998 resultados para Green seeds


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This experiment was carried out at Plant Production Sector, Agronomical Science College-Botucatu, S.P., Brazil, in March, 2000. The aim of this assay was to determine the yield of essential oil of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller) in different stages of development. Essential oils were prepared by hydrodistillation from the seeds using of Clevenger apparatus. The water utilized for the extraction of essential oil was sufficient to cover 100 g of seeds and the mixture was distilled for three hours. The volume of essential oil in the graduated side -arm of Clevenger apparatus was observed. There were no significative difference statistic was observed (Tukey 5%) in percentage (v/m) of oil content, based on dry weight of green seeds compared with dry weight of mature seeds, when they were harvested in two different stages of development. There was significative difference statistic between data obtained of humidity content of green seeds when these were compared with mature seeds. These results shows that others specifics studies about adaptation of fennel in tropical conditions are necessary, because the obtained data were different of data described on literature.


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This study focused on effects of structure, content and biological activity of condensed tannins (CT) in leaves, stems and whole plant of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on its in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Sainfoin was studied as fresh forage during the first vegetation cycle at two phenological stages (i.e., end of flowering and green seeds) and during the second vegetation cycle (i.e., start of flowering). The feeding experiment used 12 sheep; with six dosed, through the rumen cannula, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to neutralise CT effects. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), total tract N disappearance and N balance were measured in sheep fed the whole plant. The residues of dry matter (DM) and N from nylon bags suspended in the rumen were determined on leaves and stems. Intestinal digestibility was measured using other, intestinally fistulated sheep. PEG addition and vegetation cycle increased total tract N digestibility (P<0.001) but PEG affected OMD only at the end of flowering. PEG inactivated the CT and increased urinary N excretion (P<0.05) but this was offset by lower faecal N excretion (P<0.001). Feeding sainfoin can be used to alter the form of excreted N (i.e., urine vs faeces) and thus potentially reduce environmental N pollution without affecting body N retention. Kinetic studies of total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen fluid were made before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. Sainfoin CT decreased rumen fluid soluble N (P<0.05) and NH3-N (P<0.01). Ruminal N disappearance (DisN) of leaves or stems was lower in the presence of active CT compared to PEG-inactivated CT (P<0.001) for both vegetation cycles. PEG also increased intestinal digestibility (P<0.05) of leaves and stems. Leaves had lower ruminal DisN, but higher N disappearing from intestine than stems. The biological activity and content of CT in the whole plant decreased as phenological stage increased. Prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) ratios of leaves varied with vegetation cycle and phenological stage. The molecular size of CT in the whole plant, as indicated by their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP), was lowest at the start of flowering and coincided with the higher biological activity and content of CT.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Myceugenia rufa is a rare and endemic species from the coast of central Chile. There are no published studies describing flower, fruit or seed anatomy. Forty-two accessions were collected from across the geographic range of the species. Reproductive structures were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with Safranin O and Fast green. Anatomy of floral buds, mature flowers, fruits and seeds was described. Reproductive anatomy matches that of other Myrtaceae, such as presence of druses, internal phloem and schizogenous secretory cavities in buds, flowers, fruits and seeds. The anatomy and development of reproductive structures of M. rufa might enhance the understanding for future studies regarding natural reproduction and conservation programs.


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Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) were thus named because they facilitate the transfer of lipids between membranes in vitro. This study was triggered by the characterization of a 9-kDa LTP from Capsicum annuum seeds that we call Ca-LTP(1). Ca-LTP(1) was repurified, and in the last chromatographic purification step, propanol was used as the solvent in place of acetonitrile to maintain the protein`s biological activity. Bidimensional electrophoresis of the 9-kDa band, which corresponds to the purified Ca-LTP(1), showed the presence of three isoforms with isoelectric points (pIs) of 6.0, 8.5 and 9.5. Circular dichroism (CD) analysis suggested a predominance of alpha-helices, as expected for the structure of an LTP family member. LTPs immunorelated to Ca-LTP(1) from C. annuum were also detected by western blotting in exudates released from C. annuum seeds and also in other Capsicum species. The tissue and subcellular localization of Ca-LTP(1) indicated that it was mainly localized within dense vesicles. In addition, isolated Ca-LTP(1) exhibited antifungal activity against Colletotrichum lindemunthianum, and especially against Candida tropicalis, causing several morphological changes to the cells including the formation of pseudohyphae. Ca-LTP(1) also caused the yeast plasma membrane to be permeable to the dye SYTOX green, as verified by fluorescence microscopy. We also found that Ca-LTP(1) is able to inhibit mammalian alpha-amylase activity in vitro.


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As sementes de Epiphyllum phyllanthus apresentam alta sensibilidade à luz e a sua germinação pode ser promovida pela luz verde de segurança por meio da resposta de fluência muito baixa mediada pelo fitocromo A. Parte da população de sementes tem fitocromo B na forma ativa (Fve) suficiente para promover a germinação no escuro. Sementes de Epiphyllum phyllanthus germinam em uma ampla faixa de temperatura de 10 a 40°C, atingindo germinação completa na faixa de 15 a 30°C. Acima de 35°C a velocidade de germinação aumenta indicando o controle por um processo não relacionado com o fitocromo. A análise da cinética da germinação de sementes indicou que o controle pelo fitocromo A é menos dependente da temperatura do que o processo controlado pelo fitocromo B.


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Ocimum gratissimum seed germination (% germination and vigor) has been found as phytochrome dependent, having a typical High Irradiant Response (HIR). Seven treatments were tested: daylight (DL), red (R), far-red (FR), blue (B), green (G), dark (DK), and reversible (RVB). No statistical difference among the DL, R, FR, B, and G were found. DK and RVB were statistically equal and presented the lowest results. The germination also occurred in the DK treatment but in non-useful rates, and it was nonreversible in the RVB treatment. It allows these seeds to be classified as positively photoblastic. The minimum energy need to initiate the germination was evaluated by a fluency-response curve. It plotted four different exposition times to R light (1 second, 60 seconds, 1 hour, and 13 hours) against percent germination. Useful germination occurred only after 1 hour, confirming the high energy needed to incite the process. The germination rate increased with the raise of the photoequilibrium (j). The high positive correlation index found confirms the phytochrome influence in this process. Facing all the results presented here, it is suggested to sow these seeds under direct and highly intense sunlight. It is preferable to avoid places exposed to variations in the shading, because inhibition induced by dense shade effects (low R/FR ration and consequently low j established) were demonstrated irreversible, and it can lead to undesirable loss of the germination power.


