923 resultados para Greece Religion
Ce mémoire vise à appliquer l’étude des oracles en Grèce au cas longtemps malmené de l’oracle du rempart de bois. Alors que les historiens modernes deviennent de plus en plus critiques face à la littérature oraculaire grâce aux découvertes de l’épigraphie, cet oracle semble résister à cette nouvelle vague : tout et son contraire ont été allégué afin de le préserver de l’étiquette de post eventum. À la lumière du cadre historique dans lequel Hérodote a conçu ses Histoires, nous serons en mesure de décortiquer les éléments constitutifs de cet oracle qui prédit l’issue de la Seconde Guerre médique et selon lequel les Athéniens trouvèrent leur salut derrière le désormais célèbre « rempart de bois ». Nous nous attarderons finalement au dit « Décret de Thémistocle », trouvé à Trézène et commandant l’évacuation d’Athènes. Au terme de ce mémoire, l’épisode du rempart de bois apparaîtra définitivement comme post eventum.
Mode of access: Internet.
This paper examines the implications of ‘cultural defence’ in the nature of democracy and the stability of the political system in Greece. It focuses on the Greek Orthodox Church’s maintenance of power and political relevance by virtue of its strong link to national identity. We argue that the inhibition of secularization in Greece as a result of cultural defence has significant policy implications, especially in times of crises, when the role of nationalism as a cohesive factor against perceived threats is intensified. The paper further explores three policy/politics areas: (1) political orientation; (2) religious pluralism; and (3) education.
Includes bibliographical references.
Pages 33-38 of the second part omitted, replaced by p. 32-2--32-31.
A mixed set; imprint varies: v. 1, 2, and 7 as above; v. 3 and 6: sold by John White, Luke Hansard, printer, 1801; v. 4: Printed by H.L. Galabin and sold by R. Faulder, 1800; v. 5: Printed by C. and W. Galabin and sold by W. Richardson, 1801.
There have been numerous councils throughout the Catholic Church?s history. From the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE to Vatican II in 1962, only a few centuries have passed without any major church doctrinal change. Following hand in hand with changes in doctrine came the bifurcation of the Christian Church into the Roman CatholicChurch and the Orthodox Church. The first split came in 325 CE with Arianism. Arius of Alexandria and his followers did not agree with the Catholic Church?s viewpoint that the son, Jesus, should be on equal footing with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Constantine the Great brought the Arianism debate to the First Council of Nicaea,which declared Arianism a heretical religion. The following Catholic council?s decisions separated the two Churches even more, eventually creating the formal separation of the Church during the East-West Schism in the middle of the 11th century. Although the twoChurches constantly tried to unite, the Churches hit speed bumps along the way. Eventually, the 1274 Second Council of Lyons officially united the two Churches, even if only for an ephemeral time. At first glance, it might not seem that much resulted from the 1274 Second Council of Lyons. Almost immediately after the council?s ruling, the two Churches split again. Little is known as to why the 1274 Second Council of Lyons ultimately failed in its unification attempt. In this thesis, I will examine the churches of the Little Metropolis at Athens, Merbaka in the Argolid, and Agioi Theodoroi in Athens. In detailing the architectural features of these buildings, I will reconstruct the church building program in association with the 1274 Second Council of Lyons. I will also compare these churchesusing historical sources to keep the sociological, religious, political, and historical context accurate.
The value of Greece to the future of the world, by G. Murray.--Religion, by W. R. Inge.--Philosophy, by J. Burnet.--Mathematics and astronomy, by Sir T. L. Heath.--Natural science, by D'Arcy W. Thompson.--Biology, by C. Singer.--Medicine, by C. Singer.--Literature, by R. W. Livingstone.--History, byA. Toynbee.--Political thought, by A. E. Zimmern.--The lamps of Greek art, by P. Gardner.--Architecture, by Sir R. Blomfield.
Translation of: Religione e arte figurata.