mistura. Assim, a necessidade de avaliação da eficiência da injecção em diferentes meios porosos conduziu à criação de modelos com diferentes composições que simulassem, com a maior fiabilidade possível, meios porosos encontrados no pano interior de alvenarias antigas. O presente trabalho incide principalmente na realização de ensaios de injecção, tendo como objectivo a análise da influência da variabilidade do meio poroso ao longo da altura de injecção de grout. Foram ainda realizados, de modo a avaliar a qualidade destas injecções, ensaios de velocidade de propagação de ultra-sons, assim como, a utilização da técnica de tomografia ultra-sónica. A combinação deste ensaio e técnica de análise não-destrutivas revelou-se de grande utilidade na avaliação da morfologia interna dos modelos criados. De forma a conhecer as resistências mecânicas e as respectivas relações com a qualidade de injecção dos meios porosos, realizaram-se ensaios de resistência à tracção por compressão diametral (também designados por Splitting Tensile Strength Test). Por fim, na última parte deste trabalho, de modo a simular os testes de injecção realizados anteriormente em laboratório, foi usado um modelo analítico tendo como ponto de partida a teoria de fluxo laminar viscoso através de meios porosos, com base na lei de Darcy.
Currently, hydraulic cement grouts are approved for Iowa Department of Transportation projects on the basis of a pullout test. However, other properties of the grouts should be evaluated. Therefore, this research was initiated to develop criteria to better evaluate hydraulic cement grouts. Fourteen grouts were tested for compressive strength, time of set, durability, consistency and shrinkage. Tested grouts all yielded compressive strengths higher than 3000 psi at 7 days and durability factors were well above 70. Time of set and consistency was adequate. The testing showed most grouts tested shrank, even though tested grouts were labeled non-shrink grouts. For many applications of grouts such as setting in anchor bolts and as a filler, minor shrinkage is not a problem. However, for some critical applications, shrinkage cannot be tolerated. The proposed Instructional Memorandum will identify those grouts which do not excessively shrink or expand in the tests used. Based on test results, criteria for evaluation of hydraulic cement grouts have been recommended. Evaluation consists of tests for compressive strength, time of set, durability, consistency, shrinkage and pullout test.
Letter to J.P. Bradley from George Grout of Grimsby regarding the sale of the land which Bradley is renting. This land is in Quebec and is was owned by Grout’s father. , Feb. 10, 1847
Special foundations, most prominently micropiles and soil anchors, are frequently used in construction today. In Spain, the grout for these special technical applications is generally prepared with portland cement, although the codes and standards in place stipulate only the minimum compressive strength required, with no mention of cement type. Those texts also establish a range of acceptable water:cement ratios. In the present study, durability and compressive strength in cement grout prepared with blast furnace slag cement at different w/c ratios are characterised and compared to the findings for a reference portland cement grout. The results show that slag grout exhibits greater durability than the portland cement material and complies with the compressive strength requirements laid down in the respective codes.
Project pre-SCHOONER.
Project pre-DUGOUT.
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Plowshare Program.
This research investigates the implementation of battery-less RFID sensing platforms inside lossy media, such as, concrete and grout. Both concrete and novel grouts can be used for nuclear plant decommissioning as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) cleanup projects. Our research examines the following: (1) material characterization, (2) analytical modeling of transmission and propagation losses inside lossy media, (3) maximum operational range of RFID wireless sensors embedded inside concrete and grout, and (4) best positioning of antennas for achieving longer communication range between RFID antennas and wireless sensors. Our research uses the battery-less Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) which can be used to monitor temperature, and humidity inside complex materials. By using a commercial Agilent open-ended coaxial probe (HP8570B), the measurements of the dielectric permittivity of concrete and grout are performed. Subsequently, the measured complex permittivity is used to formulate analytical Debye models. Also, the transmission and propagation losses of a uniform plane wave inside grout are calculated. Our results show that wireless sensors will perform better in concrete than grout. In addition, the maximum axial and radial ranges for WISP are experimentally determined. Our work illustrates the feasibility of battery-less wireless sensors that are embedded inside concrete and grout. Also, our work provides information that can be used to optimize the power management, sampling rate, and antenna design of such sensors.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Ramo de Estruturas e Geotecnia pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa