9 resultados para Graupel


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Four polarimetric measurands were collected in the stratiform region of a mesoscale convective system. The four are the reflectivity factor, the differential reflectivity, the correlation coefficient between orthogonal copolar echoes, and the differential propagation constant. Most striking is a signature of large aggregates (about 10 mm in size) seen in the differential phase through the melting layer. Another significant feature is an abrupt notch in the correlation coefficient that occurs towards the bottom of the bright band. Aircraft observations and a one-dimensional cloud model are used to explain some polarimetric measurements and to infer the presence of aggregates, graupel, and supercooled cloud water in the stratiform region. These unique observations and model data provide inferences concerning the presence of graupel and the growth of large aggregates in the melting layer.


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Moist convection is well known to be generally more intense over continental than maritime regions, with larger updraft velocities, graupel, and lightning production. This study explores the transition from maritime to continental convection by comparing the trends in Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) radar and microwave (37 and 85 GHz) observations over islands of increasing size to those simulated by a cloud-resolving model. The observed storms were essentially maritime over islands of <100 km2 and continental over islands >10 000 km2, with a gradual transition in between. Equivalent radar and microwave quantities were simulated from cloud-resolving runs of the Weather Research and Forecasting model via offline radiation codes. The model configuration was idealized, with islands represented by regions of uniform surface heat flux without orography, using a range of initial sounding conditions without strong horizontal winds or aerosols. Simulated storm strength varied with initial sounding, as expected, but also increased sharply with island size in a manner similar to observations. Stronger simulated storms were associated with higher concentrations of large hydrometeors. Although biases varied with different ice microphysical schemes, the trend was similar for all three schemes tested and was also seen in 2D and 3D model configurations. The successful reproduction of the trend with such idealized forcing supports previous suggestions that mesoscale variation in surface heating—rather than any difference in humidity, aerosol, or other aspects of the atmospheric state—is the main reason that convection is more intense over continents and large islands than over oceans. Some dynamical storm aspects, notably the peak rainfall and minimum surface pressure low, were more sensitive to surface forcing than to the atmospheric sounding or ice scheme. Large hydrometeor concentrations and simulated microwave and radar signatures, however, were at least as sensitive to initial humidity levels as to surface forcing and were more sensitive to the ice scheme. Issues with running the TRMM simulator on 2D simulations are discussed, but they appear to be less serious than sensitivities to model microphysics, which were similar in 2D and 3D. This supports the further use of 2D simulations to economically explore modeling uncertainties.


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A quantitative assessment of Cloudsat reflectivities and basic ice cloud properties (cloud base, top, and thickness) is conducted in the present study from both airborne and ground-based observations. Airborne observations allow direct comparisons on a limited number of ocean backscatter and cloud samples, whereas the ground-based observations allow statistical comparisons on much longer time series but with some additional assumptions. Direct comparisons of the ocean backscatter and ice cloud reflectivities measured by an airborne cloud radar and Cloudsat during two field experiments indicate that, on average, Cloudsat measures ocean backscatter 0.4 dB higher and ice cloud reflectivities 1 dB higher than the airborne cloud radar. Five ground-based sites have also been used for a statistical evaluation of the Cloudsat reflectivities and basic cloud properties. From these comparisons, it is found that the weighted-mean difference ZCloudsat − ZGround ranges from −0.4 to +0.3 dB when a ±1-h time lag around the Cloudsat overpass is considered. Given the fact that the airborne and ground-based radar calibration accuracy is about 1 dB, it is concluded that the reflectivities of the spaceborne, airborne, and ground-based radars agree within the expected calibration uncertainties of the airborne and ground-based radars. This result shows that the Cloudsat radar does achieve the claimed sensitivity of around −29 dBZ. Finally, an evaluation of the tropical “convective ice” profiles measured by Cloudsat has been carried out over the tropical site in Darwin, Australia. It is shown that these profiles can be used statistically down to approximately 9-km height (or 4 km above the melting layer) without attenuation and multiple scattering corrections over Darwin. It is difficult to estimate if this result is applicable to all types of deep convective storms in the tropics. However, this first study suggests that the Cloudsat profiles in convective ice need to be corrected for attenuation by supercooled liquid water and ice aggregates/graupel particles and multiple scattering prior to their quantitative use.


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The enhanced radar return associated with melting snow, ‘the bright band’, can lead to large overestimates of rain rates. Most correction schemes rely on fitting the radar observations to a vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) which includes the bright band enhancement. Observations show that the VPR is very variable in space and time; large enhancements occur for melting snow, but none for the melting graupel in embedded convection. Applying a bright band VPR correction to a region of embedded convection will lead to a severe underestimate of rainfall. We revive an earlier suggestion that high values of the linear depolarisation ratio (LDR) are an excellent means of detecting when bright band contamination is occurring and that the value of LDR may be used to correct the value of Z in the bright band.


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A set of high-resolution radar observations of convective storms has been collected to evaluate such storms in the UK Met Office Unified Model during the DYMECS project (Dynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms). The 3-GHz Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar was set up with a scan-scheduling algorithm to automatically track convective storms identified in real-time from the operational rainfall radar network. More than 1,000 storm observations gathered over fifteen days in 2011 and 2012 are used to evaluate the model under various synoptic conditions supporting convection. In terms of the detailed three-dimensional morphology, storms in the 1500-m grid-length simulations are shown to produce horizontal structures a factor 1.5–2 wider compared to radar observations. A set of nested model runs at grid lengths down to 100m show that the models converge in terms of storm width, but the storm structures in the simulations with the smallest grid lengths are too narrow and too intense compared to the radar observations. The modelled storms were surrounded by a region of drizzle without ice reflectivities above 0 dBZ aloft, which was related to the dominance of ice crystals and was improved by allowing only aggregates as an ice particle habit. Simulations with graupel outperformed the standard configuration for heavy-rain profiles, but the storm structures were a factor 2 too wide and the convective cores 2 km too deep.


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Observations have been obtained within an intense (precipitation rates > 50 mm h−1 ) narrow cold-frontal rainband (NCFR) embedded within a broader region of stratiform precipitation. In situ data were obtained from an aircraft which flew near a steerable dual-polarisation Doppler radar. The observations were obtained to characterise the microphysical properties of cold frontal clouds, with an emphasis on ice and precipitation formation and development. Primary ice nucleation near cloud top (−55◦ C) appeared to be enhanced by convective features. However, ice multiplication led to the largest ice particle number concentrations being observed at relatively high temperatures (> −10◦ C). The multiplication process (most likely rime splintering) occurs when stratiform precipitation interacts with supercooled water generated in the NCFR. Graupel was notably absent in the data obtained. Ice multiplication processes are known to have a strong impact in glaciating isolated convective clouds, but have rarely been studied within larger organised convective systems such as NCFRs. Secondary ice particles will impact on precipitation formation and cloud dynamics due to their relatively small size and high number density. Further modelling studies are required to quantify the effects of rime splintering on precipitation and dynamics in frontal rainbands. Available parametrizations used to diagnose the particle size distributions do not account for the influence of ice multiplication. This deficiency in parametrizations is likely to be important in some cases for modelling the evolution of cloud systems and the precipitation formation. Ice multiplication has significant impact on artefact removal from in situ particle imaging probes.


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Zur geometrischen Vermessung und Beschreibung von Einschlüssen in natürlichen sowie im Labor geschaffenen Eispartikeln wurde ein neuartiger Versuchaufbau an der Tomographie-Endstation der Material Science Beam Line an der Swiss Light Source (SLS, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz) entwickelt. Dieser besteht aus einer Plexiglas-Tasse und einem doppelwandigen Kaptonfolien-Käfig, der wiederum auf die Düse eines CryojetXL (Oxford Instruments) montiert wurde. Abgesehen von dem hohen Maß an Flexibilit¨at bez¨uglich der Installation erlaubt es dieser Aufbau, die Temperatur des Experiments mit einer Genauigkeit von ± 1 K über einen Bereich von 271 K bis 220 K zu regeln. In den hier beschriebenen Experimenten wurde eine räumliche Auflösung von 1.4 µm erzielt.


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Am vertikalen Windkanal der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurden physikalische und chemische Bereifungsexperimente durchgeführt. Dabei lagen die Umgebungstemperaturen bei allen Experimenten zwischen etwa -15 und -5°C und der Flüssigwassergehalt erstreckte sich von 0,9 bis etwa 1,6g/m³, typische Bedingungen für Mischphasenwolken in denen Bereifung stattfindet. Oberflächentemperaturmessungen an wachsenden hängenden Graupelpartikeln zeigten, dass während der Experimente trockene Wachstumsbedingungen herrschten.rnZunächst wurde das Graupelwachstum an in einer laminaren Strömung frei schwebenden Eispartikeln mit Anfangsradien zwischen 290 und 380µm, die mit flüssigen unterkühlten Wolkentröpfchen bereift wurden, studiert. Ziel war es, den Kollektionskern aus der Massenzunahme des bereiften Eispartikels und dem mittleren Flüssigwassergehalt während des Wachstumsexperimentes zu bestimmen. Die ermittelten Werte für die Kollektionskerne der bereiften Eispartikel erstreckten sich von 0,9 bis 2,3cm³/s in Abhängigkeit ihres Kollektorimpulses (Masse * Fallgeschwindigkeit des bereifenden Graupels), der zwischen 0,04 und 0,10gcm/s lag. Bei den Experimenten zeigte sich, dass die hier gemessenen Kollektionskerne höher waren im Vergleich mit Kollektionskernen flüssiger Tropfen untereinander. Aus den aktuellen Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit und der vorhandenen Literaturwerte wurde ein empirischer Faktor entwickelt, der von dem Wolkentröpfchenradius abhängig ist und diesen Unterschied beschreibt. Für die untersuchten Größenbereiche von Kollektorpartikel und flüssigen Tröpfchen können die korrigierten Kollektionskernwerte in Wolkenmodelle für die entsprechenden Größen eingebunden werden.rnBei den chemischen Experimenten zu dieser Arbeit wurde die Spurenstoffaufnahme verschiedener atmosphärischer Spurengase (HNO3, HCl, H2O2, NH3 und SO2) während der Bereifung untersucht. Diese Experimente mussten aus technischen Gründen mit hängenden Eispartikeln, dendritischen Eiskristallen und Schneeflocken, bereift mit flüssigen Wolkenlösungströpfchen, durchgeführt werden.rnDie Konzentrationen der Lösung, aus der die Wolkentröpfchen mit Hilfe von Zweistoffdüsen erzeugt wurden, lagen zwischen 1 und 120mg/l. Für die Experimente mit Ammoniak und Schwefeldioxid wurden Konzentrationen zwischen 1 und 22mg/l verwendet. Das Schmelzwasser der bereiften hängenden Graupel und Schneeflocken wurden ionenchromatographisch analysiert und zusammen mit der bekannten Konzentration der bereifenden Wolkentröpfchen konnte der Retentionskoeffizient für jeden Spurenstoff bestimmt werden. Er gibt die Menge an Spurenstoff an, die bei der Phasenumwandlung von flüssig zu fest in die Eisphase übergeht. Salpetersäure und Salzsäure waren nahezu vollständig retiniert (Mittelwerte der gesamten Experimente entsprechend 99±8% und 100±9%). Für Wasserstoffperoxid wurde ein mittlerer Retentionskoeffizient von 65±17% bestimmt. rnDer mittlere Retentionskoeffizient von Ammoniak ergab sich unabhängig vom Flüssigwassergehalt zu 92±21%, während sich für Schwefeldioxid 53±10% für niedrige und 29±7% für hohe Flüssigphasenkonzentrationen ergaben. Bei einigen der untersuchten Spurenstoffe wurde eine Temperaturabhängigkeit beobachtet und wenn möglich durch Parametrisierungen beschrieben.rn


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05