1000 resultados para Gravity Models
We show that the common singularities present in generic modified gravity models governed by actions of the type S = integral d(4)x root-gf(R, phi, X). with X = -1/2 g(ab)partial derivative(a)phi partial derivative(b)phi, are essentially the same anisotropic instabilities associated to the hypersurface F(phi) = 0 in the case of a nonminimal coupling of the type F(phi)R, enlightening the physical origin of such singularities that typically arise in rather complex and cumbersome inhomogeneous perturbation analyses. We show, moreover, that such anisotropic instabilities typically give rise to dynamically unavoidable singularities, precluding completely the possibility of having physically viable models for which the hypersurface partial derivative f/partial derivative R = 0 is attained. Some examples are explicitly discussed.
Massive gravity models in (2 + 1) dimensions, such as those obtained by adding to Einstein's gravity the usual Fierz-Pauli, or the more complicated Ricci scalar squared (R-2), terms, are tree level unitary. Interesting enough these seemingly harmless systems have their unitarity spoiled when they are augmented by a Chern-Simons term. Furthermore, if the massive topological term is added to R + R-munu(2) gravity, or to R + R-munu(2), + R-2 gravity (higher-derivative gravity), which are nonunitary at the tree level, the resulting models remain nonunitary. Therefore, unlike the common belief, as well as the claims in the literature, the coexistence between three-dimensional massive gravity models and massive topological terms is conflicting.
The cosmological standard view is based on the assumptions of homogeneity, isotropy and general relativistic gravitational interaction. These alone are not sufficient for describing the current cosmological observations of accelerated expansion of space. Although general relativity is extremely accurately tested to describe the local gravitational phenomena, there is a strong demand for modifying either the energy content of the universe or the gravitational interaction itself to account for the accelerated expansion. By adding a non-luminous matter component and a constant energy component with negative pressure, the observations can be explained with general relativity. Gravitation, cosmological models and their observational phenomenology are discussed in this thesis. Several classes of dark energy models that are motivated by theories outside the standard formulation of physics were studied with emphasis on the observational interpretation. All the cosmological models that seek to explain the cosmological observations, must also conform to the local phenomena. This poses stringent conditions for the physically viable cosmological models. Predictions from a supergravity quintessence model was compared to Supernova 1a data and several metric gravity models were studied with local experimental results. Polytropic stellar configurations of solar, white dwarf and neutron stars were numerically studied with modified gravity models. The main interest was to study the spacetime around the stars. The results shed light on the viability of the studied cosmological models.
The primary aim of the present study is to acquire a large amount of gravity data, to prepare gravity maps and interpret the data in terms of crustal structure below the Bavali shear zone and adjacent regions of northern Kerala. The gravity modeling is basically a tool to obtain knowledge of the subsurface extension of the exposed geological units and their structural relationship with the surroundings. The study is expected to throw light on the nature of the shear zone, crustal configuration below the high-grade granulite terrain and the tectonics operating during geological times in the region. The Bavali shear is manifested in the gravity profiles by a steep gravity gradient. The gravity models indicate that the Bavali shear coincides with steep plane that separates two contrasting crustal densities extending beyond a depth of 30 km possibly down to Moho, justifying it to be a Mantle fault. It is difficult to construct a generalized model of crustal evolution in terms of its varied manifestations using only the gravity data. However, the data constrains several aspects of crustal evolution and provides insights into some of the major events.
Sea surface gradients derived from the Geosat and ERS-1 satellite altimetry geodetic missions were integrated with marine gravity data from the National Geophysical Data Center and Brazilian national surveys. Using the least squares collocation method, models of free-air gravity anomaly and geoid height were calculated for the coast of Brazil with a resolution of 2` x 2`. The integration of satellite and shipborne data showed better statistical results in regions near the coast than using satellite data only, suggesting an improvement when compared to the state-of-the-art global gravity models. Furthermore, these results were obtained with considerably less input information than was used by those reference models. The least squares collocation presented a very low content of high-frequency noise in the predicted gravity anomalies. This may be considered essential to improve the high resolution representation of the gravity field in regions of ocean-continent transition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We show that an anomaly-free description of matter in (1+1) dimensions requires a deformation of the 2D relativity principle, which introduces a non-trivial centre in the 2D Poincare algebra. Then we work out the reduced phase space of the anomaly-free 2D relativistic particle, in order to show that it lives in a noncommutative 2D Minkowski space. Moreover, we build a Gaussian wave packet to show that a Planck length is well defined in two dimensions. In order to provide a gravitational interpretation for this noncommutativity, we propose to extend the usual 2D generalized dilaton gravity models by a specific Maxwell component, which guages the extra symmetry associated with the centre of the 2D Poincare algebra. In addition, we show that this extension is a high energy correction to the unextended dilaton theories that can affect the topology of spacetime. Further, we couple a test particle to the general extended dilaton models with the purpose of showing that they predict a noncommutativity in curved spacetime, which is locally described by a Moyal star product in the low energy limit. We also conjecture a probable generalization of this result, which provides strong evidence that the noncommutativity is described by a certain star product which is not of the Moyal type at high energies. Finally, we prove that the extended dilaton theories can be formulated as Poisson-Sigma models based on a nonlinear deformation of the extended Poincare algebra.
At Sleipner, CO2 is being separated from natural gas and injected into an underground saline aquifer for environmental purposes. Uncertainty in the aquifer temperature leads to uncertainty in the in situ density of CO2. In this study, gravity measurements were made over the injection site in 2002 and 2005 on top of 30 concrete benchmarks on the seafloor in order to constrain the in situ CO2 density. The gravity measurements have a repeatability of 4.3 µGal for 2003 and 3.5 µGal for 2005. The resulting time-lapse uncertainty is 5.3 µGal. Unexpected benchmark motions due to local sediment scouring contribute to the uncertainty. Forward gravity models are calculated based on both 3D seismic data and reservoir simulation models. The time-lapse gravity observations best fit a high temperature forward model based on the time-lapse 3D seismics, suggesting that the average in situ CO2 density is about to 530kg/m**3. Uncertainty in determining the average density is estimated to be ±65 kg/m**3 (95% confidence), however, this does not include uncertainties in the modeling. Additional seismic surveys and future gravity measurements will put better constraints on the CO2 density and continue to map out the CO2 flow.
Gravity surveying is challenging in Antarctica because of its hostile environment and inaccessibility. Nevertheless, many ground-based, airborne and shipborne gravity campaigns have been completed by the geophysical and geodetic communities since the 1980s. We present the first modern Antarctic-wide gravity data compilation derived from 13 million data points covering an area of 10 million km**2, which corresponds to 73% coverage of the continent. The remove-compute-restore technique was applied for gridding, which facilitated levelling of the different gravity datasets with respect to an Earth Gravity Model derived from satellite data alone. The resulting free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly grids of 10 km resolution are publicly available. These grids will enable new high-resolution combined Earth Gravity Models to be derived and represent a major step forward towards solving the geodetic polar data gap problem. They provide a new tool to investigate continental-scale lithospheric structure and geological evolution of Antarctica.
We construct new series for common native language and common spoken language for 195 countries, which we use together with series for common official language and linguis-tic proximity in order to draw inferences about (1) the aggregate impact of all linguistic factors on bilateral trade, (2) whether the linguistic influences come from ethnicity and trust or ease of communication, and (3) in so far they come from ease of communication, to what extent trans-lation and interpreters play a role. The results show that the impact of linguistic factors, all together, is at least twice as great as the usual dummy variable for common language, resting on official language, would say. In addition, ease of communication is far more important than ethnicity and trust. Further, so far as ease of communication is at work, translation and inter-preters are extremely important. Finally, ethnicity and trust come into play largely because of immigrants and their influence is otherwise difficult to detect.
We construct new series for common native language and common spoken language for 195 countries, which we use together with series for common official language and linguis-tic proximity in order to draw inferences about (1) the aggregate impact of all linguistic factors on bilateral trade, (2) whether the linguistic influences come from ethnicity and trust or ease of communication, and (3) in so far they come from ease of communication, to what extent trans-lation and interpreters play a role. The results show that the impact of linguistic factors, all together, is at least twice as great as the usual dummy variable for common language, resting on official language, would say. In addition, ease of communication is far more important than ethnicity and trust. Further, so far as ease of communication is at work, translation and inter-preters are extremely important. Finally, ethnicity and trust come into play largely because of immigrants and their influence is otherwise difficult to detect.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Physics Department de la New York University, United States, Estats Units, entre 2006 i 2008. Una de les observacions de més impacte en la cosmologia moderna ha estat la determinació empírica que l’Univers es troba actualment en una fase d’Expansió Accelerada (EA). Aquest fenòmen implica que o bé l’Univers està dominat per un nou sector de matèria/energia, o bé la Relativitat General deixa de tenir validesa a escales cosmològiques. La primera possibilitat comprèn els models d’Energia Fosca (EF), i el seu principal problema és que l’EF ha de tenir propietats tan especials que es fan difícils de justificar teòricament. La segona possibilitat requereix la construcció de teories consistents de Gravetat Modificada a Grans Distàncies (GMGD), que són una generalització dels models de gravetat massiva. L’interès fenomenològic per aquestes teories també va resorgir amb l’aparició dels primers exemples de models de GMGD, com ara el model de Dvali, Gabadadze i Porrati (DGP), que consisteix en un tipus de brana en una dimensió extra. Malauradament, però, aquest model no permet explicar de forma consistent l’EA de l’Univers. Un dels objectius d’aquest projecte ha estat establir la viabilitat interna i fenomenològica dels models de GMGD. Des del punt de vista fenomenològic, ens hem centrat en la questió més important a la pràctica: trobar signatures observacionals que permetin distingir els models de GMGD dels d’EF. A nivell més teòric, també hem investigat el significat de les inestabilitats del model DGP.L’altre gran objectiu que ens vam proposar va ser la construcció de noves teories de GMGD. En la segona part d’aquest projecte, hem elaborat i mostrat la consistència del model “DGP en Cascada”, que generalitza el model DGP a més dimensions extra, i representa el segon model consistent i invariant-Lorentz a l’espai pla conegut. L’existència d’altres models de GMGD més enllà de DGP és de gran interès atès que podria permetre obtenir l’EA de l’Univers de forma purament geomètrica.