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The Livistona rotundifolia species is native to Oceania, and has a high potential for landscaping use and as a pot plant. This work aimed to study the effects of the maturation stage, pulp removal and storage on the germination of L. rotundifolia seeds. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 5x2x2 (five storage periods: 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days; two maturation stages: green and ripe; and the presence or absence of the pulp - exocarp and mesocarp) with four replications of 25 seeds each. After sorting out the fruits by the maturity stage and removing the pulp out of half of the fruits from each plot, the seeds were placed in closed bottles, which were sealed and stored in a cold chamber at 10 degrees C. The seeds were removed from the cold chamber and left to germinate in plastic boxes (gerbox type) with sphagnum. The boxes were kept at 25-35 degrees C and photoperiod of 12 hours. The germination rate was determined when seed germination was steady. The highest germination rate was found when green fruits had their pulp removed. The germination rate gradually decreased with the increase of the storage period regardless the maturation stage and the presence or absence of the pulp.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present Thesis studies three alternative solvent groups as sustainable replacement of traditional organic solvents. Some aspects of fluorinated solvents, supercritical fluids and ionic liquids, have been analysed with a critical approach and their effective “greenness” has been evaluated from the points of view of the synthesis, the properties and the applications. In particular, the attention has been put on the environmental and human health issues, evaluating the eco-toxicity, the toxicity and the persistence, to underline that applicability and sustainability are subjects with equal importance. The “green” features of fluorous solvents and supercritical fluids are almost well-established; in particular supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) is probably the “greenest” solvent among the alternative solvent systems developed in the last years, enabling to combine numerous advantages both from the point of view of industrial/technological applications and eco-compatibility. In the Thesis the analysis of these two classes of alternative solvents has been mainly focused on their applicability, rather than the evaluation of their environmental impact. Specifically they have been evaluated as alternative media for non-aqueous biocatalysis. For this purpose, the hydrophobic ion pairing (HIP), which allows solubilising enzymes in apolar solvents by an ion pairing between the protein and a surfactant, has been investigated as effective enzymatic derivatisation technique to improve the catalytic activity under homogeneous conditions in non conventional media. The results showed that the complex enzyme-surfactant was much more active both in fluorous solvents and in supercritical carbon dioxide than the native form of the enzyme. Ionic liquids, especially imidazolium salts, have been proposed some years ago as “fully green” alternative solvents; however this epithet does not take into account several “brown” aspects such as their synthesis from petro-chemical starting materials, their considerable eco-toxicity, toxicity and resistance to biodegradation, and the difficulty of clearly outline applications in which ionic liquids are really more advantageous than traditional solvents. For all of these reasons in this Thesis a critical analysis of ionic liquids has been focused on three main topics: i) alternative synthesis by introducing structural moieties which could reduce the toxicity of the most known liquid salts, and by using starting materials from renewable resources; ii) on the evaluation of their environmental impact through eco-toxicological tests (Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri acute toxicity tests, and algal growth inhibition), toxicity tests (MTT test, AChE inhibition and LDH release tests) and fate and rate of aerobic biodegradation in soil and water; iii) and on the demonstration of their effectiveness as reaction media in organo-catalysis and as extractive solvents in the recovery of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass. The results about eco-toxicity tests with Daphnia magna, Vibrio fischeri and algae, and toxicity assay using cultured cell lines, clearly indicate that the difference in toxicity between alkyl and oxygenated cations relies in differences of polarity, according to the general trend of decreasing toxicity by decreasing the lipophilicity. Independently by the biological approach in fact, all the results are in agreement, showing a lower toxicity for compounds with oxygenated lateral chains than for those having purely alkyl lateral chains. These findings indicate that an appropriate choice of cation and anion structures is important not only to design the IL with improved and suitable chemico-physical properties but also to obtain safer and eco-friendly ILs. Moreover there is a clear indication that the composition of the abiotic environment has to be taken into account when the toxicity of ILs in various biological test systems is analysed, because, for example, the data reported in the Thesis indicate a significant influence of salinity variations on algal toxicity. Aerobic biodegradation of four imidazolium ionic liquids, two alkylated and two oxygenated, in soil was evaluated for the first time. Alkyl ionic liquids were shown to be biodegradable over the 6 months test period, and in contrast no significant mineralisation was observed with oxygenated derivatives. A different result was observed in the aerobic biodegradation of alkylated and oxygenated pyridinium ionic liquids in water because all the ionic liquids were almost completely degraded after 10 days, independently by the number of oxygen in the lateral chain of the cation. The synthesis of new ionic liquids by using renewable feedstock as starting materials, has been developed through the synthesis of furan-based ion pairs from furfural. The new ammonium salts were synthesised in very good yields, good purity of the products and wide versatility, combining low melting points with high decomposition temperatures and reduced viscosities. Regarding the possible applications as surfactants and biocides, furan-based salts could be a valuable alternative to benzyltributylammonium salts and benzalkonium chloride that are produced from non-renewable resources. A new procedure for the allylation of ketones and aldehydes with tetraallyltin in ionic liquids was developed. The reaction afforded high yields both in sulfonate-containing ILs and in ILs without sulfonate upon addition of a small amount of sulfonic acid. The checked reaction resulted in peculiar chemoselectivity favouring aliphatic substrates towards aromatic ketones and good stereoselectivity in the allylation of levoglucosenone. Finally ILs-based systems could be easily and successfully recycled, making the described procedure environmentally benign. The potential role of switchable polarity solvents as a green technology for the extraction of vegetable oil from terrestrial and aquatic biomass has been investigated. The extraction efficiency of terrestrial biomass rich in triacylglycerols, as soy bean flakes and sunflower seeds, was comparable to those of traditional organic solvents, being the yield of vegetable oils recovery very similar. Switchable polarity solvents as been also exploited for the first time in the extraction of hydrocarbons from the microalga Botryococcus braunii, demonstrating the efficiency of the process for the extraction of both dried microalgal biomass and directly of the aqueous growth medium. The switchable polarity solvents exhibited better extraction efficiency than conventional solvents, both with dried and liquid samples. This is an important issue considering that the harvest and the dewatering of algal biomass have a large impact on overall costs and energy balance.