The goal of this paper is twofold: first, we aim to assess the role played by inventors’ cross-regional mobility and networks of collaboration in fostering knowledge diffusion across regions and subsequent innovation. Second, we intend to evaluate the feasibility of using mobility and networks information to build cross-regional interaction matrices to be used within the spatial econometrics toolbox. To do so, we depart from a knowledge production function where regional innovation intensity is a function not only of the own regional innovation inputs but also external accessible R&D gained through interregional interactions. Differently from much of the previous literature, cross-section gravity models of mobility and networks are estimated to use the fitted values to build our ‘spatial’ weights matrices, which characterize the intensity of knowledge interactions across a panel of 269 regions covering most European countries over 6 years.
The pulp and paper industry is currently facing broad structural changes due to global shifts in demand and supply. These changes have significant impacts on national economies worldwide. In this paper, we describe the recent trends in the pulp and recovered paper (RP) production, and estimate augmented gravity models of bilateral trade for chemical pulp and RP exports with panel data. According to our results, there is some variation in the effects of the traditional gravity-model variables between pulp grades and RP. The results imply also that, in comparison to export supply, import demand plays a larger role in determining the volume of exports. Finally, it is evident that Asia, particularly China, is the most important driver of chemical pulp and RP trade: China is hungry for fiber, and must import to satisfy its growing needs. Moreover, the speed of China’s growth in chemical pulp and RP imports has been driving the increased significance of planted forests in the exports of hardwood pulp (BHKP) as well.
This thesis deals with some aspects of the Physics of the early universe, like phase transitions, bubble nucleations and premodial density perturbations which lead to the formation structures in the universe. Quantum aspects of the gravitational interaction play an essential role in retical high-energy physics. The questions of the quantum gravity are naturally connected with early universe and Grand Unification Theories. In spite of numerous efforts, the various problems of quantum gravity remain still unsolved. In this condition, the consideration of different quantum gravity models is an inevitable stage to study the quantum aspects of gravitational interaction. The important role of gravitationally coupled scalar field in the physics of the early universe is discussed in this thesis. The study shows that the scalar-gravitational coupling and the scalar curvature did play a crucial role in determining the nature of phase transitions that took place in the early universe. The key idea in studying the formation structure in the universe is that of gravitational instability.
This paper presents evidence on the key role of infrastructure in the Andean Community trade patterns. Three distinct but related gravity models of bilateral trade are used. The first model aims at identifying the importance of the Preferential Trade Agreement and adjacency on intra-regional trade, while also checking the traditional roles of economic size and distance. The second and third models also assess the evolution of the Trade Agreement and the importance of sharing a common border, but their main goal is to analyze the relevance of including infrastructure in the augmented gravity equation, testing the theoretical assumption that infrastructure endowments, by reducing trade and transport costs, reduce “distance” between bilateral partners. Indeed, if one accepts distance as a proxy for transportation costs, infrastructure development and improvement drastically modify it. Trade liberalization eliminates most of the distortions that a protectionist tariff system imposes on international business; hence transportation costs represent nowadays a considerably larger barrier to trade than in past decades. As new trade pacts are being negotiated in the Americas, borders and old agreements will lose significance; trade among countries will be nearly without restrictions, and bilateral flows will be defined in terms of costs and competitiveness. Competitiveness, however, will only be achieved by an improvement in infrastructure services at all points in the production-distribution chain.